SCIENCE 10 (Reproductive and Nervous System)
SCIENCE 10 (Reproductive and Nervous System)
SCIENCE 10 (Reproductive and Nervous System)
Find a partner and select five (5) words or terms in the concept map that will be shown
which are familiar to you. Using the three column table answer the first two columns.
Humans begin their lives as a single cell. This single cell is formed by the fusion of two
sex cells – an egg and a sperm – from the parents. As you reach adolescence, your sex
organs mature and undergo changes to be able to produce sex cells needed to produce
new individuals. These sex cells contain structure called chromosomes that contain generic
information which carries unique inherited traits such as skin color or hair color.
Recall that human sex cells contain only half of the number of chromosomes of a
regular body cell (somatic). Each sex cell, which has 23 chromosomes, is a haploid (n), while
the regular cell, which has 46 chromosomes, is a diploid (2n). After the fusion of the egg and
the sperm, the resulting fertilized egg, known as zygote, contains 46 chromosomes. From a
biological standpoint, fertilization merges two sets of genetic information – one from the
father (through the sperm) and one from the mother (through the egg) – to create an
offspring that is genetically different from either parent.
Answer the following questions. Write your answers in a separate sheet of paper.
1. What is the difference between a diploid cell and haploid cell?
At the onset of puberty, teenage boys start to produce sperm cells in their testes.
Thereafter, an adult male produces several hundred million sperm cells each day.
After being produces in the seminiferous tubules, the sperms mature and travel
through a series of tubes. They then enter a long coiled tube called the epididymis,
where they will mature until they are capable of swimming and moving.
The epididymis is also where most of the sperms are stored. Mature sperm cells travel
from the epididymis to another long tube called the vas deferens. The sperms then
exit the body through the urethra, a larger tube which, in males, is the same tube
through which urine passes and exits the body.
A mature sperm cell, which consists of three parts: a head that contains the
chromosomes, a mid-piece that contains mitochondria, and a long tail that is
responsible for the sperm’s movement.
The head is made up of a nucleus
covered by a cap called acrosome,
which stores the enzymes needed to
penetrate an egg cell during
fertilization. The mid-piece contains
mitochondria that supply the energy
needed to propel the sperm through
the female reproductive tract. The tail
of the sperm is a powerful flagellum that
enables the sperm cell to move.
The urethra leads the sperm cell through the penis, the male organ that deposits the
sperm in the female reproductive system during sexual intercourse or copulation.
During sexual excitation, blood rushes into the penis, making it rigid and erect.
Sperm exit the penis through ejaculation, the forceful expulsion of the sperm out of a
male’s body. After the semen is deposited in the female reproductive system, the
sperm cells swim until they encounter the egg cell.
If any of the sperm does not penetrate the egg cell, fertilization does not occur. On
average, about 3.5 mL of semen is expelled during ejaculation. It normally contains
300 to 400 million sperm cells, or about five to 10 million in just one drop, only a few
reach the egg cell because most of them die in the acidic environment of the female
reproductive tract.
The ovaries are the female reproductive structures responsible for producing eggs.
They are located inside the abdominal cavity located just slightly below the waist, with
one ovary on each side of the body. Like the testes, the ovaries produce hormones.
Estrogen, one of its hormones, triggers the development of secondary female
characteristics such as widening of the hips and the enlargement of the breast. Most
importantly, it stimulates egg development.
The onset of mature egg cell production among females starts around the ages of 11
to 14 years, during the first discharge of blood the vagina called menarche. Every
month thereafter, a normal adult female releases a mature egg cell or female
gamete in from one of her ovaries.
After the sperm has been deposited inside the female reproductive system during
copulation and after fertilization has occurred, the role of the male reproductive
system is complete. The female reproductive system, on the other hand, will begin its
role in nourishing and protecting the fertilized egg during nine months of
development. This is called gestation or pregnancy.
The eggs cells are the biggest cell in a woman’s body. Even so, you would need 10
eggs cells to cover a pin head.
All females are born with all the approximately two million egg cells they will produce
in their life- time. By the time a female reaches puberty, the number of egg cells would
have gone down to about 400,000.
Like sperm cells, egg cells contain 23 chromosomes (n) since eggs are also produces
through meiosis. During puberty, the increased production of hormones enables one
immature egg to complete its development each month. In the lifetime of a female,
out of the 400,00 egg cells at the start of puberty, only 300 to 500 will mature and are
then called ova (singular: ovum).
Research and explain the difference between menstrual cycle and menstruation and
write your answer on the space below.
Menstrual Cycle
All females who have reached puberty will undergo monthly physiological cycles
known as ovarian and menstrual cycles. The ovarian cycle, which involves the ovary,
prepares the egg for maturation, while menstrual cycle, which involves the uterus, grooms
the uterus for a possible implantation and later on, pregnancy.
The ovaries prepare the female body each month to make pregnancy possible. This
series of events is collectively called ovarian cycle. The monthly release of an ovum from the
ovary is called ovulation. The released ovum is swept into the fallopian tube and begins to
move toward the uterus to await fertilization. The ovarian cycle spans about 28 days,
although it varies from female to female.
