Buy ebook Handbook of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging for Physicists: Instrumentation and Imaging Procedures, Volume I (Series in Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering) 1st Edition Michael Ljungberg cheap price
Buy ebook Handbook of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging for Physicists: Instrumentation and Imaging Procedures, Volume I (Series in Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering) 1st Edition Michael Ljungberg cheap price
Buy ebook Handbook of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging for Physicists: Instrumentation and Imaging Procedures, Volume I (Series in Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering) 1st Edition Michael Ljungberg cheap price
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Handbook of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging for Physicists –Three Volume Set Volume I:
Instrumentation and Imaging Procedures
Michael Ljungberg (Ed.)
Edited by
Michael Ljungberg
Editor Bio..........................................................................................................................................................................xi
Chapter 5 Radiometry.................................................................................................................................................89
Mats Isaksson
vi Contents
Chapter 16 Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography (SPECT) and SPECT/CT Hybrid Imaging................297
Michael Ljungberg and Kjell Erlandsson
Contents vii
During the spring of 2017, I was writing a review of a proposal for a book to potentially be published by CRC Press.
Upon closing the discussion with CRC Press regarding the result of this review, I was asked to be an editor for a
handbook of nuclear medicine, with focus on physicists of this field. After spending the summer thinking about a
relevant table of contents and related potential authors, I formally accepted the offer. I soon realized that the field
of nuclear medicine was too extensive to be covered in a single book. After consolidating with the publisher, it
was decided that instead of one book it would be best to develop three volumes with the titles, (I) Instrumentation
and Imaging Procedures, (II) Modelling, Dosimetry and Radiation Protection and (III) Radiopharmaceuticals and
Clinical Applications.
My vision was to create state-of-the-art handbooks, encompassing all major aspects relating to the field of Nuclear
Medicine. The chapters should describe the theories in detail but also, when applicable, have a practical approach,
focusing on procedures and equipment that are either in use today, or could be expected to be of importance in the
future. I realized that the topic of each chapter would be broad enough, in principle, to lay the foundation for individual
books of their own. As such, the chapters needed only cover the most relevant aspects of each topic. Therefore, this book
series will, hopefully, serve as references for different aspects relating to both the academic and the clinical practice of
a medical physicist.
I originally struggled with the definition of the word ‘handbook’. I did not want the chapters to serve as point-by-
point guidelines, but rather to function as independent chapters to be read more or less independently of one another.
Consequently, there is some overlap in the content between chapters but, from a pedagogical point-of-view, I do not see
this as a drawback, as repetition of key aspects may aid in the learning.
Volume I in the series of three books focuses primarily on the detection of radiation, beginning with an introduction
to the history of nuclear medicine. This introduction is followed by chapters emphasising basic physics, interaction
processes and radionuclide production, after which different types of detectors ranging from single ionisation chambers
to complex PET/CT and PET/MRI system are described. To get a better understanding of image-based nuclear medicine
systems characteristics, we then also describe properties of digital imaging, tools utilized for image access, processing,
and reconstruction, and discuss how to calibrate systems and accurately process data and extract quantitative informa-
tion. Due to the rapid increase in the use of machine learning, this topic is also covered in this volume. Lastly, since
hybrid SPECT/PET and CT/MRI systems are oftentimes used in combination, and such systems are likely to become
more widely used in the foreseeable future, two chapters are dedicated to describing the basic principles of CT and MRI.
These three volumes are the result of the efforts of outstanding authors who, despite the exceptional circumstances
related to the COVID-19 pandemic, have managed to keep to the deadline of the project –although, I must admit, there
were times when I questioned the feasibility of doing this. As COVID-19 hit, many of us were faced with unexpected
tasks to solve: distance teaching, restrictions and changes in administration, and sometimes also rapid modifications to
local procedures at departments and hospitals. Naturally, the combined effect of these interruptions impacted the time
available to dedicate to writing. However, despite these many challenges, we all did our utmost to complete the chapters
according to the deadline.
I would like to thank all authors for their contributions, which made these books possible. You have all done a phe-
nomenal job, especially considering the extraordinary circumstances we are currently faced with, but also considering
the fact that you all have other obligations of high priority. I would especially like to thank Professor Philip Elsinga,
who initially helped me define the content of the radiopharmaceutical section being prepared for Volume III. This sub-
topic of nuclear medicine is the one I have the least knowledge of, and I am therefore very grateful for the kind support
I received during the initial planning of Volume III.
I would like to thank CRC Press officials for entrusting me with the position as editor of this series of books. I would
also like to thank Kirsten Barr, Rebecca Davies and Francesca McGowan, who have been the points of contact for me
during these years.
It is also important to acknowledge two authors who are sadly no longer with us: Anna Celler, University of British
Columbia, Vancouver, Canada, and Lennart Johansson, Umeå University, Sweden. Both were dear friends and great
scientists. Throughout the years, their work has made a huge impact in their respective fields of research.
x Preface
Finally, I would like to dedicate this work to my wife, Karin, as well as to my beloved daughter Johanna, who
lives in Brisbane, where she is pursuing her PhD at the University of Queensland. Karin –I am so grateful for your
patience, especially during the intense period around Christmastime right before the submission of the manuscript for
this volume. I love you both very much.
Michael Ljungberg, PhD
Professor, Medical Radiation Physics, Lund
Lund University, Lund, Sweden
Editor Bio
Michael Ljungberg is a Professor at Medical Radiation Physics, Lund, Lund University, Sweden. He started his
research in the Monte Carlo field in 1983 through a project involving a simulation of whole-body counters but later
changed the focus to more general applications in nuclear medicine imaging and Single Photon Emission Computed
Tomography (SPECT). As a parallel to his development of the Monte Carlo code SIMIND, he started working in 1985
with quantitative SPECT and problems related to attenuation and scatter. After earning his PhD in 1990, he received
a research assistant position that allowed him to continue developing SIMIND for quantitative SPECT applications
and established successful collaborations with international research groups. At this time, the SIMIND program also
became used worldwide. Dr. Ljungberg became an associate professor in 1994 and in 2005, after working clinically as a
nuclear medicine medical physicist, received a full professorship in the Science Faculty at Lund University. He became
head of the Department of Medical Radiation Physics in 2013 and a full professor in the Medical Faculty in 2015.
