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ACCOUNT OPENING FORM ENTITIES (Incorporated and Non-Incorporated)
(Please indicate the business and type of account to open by ticking the application box below)
Limited Liability Company Partnership Sole Proprietorship MDAs Schools Others (please specify)
ACCOUNT TYPES: $ € £ Others
1. COMPANY DETAILS (Please complete in block letters and tick where necessary)
Company/Business Name
Type/Nature of Business
e-mail Address
A. Less Than N50 Million N50Million - Less than N500 Million N500 Million - Less than N5 Billion Above N5 Billion
C. If your answer to question (b) is yes, indicate which stock Exchange and the Stock Symbol
3. ACCOUNT SERVICE(S) REQUIRED (Please tick applicable option below) - Fees may apply
Card Preference:Verve Card MasterCard Platinum Card Others (Specify)
Electronic Banking Preference: Internet Mobile USSD POS NQR Others (Please Specify)
Transaction Alert Preferences: e-mail Alert (free) SMS Alert
Statement Preferences: e-mail Collection at Branch Statement Frequency: Monthly Quarterly Bi-Annually Annually
Cheque Book Requisition: 100 leaves
Cheque confirmation: Would you like to pre-confirm your cheque? Yes No
Cheque Confirmation Threshold: If yes, please specify the threshold
If you would like to have a higher threshold for pre-confirmation, please specify the amount (i.e threshold above N500,000.00)
Occupation Designation
Residential Address
City/Town L.G.A
e-mail Address
Occupation Designation
Residential Address
City/Town L.G.A
e-mail Address
Occupation Designation
Residential Address
City/Town L.G.A
e-mail Address
6Ai. Details of the Directors/Executives/Trustees/Promoters/Executors/Administrators/Principal Officers
Occupation Designation
Residential Address
City/Town L.G.A
e-mail Address
Occupation Designation
Residential Address
City/Town L.G.A
e-mail Address
6Aiii. Details of the Directors/Executives/Trustees/Promoters/Executors/Administrators/Principal Officers
Occupation Designation
Residential Address
City/Town L.G.A
e-mail Address
Occupation Designation
Residential Address
City/Town L.G.A
e-mail Address
6B. DETAILS OF SOLE PROPRIETOR (Applicable ONLY to a One man Business)
Title First Name
Gender: F M Marital Status (Please tick): Single Married Others (Please Specify)
Date of Birth Place of Birth
City/Town L.G.A
e-mail Address
National ID Card National Drivers’ License Int’l Passport INEC Voters Card Refugee ID
e-mail Address
Contact Details:
City/Town LGA
S/N Name and Addresses of Bank Branch Account Name Account Number Status: Active/Dormant
Dear Sir,
We herby authorise you to debit our account with the applicable charges for the legal search conducted on our account at the
Thank you.
Yours faithfully.
I. iii
ii. iv.
The Personal Data collected by us shall be processed in accordance with following month provided the notice is communicated on behalf of any of the surviving signatories or from
the Nigeria Data Protection Regulations. For further information on how atleast 7 days prior to the commencement date. The any of the heirs of the deceased one, that the said
your Personal Data is protected by us, please visit our website
( to read our privacy policy.
Customer shall be deemed to have accepted such signing authority has been terminated or revoked by
variation if the Bank does not receive any notice to operation of law or otherwise.
DEFINITIONS the contrary within the aforementioned period (c) If prior to acting on instructions received from a
Except where expressly stated, all terms and conditions shall through the channels of communication established signatory or an heir of the deceased signatory, where a
bear their ordinary English common meaning including the between the Bank and the customer. Joint Account is operated on the basis of either or
Arabic vocabularies. (c) The average of daily balances standing in Customer’s survivor of the signatories, we receive contradictory
account as at the last day of each calendar month, shall instructions from any joint Account holder(s) or heirs
2. OPENING AN ACCOUNT be taken as the balance for the entire month, upon therein, then we shall put the account on hold until we
2.1 Any person desiring to open an Account with us shall which profit shall be distributed under the Mudaraba receive a court order or mutual agreement of all
submit a duly filled out Account Opening Form (as Savings Deposit Accounts. A customer shall forfeit parties concerned.
prescribed by us) along with all requisite documents profit if at any period in a given month the Customer’s (d) In the event we receive conflicting instructions from
and information. Upon receipt of the same, we may, at average balance falls below the Bank’s investable the signatories to a Joint Account, we shall be entitled
our sole discretion, open an Account in the name of Mudaraba Savings Account Deposit threshold of to suspend the operation of such Account, without any
the Customer. N2,000 or as may be determined by the Bank from prior notice.
time to time.