The ovarian cycle occurs in two distinct phases or stages: the follicular phase and the
luteal phase. These phases are regulated by the hormones produced by the hypothalamus
and anterior pituitary gland.
1. In an ovary, egg cells mature within follicles. A follicle is a cluster of cells that surrounds
an immature egg cell and provides nutrients and protection. During the follicular
phase of the ovarian cycle, hormones regulate the completion of an egg cell’s
maturation. The follicular phase begin when the anterior pituitary gland releases the
gonadotropins follicle stimulating hormones (FSH) and luteinizing hormones (LH) into
the bloodstream. These hormones, produces by gonadotropic cells, cause the follicle
to produce estrogen. Estrogen is a sex hormone that aids the growth of the ovarian
follicle in the ovary.
2. When the follicle bursts ovulation occurs.
3. After ovulation, the luteal phase begins. LH causes the cells of the ruptured follicle to
grow, forming a corpus luteum. A corpus luteum is a yellowish mass of follicular cells
that functions like an endocrine gland. LH causes the corpus luteum to secrete both
estrogen and progesterone. Progesterone is a sex hormone that signals the body to
prepare for fertilization.
The normal menstrual cycle last for an average of 28 days. The events in the menstrual
cycle are controlled by the changing levels of estrogen and progesterone during the ovarian
cycle. Prior to and after ovulation, increased levels of estrogen and progesterone cause the
lining of the uterus to thicken and become a conducive place for a fertilized ovum.
If pregnancy does not occur, the levels of estrogen and progesterone decrease,
causing the lining of the uterus to be shed, which marks the end of the menstrual cycle. When
this happen, blood vessels break and bleeding occurs. A mixture of blood and dis- carded
tissues leaves the body through the vagina in a process called menstruation, which usually
occurs 14 days after ovulation.
At the end of the ovarian and menstrual cycles, neither estrogen nor progesterone is
being produced, this signals the pituitary gland to produces FSH and LH, starting the cycles
again. The production of estrogen and progesterone in women eventually declines around
their mid-40s. This begins the transition to the menopausal stage, when a woman no longer
ovulates and or becomes fertile.
Answer the following questions. Write your answers in a separate sheet of paper.
1. What is ovulation and when does it happen?
The nervous system controls and interprets all the activities that happen in the body.
It enables you to move, to changes in the environment by accomplishing four basic
1. Gathers information both from the outside world and from inside the body.
2. Sends information to muscles, glands and organs so they can respond correctly.
3. Transmits information to the processing areas in the brain and spinal cord.
4. Processes information to determine the best response.
The nervous system keeps the body working properly despite the constant changes
that take place around it. These changers are called stimuli (singular: stimulus).
Neuron: The Message Carrying Unit of the Nervous System
The nervous system is constantly active. It buzzes with messages that run to and from
every part of the body. Every second, hundreds of these messages are carried by strings of
special cells called neurons or nerve cells. Neurons are the basic functional units of structure
and function of the nervous system. They carry information through the nervous system in the
form of nerve impulses.
Neurons are the cells in our body that are responsible for transmitting electrical signals
through the nervous system. The ability to move or feel the world around us all starts as an
impulse sent by a neuron. This process helps us see, taste, touch, and move. In order to
instantly facilitate these bodily processes, highly specialized neurons are used to transmit
these signals and coordinate the body.
Although neurons come in all shapes and sizes, they share certain characteristics or
features. Like other cells in the body, a neuron also has a nucleus, a cytoplasm (axoplasm in
neuron), and organelles.
The largest part of the neuron is the cell body. The cell body contains the nucleus (a
large dark structure), which controls all the activities of the cell. Think of the cell body as the
switchboard of the message-carrying neuron. Unlike other cells, the cytoplasm of the neuron
extends into two types of fiber-like structures.
Running into this switchboard are one or more tiny, branching, threadlike cell body. A
long, taillike fiber that extends from the cell body, called the axon, carries messages away
from the cell body. The myelin sheath covers the axon, which speeds up the travel of the
nerve impulses. Each neuron has only one axon, but it can have many dendrites. Dendrites
are fibrous roots that branch out from the cell body. Like antennae, dendrites receive and
process signals from the axons of other neurons. The axon splits into many feather-like fibers,
called axon terminals (ends), at the far end. Axon terminals pass on messages to the
dendrites of other neurons. They are usually found some distance from the cell body.
Neurons vary in structure, function, and genetic makeup. Given the sheer number of neurons,
there are thousands of different types, much like there are thousands of species of living
organisms on Earth.
However, there are four major neuron forms. Each combines several elements of the basic
neuron shape.
Multipolar neurons. These neurons are able to receive impulses from multiple
neurons via dendrites. The dendrites transmit the signals
through the neuron via an electrical signal that is spread
down the axon.
Unipolar neurons. These neurons have a single long axon that is responsible for
sending electrical signals. The axon in unipolar neurons is
myelinated, which allows for rapid signal transmission.
Bipolar neurons. These neurons send signals and receive information from the
world. Examples include the neurons in the eye that receive
light and then transmit signals to the brain.
