Survey Questionnaire ENRIQUEZ
Survey Questionnaire ENRIQUEZ
Survey Questionnaire ENRIQUEZ
Dear Respondents:
4. The school
buildings are
structurally sound
and safe.
5. The school has
adequate sanitary
facilities (toilets,
sinks, etc.).
2. Code of Strongl Agre Moderatel Disagre Strongly
Conduct y Agree e y Agree e Disagree
1. I am familiar with
the school's rules
and regulations.
activities contribute
to a positive and
inclusive school
3. Teachers at my
school encourage
the application of
learned skills in
real-life situations.
4. The school's
facilities and
resources help me
to apply skills
effectively in my
5. I feel more
confident in my
academic abilities
when I can apply
practical skills to
solve problems.
5.Technological Strongly Agre Moderatel Disagre Strongly
Application Agree e y Agree e Disagree
1. The
resources available
at school allows me
to tackle problems
and find creative
2. The
resources provided
by the school
improve my
3. Teachers use
technology in their
lessons, which
helps me
understand the
material better.
4. Access to online
learning platforms
and resources
supports easy
learning academic
5. The school's
internet and digital
tools make it easier
for me to learn and
complete academic
We are deeply grateful for contributing your valuable time and honest
information in completing this questionnaire. Thank you!