2.2 The Customer shall also provide such further (d) In determining the Net Distributable Profits, the 7. CLOSING AN ACCOUNT
information as may be required by us from time to time regulatory Deposit Takaful contribution shall be 7.1 We may at our sole and absolute discretion close any
in relation to the Account. In the event of failure of the deducted as expense. Account, which is not being operated in a manner
Customer to provide such information, we may, at our satisfactory to us or for any other reason whatsoever,
sole discretion withhold operation of the Account or 4.2 Any regulatory/CBN directives in this regard shall be with or without any prior notice to you. We also
close such Account. applied from time to time. reserve the right to terminate, at our sole discretion,
any other type of relationship(s) with you, e.g. lockers,
2.3 Each Customer shall be allotted a distinctive Account 5. FOREIGN CURRENCY ACCOUNTS safe custody, relationship cards, etc. at any time
Number by us, which will have to be quoted by the 5.1 Domiciliary Current Accounts may also be established without assigning any reason.
Customer in all correspondence with us in relation to in U.S. Dollars and such other currencies as we may
allow from time to time. Foreign currency Accounts 7.2 Upon closure of an Account, you must return to us any
the Account.
shall be subject to the laws of the Federal Republic of unused cheques relating to your Account.Alternatively,
Nigeria, including Foreign Exchange Regulations and you must confirm in writing to our satisfaction that the
directives of the Federal Government of Nigeria, CBN unused cheques have been destroyed.
3.1 The relationship between the Bank and the Customers
holding Savings and/or Term Deposit Account shall be and other concerned authorities and agencies, issued
from time to time. 8. CHEQUE BOOKS
based on the principles of Mudarabah Mutlaqah, where
8.1 Cheque book will be issued on request by the
the Bank shall be Mudarib and Customers shall be
5.2 The relationship between us and our Customers customer and may be collected by you or your
holding foreign currency current Accounts shall be authorized representative from our concerned branch
3.2 Funds deposited by the customer in Savings and/or based on the principle of Qard, and no profit or loss within One Eighty (180) days of being notified about its
Term deposit Accounts shall be collected in pool(s) of shall accrue to balances in the said Accounts. availability by us, after which the cheques shall be
funds. We may, at our sole discretion, also contribute destroyed as part of measures to safeguard your
5.3 You understand and agree that foreign currency account from fraud and forgery.
our own funds to the pool(s).The funds in such pool(s)
transactions may involve foreign exchange risks for
shall, at our sole discretion, be invested in a Business(s).
which we shall not be responsible. 8.2 Cheques must be so drawn as to prevent forgery,
3.3 Share of Profit/Losses on deposit shall be determined overwriting, and alterations after issue.We shall not be
5.4 Any cash withdrawal(s) in a currency other than responsible for any loss or damage that may be
as provided under Article 4 below and distributed
Nigerian Naira shall be subject to CBN guidelines on suffered by you if full precautions are not taken by you
amongst pool members by crediting or debiting as
Foreign Currency transaction and subject to to prevent forgery or alteration.
applicable, their respective Accounts monthly by the
availability of sufficient currency notes with us at the
5th day of the next month .
time of withdrawal and subject to prevailing CBN 8.3 You must keep the cheque book(s) safe and secure at
3.4 Upon maturity a term deposit shall be automatically guidelines on foreign currency transactions. all times.
rolled-over/renewed on the same terms and
6. JOINT ACCOUNTS 8.4 We reserve the right to refuse to supply cheque
conditions as previously agreed, unless otherwise
6.1 If an account is opened in the names of two or more book(s) or withdraw the cheque book facility without
instructed by you at least two (2) Business Days before
persons, the balance to the credit of that Account and any advance notice and without assigning any reason if,
the date of maturity. In the event, a term deposit
any accruals thereon shall at all times belong to the in our opinion, an Account is not being satisfactorily
matures on a day which is not a Business Day, then we
persons who are signatories (parties) to the Account. operated or on any other reason whatsoever.
shall rollover the deposit along with the Profit/Loss
thereon, if any, on the next Business Day. Such persons shall also be jointly and severally liable 8.5 If you desire to stop payment on a cheque, you should
for all liabilities incurred in relation to the Account. without any delay furnish complete particulars in
3.5 The relationship between the Bank and the Customers
6.2 In case of death of one party, the Bank shall divide the respect of that cheque to us, including cheque number,
holding Current Accounts shall be based on the
total of funds and properties in the joint account in date of issue, date of presentation, payee's name, and
principle of Qard, and no profit or loss shall accrue to
equal shares for the signatories unless we have in- amount. Stop payment instructions given on the
balances in the said accounts.
writing documented other distribution.The Bank shall telephone shall have to be supported by a written
hold the share of the deceased party in a special request to be sent within fourty-eight hours of oral
account for the heirs which will be disposed off instructions. You must also complete such further
4.1 The bank collects deposits and deploys the same in a
according to appropriate court order and leave the documentation as may be required by us in respect of
pool for investment in permissible ways. As defined in
shares of other signatories under the disposition of stopping payment on a cheque. We will use our best
the Article 3 regarding Mudarabah Mutlaqah, Loss, if
the surviving parties in a new account. endeavours to carry out your instructions, however,
any, shall be borne by rabbul Maal unless there is
we will not be liable for failure to do so for any reason
negligence or misconduct on the part of the Bank and
6.3 The following further provisions shall also whatsoever.
the Profit shall be shared as and upon under.
