Maths Assignment 2
Maths Assignment 2
Maths Assignment 2
cos t 3 , t 3
(c) f (t )
(d) t m (log t )n t 3 dt (e) t sin 3 t
0 2
,t 0
sin 2 t 1 , 0 t a
(f) (g) f (t ) , where f (t ) is periodic with period 2a
1 , a t 2a
(h) t cos t dt
2. Express the following functions in terms of unit step function and hence, find the Laplace transform : CO3
cos t , 0 t
t 2 , 0 t 2
(a) f (t ) (b) f (t ) cos 2t , t 2
4t , t 2 cos 3t , t 2
3. a)Find the Inverse laplace Transform of CO3
( )( )
b) Solve the differential equation using Laplace Transform
( ) ( )
c) Find –Transform of the sequence { }
4. a) Write definition of Graph. Explain Multi Graph, Pseudo Graph , Simple Graph , Regular Graph, CO4
Complete Graph ,Connected Graph with example.
b) Prove that number of vertices of odd degree in a graph(undirected) is always even.
5. a) Draw the undirected Graph represented by given adjacent matrix. CO4
[ ]
b) Find the Incidence matrix of following undirected graph
6. a) Define Hamiltonian circuit and Euler circuit Draw the Hamiltonian circuit from the graph CO4
a b
e f
h g
c d
b) Define directed network with example.
7. a) Explain Bipartite Graph , Planar Graph with example. State and prove Euler Formula. CO4
b) Let G be a connected planar simple graph with 20 vertices and degree of each vertex is
3. Find the number of regions in G.
8. a) Define tree, spanning tree, weighed graph , minimal spanning tree with example. Find the minimal CO4
spanning tree of below graph by using Kruskal’s algorithm
b) Find the shortest path and minimum weight for the following weighted connected graph
using Dijkstra’s algorithm from to :
9. (i) A newly developed dairy gas started producing cheese,butter and milk candy. There are three CO5
departments : one is the manufacturing department and the other two are pasteurization and packing
departments respectively.The following table shows the labor hours by one unit (kg) in each department .
Department Cheese Butter Milk candy
I Manucaturing 10 1 2
II pasteurization 7 2 3
III Packing 2/5 4/5 2/5
The minimum working capacity of each plant is 100,75,80 hours respectively. The profit on sale of one(kg)
of cheese,butter,milk candy is Rs. 12,Rs.10,rs.8 respectively. You have to plan the schedule that maximizes
the total profit.
(ii) Solve the following linear programming problem by simplex method :
min imize Z 5 x1 3x2
subject to the constra int s :
x1 x2 2,5x1 2 x2 10,3x1 8 x2 12 and x1 , x2 0 .
10. (i) Solve the following linear programming problem by big-M method (or penalty method): CO5
max imize Z 2 x1 3x2
subject to the constra int s :
x1 x2 2 , x1 2 x2 8 and x1 , x2 0 .
(ii) Make dual problem of the following linear programming problem:
min imize Z 48 y1 60 y2
subject to the constra int s :
0.4 y1 0.6 y2 24, 0.6 y1 0.4 y2 18 and y1 , y2 0
11. (i) Solve the following non-linear programming problem by Kuhn-Tucker conditions : CO5
max imize Z x x2 8 x1 8 x2
2 2