Besides the development of SIMIND to include a new camera system with CZT detectors, his research includes
an extensive project in oncological nuclear medicine and, with colleagues, he developed dosimetry methods based on
quantitative SPECT, Monte-Carlo absorbed dose calculations, and methods for accurate 3D dose planning for internal
radionuclide therapy. In recent years, his work has focused on implementing Monte-Carlo based image reconstruction
in SIMIND. He is also involved in the undergraduate education of medical physicists and biomedical engineers and is
supervising MSC and PhD students. In 2012, Professor Ljungberg became a member of the European Association of
Nuclear Medicines task group on dosimetry and served in that group for six years. He has published over a hundred
original papers, 18 conference proceedings, 18 books and book chapters and 14 peer-reviewed papers.
Gudrun Alm Carlsson Brian F Hutton
Department of Radiation Physics, Linköping University, Institute of Nuclear Medicine, University College
Linköping, Sweden London (UCL), United Kingdom
Karl Åström Mats Isaksson
Centre for Mathematical Sciences, Lund University, Medical Radiation Sciences, Institute of Clinical
Lund, Sweden Sciences, Sahlgrenska Academy, University of
Gothenburg, Gothenburg, Sweden
Tom Bäck
Medical Radiation Sciences, Institute of Clinical Bo-Anders Jönsson
Sciences, Sahlgrenska Academy, University of Medical Radiation Physics Lund, Lund University,
Gothenburg, Sweden Lund, Sweden
Ronald Boellaard Andres Kaalep
Department of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine of Department of Medical Technology, North Estonia
the Amsterdam University Medical Centres, VU Medical Centre Foundation, Tallinn, Estonia
University Medical Center (VUMC), in Amsterdam,
Chi Liu
Department of Radiology and Biomedical Imaging, Yale
Anna Celler School of Medicine, New Haven, Connecticut, USA
Department of Radiology, University of British
Michael Ljungberg
Columbia, Vancouver, Canada
Medical Radiation Physics Lund, Lund University,
Magnus Dahlbom Lund, Sweden
Ahmanson Translational Theranostics Division,
Hans Lundqvist
Department of Molecular and Medical Pharmacology,
Department of Immunology, Genetics and Pathology,
David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA, Los
Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden
Angeles, USA
Brian W. Miller
John Dickson
Department of Medical Imaging, University of Arizona,
Institute of Nuclear Medicine, University College
Tucson, Arizona, USA
London Hospitals (UCLH) and University College
London, United Kingdom Anders Örbom
Department of Clinical Sciences Lund, Oncology, Lund
Kjell Erlandsson
University, Lund, Sweden
Institute of Nuclear Medicine, University College
London (UCL), United Kingdom Christopher Rääf
Medical Radiation Physics, Department of Translational
Jonathan Gear
Medicine, Lund University, Malmö, Sweden
Joint Department of Physics, The Royal Marsden
National Health Service Foundation Trust (NHSFT), Andrew J. Reader
Sutton, United Kingdom School of Biomedical Engineering and Imaging Sciences,
King’s College London, United Kingdom
Mikael Gunnarsson
Radiation Physics, Skåne University Hospital, Malmö, Per Roos
Sweden Environment, Safety, Health & Quality (ESH&Q)
Division, European Spallation Source ERIC,
Johan Gustafsson
Lund, Sweden
Medical Radiation Physics Lund, Lund University,
Lund, Sweden David Sarrut
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS),
Charles Herbst
Université de Lyon, CREATIS lab; UMR5220, Inserm
Department of Medical Physics, University of the Free
U1206, Institut national des sciences appliquées
State, Bloemfontein, South Africa
(INSA) -Lyon, Université Lyon and Léon Bérard
Cancer Center, Lyon, France
1.1 1890–1930: The Random Discoveries and Systematic Research............................................................................ 1
1.2 1930–1950: Discovery, Production, and Development of Radionuclides................................................................ 4
1.3 1950–1970: First Imaging Apparatus and Radiopharmaceuticals............................................................................ 7
1.4 1970–1990: Tomographic Techniques, Radioimmunology, and Dosimetry.......................................................... 11
1.5 1990–2010: Improved Imaging by Multi-Modality Systems and Novel Molecular Imaging................................ 12
References����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 13
This chapter provides a historic overview, primarily in chronological order, of those milestones and pioneer’s research
which have been relevant and important for the development of nuclear medicine and today’s status. The content is not
comprehensive, and a full review is beyond the purpose of this chapter. More detailed reviews are available elsewhere
[1–9] as well as articles referred to therein.
DOI: 10.1201/9780429489556-1 1
FIGURE 1.1 Swedish stamps issued by the Swedish Post Office 1961 and 1963 in honour of the Nobel laureates 60 years earlier,
Röntgen (left) and Becquerel and Curie couple (right). Swedish Post Office.
Other scientists who highly influenced the further development of physics and chemistry and were important for
future applications were Joseph John Thomson (1856–1940), Ernest Rutherford, and Frederick Soddy (1877–1956).
Advised by Thomson, Ernest Rutherford in 1896 investigated the effects of X-rays on electrical discharges in gases. The
theories formulated based on his experiments enabled his colleague Thomson to discover the electron in 1897. Through
his studies pertaining to cathode tubes, it was evident that the stream of free particles observed was electrons. As is
well known, high-energy electrons that are slowing down constitute the basics for the generation of bremsstrahlung,
that is, X-rays used for different applications depending on the accelerating voltage. The existence of isotopes was first
suggested in 1913 by the radiochemist Frederick Soddy; however, Thomson was the first to use mass spectrometry and
demonstrated the presence of isotopes, that is, variants of the same chemical elements but with different numbers of
neutrons, in a non-radioactive substance.