(a) Profit and loss shall be calculated on monthly basis and (a) Each of the signatories to the Account maintained by a 9. DEPOSITS AND WITHDRAWALS
credited to the depositors for savings accounts and at Customer shall be deemed to have authorised and 9.1 We may accept cheques and other instruments payable
the end of tenor for the term deposit accounts. empowered the other signatories: (i) to endorse and to you for collection entirely at your own risk.
deposit for credit to such Account, any and all cheques, Uncleared items though credited shall not be drawn
(b) The Bank in its capacity as an Investment Agent drafts, notes or other instruments or the payment of against, and if the same is allowed to be drawn against,
(Mudarib) and the Customer in its capacity as an money, payable or purporting to belong to other we shall have the right to debit the account if the
Investor (Rabb-ul-Maal) shall share the profit person(s) named in the Account, and should any such proceeds of the instruments are not realised.
generated from the Mudaraba Investment in instrument(s) be received by us without being so
accordance with the prevailing Profit Sharing Ratio 9.2 You will indemnify the Bank in full as collecting banker
endorsed, we are authorised in the absence of any against any expense or loss, which we may incur in
Schedule. The Customer acknowledges that when specific instruction to the contrary, to endorse the
opening the Account a copy of the Profit Sharing ratio guaranteeing any endorsement or discharge on a
same on Customer's behalf and deposit it to the credit cheque, bill, note, draft, dividend warrant, or other
Schedule was received.The Bank reserves the right to of such Account, and (ii) to issue to the Customer's
vary the Profit Sharing ratio from time to time at its instruments presented by you for collection.
order(s) any cheques, drafts, notes or other
sole discretion and as business/economy dictate, instruments that may be drawn hereunder against such 9.3 In the event any cheques or other negotiable
subject to approval of the Advisory Committee of Account. documents deposited by you for collection are
Experts (ACE) and shall communicate same via sms, (b) Notwithstanding the death of any or all of the dishonoured, then you or your authorised
email (as provided by the customer during the signatories to a Joint Account, we may continue to act representative may collect the said instruments from
account opening), publication in all branches, website in reliance upon any signing authority already conveyed the concerned branch within seven (7) days of the
or by any other means of notification. Such variation to us, until we receive a notice in writing either from or dishonour, after which the bank at its discretion shall
shall be deemed to be effective beginning of the
send the instrument by courier service to your last provide the required information in respect thereof. system. You agree that you will be responsible for any
recorded address with us at your cost. This can also be done at any time by following the costs we incur as a result.
instructions set out on the relevant page of our d. We may:
9.4 For your convenience, we may issue pay-in-slips for Website. In addition, you agree that any use by you of i. refuse to carry out an instruction given via the
deposit of cash and negotiable instruments. the Electronic products and services shall constitute Electronic products and services; for example, if a
9.5 The Customer hereby authorises the Bank to alter any your acceptance Of the terms relating to Electronic transaction exceeds a particular value or Other limits;
incorrect entry in the pay-in-slip and act on the basis of Products and services. or
such altered statements. b. In the case of Joint Accounts, the Electronic products ii. require written confirmation from you of a particular
and services will only be available wherein the instruction if we know or suspect any breach of
9.6 Except where agreed to the contrary between you and operating conditions are on an either-or-survivor security. If we come to believe that an instruction may
us, every payment received for your Account which is basis. not have been properly authorized by you, we will be
in a currency other than that of the Account, may be c. You must comply with other terms and requirements entitled, after making reasonable efforts to check
converted by us at our sole discretion into the designed to protect the security of your use of the whether it was properly authorized, to take steps to
currency of such Account at our then prevailing rate of Electronic products and services which are notified by reverse any action taken on the basis of that
exchange before the same is credited to your Account. us to you in any other way. instruction. We will not be responsible for any loss to
you that results from such a reversal.
9.7 Cheques and other payment instructions shall have to 11.2 Customer's Security Obligations e. Instructions received by us via the Electronic products
be signed by you exactly as per specimen signature a. Keep User ID, Password, and PIN secure and secret at and services shall be acted upon in accordance with
cards supplied to the Bank, and alterations therein shall all times. Take steps so that the same cannot be used the cut-off times (and any changes therein) to be
have to be authenticated by your signature. fraudulently or without authorisation. For example: notified to you through Electronic products and
i. never write or otherwise record your User ID, services from time to time. Instructions given at any
9.8 You will not make a withdrawal/transfer of funds via a Password/PIN in a way that can be understood by other time may not be acted upon until the next
cheque or otherwise which would cause the Account someone else; Business Day.
to go into debit.We reserve the right to return unpaid ii. destroy any advice from us concerning your User ID f. Any transaction to be carried out may not always be
any cheque or not comply with any instruction that and Password/PIN promptly after use; simultaneous with an instruction being given. Some
may cause the Account to overdraw if no prior iii. avoid selecting Password/PIN which may be easy to matters may take time to process and certain
arrangements are made by you with the Bank. guess, such as birthdays. Telephone numbers, address, instructions may only be processed during normal
etc; banking hours even though the Electronic products
10. INDEMNITY AND LIABILITY iv. never record your User ID and/or Password/PIN on and services may be accessible outside such hours.
