Instructions_SC_WD365_2021_CS4-7a (1)
Instructions_SC_WD365_2021_CS4-7a (1)
Instructions_SC_WD365_2021_CS4-7a (1)
Hankins Aerospace
Save the file SC_WD365_2021_CS4-7a_FirstLastName_1.docx as
o Edit the file name by changing “1” to “2”.
o If you do not see the .docx file extension, do not type it. The file
extension will be added for you automatically.
To complete this Project, you will also need the following files:
o Support_WD365_2021_CS4-7a_Data.png
o Support_WD365_2021_CS4-7a_Founder.docx
o Support_WD365_2021_CS4-7a_List.docx
o Support_WD365_2021_CS4-7a_Table.docx
1. As an executive assistant at Hankins Aerospace in San Diego, California, you are
drafting an annual report for the members of a management committee to
review. The report begins with a personalized cover letter to shareholders.
4. Create custom theme colors and fonts to apply to this report and other Hankins
Aerospace reports as follows:
a. Create a customized set of theme colors named Hankins that uses Teal,
Accent 4 as the Hyperlink color.
b. Create a customized set of theme fonts named HA Reports that uses
Calibri Light as the heading font and Constantia as the body font.
5. Create a new paragraph style as follows to use for the inside address:
a. Create a paragraph style named Inside Address based on the "INSERT
INSIDE ADDRESS" paragraph.
b. Change the Spacing After paragraph setting of the Inside Address style to
2 point.
c. Change the font color of the Inside Address style to Black, Text 1,
Lighter 35%.
6. Save the new formatting settings as a custom theme, using Hankins as the
name, so that you can use the theme with other company documents.
7. At the bottom of the letter, insert a hyperlink as follows:
a. Replace the text "[insert email address]" with the text to insert the company email address.
b. Format the text "" as a hyperlink that links to
the email address.
c. Add the ScreenTip Hankins general email address to the hyperlink.
8. To set up the document as a form letter, start the Step-by-Step Mail Merge
Wizard, accept Letters as the document type, and then choose to use the
current document as the starting document. Choose to create a new recipient
list, and then customize the columns in the recipient list as follows:
a. Customize the columns by deleting the Country or Region, Home Phone,
Work Phone, and E-mail Address fields.
b. Rename the ZIP Code field using Postal Code as the new field name.
c. Add a new field to the end of the address list using Year as the field
9. Enter the address information for the two recipients as shown in Table 1, and
then save the data source using a name of your choice.
10. Continue to Step 4 in the Mail Merge Wizard, and then insert the inside address
as follows:
a. Select the placeholder text "INSERT INSIDE ADDRESS", and then insert an
AddressBlock merge field using the Mr. Joshua Randall Jr. format.
b. Delete the placeholder text.
11. Insert the greeting line as follows:
a. Select the placeholder text "INSERT GREETING LINE", and then insert a
GreetingLine merge field using the Dear Mr. Randall, format.
b. Delete the placeholder text.
12. In the last paragraph in the body of the letter, select the "[YEAR]" placeholder
text, and then insert the "Year" merge field to include the year the recipient
became a shareholder.
13. To include personalized text, add an IF field as follows:
a. At the end of the second body paragraph ("We remain committed…world
around us."), insert an If…Then…Else rule.
b. Compare whether the City field is equal to San Diego as the condition.
c. Insert the following sentence if the condition is true:
We want to help San Diego continue to provide excellent support
to businesses.
d. Leave the false condition option blank so that Word does not insert text if
the City is not San Diego.
14. Continue to Step 5 of the Mail Merge wizard, and then edit the recipient list to
filter the data records to select only recipients where the Year field is equal to
2015 to prepare the first batch of letters for the most long-term shareholders.
15. Complete the mail merge as follows in the lettered steps below. You will merge
to a new document and then copy a page of the merged file to your original
document, so that all of your assignment appears in the same file.
a. Continue to Step 6 of the Mail Merge wizard, and then merge all records to
a new document.
b. In the new document containing the merged form letters, copy the
contents of page 1, beginning with the blank paragraph at the top of the
page and ending with the paragraph "enc."
c. In the original form letter document, move the insertion point to the blank
paragraph at the top of page 2, and then paste the merged form letter
into the main document.
d. Verify that the pasted merged form letter appears only on page 2 of the
original form letter document.
e. Turn off the preview of the mail merge results, and close the new, merged
document without saving it.
16. On page 3, crop the yellow rectangle from the picture at the top of the page.
17. Expand the character spacing of the heading paragraph "Strategic Growth and
Advanced Technology" by 1.2 point to call attention to the heading.
Shelly Cashman Word 365/2021 | Modules 4-7: SAM Capstone Project 1a
23. Insert and format a table in the "Net Sales (Millions) – Past Five Years" section
as follows:
a. Sort the seven paragraphs in the "Net Sales (Millions) – Past Five Years"
section in ascending order.
b. Convert the seven paragraphs into a table using tabs to separate the
columns and a fixed column width.
c. Move row 7 in the table so that it becomes row 1 and provides headings
for each column in the table.
d. Apply the Grid Table 2 – Accent 2 table style and shade the header row
using Brown, Accent 2 to match the formatting of the "Financial
Highlights" table.
e. Remove the First Column special formatting to follow the design of the
"Financial Highlights" table.
f. Change the height of all rows to 0.25". Change the width of column B to
g. Insert a new row at the end of the table and type Total in the first cell of
the new row.
h. In the second cell of the new row, insert a formula that sums the values
above the cell.
24. In the "Capital Allocation" section, insert a table of capital allocations as follows
that Hankins Aerospace uses in many documents:
a. Save the table in the file Support_WD365_2021_CS4-7a_Table.docx as
a Quick Part using Cap as the name of the Quick Part.
b. Select the paragraph "[insert table here]" and then insert the Cap Quick
Part to include the table in the report.
25. In the "Notable Numbers" section, insert a bulleted list as follows to include
statistics in the report:
a. Copy the bulleted list in the file Support_WD365_2021_CS4-
b. Select the paragraph "[insert list here]" and then keep source formatting
as you paste the bulleted list in the report.
26. On page 5, complete and modify the SmartArt as follows to make it more
a. Change the text wrapping of the SmartArt to Top and Bottom.
b. Change the layout to Captioned Pictures to emphasize the pictures.
c. Change the width of the SmartArt to 6" to increase its size.
d. Insert the picture Support_WD365_2021_CS4-7a_Data.png in the
picture placeholder for the "Analyze data" shape.
27. Format the shaded paragraph at the end of the document as follows to set it
apart from the rest of the document:
a. Change the indentation of the paragraph to a 0.5" Left Indent and a 0.5"
Right Indent.
b. Format the bold text "Hankins Aerospace, Inc." in Small caps to
distinguish it from the other text in the paragraph.
Shelly Cashman Word 365/2021 | Modules 4-7: SAM Capstone Project 1a
28. At the bottom of the page, rotate the Hankins Aerospace logo to the right so
that the "H" is oriented correctly.
29. Insert a Confidential 1 watermark to emphasize that the document
information is confidential.
Note: When opening your file or the Graded Summary report for this Project, you may be
prompted to Select From “Office Address List”. Select No in the dialog box to view your
report. Save your changes, close the document, and then exit Word. Follow the
directions on the website to submit your completed project.