An important chemist who pioneered the future of nuclear medicine was George de Hevesy (1885–1966), with his key
role in the development of radioactive tracers being the study of chemical processes such as those pertaining to the metab-
olism of animals. George de Hevesy performed research at several scientific laboratories during his career [12, 13]. In 1911,
de Hevesy worked with Rutherford at the Cavendish Laboratory, where Rutherford asked the young researcher to separate
radium-D (214Pb) that was present in large amounts of natural lead (Pb) in pitchblende. After lengthy trials he failed and
realized that the task could not be accomplished. However, as a result de Hevesy suggested the ingenious idea that a radio-
active element that is inseparable from a chemically identical element (isotope), can be used as an indicator for the same
stable element.
In springtime 1920, de Hevesy went to the Niels Bohr Institute in Copenhagen and spent six years in an extensive
research programme, discovering hafnium (Copenhagen in Latin). He first applied a radioactive isotope, thorium-B (212Pb)
in a study pertaining to the solubility of lead salts. George de Hevesy realized that the method could be used to study bio-
logical processes. At that time, experiments in vivo were difficult because only toxic substances were available, and he
limited his first experiments for studying the uptake and distribution in a flowering plant, that is, the fava bean (Vicia faba).
However, in 1924, together with J.A. Christiansen and Sven Lomholt, he presented the first results from animal studies; 210Pb
and 210Bi were used. Additionally, this excellent scientist presented further discoveries when more human-friendly radio
isotopes became available [1, 12, 13].
Some harmful effects of radiation on tissues became evident quite soon after X-rays and radium were introduced for
medical use. However, biological effects were reliably explained only after several years. This also applies to methods
developed for the measurement of absorbed energy by suitable equipment, as well as any versatile definition of quantities
and units describing exposure to ionizing radiation. In the beginning of the 1920s, a Swedish physicist, Rolf Maximilian
Sievert (1896–1966), also known as the father of radiation protection, became one of the world-leading pioneers in med-
ical radiation physics. Sievert demonstrated characteristic scientific interest in radiation biology and radiation protection
[14]. Beginning in 1921, in his small private physics laboratory (Figure 1.2) in the Radiumhemmet, founded 1910 as the
first oncologic clinic in Sweden, and later at the Radiation Physics Department, Karolinska Institute, in Stockholm, Sievert
developed numerous techniques and equipment used for measuring radiation fields. He designed the Sievert integral and
a capacitor ion chamber that is also known as the Sievert chamber, among other inventions; furthermore, he established a
mobile measurement division [15].
Nobel Laureates with Relevance to Nuclear Medicine. “For the greatest benefit to humankind”: Alfred Nobel
In July 1928, the Second International Congress of Radiology was held in Stockholm, where topics discussed included
haematological diseases that frequently occurred among the X-ray personnel. At the meeting Sievert contributed signifi-
cantly to the discussions regarding radiation protection recommendations and dose limits; consequently, the International
Commission on Radiation Protection, ICRP, was established. Since its inception in 1928, the ICRP has published more
FIGURE 1.2 Rolf M. Sievert (1896–1966) in his private 5 m2 laboratory at the Radium Hospital in Stockholm, 1923. Courtesy of
Swedish Society of Radiation Physics.
than 145 (2020) publications with recommendations for radiation protection, including several for the nuclear medicine
field. In 1928, a quantity that can characterize a photon radiation field in air, that is, the Exposure, with the unit
Roentgen,1 R, was introduced and became an important quantity in radiation protection for a long time to come.
Except for the radium emanation (i.e., radon therapy by radioactive drinking water), used for both medical purposes
and in quackery, it was first of all external X-ray for diagnostics and therapy used in the half of the twentieth cen-
tury. It was not until the 1950s when the first standardization of absorbed dose estimation from internal emitters was
introduced. The use of radium water in vivo was halted, and regulations were quickly established after the tragic deaths
of individuals who deliberately or unknowingly ingested radium. Examples include the radium dial painters [16, 17]
and the quackery scandal that involved the death of prominent businessman Eben M. Byers by radiotoxicity after daily
consumption of radioactive water, ‘Radithor’, which contained radium isotopes and was sold by the William Bailey
Radium Laboratory in New Jersey [18].
α + 13
Al → 30
15 P + 01n followed by 15
P 25
→ 14
Si + β + + ν
In addition to 30P, the couple produced 13N and 27Si, which all demonstrated a continuous spectrum of positrons. However,
the amount of activity produced was insufficient for any application. In the nuclear reaction, in addition to the 30P, a
Exposure (old unit: Roentgen) is only valid for photons in air and is the total charge (in Coulomb) produced per kilogram of air at NTP. 1 R in air
is approximately equivalent to 0.01 Gy in water.
FIGURE 1.3 Irène and Fredric Joliot-Curie, the inventors of the first artificially produced radionuclide, 30P, in their laboratory in
the beginning of the 1930s. Courtesy of: Bibliothèque nationale de France.
neutron is emitted, which was at first misinterpreted as a gamma photon. After additional experiments, James Chadwick
(1891–1974) presented a correct interpretation of these experiments in 1932, and the neutron was discovered. The dis-
covery of the neutron changed the radionuclide research scene, since it enabled artificial radionuclides to be produced
without an accelerator.
