Internet and Email
Internet and Email
Internet and Email
Brain Developer
A. Fill in the blanks
1. Domain Name
2. International Network
3. Google
4. Blind Carbon Copy
5. Compose
B. Write T for True and F for False:
1. True
2. True
3. False
4. True
5. False
C. Select the Correct Option.
1. b. Dial up
2. b. Inbox
3. b. Modem
4. b. WeTransfer
D. Answer the following questions:
1. Internet stands for International Network. It is the largest
computer network in the world, connecting millions of
computers. These computers are connected through
telephone wires, modem, satellite links, or other means
enabling them to share information amongst each other.
2. A Search Engine is a software that searches various web pages
on the World Wide Web for a particular information. It
requires a user to enter a keyword related to the information
to be searched and displays the search results.
3. Cc stands for Carbon Copy. This field is used when a mail is to
be sent to multiple people. It contains the addresses of all the
persons to whom a copy of the mail is to be sent. Whereas,
Bcc stands for Blind Carbon Copy. It is also used to send a
copy ofthe mail to several people, but the email addresses
mentioned in this field are not visible to the other recipients
of the mail.
4. Internet connections are of various types. A couple of them include:
I. Dial-up connection: It requires users to link their phone
line to a computer inorder to access the Internet.
II. Broadband connection: This connection uses wide
bandwidth, which provides high-speed Internet access
through various transmission mediums. It is fasterthan a
dial-up connection.
5. WeTransfer is a free online file transfer service that enables
you to send files up to 2GB from one system to another. Both
the sender and the recipients are required to have an e-mail
address to transfer the files.