Module 1
Module 1
Module 1
A. Introduction
A sensation of emotion or physical discomfort is stress. Any event or thought makes you feel
upset, angry, or anxious may come form it. Among the causes for stress are environmental factors,
exhaustion, too much work, disease, and loneliness. Therefore, stress needs to be better handled and it
is important to learn how to deal with it in the right way.
In this module, you will learn how to escape life pressures, healthy consciousness and healthy
habits through SPORTS for you to become an individual who evolves holistically. By playing sports,
you will know to control tension. This knowledge will assist you to better understand yourself and to
understand what you need to do in terms of improvements in your healthier lifestyle and stress
B. Discussion
Stress Management
Stress is the emotion of being unconditionally. This may take time to handle it properly. It can
also affect physically, emotionally, mentally, socially, and as well as spiritually. Stress can either be
good and bad in terms of handling it but it is more nearer to seriously affects the five aspects mentions
above. Although, stress is actually normal part of our life but still we fight and handle it in the right
Causes of Stress
• Being unhappy in your job
• Having a heavy workload or too much responsibility
• Working long hours
• Having poor management, unclear expectations of your work, or no say in the decision-
making process
• Working under dangerous conditions
• Being insecure about your chance for advancement or risk of termination
• Having to give speeches in front of colleagues
• Facing discrimination or harassment at work, especially if your company isn't supportive
Life stresses can also have a big impact. Examples of life stresses are:
• The death of a loved one
• Divorce
• Loss of a job
• Increase in financial obligations
• Marriage related problems
• Moving to a new home
• Chronic illness or injury
• Emotional problems (depression, anxiety, anger, grief, guilt, low self-esteem)
• Taking care of an elderly or sick family member
• Traumatic event, such as a natural disaster, theft, rape, or violence against you or a loved
Sometimes the stress comes from inside, rather than outside. You can stress yourself out just by worrying
about things. All of these factors can lead to stress:
• Fear and uncertainty. When you regularly hear about the threat of terrorist attacks, global warming,
typhoons, disasters and toxic chemicals on the news, it can cause you to feel stressed, especially
because you feel like you have no control over those events. And even though disasters are typically
very rare events, their vivid coverage in the media may make them seem as if they are more likely to
occur than they really are. Fears can also hit closer to home, such as being worried that you won't finish
a project at work or won't have enough money to pay your bills this month.
• Attitudes and perceptions. For example, if your television set is stolen and you take the attitude, "It's
OK, my insurance company will pay for a new one," you'll be far less stressed than if you think, "My
TV is gone and I'll never get it back! What if the thieves come back to my house to steal again?"
Similarly, people who feel like they're doing a good job at work will be less stressed out by a big
upcoming project than those who worry that they are incompetent.
• Unrealistic expectations. No one is perfect. If you expect to do everything right all the time, you're
destined to feel stressed when things don't go as expected.
• Change. Any major life change can be stressful -- even a happy event like a wedding or a job
promotion. More unpleasant events, such as a divorce, major financial setback, or death in the family
can be significant sources of stress.
Your stress level will differ based on your personality and how you respond to situations. Some people
let everything roll off their back. To them, work stresses and life stresses are just minor bumps in the road.
Others literally worry themselves sick.
C. Readings
• Upset stomach, including diarrhea, constipation, and nausea
• Aches, pains, and tense muscles
• Chest pain and rapid heartbeat
• Insomnia
• Frequent colds and infections
• Loss of sexual desire and/or ability
• Nervousness and shaking, ringing in the ear, cold or sweaty hands and feet
• Dry mouth and difficulty swallowing
• Clenched jaw and grinding teeth
the risk of osteoporosis or breast cancer. Exercising is a common way of releasing and freeing yourself from
• It pumps up your endorphins.
Physical activity helps bump up the production of your brain's feel-good neurotransmitters, called
endorphins. Although this function is often referred to as a runner's high, a rousing game of tennis or a
nature hike also can contribute to this same feeling
• It's meditation in motion.
As you begin to regularly shed your daily tensions through movement and physical activity, you
may find that this focus on a single task, and the resulting energy and optimism, can help you remain calm
and clear in everything you do.
