Porous Al2O3 ceramics were prepared using a two-step sintering method. Green bodies were prepared using the slip cast method. The average
pore size and porosity of the obtained samples were, respectively, 73 nm and 42%. The porosities and the average pore size of the samples prepared
using a one-step sintering method decreased concomitantly with increasing sintering temperature. The porosity was mostly constant at
temperatures higher than 1300 8C. The T1 and T2 temperatures were set, respectively as 1150 8C and 1000 8C for two-step sintering tests.
Under these conditions, the pore size was controllable by sintering time without porosity change. The average pore size of the obtained samples was
61–76 nm without porosity change.
Crown Copyright # 2011 Published by Elsevier Ltd and Techna Group S.r.l. All rights reserved.
e [mm3/g]
T1 15°C/min 50
Temperatu rre
0.01 0.1 1 10
Pore size [µm]
Fig. 2. Pore size distribution and cumulative volume of the sample before
Fig. 1. Heating programs of (a) single and (b) two-step sintering methods. sintering.
T. Isobe et al. / Ceramics International 38 (2012) 787–793 789
Porosity [%]
2 presents the average pore size and porosity as a function of
sintering temperature. The pores of all samples were mainly
30 40
open pores. With heating at less than 1000 8C, the porosities
and the average pore size were mostly constant. With heating at 20
temperatures greater than 1100 8C, the average pore size 20
decreased with the increasing of the sintering temperature. The 10
sample sintered at 1250 8C has 22 nm average pore size. The
pore size distribution of the samples sintered at temperatures 0 0
800 1000 1200 1400
higher than 1300 8C could not be measured because the
Heating temperature [°C]
samples have low porosity. The porosity change was observed
at a slightly lower temperature. Porosity reached 2% at more Fig. 4. Porosity and average pore size of the samples sintered using the single-
than 1300 8C. It is considered that these changes cause step sintering method.
shrinkage during sintering.
The linear shrinkage rate of the samples was estimated. predicted using the following equation.
Fig. 5 shows the relation between the sintering temperature and p ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi p ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
linear shrinkage. The linear shrinkage of the samples was not 3
1=r1 3 1=r2
b¼ p ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi (2)
changed significantly after heating below 1100 8C. However, it 3
was increased significantly after heating to 1100 8C or higher
temperatures. This behavior showed agreement with that Therein, r1 and r2, respectively denote the relative density of
described in previous reports [28]. The validity of these results the green body and the samples heated at various temperatures.
was confirmed using calculations. The linear shrinkage, b, was The curve calculated using Eq. (2) is shown as a dotted line in
Fig. 5. This curve fits well with the measured value, which
indicates that no severe defects and orientation of the Al2O3
particles were present in the samples.
Fig. 6 shows the average pore size and porosity of the samples
sintered using the program A. The average pore size and porosity
of the sample sintered at 1100 8C as T1 were, respectively, 74 nm
and 36%. The pore size of the sample sintered at 1150 8C as T1 is
about equal to the value shown above. However, it decreased
concomitantly with increasing T1.
When the ceramics are prepared using two-step sintering
method, T1 is the temperature at which the grain boundary
migration is active. Actually, T2 should be set to a temperature
at which the diffusion of atoms is sufficiently active without
movement of the particles. These temperatures can be inferred
Table 2
Porosity and average pore size of the a-Al2O3 ceramics prepared using single-
step sintering.
Sintering temperature (8C) Porosity (%) Average pore size (nm)
800 42 73
1000 40 71
1050 38 70
1100 34 68
1150 26 64
1200 14 53
1250 5 22
1300 <2 –
1350 <2 –
1400 <2 –
Fig. 3. FE-SEM micrographs of the samples before sintering.
790 T. Isobe et al. / Ceramics International 38 (2012) 787–793
In fact, T1 of 1150 8C is the temperature at which the grain
60 boundary migration and the diffusion of atoms with the
Porosity [%]
Fig. 7. FE-SEM micrograph of the samples sintered using two-step program A: T2: (a) 1000 8C, (b) 1050 8C, (c) 1100 8C, and, (d) 1150 8C.
40 100 the vapor, vapor pressure, ideal gas constant, absolute temper-
ature, density, and sintering time. The equation shows that the
osity [%]
does not change because the atoms merely move from the
60 surface of the neck. Similarly to the evaporation–condensation
mechanism, the surface and volume diffusion do not decrease
the porosity [29].
Based on these three sintering programs, we infer the
0 following results. When T1 and T2 were set to temperatures
1000 1100 1200 1300
higher than the temperature at which the grain boundary
T1 [°C]
migration, the pore size and porosity decreased concomitantly
Fig. 8. Porosity and average pore size of the samples sintered using two-step with increased sintering temperature. When T2 was set lower
program B. than this temperature, the pore size and porosity decreased
concomitantly with increased sintering temperature. If T1 is
Fig. 9. FE-SEM micrograph of the samples sintered using two-step program B: T1: (a) 1200 and (b) 1250 8C.
792 T. Isobe et al. / Ceramics International 38 (2012) 787–793
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