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371 August 2020

Analysis of workplace giving campaigns offers

tips on employee engagement
The latest analysis of employee giving programs in philanthropy.
conducted by workplace giving and engagement Q: Per the report, 75% of companies that offer both
platform, YourCause finds that employers that offer giving and volunteering opportunities for their employ-
a mix of opportunities for their workers to both give ees have twice the employee engagement of companies
and volunteer with causes they care about end up only offering one or the other. What explains this?
getting more of both. A: We have observed, through our four decades
That’s just one of several key findings explored of working with nonprofit organizations, that vol-
in the company’s recent report, Industry Review: unteers are committed donors. The theory behind
Employee Engagement and Corporate Social Respon- this is that volunteerism, by definition, takes time
sibility. Although the data are useful for charities in and effort and people who choose to expend these
terms of improving their own employee engagement valuable resources develop a deeper connection with
programs, they can also use the insights to better un- the organizations they serve, actually getting to see
derstand the motivations and strategies of the various with their own eyes what the organizations do. This
businesses they look to for support. personal knowledge builds a connection that helps
Nonprofit Business Advisor recently spoke with (See WORKPLACE on page 2)
Rachel Hutchisson, VP of Corporate Citizenship and
Philanthropy at Blackbaud, YourCause’s corporate Call for Nominations for .ORG
parent, about the findings and what employers—big Impact Awards
or small, for-profit or nonprofit—can do to ensure The Public Interest Registry, the owner of the
their programs are effective at engaging their workers .ORG domain, has issued a Call for Nominations
for the 2nd Annual .ORG Impact Awards, which
honor the organizations and individuals making
Also in this issue the world a better place.
Award winners will be announced as part of
Conferences & Events: Grant Professionals
Association Annual Conference; ARNOVA 2020
“The Ten Days of .ORG,” an online event be-
Annual Conference; ASAE 2020 Technology ginning on Nov. 30 that celebrates the range of
Exploration Conference. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 achievements and impacts made by nonprofit or-
Industry News: Giving USA report shows uptick in ganizations and individuals engaged in community
charitable giving for 2019. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 service over the past year.
Nonprofit Research: Survey shows a third of The 2020 awards feature 10 categories with
nonprofits could close within a year due to COVID-19. 6 winners receiving amounts of up to $30,000.
Direct service providers hit hardest by pandemic . . . . . . 6 Award categories include combating the corona-
Industry News: New rules on fundraising platforms virus, fighting hunger and poverty; championing
progress through California legislature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 equality, equity and inclusion; promoting educa-
Ultra-high-net-worth individuals not fully engaged in tion; advancing environmental sustainability; and
philanthropy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 promoting a safer Internet.
Resources: Webinar gives tips on effective storytelling; Nominations are open until Sept. 4, and will
Candid offers introduction to grantseeking; Webinar be reviewed by a roster of judges from the online,
explores key qualities of effective programs. . . . . . . . . . 9 nonprofit and marketing sectors.
Employment Law: Legal cases that impact nonprofits. . 10 Fo r m o re i n f o r m a t i o n , v i s i t h t t p s : / /
News: Briefs from around the sector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 orgimpactawards.org. ■

wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/nba © 2020 Wiley Periodicals LLC • All rights reserved

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WORKPLACE (continued from page 1) to consider volunteerism as an important way to give

back. With so many Generation X, Millennial and
them understand exactly what they are funding Generation Z in the workforce, it is not surprising that
through their donations. we are seeing employees wanting to make a difference
Also, looking at research conducted by the Black- both through volunteerism and charitable giving.
baud Institute, of which I am a senior advisor, we see Q: The report shows that once employees become
that the younger the donor, the more likely they are donors, 87% of them will become returning donors year
over year. Though that’s an encouraging re-up rate,
Nonprofit Business Advisor what can companies (or recipient organizations) do
NONPROFIT BUSINESS ADVISOR (Print ISSN: 1531-5428; Online ISSN: 1949-3193) is
published monthly by Wiley Periodicals LLC, 111 River St., Hoboken, NJ 07030-5774 USA. to encourage this further?
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Copyright and Copying (in any format): Copyright © 2020 Wiley Periodicals LLC. All courage employees to not only engage in giving, but
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DOI: 10.1002/nba