In the subsequent years, research intensified into fission and the neutrons emitted, in which both were
misinterpreted but later rectified. In 1939, Otto Hahn (1879–1968) and Friedrich Wilhelm ‘Fritz’ Strassmann
(1902–1980) reported that neutron irradiation of uranium resulted in the production of barium –the first evidence of
fission. Finally, in 1939 Frederik Joliot, Hans von Halban (1908–1964), and Lew Kowarski (1907–1979) published
evidence pertaining to a chain reaction by neutron multiplication due to fission. A few years later in 1942, Enrico
Fermi (1901–1954) demonstrated the first controlled chain reaction, which demonstrated the emission of neutrons
from 235U undergoing fission, and the basics for nuclear reactors were established. When the Second World War
began, nuclear physics became a military science, with its devastating consequences occurring at the end of
the war. However, later fission resulted in extensive civil nuclear power applications, and the neutrons became
an important component for scientific research at neutron facilities, as well as for the production of important
radionuclides for various medical purposes, such as Cobolt-60 and Cesium-137 for external beam therapy; and Xe-
133, Iodine-131 and later Molybden-99, which is used as the mother nuclide in a Technetium-99m generator, for
nuclear medicine. The first reactor-produced radionuclides for clinical applications became available in the United
States at the Oak Ridge reactor in Tennessee, soon after the end of Second World War in 1945, and at Harwell in
the UK from 1947, which became important for Europe [6].
In 1930, a few years before the Curie–Joliot couple demonstrated the first artificially produced radionuclide, Ernest
Orlando Lawrence (1901–1958) built the first successful cyclotron at the University of California, Berkeley. The cyclo-
tron measured only 13 cm in diameter and accelerated protons to 80 keV. Together with Milton Stanley Livingston
(1905–1986), Lawrence continued developing the circular-type accelerator; in 1938, they presented their fourth 37-inch
cyclotron (Figure 1.4), which became another milestone for the production of ‘medical’ radionuclides, from the very
beginning, such as 11C and 32P. The latter began to be used, and still is, for the treatment of polycythemia.
FIGURE 1.4 Stanley Livingston and Ernest Lawrence in front of their 27-inch cyclotron developed in 1934 at the University of
California, Berkeley. Courtesy of Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. The Regents of the University of California, Lawrence
Berkeley National Laboratory.
In 1935, after completing a professorship at the University of Freiburg (1927–1935), George de Hevesy went to the
Niels Bohr Institute in Copenhagen for a second stint (1935–1943). His primary interest was to identify radionuclides
that can be used as tracers in biological research. He managed to produce some kilobecquerels of 32P using a strong
Ra/Be source emitting slow-energy neutrons. George de Hevesy started a series of experiments in which different
P-labelled compounds were administered to animals to study the distribution and metabolism of the substances. This
radiotracer principle is the foundation of all diagnostic and therapeutic nuclear medicine procedures, and de Hevesy is
widely considered as the father of nuclear medicine. After the Nazi regime occupied Denmark, he felt unsafe and, in
October 1943 he fled to Sweden, where he continued his research at the University of Stockholm (Figure 1.5). George
de Hevesey was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1943. In 1948, he published a 556-page compilation about
available isotopes and their applications for research, entitled Radioactive indicators; their applications in biochem-
istry, animal physiology, and pathology [19].
In 1937, the element technetium (Z=43) was discovered by Carlo Perrier (1886–1948) and Emilio Segré (1905–1989).
In 1938, Glenn Theodore Seaborg (1912–1999) together with Segré identified the metastable isotope technetium-99m
(99Tcm). However, it was not until 20 years later that 99Tcm became available for use in nuclear medicine diagnostics, and
when the 99Mo → 99Tcm-generator was invented. Some other well-known radionuclides, that is, 60Co (1937), 131I (1938),
and 137Cs (1941) were discovered by Seaborg and colleagues.
A frequent user of the new Berkeley cyclotron was Joseph Gilbert Hamilton (1907–1957). For instance, he was the
first to study the dynamics and excretion of radioactive sodium in the human body. In 1938, Saul Hertz (1905–1950),
Arthur Roberts (1912–2004), and Robley D. Evans (1907–1995) administered 128I to rabbits and found a significant
uptake in their thyroid glands, more than nine times the concentration in the liver. From this study they predicted that
when higher amounts of activity became available, radioiodine would be a suitable radionuclide for the diagnosis and
therapy of the thyroid [20, 21].
Immediately after the discovery of 131I, it became an important radionuclide in diagnostic nuclear medicine, both for
examinations of the thyroid as well as a tracer in different iodine-labelled substances. The first paper pertaining to the
FIGURE 1.5 The father of radiation protection, Rolf Sievert (left), and the father of nuclear medicine, George de Hevesy (right) in
Stockholm (ca. 1950). Courtesy of Swedish Society of Radiation Physics.
diagnostic use of 131I in patients was published by Hamilton, Mayo Soley (1907–1949), and Evans, in 1939. The first
thyroid treatment using 131I was performed by Hertz in 1941 using a mixture of 90 per cent 130I and 10 per cent 131I, which
was administered to a female patient with hyperthyroidism.
The therapeutic application of 131I became prominent in the 1940s, resulting in a breakthrough in radionuclide
therapy after its discovery and introduction in the late 1930s. The first major achievement occurred in 1946 when 131I
was discovered to be a suitable radionuclide for diagnosing thyroid diseases, and Samuel M. Seidlin (1896–1955),
Leo D. Marinelli (1906–1974), and Eleanor Oshry (1920–2007) treated a patient with thyroid cancer using 131I. In the
next year, Benedict Cassen (1902–1972) used 131I to examine whether benign thyroid nodules could be differentiated
from malignant ones. The use of 131I for the diagnosis and treatment of thyroid diseases gradually spread worldwide.