Pseudo-unipolar These neurons relay signals from the skin and muscles to the
neurons. spinal cord. They are the primary neurons responsible for
coordinating movement of the arms and legs using input
from the brain.
There are three types of neurons in the nervous system each with their own specific functions.
Sensory Neurons
Sensory neurons are also called afferent neurons because their functions to receive
stimuli from receptors. The sensory neuron in your finger then transmits impulses to the
sensory neurons, until the impulse reaches the next type of neuron, the interneuron.
These neurons helps you taste, smell, hear, see and feel things around you.
Sensory neurons are triggered by physical and chemical inputs from your
environment. Sound, touch, heat, and light are physical inputs. Smell and taste are
chemical inputs.
For example, stepping on hot sand activates sensory neurons in the soles of your
feet. Those neurons send a message to your brain, which makes you aware of the
Interneurons are also called connector neurons or association neurons. They “read”
the impulses sent by sensory neurons. That is why the interneurons are found in the
spinal cord and the brain.
They’re the most common type of neuron. They pass signals from sensory neurons
and other interneurons to motor neurons and other interneurons. Often, they form
complex circuits that help you to react to external stimuli.
For instance, when you touch something sharp like a cactus, sensory neurons in your
fingertips send a signal to interneurons in your spinal cord. Some interneurons pass
the signal on to motor neurons in your hand, which allows you to move your hand
away. Other interneurons send a signal to the pain center in your brain, and you
experience pain.
Motor Neurons
Motor neurons, also called efferent neurons, transmit impulses from the brain and
spinal cord to the effector cell or organ such as the muscles, organs and glands.
When motor neurons receive a signal from the interneuron, they stimulate as effector
to generate the reaction for the stimulus.
Motor neurons play a role in movement, including voluntary and involuntary
movements. These neurons allow the brain and spinal cord to communicate with
muscles, organs, and glands all over the body.
There are two types of motor neurons: lower and upper. Lower motor neurons carry
signals from the spinal cord to the smooth muscles and skeletal muscles. Upper
motor neurons carry signals between your brain and spinal cord.
When you eat, for instance, lower motor neurons in your spinal cord send signals to
the smooth muscles in your esophagus, stomach, and intestines. These muscles
contract, which allows food to move through your digestive tract.
Write the answer in the following activities in a separate sheet of paper.
I. Explain the different parts of a typical neuron and its functions. Fill out the table below.
Parts of a Neuron Function
Axon Terminal
Myelin Sheath
II. Accomplish the concept map below on the three types of neurons.
Sensory Neurons
Motor Neurons
Responding to a Stimulus
Signals are important on our lives. They carry information that tells us to listen, relax,
stop, or be alert. At every moment, the nervous system carries thousands of signals through
our body in the form of the nerve impulses.
A nerve impulse is a wave of chemical and electrical signal that is conducted along
the membrane of a neuron. It travels from sensory neurons to interneurons to motor neurons.
When a nerve impulse travels along a neuron or from one neuron to another, it does so in
the form of electrical and chemical signals.
The nerve impulse
enters the neuron through
the dendrites and travels
along the length of the
axon. The way by which a
nerve impulse travels from
one neuron to another is a
little complex.
Neurons do not
touch one another, nor
do they touch effector
organs. Instead, there is a
tiny gap called a synapse
between two adjacent
neurons and between
neurons and effectors.
Somehow, the
nerve impulse must
“jump” through the gap.
A nerve impulse is
“ferried” across the
synapse by a chemical
signal. This happens when an impulse reaches the end of the axon, sending information
across the synapse in the form of chemical messengers called neurotransmitters, which are
stored in small sacs. When a nerve impulse reaches the axon terminal, the sacs fuse with the
axon’s membrane and release its neurotransmitter molecules into the synapse.
The molecules then diffuse across the synapse and bind the receptors in the next
neuron or effector cell. The electrical signal that brought the nerve impulse to this point shuts
down, and the chemical signal takes the nerve impulse aboard, moving it across the synapse
to the next neuron along its route. The
chemical signal then triggers the
electrical signal again, the whole
process is repeated between the next
neurons until the nerve impulse reaches
its destination – the effector neuron –
which then triggers the organ muscles to
respond accordingly.
The nervous system is divided into two main parts: the central nervous system and
peripheral nervous system. The two divisions of the nervous system working together as a
team to monitor, coordinate, and control the activities of the entire body.
The brain is an important and delicate organ that is protected by and encased in a
bone called the skull. The brain is also wrapped in three layers of connective tissue
that nourishes and protects it.
It is also bathed with fluid called cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) that cushions it against
sudden impact such as bumps or tumbles. The brain appears gray because it is mostly
composed of gray matter, which is because of the presence of billions of cell bodies.
Underneath this gray matter is white matter, which is due to the myelinated axons.
Despite the presence of billions of neurons, the mass of the brain is about 1.4 kilograms
only. The brain is divided into three main parts: the cerebrum, cerebellum, and brain
Using the picture below, determine if you are right brained or left brained or you are more
inclined to science and math or arts and literature and write why you say so.