SOP for Press Release
SOP for Press Release
SOP for Press Release
To ensure effective media publicity for events organised by the Centre for Aerospace
and Security Studies (CASS), a structured process for drafting, approving,
translating, and disseminating press releases (PR) is essential.
This SOP covers the procedures for writing, translating, and printing press releases
for CASS events.
a) The OPI will draft the press release (PR) in English seven days before the
b) The President will review and forward the PR to the Editor for necessary
3. Translation to Urdu:
b) After receiving the finalised PR from the Editor, the OPI will send the PR for
Urdu translation.
4. Post-Seminar Adjustments:
a) Immediately after the event concludes, the OPI will make any required
additions or subtractions to the PR.
b) The revised PR will be presented to the President for final approval along
with the event picture.
c) In case of changes in the PR, Urdu translator will also be contacted amend
the Urdu version of PR.
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5. Final Steps for Publication:
a) Once the translated PR is received, the Dir O/A will then send it for
Timeline Summary
Task Deadline
Draft English PR OPI 7 days before event
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