In 1949 George Ansell and Joseph Rotblat (1908–2005) produced the first radioiodine scan of a patient with goitre
in Liverpool University’s physics department, using a collimated Geiger–Müller detector. Two years later, a scintil-
lation detector designed for brain studies and using 131I-fluorescein was developed by E.H. Belcher and H.D. Evans
[6]. In Sweden, inspired by a visit to the United States, Bengt Skanse (1918–1963) and Jan Waldenström (1906–1996)
introduced 131I for the diagnosis and treatment of thyroid illness around 1950, when nuclear medicine began to be used
at university hospitals [1, 22]. For examination of the localization of brain tumours prior to surgery, George Moore used
I-diiodofluorescein in 1947, whereas B. Silverstone used 32P in 1949. Another radionuclide, 198Au, was used by
Müller and colleagues in 1945 for intracavitary purposes.
In 1949 Leonidas D. Marinelli (1906–1974) presented early formulas for internal dosimetry, whereby he
described the relationship between radiation dosage (absorbed dose was not yet defined) and the concentration of
a radionuclide. He introduced two quantities, ‘equivalent roentgen’ and ‘differential absorption ratio’, where the
latter refers to the ratio between the concentration in a specific tissue to the average body concentration. Pertinent
information was presented in tables, as were some clinical applications and formulas for some of the specific
radionuclides available at the time [23].
The company Abbott Laboratory began selling 131I-HSA 1950 and FDA-approved Na131I (sodium-iodine) for patient
use in 1951. In 1955, George V. Taplin used 131I-labelled rose bengal for scintigraph liver imaging, and 131I-hippuran to
measure kidney function using scintillation detectors. Other applications included a test with vitamin B12 labelled with
Co. Subsequently in 1953, Robert F. Schilling used other cobalt isotopes for studies of blood diseases, and in 1957
H. Knipping used 133Xe to measure lung ventilation.
For many years the only detector available for non-invasive gamma measurement was the Geiger–Müller detector.
When collimated, it could be moved step-by-step over the thyroid for ‘imaging’ using 131I. As this was an ineffective
detection method, physicists were looking for more efficient detector materials and instruments. The photoelectron
multiplier tube (PMT) was developed in 1940 by C.C. Larson and H. Salinger. In combination with a NaI(Tl) scintilla-
tion crystal it became the detector of choice for almost all measurements of gamma radiation in nuclear medicine and
paved the way for further development of better detector systems. The first scintillation detector consisted of a CaW-
crystal was constructed by Benedict Cassen and colleagues in 1950 and used for scintigraphy (imaging) of the thyroid
after administration of 131I. The detector was improved by the introduction of a larger NaI(Tl) crystal connected to a
PMT. The first medical detection of positron emission, that is, annihilation photons detected by two of NaI(Tl) detectors
connected in coincidence, was performed already in 1951 by Gordon Brownell (1922–2005) and William Sweet (1910–
2001), using 64Cu and 74As to localize brain tumours.
The instruments and counting methods were successively developed, and in 1951 Cassen and colleagues presented
the rectilinear scanner, that is, the scintigraph, which automatically positioned the detector and scan over an organ
[24–26]. The rectilinear scanner became important equipment in nuclear medicine departments worldwide and was
extensively used for imaging to produce a scintigram of organs such as the brain, lung, liver, spleen, and thyroid until
the 1980s. In 1951, the first rectilinear scanning device in the UK was developed at the Royal Cancer Hospital London
to image the thyroid gland [6]. In 1957, the first whole-body scintigraph was developed by a Swedish team comprising
Lars Jonsson, Lars-Gunnar Larsson (1919–2009), and Inger Ragnhult (1925–2006) [1, 22, 27] (Figure 1.6). The pri-
mary radiopharmaceuticals that dominated were 131I, 85Sr and 198Au. However, the acquisition time required for large
organs was lengthy, which made dynamic studies impossible. A solution to this had already come in 1952, when Hal
O. Anger (1920–2005) invented the pin-hole camera, which through a collimator projected an image on a NaI(Tl)
crystal in optical contact with photographic film [28]. A similar method was developed by Sven Johansson (1923–1994)
and Bengt Skanse (1918–1963) (Figure 1.7), but with a multiple parallel hole collimator, which increased the sensitivity,
yet insufficient for medical purposes [29].
FIGURE 1.6 The whole-body scintigraph developed by Lars Jonsson and Inger Ragnhult at the Isotope Laboratory, Karolinska
Hospital, Stockholm, which was later sold by LKB Ltd (left). An example of an 131I scintigram with low activity in the thyroid (a) and
metastasis in the right lung (b) after thyroid cancer treatment. The high activity in the left thigh (c) is an image artefact due to a
contaminated handkerchief after the patient coughed up activity. Courtesy of Swedish Society of Radiation Physics.
FIGURE 1.7 The first scintillation camera: (a) parallel hole collimator, (b) scintillation NaI(Tl) crystal and (c) holder for a
photographic plate developed by Lund University, Lund, Sweden.
A more significant step in the development of instrumentation in nuclear medicine was the development of the scin-
tillation camera in 1958 by Hal O. Anger. He replaced the film with an array of PMTs mounted on a large single NaI(Tl)
crystal. The origin of the registered gamma ray –that is, the scintillation in the crystal –was detected by weighting
together the signals from the PMTs. This apparatus, also known as the Anger camera or gamma camera, revolutionized
the field of nuclear medicine and was a real breakthrough for imaging, thereby enabling dynamic in vivo studies pos-
sible. The first Anger camera was installed at Ohio State University in 1962 by Nuclear Chicago and in subsequent years
at many hospitals in the United States and Europe. The technique is still the basis used in today’s single photon emission
computed tomography (SPECT) cameras, although extensive improvement has been achieved since then [3, 30].
The 99Mo → 99Tcm –generator (Figure 1.8) was developed in 1957 by Walter Tucker and Margaret Greene at the
Hot Laboratory Division, Brookhaven National Laboratory, managed by Powell Richards (1917–2010). After a sluggish
start, 99Tcm labelled to numerous substances became the world’s most widely used radionuclide for in vivo imaging, both
with planar scintillation cameras and SPECT. The mother-nuclide 99Mo is produced in specialized fission reactors for
radionuclide production. Other fission-produced medical nuclides include 32P, 51Cr, 90Y, 133Xe, 177Lu and 186Re.
