that have low or no activity in the correspond- efforts to map the functional genome. The EVOLUTION
ing normal tissues, leading to activation of Roadmap Epigenomics (10) and Genotype-
large sets of gene regulatory elements (9). In
addition, many driver mutations affect chro-
matin modifiers or alter levels of CpG meth-
Tissue Expression (GTEx) (11) projects pri-
marily focus on normal tissues, whereas
the main drive of ENCODE (5) is to iden-
Our shallow-
ylation of DNA, leading to destabilization of
the entire chromatin regulatory system (1,
tify functional genomic elements; although
cancer cells are used as models in some of water origins
2). It is difficult for evolutionary processes to these projects, the cell lines used do not ad-
remove large sets of potentially harmful ele- equately represent major forms of human
Coastal habitats represent
ments from our genome, as each individual cancer. Previous epigenomic studies of can- a cradle of diversification
element has limited impact at the population cer, in turn, have mainly focused on targeted
level, and cancer generally affects individuals DNA methylation analysis (12), transcription
for early vertebrates
who are above reproductive age. Therefore, it factor binding analyses in a few cell lines
is likely that elements that are specifically ac- (13), or analysis of histone modifications in By Catalina Pimiento1,2
tivated in cancer are present in our genome. a particular type of cancer (14). In this con-
Identification of such elements will facilitate text, the study by Corces et al. is particularly ertebrates encompass all animals
improved diagnosis and prognosis, and also welcome because it paves the way toward a with a backbone, from fish to hu-
allow investigations of new therapeutic mo- large-scale effort to map the functional ge- mans. How and when they evolved
dalities to target oncogenic gene regulation. nome of cancer cells. To understand how in- are questions that have been studied
The mapping of accessible chromatin dividual tumors form, it is necessary to map for centuries, revealing the origins
landscapes is also important for the mech- their genomic features such as germline var- and processes involved in anatomical
Published by AAAS
availability rather than true origins. Sallan services to humans (9). Nearshore systems brates (humans included) would probably
et al. explicitly test this possibility and dem- have supported fish diversity for at least not have evolved. Worryingly, it is precisely
onstrate that although fossils of early fish 66 million years (10). Sallan et al. not only these ecosystems that have been altered the
are mostly are found in rocks coming from extend this association to the very origins most by human activities (13). j
depths between 60 and 200 m (5), the early of vertebrates, but also highlight the role
diversification of vertebrates was restricted of shallow waters as a persistent cradle for
1. M. D. Brazeau, M. Friedman, Nature 520, 490 (2015).
to shallower environments of less than 60 m their diversification. Nevertheless, just as 2. L. Sallan et al., Science 362, 460 (2018).
of depth. Accordingly, the ancestral habitats these environments can support biodiver- 3. M. Friedman, L. C. Sallan, Palaeontology 55, 707 (2012).
of early fish are not a sampling artifact. sity, their reduction can also result in its 4. R. S. Sansom, E. Randle, P. C. J. Donoghue, Proc. R. Soc. B
282, 20142245 (2015).
Importantly, Sallan et al. show that the use loss. Between five and two million years 5. C. E. Brett, A. J. Boucot, B. Jones, Lethaia 26, 25 (1993).
of shallow-water habitats as a cradle for di- ago, shallow-water habitats contracted as 6. D. Jablonski, J. J. Sepkoski Jr., D. J. Bottjer, P. M. Sheehan,
versification was robust and persistent over a result of dramatic sea-level oscillations, Science 222, 1123 (1983).
7. C. D. Whalen, D. E. G. Briggs, Proc. R. Soc. B 285, 20180883
time. Similar to what has been found in ben- likely causing the extinction of a substantial (2018).
thic invertebrates (those living in or on the number of marine vertebrates (11). Before 8. C. Klug et al., Lethaia 43, 465 (2010).
bottom sediments of the ocean floor) (6), these already-vulnerable organisms had 9. E. B. Barbier et al., Ecol. Monogr. 81, 169 (2011).
10. D. R. Bellwood, C. H. R. Goatley, O. Bellwood, Biol. Rev. 92,
vertebrates continued to originate in shallow time to recover, modern humans started 878 (2017).
waters even long after they had diversified, degrading their (shallow-water) habitats by 11. C. Pimiento et al., Nat. Ecol. Evol. 1, 1100 (2017).
dispersed, or evolved anatomic innovations overexploiting their fauna and destroying 12. H. K. Lotze et al., Science 312, 1806 (2006).
13. K. R. Jones et al., Curr. Biol. 28, 2506 (2018).
(e.g., jaws). Evolutionary shifts to deeper the structure that provides the foundations
waters were far more difficult than to other of biodiversity (12). Sallan et al. show that
nearshore environments, or to freshwater. without shallow-water ecosystems, verte- 10.1126/science.aau8461
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