10.1 We shall use our best endeavours to provide smooth any software which retains it automatically (for
and efficient services to our customers. example, any computer screen prompts or 'save 11.4 Customer's Liability to the Bank
Notwithstanding the same, you hereby agree and password' feature or any similar function on your (a) You will be liable to the bank for any unauthorised use
confirm to hold us and our officers, directors, internet browser); or misuse of your User ID and or Password, except as
employees and representatives, agents and v. change your Password/PIN regularly and also contemplated in clause 11 .4(b) below, provided:
contractors, completely harmless and indemnified, whenever required to do so by the Electronic products (i) you prove to our satisfaction that you have faithfully
from and against any and all costs, losses, damages, and services: observed your security obligations contemplated
liabilities, payments and obligations and expenses vi. change your Password/PIN immediately when you herein;
(including but not limited to reasonable legal costs) suspect that the same has been breached or hacked (ii) the unauthorised use or misuse of your User ID and/or
incurred, suffered, sustained, paid or imposed upon us, and inform us immediately; the Password/PIN occurs after you have notified us
arising out of, inter alia: vii. should not choose a Password/PIN which you have that you have discovered or suspect that your
(a) Bank acting upon your written or verbal instructions used before. Password/PIN has become known to someone else; or
to stop payment, hold mail and / or to act on any other viii. not disclose your User ID and/or the Password/PIN to (iii) your User ID and/or the Password/PIN become
instructions, including standing instructions issued by anyone else, including a member of our staff. known to the person giving the unauthorized
you to the Bank from time to time. b. If you become aware of or suspect any unauthorised instruction as a result of any failure, negligence or
(b) Any claim by you or any third party concerning the transaction, you must notify us immediately via wilful default on our part.
amount, transfer, delivery or non-delivery of any telephone, fax or email, particulars relating to which (b) You will be held liable for all losses and expenses
product requested through any of our services, or any shall be communicated to you from time to time. For (including the amount of any transaction) if you:
other matter relating to the services. this purpose, you are reminded that you must check i. have acted fraudulently, or with gross negligence or
(c) Any action taken by us in reliance upon your your bank statements regularly. intentional misconduct;
instructions which are: c. You must not allow anyone else to operate the ii. are in default of observing any of your security
(i) revealed to be unauthentic, unauthorised or Electronic products and services on your behalf. obligations as contemplated herein; or
erroneous; and/or iii. have acted without reasonable care so as to facilitate
(ii) discovered to be fraudulent. d. Once you have logged onto the Electronic products the unauthorised use of your Internet Banking ID
(d) Any taxes or other levies paid or due to be paid by us and services, you must not leave the terminal or other and/or the Password;
on payments made or to be made by you, through or device from which you have accessed the Electronic iv. fail to observe and comply with any terms and
pursuant to our services. products and services unattended or let anyone else conditions related to the use of Internet Banking
(e) Any act, omission, error, neglect, default by you or use it until you have logged off the Electronic products Service.
those of your employees, agents, correspondent or and services.You will be responsible for ensuring that © You shall indemnify us, our employees, nominees or
participating bank or of their employees and agents. you have properly logged off the Electronic products agents promptly and on a full indemnity basis from and
(f) Subject to these Terms, any amendment to or variation and services at the end of any session. against all actions, omissions, negligence, proceedings,
in your instructions. e. You must not access the Electronic products and claims, demands, damages, losses (including direct,
(g) For any instruction not complied with, due to reasons services from any device connected to a local area indirect or consequential losses), costs and expenses
beyond our reasonable control. network (or LAN), such as in an office environment, including all duties, taxes, legal costs and other levies
(h) Any indirect, incidental, or consequential loss or loss of without first making sure that no one else is able to and liabilities which we may incur or suffer from or by
profit that you may suffer by reason of disruption or observe, copy or hack your User ID and/or the reason of your use of the Internet Banking Service.
failure in any of our communication or electronic Password/PIN or access to the Electronic products
transmission facility. and services pretending to be you. 11.5 Bank’s Liability to you
(i) Any loss arising out of unauthorized or fraudulent (a) The Bank shall take reasonable and practicable steps to
access to your Account caused as a result of your 11.3 Processing your instructions ensure that our systems in connection with the
negligence or failure to take reasonable care. a. the User ID and the Password/PIN shall be adequate Electronic products and services are installed with
(j) Loss or theft of chequebook or the ATM Card. identification of you for us. You authorise us to act adequate security designs and to control and manage
(k) Accidental or wilful disclosure by you of your Internet upon all apparently valid instructions (given to us on the risks in operating the systems, taking into account
Banking ID, Password, PIN or TIN. the Electronic products and services under your User any law, rules, regulations, guidelines, circulars, codes of
(l) Diminution due to taxes or depreciation in the value of ID and the Password) as instructions properly conduct and prevailing market practices which may be
funds credited to your Account, whether due to authorised by you, without obtaining any further applicable to us from time to time.