In addition to this breakthrough and the subsequent development of instrumentation for imaging, the need for new
suitable radionuclides for the gamma camera became obvious by production in a cyclotron. Since the pioneering days,
many radionuclides have been developed mainly for diagnostics; many have disappeared completely, whereas others
have been established in recent years. Examples include 57Co, 67Ga, 111In, 123I, and 201Tl, which decay by electron capture
(EC) and emits γ -radiation. Positron emitters utilized in positron emission tomography (PET) imaging are 11C, 13N, 15O,
F, 64Cu, 68Ga, 110In, and 124I. Examples of radionuclides for therapy include β--emitters such as 32P, 90Y 131I, 153Sm, 177Lu,
Au, and 186Re, as well as some α -emitting radionuclides, for example, 211At and 223Ra [31].
( )
FIGURE 1.8 The first 99Tcm-generator prototype 99 Mo → 99Tc m → 99Tc , invented in 1958 at Brookhaven National Laboratory,
Upton, New York, by Walt Tucker, Powell Richards, and Margaret Greene. The 99Tcm pertechnetate solution is eluted as an ionic yield
from 99Mo bound to a substrate in the chromatographic column. Courtesy of Brookhaven National Laboratory.
The first medical cyclotron placed at a hospital for direct in-house production was built in 1955 at the Hammersmith
Hospital, London, followed by the first installation in an American hospital at the Washington University Medical
School in 1961. Subsequently, it was installed at many hospitals in the United States, and then worldwide. The number
of cyclotrons existing currently is estimated to be more than a thousand.
The increasing use of radiopharmaceuticals during the 1950s necessitated the establishment of special radiopharmacy
facilities at hospitals. Radioactive open sources were managed by hospital radiopharmacists, who used special equipment
for dispensing owing to high activities and emitted radiation. At this time, medical physics progressed considerably, and
a more formal academic society with a wider circle of members with interest in the field was necessitated, and many
important societies were established. Many well-educated and trained clinical physicists at the hospitals contributed
significantly to the development in the field of nuclear medicine in the subsequent decades.
A noteworthy aspect in nuclear medicine that is non-existent currently owing to newer fluorescent-antibody
techniques, is radioimmunoassay (RIA), which was developed in 1959 by Rosalyn Yalow (1921–2011) and Saloman
Berson (1918–1972) [32]. RIA is an in vitro nuclear medicine method for the quantitative measurement of small
amounts of substances in plasma, such as hormones. The method mainly uses the characteristic X-ray-emitting and
γ-emitting nuclide 125I (discovered by Allen Reid and Albert Keston in 1946), but also β- emitting nuclides such as 3H,
C, 35S, and 32, 33P.
The 1950s was also the decade in which internal dosimetry evolved. In 1956, G.L. Brownell and Gerald J. Hine
(1916–1987) together with Robert Loevinger (1916–2005) published a standard of absorbed dose estimations
from internal emitters and described early studies of compartmental analysis of radiopharmaceuticals. In 1965,
a committee named Medical Internal Radiation Dose (MIRD) was established within the Society of Nuclear
Medicine; its purpose was to develop standardized internal dosimetry procedures, improve published decay data
for radionuclides and enhance the data on pharmacokinetics of radiopharmaceuticals. The first report, MIRD
Pamphlet No. 1, was published in 1968 [33].
In 1961, David H. Ingvar (1924– 2000) and Niels A. Lassen (1926– 1997) introduced 133Xe for quantitative
measurements of regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) using a system of multiple single NaI(Tl)-detectors [1]. In 1962,
David Kuhl (1929–2017) introduced emission reconstruction tomography, which was later further developed and
became the basis for image reconstruction in SPECT, PET and CT. Its reconstruction method was relatively simple, and
the rapid development of computer tomography, CT, by Godfrey Hounsfield (1919–2004) benefitted PET significantly.
New radiopharmaceuticals and applications were continually developed. In 1963, Henry Wagner (1927–2012)
introduced 131I-labelled albumin aggregates for imaging of lung perfusion, which was performed on himself by his
colleague Masahiro Lio. This was the first produced lung scan ever performed in a human being; subsequently, it
was performed on a patient with acute pulmonary embolism [34]. Furthermore, 131I-labelled albumin aggregates were
also used to study of the macrophage system in the liver by George V. Taplin (1910–1979). Another scintigraphy
study performed was 133Xe ventilation for pulmonary embolism by Wagner and colleagues in 1968. Additionally, C.L.
Edwards used 67Ga for tumour scintigraphy.
brain parenchyma. In 1985, Peter Ell and colleagues published the world’s first cerebral blood flow image using 99Tcm-
HMPAO. Because both are liposoluble, they became an alternative to 111In-oxine for labelling of leukocytes for imaging
of unknown inflammations, as shown by Peters and colleagues (1988) [39].
With this chapter’s modest overview of numerous milestones and breakthroughs in the field of nuclear medicine
for more than a whole century, the author wishes upon the reader many interesting hours of reading of the continuing
chapters of this book, and new self-improvements in the exciting field of nuclear medicine. Remember –our current
actions will be history tomorrow.