• It improves your mood.
Regular exercise can increase self-confidence, it can relax you, and it can lower the symptoms
associated with mild depression and anxiety. Exercise can also improve your sleep, which is often
disrupted by stress, depression and anxiety. All of these exercise benefits can ease your stress levels and
give you a sense of command over your body and your life.
PART II. Activity Proper
I. Directions: List down five (5) physical activities that will help you cope with stress. Write your answers
inside the ovals provided.
__________________ __________________
activities to help
you cope with
____________________ ____________________
II. Directions: Read the situation below and create at least (5) five suggestive physical activities in order to
battle or lessen the stress considering the availability of resources needed.
Physical Activities
e.g. Morning biking at the park
III. Directions: Make a poster about stress management through physical activity and explain it in not less
than five (5) sentences. Rubrics will be used to rate the activity.
Content and organization
I. Students answer may vary.
B. Directions: Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if the statement is incorrect.
_______1. Sports stimulate the body’s production of endorphins.
_______2. Sports engagement increases self-esteem. Improved self-esteem can dramatically reduce
your overall levels of stress.
_______3. Sports can relieve mental stress by promoting better sleep .
_______4. Sports participation promotes socialization.
_______5. Sports reduce stress and lessen stressors.
C. Directions: Design any sports activity for your family using the template below that can contribute in
coping up stress then answer the follow-up question below. Rubrics will be used to rate your work.
Follow up question:
1. How can the program that you created help you and your family cope with stress. Why?
Rubric in assessing the answers of the learners.
(Adopted from: IRubric Short Answer. Retrieved from
Excellent Good Fair Poor
Criteria Good TOTAL
5 3 2 1
Substantial, Sufficiently Limited Limited There is no
specific develop content with content with clear or
and/or content adequate limited specific
illustrative with elaboration elaboration explanation
Ideas and content adequate or or of answer to
Content demonstrating elaboration explanation. explanation. the question.
strong (deep) or
analysis of the explanation
topics. .
All ideas were Ideas were Some ideas Few ideas Writing was
presented in a presented were were fragmented.
logical order. in a logical presented in presented in Ideas were
Introduction order. logical logical not
was clear, Introductio order. order. presented in
Writing- body included n was clear, Introduction, Introduction, logical
Organization: many details, body body, and body, and order.
Clear, logical and included conclusion conclusion Introduction,
sequence conclusion many were were not body, and
summarized details, and included. included. conclusion
main idea. conclusion were not
summarize clear.
d main
Most Many Some A few Sentences
Writing- sentences sentences sentences sentences were short
varied in varied in varied in varied in and did not
length and length and length and length. Most flow well.
structure. structure. structure. sentences Sentence
Length, variety
Writing had a Some Some did not flow structure did
and flow of natural flow sentences sentences smoothly. not change
writing that made it flow did not flow
easy to read. smoothly. smoothly
Used Used Made 8-10 Made more Few end
scholarly, scholarly mistakes than 10 marks or
topic-specific vocabulary. using end spelling, capital
vocabulary Made less marks or grammar, letters.
Grammar, and made no than 8 capitals as capitalizatio Answers
Spelling, and spelling, spelling, well as n, or contain
other grammar, grammar, spelling. punctuation numerous
Mechanics capitalization, capitalizati Errors exist errors. spelling or
(Punctuation or punctuation on, or in your Mistakes structural
and errors. Used punctuation answer/ make the errors.
capitalization) personal style errors. writing hard Mistakes
and feeling. Few errors to read. make the
exist in writing very
your hard to read.
A. 1. TRUE Students Answer may vary.
2. TRUE Refer to the rubrics
1. A.
2. C
3. D
4. D
5. B
6. C
7. A
8. C
9. D
10. D
A. Books
Callo, Lualhati. & Dajime, Peter. (2016). Physical Education and Health. Quezon City: Rex Book
Store. Volume 1
Gialogo, Ryan & Gialogo, Richarson. (2016). Fit for life. Quezon City: Phoenix Publishing House
B. Government Publications
DepEd Central Office. (2016) Physical Education and Health- Teachers Guide. First Edition