devaluation or fluctuation in the exchange rate or written or Other confirmation or authorisation from (b) We will not be liable for any loss or damage to you as a
otherwise. you. result of your using the Electronic products and
b. You agree that we can act on any instructions given to services, including any direct, indirect, consequential or
10.2 Our liability for non-execution or delay in
us including deducting money from your Account even special loss, even if we have been advised of the same.
implementation of instructions will not in any case
if these instructions were not authorised by you. Examples of circumstances in which we will NOT be
exceed the amount of value-date adjustment if the
However, your liability for transactions or instructions liable to you for loss or damage resulting to you
failure or delay is solely attributable to us.
which have not been authorised by you will be limited through the use of Electronic Products and Services
10.3 If fraudulent activity is associated with the operation of as provided in clause 11.4 below. include (but are not limited to):
your account, you agree that the Bank has the right to c. Upon receiving an instruction we will be entitled to i. any misuse of your Electronic products and services ID
apply restrictions to your account and report it to debit your Account with the applicable charges in and/or Password;
appropriate law enforcement agencies. respect of the transaction. Instructions once ii. any incompatibility between your device or system and
confirmed on the Electronic products and services the Electronic products and services;
11. ELECTRONIC PRODUCTS AND SERVICES shall not be reversible. However, if you do ask us to iii. any technical breakdown or any machine, system,
11.1 Available Electronic Products and Services reverse an instruction after you have given it, we may at communications or power failure for reasons beyond
a. In order to be able to use electronic products and our discretion try to do so to the extent that this is our reasonable control which leads to the Internet
services, you must select the appropriate option and possible under the rules and practices of the banking Banking Service being wholly or partly unavailable;
iv. any strike, industrial dispute or other circumstances iii. Try to decompile, reverse engineer, input or compile (including legal costs) and demands, incurred by us as a
beyond our reasonable control that leads either to the any of the Electronic products and services software. result or in connection with your use of the Telephone
Electronic products and services being totally or Banking Services.
partially unavailable or to instructions given via the (g) If you access the Electronic products and services from 12.4 If you are a company, partnership or any other entity
Electronic products and services not being acted upon a country outside Nigeria, you are responsible for then instructions in respect of Telephone Banking
promptly or at all; complying with the local laws of that country, including Service may be given by your authorised persons only
v. relying on any financial information provided as part, or (but not limited to) obtaining any licence needed for as per our records.
by means, of the Internet Banking Service; the import/export of the Electronic products and 12.5 If you have a Joint Account then Telephone Banking
vi. any access to information about your Accounts that is services software to that country. Services may be used only if either or survivor(s) have
obtained by a third party as a result of your using the been authorized to operate the Joint Account.
Electronic products and services (except where that 11.7 Termination 12.6 You agree to comply at all times with the Terms and
access is obtained as a result of our negligence or wilful (a) You may cancel your use of the Electronic products and also guidelines and regulations issued by us from time
default). services at any time by giving us written notice (or in to time in respect of the use of Telephone Banking
vii. The Bank shall not be responsible for any electronic any other way we notify you about from time to time). Services.
virus that the customer may encounter in course of If you choose to terminate the Electronic products and
making a transaction, Password Leakage, Resetting services it shall be terminated in respect of all of your 13. ATM SERVICES
Default, Wrongful Transfers, Poor Network or any Accounts (if you have multiple Accounts), unless we, at 13.1 We may, at our sole discretion, and subject to
other fault/default that cause discomfort, loss of time, our sole discretion, otherwise decide. applicable charges issue an ATM Card to you to access
financial loss whether anticipated or otherwise (b) We have the right to end or suspend your use of the ATM Service.
Electronic products and services at any time. We will 13.2 The ATM Service shall be subject to the ATM Terms and
(c) Our liability shall only be limited to direct loss or usually give you at least 30 days’ notice. However, we Conditions.
damage which, in the ordinary course of events, might may give you a shorter period of notice or no notice if 13.3 You will be responsible to keep yourself fully informed
reasonably be expected to result from the we consider it necessary, for example, because of and updated with regard to ATM Terms and Conditions,
circumstances in question and only if such loss or security concerns in connection with your use of the which shall be made available on our Website and in our
damage is caused by our gross negligence or wilful Electronic products and services or because we are branches.
default. concerned that you have used or may use the 13.4 In case of a Joint Account with either-or-survivor(s)
Electronic products and services to operate any of operating instructions, the ATM Card shall be issued
11.6 Operational Matters your Accounts in breach of your arrangements With us. only in the name of one signatory to the Account.