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2.1 The Atom and Its Nucleus...................................................................................................................................... 15
2.1.1 Understanding Radioactivity...................................................................................................................... 15
2.1.2 Nuclear Physical Symbols and Notations.................................................................................................. 17
2.1.3 Stable and Unstable Nuclides..................................................................................................................... 19
2.1.4 Electron Energy Levels.............................................................................................................................. 20
2.1.5 Nuclear Energy Levels............................................................................................................................... 22
2.2 Radioactive Decay.................................................................................................................................................. 24
2.2.1 Mass–energy Relationships........................................................................................................................ 24
2.2.2 Nucleus mass defect and bonding energy.................................................................................................. 24
2.2.3 Different Types of Instability..................................................................................................................... 24
2.2.4 Decay Scheme............................................................................................................................................ 25
2.2.5 α-decay....................................................................................................................................................... 25
2.2.6 β--decay...................................................................................................................................................... 27
2.2.7 β+-decay...................................................................................................................................................... 28
2.2.8 Decay by Electron Capture........................................................................................................................ 30
2.3 Interpretation of Decay Schemes........................................................................................................................... 32
2.3.1 137Cesium.................................................................................................................................................... 32
2.3.2 99mTechnetium............................................................................................................................................. 33
2.4 Radioactive Decay Time......................................................................................................................................... 34
2.5 Decay Chains.......................................................................................................................................................... 34
2.5.1 Complex Decay Chains.............................................................................................................................. 36
2.6 Radionuclide Data Sources.................................................................................................................................... 36
References........................................................................................................................................................................ 37
DOI: 10.1201/9780429489556-2 15
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Random Scribd Documents
Anoplotheria, 290.
A n o p l o t h e r o ï d e n , II 304.
A n t h e r o z o ï d e n , 501.
A n t h r o p o ï d e n , 318.
A n t h r o p o m o r p h e n , 41;
afleiding van den mensch van Afrikaansche —, 384.
Anthropopithecus, 421.
A n t i l o p e n , II 259.
A p e n , de hersenen der — volgens het zelfde plan gebouwd als die van den
mensch, 39;
voorpooten der — homoloog en analoog met [495]de armen van den mensch,
gelijkenis van den mensch op de —, 40;
— vierhandig, 41;
twijfel of de — werkelijk vierhandig zijn, 41;
verdeeling der —, 291;
pronken der — met hun naakte achterdeelen een bewijs vóór Darwin, II 376;
fossiele —, 416;
verwantschap tusschen — en menschen, 292;
gestaarte —, 318, 320;
ongestaarte —, 320.
A r c h e g o n i ë n , 501.
A r c h e n c e p h a l a , 289.
A r c h a e o l i t h i s c h e periode, 319.
Archaeopteryx, 297.
A r c h i - a n n e l i d e n , 300.
A r c t i s c h ras, 376.
Argonauta, verbreede eindplaten aan twee der vangarmen bij het wijfje van —,
A r i o - R o m a n e n , 382.
A r m e n , van een mensch homoloog en analoog met de voorpooten van een aap,
Ascoparea, 291.
A s s y r i ë r s , afbeeldingen van — op Egyptische monumenten, 372.
A t a v i s m e , 38;
— berust meestal op stilstand in de ontwikkeling, 38.
„A u e r o c h s ”, II 257.
A u s t r a l i ë r s , 381;
schedelinhoud der —, 107;
afstamming der —, II 337.
A u s t r a l i s c h e r a s , 379, 380.
Autamoebae, 319.
A u t o g e n i e , 314.
A v e s , 313.
A x o l o t l , 312.
B a a r d k o e k o e k e n , zie Bucconidae.
B a a r d v o g e l s , zie Capitonidae.
B a a r s , het voorkomen van hermaphrodiete voorwerpen bij de —, 309.
Balistes, II 35;
vetula, ontstaan van het geluid van —, II 35;
aculeatus, II 35.
B a l t i s c h e s t a m , 382.
B a n d b u n s i n g s , zie Rhabitogale.
B a r a b r a , 379.
B a s k e n , 379, 381.
B é d o r , over het verbieden van het huwelijk aan mannen met vrouwelijke
borsten, 50.
B e e r , 42.
B e r b e r s , 379;
de Guanches met de — verwant, 44.
B i b a n - e l - M o l o e k , vallei —, II 348.
B i c k e s , Kapt., over het betrekkelijke aantal der seksen bij wettige en onwettige
geboorten, 504;
over de geboorten in verschillende landen van Europa, 504.
Bimana, 289.
Bipinnaria, 307.
B i s o n , Amerikaansche —, II 257.
B i s o n , Europeesche —, II 257;
beenderen van den —, 46.
B l a a s o p , 574.
B l a u w b o k , II 259.
B l e e k b o k , II 259.
B l o e m d r a g e n d e gewassen, 501.
B l o e m l o o z e gewassen, 501.
B o e m e r a n g , Australische —, 260.
B o k k e n , melkgevende —, 50.
B o o m k r u i p e r s , II 174.
B o r s t e l w o r m e n , 528.
B o r s t k l i e r e n , invloed van de ontwikkeling der — van den man op de
geslachtsdeelen, 42.
B o s j e s m a n n e n , 410;
steatopygie bij de vrouwen der —, 378.
B r a b a n t , Noord-, zie N o o r d - B r a b a n t .
B r i t t a n n i ë r s , 382.
B r o n c h i , zie L o n g p i j p e n .
B r o n s t i j d , 43, 373;
waarom zoo genoemd, 43.
Bucconidae, II 174.
B u f f e l , Indische —, II 259.
B u i d e l r a t t e n , 318, 320.
„B u l l - F r o g ”, II 36.
B i j e n v r e t e r s , zie Meropidae.
C a m b r i s c h e periode, 319.
Capitonidae, II 174.
Caprimulgidae, II 95.
C a t a p h r a c t i e , II 35.
Centropus, II 174.
Cephalochorda, 302.
Cephalodiscus, 302.
Certhiadae, II 95.
Certhiola, II 174.
Cetacea, 290.
Chaetophora, 528.
Characeae, 501.
Characiniden, II 35.
Chasmorhynchus, II 95.
Chauliodus, 35.