because the identities and histories of these firms are support CSR and larger budgets to provide incentives
often closely connected to the community, and they like matching gifts.
want to engage where their people live and work. Q: The data also show that bringing like-minded
Nonprofits also have the opportunity to develop deep- employees together can be effective, as employers that
er relationships and invite company leaders—at all offer employee resource or affinity groups see an ap-
levels—to serve on committees and boards. Although proximate 12:1 employee engagement rate ratio when
it is true that companies that have branch operations in compared with companies that do not offer groups to
the area, by definition, have leaders that sit elsewhere, employees. How/why does this work?
research will tell if the firm has goals around local in- A: Whether companies offer affinity groups, ERGs
volvement. Nonprofits should look for branches that (employee resource groups) or BRGs (business
have visible local leaders and seek to meet and cultivate resource groups), these groups are meant to create
relationships with these people. As a part of this pro- communities among the employee base, building
cess, nonprofits are well served to ask how companies connections and friendships at work.
communicate internally with their employees and what Because they are often focused around having af-
their needs are. Finally, given the current pandemic, finity with one another in some way, the relationships
nonprofits with quality virtual volunteer opportuni- built through these groups can be very strong. Often
ties should actively reach out through broader means these groups wish to serve together as a part of their
to build their volunteer base (I meet tons of people efforts, either simply to give back to the community
through LinkedIn). Companies like Blackbaud, with in meaningful ways or to help mark a day that is im-
3,300 people who love to serve, can’t find enough of portant to them (for example, Pride and MLK day).
these opportunities to share with our team. The process of serving together builds even greater
Q: Employees at companies on opposite ends of the connections.
size spectrum—those with fewer than 1,000 employees Other studies of younger generations have taught
and those with 1,000,000 or more—tend to donate the us that these employees often prefer to serve together
most. Is there anything specific about organizations in groups, so this also adds to the dynamic. We cer-
of these size ranges that makes them more amenable tainly see all of this at work at Blackbaud with affinity
to engagement? groups, planning and delivering programs for at-risk
A: The data and information we get from custom- youth, participating in celebrations and parades and
ers do not provide enough insight to truly answer this hosting educational sessions with a dose of fun to
question. However, based on my years of experience help share information and build allies.
in this industry, I can tell you it really comes down Also, companies that demonstrate they value and
to company culture. For smaller organizations, it honor employees’ experiences and passions tend to
becomes a matter of being able to easily commu- foster deeper engagement. If companies have ERGs
nicate to everyone what the company is doing in as part of their social good programs, they are inher-
giving and volunteering. Also, employees in smaller ently invested in their employees’ experiences and un-
organizations don’t want to be that one person who is derstand that it is a factor in employee retention. With
not participating. It’s easier to spread the excitement recent events such as the Black Lives Matter move-
and emotion of giving back at a smaller organization. ment, we are seeing employees asking for resource
Making that feeling contagious is very powerful when groups, and more companies are exploring how to
it comes to engagement. create and engrain ERGs into their programs. ■
For larger organizations, building a similar culture
takes cross-departmental and executive support.
For more information
Teams in this category must have a very methodical
way of communicating how the employees can en- Rachel Hutchisson is Vice President of Corporate Citi-
gage and what is important to the company. If done zenship and Philanthropy at Blackbaud, a leading cloud
correctly with departmental and onsite champions, software company powering social good. Serving the
larger organizations can build that same culture and entire social good community, Blackbaud connects and
contagious emotional connection. Larger organiza- empowers organizations to increase their impact through
tions also tend to have a deeper bench and expertise cloud software, services, expertise and data intelligence.
on their CSR team, more sophisticated technology to For more information, visit https://www.blackbaud.com.

© 2020 Wiley Periodicals LLC • All rights reserved 3

DOI: 10.1002/nba

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