(a) We shall take reasonably practicable steps to have the (c) If your use of Electronic products and services comes
Electronic products and services available for use.You to an end for any reason, this will not affect any 14. MISCELLANEOUS
accept, however, that routine maintenance instructions you have already given via the Electronic 14.1 Statements of Account
requirements, excess demand on the systems and products and services. (a) Statement for current account will be made available
circumstances beyond our control may mean it is not to you on monthly basis via email. Apart from this, we
always possible for the Electronic products and 11.8 Charges and Other Matters may provide your statement of account as per your
services to be available at all times. a. You hereby authorise us to charge you for instructions and on payment of relevant charges under
(b) In connection with the Electronic products and transaction(s) performed through the Electronic our Schedule of Charges. You must inform us of any
services, we are entitled at any time to: products and services, in accordance with our mistake, discrepancy or error in the statement of
i. change the mode of operation or Schedule of Charges prevalent at the time of such account within ten (10) days of the date of the receipt
ii. add to, remove or otherwise change, end or suspend transaction(s). of the same. If you fail to notify us within the said time
any of the facilities available; or b. To protect both our customers and our staff, and to then such statement of account shall be deemed to be
iii. end the Electronic products and services. If we decide help resolve any disputes between you and us, you correct and the balance stated therein shall be deemed
to change or end the Electronic products and services, acknowledge that: to have been verified by you and shall be taken as
we will try to give you 30 days notice or whatever i. we will record all telephone conversations between us conclusive evidence for all purposes.
shorter period of notice may be reasonable in the and customers of the Electronic products and services; (b) In case of any error in the entries, it shall be within our
circumstances. ii. we will keep a record of all instructions given by rights to rectify the error without any advance notice
(c) We will supply you the software to enable you to customers via the Electronic products and services; to you and recover any amount wrongly paid or
access and use the Electronic products and services. and credited together with any accrued profit.
Each time you access the Electronic products and iii. we may listen to telephone calls made in respect of the (c) We may also provide you duplicate copies of
services, the said software may be automatically Electronic products and services in order to assess statements of account upon the payment of relevant
updated. It is your responsibility to ensure that the and improve the quality of the Electronic products and charges.
software supplied to you is compatible with your services. (d) We may also periodically send you a statement of
device from which you access the Electronic products c. From time to time we may advertise our own products balance in terms of which we will seek your
and services and also with any other software on that and products and services of our subsidiary or confirmation of the balance in your Account as of a
device. We shall not be liable to you for any loss that associated companies on Electronic products and specific date.You must inform us of any discrepancy in
you may suffer as a result of any incompatibility services. If, in connection with other agreements with the balance stated in such statement with the time to
between the software relating to Electronic products us, you have asked us not to send you any marketing be specified therein, failing which the statement of
and services and your device from which you access material (or if you do so In the future), you agree that balance shall be deemed to be correct and final for all
the Electronic products and services. this restriction will not apply to these advertisements. purposes.
(d) You must take all reasonably practicable measures to
ensure that any device from which you access the 11.9 Third Party Products and Services 14.2 Partnership Account
Electronic products and services is free of any Where we provide hypertext links to third party 14.2.1 Subject to the partnership deed of any Partnership
computer virus or similar device or software including, Internet websites, such links are not an endorsement Firm , If any partner in a partnership firm for which the
without limitation, devices commonly known as by us of any products or services in such websites.You Account has been opened, ceases to be a member of
software bombs, Trojan horses and worms (together use such links entirely at your own risk and we accept the said firm by reason of death or otherwise:
"Viruses") and is adequately maintained in every way. no responsibility or liability for the content, use or
Since the Electronic products and services can be availability of such websites. (a) We are indemnified by signatories and other partners
accessed through the Internet or other until we receive notice in writing of the death or
communication channels over which we have no 11.10 Copyright, all rights reserved cessation. Further, we shall consider the partnership
control, you must therefore ensure that any device you The entire content of our Website is subject to dissolved and the account shall be suspended until we
use to access the Electronic products and services is copyright with all rights reserved and the information receive formal in-writing approval of the court
adequately protected against acquiringViruses. held is for our personal use only. You may not appointed representative of all the heirs of the
(e) You must not access the Electronic products and download (all or in part), transmit or modify the deceased partner to allow continuation of the account
services using any device which you do not own unless Website. with existing signatories.
you have first obtained the owner's permission to do
so. If you break this rule, you must compensate us for 12. TELEPHONE BANKING SERVICES 14.3 Death of an Account Holder
any loss we suffer as a result. 12.1 We may at our sole discretion and upon request In case of demise of an individual Account holder, no
(f) By supplying you with the software to access the provide you Telephone Banking Services. withdrawals shall be allowed except on production of a
Electronic products and services, you will get a non- 12.2 Your use of the Telephone Banking Service shall be Letter of Administration or Probate or order from a
exclusive, non-transferable, temporary licence to use subject to the Terms mentioned herein and shall apply Court of competent jurisdiction, the said letter(s)
the said software.The said software shall be used only to all transactions, authorizations, mandates and having been duly confirmed by the bank.
for the purpose of accessing the Electronic products instructions through Telephone Banking Service.