C h i m p a n z e e , 318, 320;
afbeelding der hersenen van den — door Schroeder van der Kolk en Vrolik, 39;
woonplaats van den —, 41, 294;
— den mensch hoe langer hoe meer ongelijk naarmate hij meer tot den
volwassen toestand nadert, 45;
gemiddelde schedelinhoud van den —, 108.
C h i n a , steenperiode in —, 262;
oudheid der geschiedenis van —, 406.
C h i n e e s , het schoonheidsgevoel van een — wijkt van het onze af, 611.
C h i n e e z e n , 381;
gemiddelde schedelinhoud der —, 107.
C h o r d a d o r s a l i s , 149.
Chordata, 301.
C i r c a s s i ë r s , 379.
Clamatores, II 95.
Climacteris, II 174.
C l o a c a , 42;
voorkomen van een — bij een vrouw, 106.
C o e n o l i t h i s c h e tijdvak, 320.
Colobus, 318.
Colopteridae, II 95.
Conger, 309.
Coraciadae, II 95.
Corvidae, II 95.
Cotingidae, II 88.
Coturnix, II 215.
Craniota, 313.
C r e t i n s , 320.
C r o m l e c h , 385.
Crossopterygii, 317.
Cryptogamae, 501.
Ctenophora, 528.
Cursores, 501.
C u v i e r , zijn meening omtrent het maaksel der hersenen van de apen, 39.
C y c l o s t o m e n , 314, 316.
Cyprinoidei, II 35.
Cyprinus barbus, II 35.
Cypselidae, 95.
C z e c h e n , 382.
Dactylopterus, II 35;
— volitans, II 35;
— orientalis, II 35.
D a g h e s t a n e r s , 379.
„D a l - r i p a ”, 510.
D a r m k a n a a l , 42.
D a r m l a r v e , 316.
D e n d r i t e n , 44.
D e s m a n s , zie Myogale.
D e v o n i s c h e periode, 319.
Dicotyledones, 218.
Didelphyus, 320.
Didus, 501.
D i g g e r - I n d i a a n , 372.
D i k h u i d i g e D i e r e n , zie Pachydermata.
D i l u v i a l e tijdvak, 372.
D i l u v i u m , 320;
vuursteenen wapenen gevonden in het —, 36;
bewijzen van het bestaan van den mensch gedurende het —, 36, 294;
gedurende het — leefde de mensch reeds tegelijk met uitgestorven diersoorten,
Diodon, II 35.
Dircenna, 570.
Discomedusae, 528.
Discoplacentalia, 318;
gezamenlijke voorouders van de —, 318.
D o l m e n , 385;
werktuigen in de — gevonden, 385;
— door de Khasia’s gebouwd, 386.
D o l m e n s , van Chamant en Maintenon, beenderen uit de —, 49;
volk der —, woonplaatsen van het —, 386.
D e k s i e ’s, II 34.
D o n g o l e e z e n , 607, II 381.
D o o f s t o m m e n , 320;
overerving opgemerkt bij de spreekorganen van —, 159.
Doras, II 25;
— maculatus, II 35.
D r a v i d a - r a s , 379, 380.
D r a v i d a ’s, 381;
wijken niet terug voor de blanken, 387.
D r i l , 150.
Dryopithecus Fontani, niet nader met den mensch verwant dan de thans levende
anthropomorphen, 296.
D u i k e r , II 259.
D u i t s c h e r s , 382;
gemiddelde schedelinhoud der —, 107.
Echidna, 318.
E e n d e n , wilde, II 34.
E e n h o e v i g e Dieren, 290.
E g y p t e n a r e n , oude, 379;
oude —, rastype der — van Philae af tot Ghizeh toe op alle monumenten de
zelfde, 371;
of de seksen bij de oude — al dan niet verschillend gekleurd waren? II 377;
uit het Noorden gekomen —, 413.
E g y p t i s c h e Koningsgraven, II 348.
E i l a n d e n , koraal-, 42.
Elephas meridionalis, mededeelingen van C. Vogt, over het gelijktijdig leven van
den mensch en —, 295.
E m a i l v i s s c h e n , 317.
Enteropneusta, 316.
Epiglottis, 383.
E p i p h y s e , zie P i j n a p p e l k l i e r .
Eriodoridae, II 95.
Estrelda, II 174.
E u r o p e a n e n , 379.
Eurylaemidae, II 174.
F a l l a h , 379.
F a z a n t , Konings—, II 173.
F a z a n t , Koper—, II 173.
F a z a n t , Reeve’s —, II 173.
F a z a n t , Soemmerring’s —, II 173.
F e i t e l i j k e bevolking, 506.
F e l l a h , 379.
F e l l a t i n , 379.
F i n n e n , 381.
F o e l h , 379.
F o e l a n , 379.
F o e l b e , 379.
F o s s i e l e apen, 416.
F r e t j e , 147.
F r i e z e n , 382.
Fringillidae, II 95.
G a l e n , 382.
G a l l i ë r s , 382.
G a p e r s , zie Anastomus.
G a s t r a e a d e n , 315, 319.
G e b e r g t e n , onderzeesche—, 42.
G e b o o r t e n , verhouding der — in verschillende landen van Europa en aan de
Kaap de Goede Hoop, 504;
verhouding der seksen bij wettige en onwettige —, 505.
G e l u i d g e v e n d e v i s s c h e n , II 35.
G e o r g i ë r s , 379.
Gephyrea, 302.
G e v o e l s k l a n k e n , 156.
G e w e r v e l d e D i e r e n , zie Vertebrata.
G i b b , G. Duncan, over het verschil in den larynx bij den neger en den blanke,
G i b b o n , 320.
G i e r z w a l u w e n , zie Cypselidae.
G o r i l l a , 318, 320;
woonplaats van den —, 41;
gemiddelde schedelinhoud van den —, 108;
voet van den — en den mensch, 293.
G o t h e n , 382.
G o u b e r , Prof., over een man met luchtzakken aan het strottenhoofd, II 302.