and services, and for no other purpose. The software 12.3 You understand that the Telephone Banking Services 14.4 Right to Consolidate and Set-off
relating to Electronic products and services and all may involve inherent risks, including but not limited to Notwithstanding any provisions to the contrary
other material and information to be supplied to you risks of fraud and unintended/erroneous instructions. contained in these Terms, we shall have the right at any
shall contain valuable information that belongs to us or You agree to accept all risks associated with the use of time and our sole discretion to consolidate, combine
others.You must not: the Telephone Banking Services.You also agree that in and/or merge all or any accounts in your name or
i. Use them except in connection with accessing the the event you suffer any loss (monetary or otherwise) related company by virtue of common directorship,
Electronic products and services; from the use of Telephone Banking Services, you will without prior notice and such right to consolidate,
ii. Take copies, sell, assign, commercially rent, sub-license, not hold us responsible or liable in any manner and combine and/or merge shall include the right to adjust
otherwise transfer them to any third pally; or shall indemnify us against all losses, damages, costs
or set-off any indebtedness which you may have and other correspondence for periodic collection by Finally, the substantive and procedural laws of Nigeria
towards us, irrespective of the currency or currencies you or your duly authorised person. and Nigerian courts shall have final jurisdiction in
involved. If pursuant to such consolidation, respect of unresolved disputes after exhausting the
combination or merger, a shortfall or deficiency arises (c) You agree and hereby waive and relinquish all of your first step.
in our favour, then you will be bound to pay the same rights to question any detail appearing in the "Hold
upon our first demand. Mail" communications or statements of account I / We declare and confirm that I / We have received
irrespective of their actual date of receipt. complete a copy of the Account Opening Form, read
14.5 Bank's Lien and understood the Bank’s Terms and Conditions
If we accept or incur any liability on your request, then 14.11 Data Protection governing the conduct of the account, which have been
we shall have a lien on all funds, monies, securities and a) All right, title, and interest in Personal Data will remain signed by me/us in complete acceptance thereof. I / We
other properties of whatsoever nature in our the property of Customer. The Bank has no intellectual agree to observe and be bound by the said Terms and
possession belonging to you for the due discharge of property rights or other claims to Personal Data that is Conditions and any changes, supplements or
your liability. In the event of your default, we shall have hosted, stored, or transferred to and from the Products modifications thereto that may be made by the Bank
the right to take such steps without any notice to you, or services provided by Bank. from time to time.
as we may deem fit, including steps to dispose of or
realize your properties and use the proceeds of such b) The Bank shall act as Data Controller of Personal Data I/We have read and understood the applicable terms
disposal or realization in settlement of all your provided by Customer in line with the purpose for and conditions and those relating to various products
outstanding towards us. which Personal Data is released by the Customer. and services that I have requested including but not
limited to Debit Cards, Internet Banking, Mobile
14.6 Charges and Expenses c) The Bank will cooperate with the Customers to Banking, USSD Banking, SMS and Email Alerts. I accept
(a) Charges for services provided by us shall be levied protect their Personal Data as well as their rights and agree to be bound by terms and conditions
according to our Schedule of Charges. Charges for thereto. The Bank will promptly notify the Customers including those excluding / limiting the bank’s liability I
transactions on foreign currency accounts will be as well as NITDA, the regulatory authority if we understand that the Bank may debit my account for
recovered in foreign currency only. become aware of any potential infringement of those services charges as applicable from time to time I
rights in accordance with the provisions of the relevant hereby declare that the information given above is true
(b) We will not obtain any prior permission from you for data protection legislation. and correct to the best of my knowledge.
debiting your Account for any expenses, fees,
commission, tax, stamp duty, excise duty, etc. payable to d) In the event of termination of our relationship, the 14.13 Pledge against Issuance of Dud Cheques
the Government arising out of any dealing between us Bank shall, subject to any legal or statutory obligation, I / We confirm that I am/we aware of my/our
and you. erase and instruct its entire staff, agents and sub- responsibility to ensure that I/We have sufficient funds
contractors to erase all information and data provided in my/our account to accommodate cheques drawn on
(c) We may, without any further express authorisation by or assessed from the Customer and all copies of it
from you debit your account maintained with us for the such information and data, from the Bank’s Systems and
amount of any or all losses, claims, damages, expenses magnetic data. The Service Provider shall provide I/We confirm further that I am/we aware that issuing an
or other amounts which we may suffer, sustain or incur written confirmation of the aforementioned deletion unfunded account is a violation of the Dud Cheque Act
as a consequence of acting upon any of your to the Bank. of 2004, which carries criminal liability
e) The Bank shall ensure full compliance with the Nigeria I/We therefore, undertake not to issue cheques on
14.7 Change of Particulars Data Protection Regulation and any other regulation in unfunded accounts and will be personally liable for the
You must immediately notify us of any change, force and accepts liability for any breach of such consequence of breaching this pledge.
amendment or modification in your status and/or regulation.
particulars relating to Account(s). Until such change of JURAT
particulars has been notified in writing to and f) We shall ensure we procure the consent of our (Only applicable to 3rd party interpreter)
acknowledged by us, we shall be entitled to rely on your Customers prior to marketing or provision of services I agree to abide by the content of this agreement and
existing instructions and/or particulars. or transfer Personal Data and ensure that they have a acknowledge that it has been truly and audibly read over and
right to withdraw their consent thereto. explained to me by the interpreter.
14.8 Amendments
(a) We reserve the right to revise and/or amend any of Data Breach and Indemnity
these Terms at any time and without any prior notice to
you, including without limitation, the charges leviable in g. We further agree that we will monitor and test our Mark of Customer/thumbprint
respect of services. However, such revisions or changes Data Safeguards from time to time, and shall adjust our
shall be effective from the date as may be specified by Data Safeguards from time to time considering relevant
us. Such changes will either be notified to you through circumstances or the results of any relevant testing or
mail or in addition by affixing a notice to that effect for monitoring. Magistrate/Commisioner for Oath
fifteen days at a conspicuous place within the premises
in our concerned branch. h. If we suspect or become aware of any unauthorized
access to any Personal Data by any unauthorized Date of Birth_____/_______/__________
(b) We reserve the right at any time and without notice to: person or third party, or become aware of any other
a. change the fees for the use of any of our services; security breach relating to Personal Data held or
b. add, withdraw or change the type of transactions stored by us or in connection with the performance of
provided by the services; obligations in the course of providing our services to Phone Number of Interpreter
c. vary the frequency and manner of use of any of the you, we shall immediately notify the relevant
services, withdrawal limits, operating house and Customers in writing and shall fully cooperate with
transaction types, nature of facilities and services Customer to prevent or stop such data breach. In the
available at any branch. event of such data breach, we shall fully and Name of Interpreter
immediately comply with applicable laws, and shall take
14.9 Disclosure the appropriate steps to remedy such data breach.
a) If a breach is associated with the operation of your
account/wallet, you agree that we have the right to 14.12 Inactive and Dormant Account Address of Interpreter
apply restrictions to your account/wallet and report to The Bank shall comply with the CBN/NDIC or any
appropriate law enforcement agencies in line with Guidelines on the Management of Dormant Account
extant laws and Other Unclaimed Funds by Banks and Other
Financial Institutions issued by CBN or as may be Language of Interpretation
b) We will use our best endeavours to preserve the determined from time to time by the CBN on the
secrecy of your Account(s). Nevertheless, you hereby operations of Inactive and Dormant Accounts.
expressly authorise us to disclose any information
relating to you or your account(s), if so required by law. 14.13 Disputes Name:
In case of any dispute between the bank and a
14.10 Hold Mail Instructions customer, an arbitration committee shall be appointed
(a) If you do not want that statements, advice, and other to resolve the dispute according to Islamic law
correspondence relating to your Account(s) to be principles. One member of this committee shall be
mailed to your address, then you will need to instruct selected by each party and the two members shall
us to provide a “Hold Mail” facility along with duly select the third.At least one of them must be known of
executed Indemnity. experience in Islamic commercial and financial
transaction jurisprudence and one with laws and Name:
(b) Upon receipt of “Hold Mail” instruction and Indemnity, customs governing the banker-customer relationship.
we may, at our sole discretion, provide the "Hold Mail" The decision of the arbitration committee shall be Signature/Date:
facility, whereby we shall retain your statements, advice, binding on both parties.
Mandate authorisation/combination rule (Please tick as appropriate)
Sole Signatory Either to sign Both to sign Others
(Please specify)
First Name
Other Name
Class of Signatory PHOTO
Identification Type
Identification No
Telephone No:
Mandate authorisation/combination rule (Please tick as appropriate)
Sole Signatory Either to sign Both to sign Others
(Please specify)
First Name
Other Name
Class of Signatory PHOTO
Identification Type
Identification No
Telephone No:
Mandate authorisation/combination rule (Please tick as appropriate)
Sole Signatory Either to sign Both to sign Others
(Please specify)
First Name
Other Name
Class of Signatory PHOTO
Identification Type
Identification No
Telephone No:
Mandate authorisation/combination rule (Please tick as appropriate)
Sole Signatory Either to sign Both to sign Others
(Please specify)
First Name
Other Name
Class of Signatory PHOTO
Identification Type
Identification No
Telephone No:
1/We hereby apply for the opening of any account or accounts with Jaiz Bank Plc. I/We understand that the information given herein is the
basis for opening such account(s) and hereby warrant that such information is correct.
I/We further undertake to Indemnify the Bank for any loss suffered as a result of any false information or error in the information
provided to the Bank.
“ In Witness whereof, the common seal of.............................................................. is hereby affixed of ...........................20..........
in the presence of:
Signature Date
Signature Date
Signature Date
For Bank use ONLY
Signature Date: D D M M Y Y Y Y
Amount in Words
N : K
RC: 476637
The Branch Manager,
Jaiz Bank Plc.
Dear Sir/Madam,
I wish to confirm that I have known the above named individual for (period).
I/We would like to comment about the person’s suitability for maitaining a Current Account with you as follows:
Address of Referee (Not P. O. Box)
Phone Number
RC: 476637
The Branch Manager,
Jaiz Bank Plc.
Dear Sir/Madam,
I wish to confirm that I have known the above named individual for (period).
I/We would like to comment about the person’s suitability for maitaining a Current Account with you as follows:
Address of Referee (Not P. O. Box)
Phone Number