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© 2020 JETIR July 2020, Volume 7, Issue 7 www.jetir.

org (ISSN-2349-5162)

Review Paper on Sustainable Architecture.

Vivek S.Kumawat,
(M.E Construction Management) Dept. of Civil Engineering, Dr. D Y Patil Institute of
Engineering & Technology, Ambi, Pune.

Prof. Hemanshu Ahire

Dept of Civil Engineering
Dr. D. Y. Patil Institute of Engineering & Technology,
Ambi, Pune.

Sustainable Architecture can be looked at as two reduced, as well as raising efficiency and the
different branches of thought which affect one condition of our own health.
another. One branch is an evaluation of the impact of
current building materials/ use of energies, and INTRODUCTION
finding better socio-ecological solutions (green Sustainable Architecture is an architecture in
building), the other branch is rethinking the way in which many different concerns such as design,
which we may imagine architecture from the materials, use of energy, cost, and the environment,
beginning, using the instance of “architecture.” are weave together in the interest of creating a
Sustainable Architecture is inclusive topic in which functional structure which meets the needs of the
many different concerns such as design, materials, present without compromising the ability of future
use of energy, cost, and the environment, are weave generations to meet their resources.
together in the interest of creating a functional Like many of the innovations in sustainable
structure which meets the needs of the present living, architecture has come at a time when the need
without compromising the ability of future is great. Population growth is an ever-pressing issue,
generations to meet theirs. which limits building materials and energy use, as
Like many of the innovations in sustainable living, well as space. This forces architects to rethink their
architecture has come at a time when the need is design in terms of its impacts on multiple systems,
great. Population growth is an ever-pressing issue, thus making the challenge of creating sustainable
which limits building materials and energy use, as architecture a difficult one.
well as space. This forces architects to rethink their Many advances in design and alternative
design in terms of its impacts on multiple systems, building materials are being made, which greatly
thus making the challenge of creating sustainable reduce the costs of building and maintaining a
architecture a difficult one. structure, as well as the environmental impact. These
Many advances in design and alternative building methods are extremely important if we are to create
materials are being made, which greatly reduce the true sustainable architecture. Currently, most of the
costs of building and maintaining a structure, as well materials we use to build our homes are hazardous to
as the environmental impact. These methods are our health, and the building process creates an
extremely important if we are to create true enormous waste, which makes up a huge percentage
sustainable architecture. Currently, most of the of our landfills. By rethinking the design from the
materials we use to build our homes are hazardous to beginning, reusing building materials, and using
our health, and the building process creates an alternative materials, this waste could be greatly
enormous waste, which makes up a huge percentage reduced, as well as raising efficiency and the
of our landfills. By rethinking the design from the condition of our own health.
beginning, reusing building materials, and using
alternative materials, this waste could be greatly

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© 2020 JETIR July 2020, Volume 7, Issue 7 www.jetir.org (ISSN-2349-5162)

3 To present new possibilities and new scopes in
1 To bring out the importance of biological restructuring urban and agricultural areas, as
patterns and bio-materials for architecture on well as human settlements in general, in
different scales and levels of designs. accordance to bio political principles.
2 To consider the biological basis of human 4 To introduce the nation Bio polis as optimal
perception and behavior, the ways to satisfy the strategy leading to the realization of bio-
needs and demands associated with them. architectural patterns.

European Journal of Social Sciences – Volume 18,
ENHR 2007 International Conference ‘Sustainable Number 4 (2011) by Nura S. Mohamed and
Urban Areas’ (International conference 25 to 28 Zuhairuse MD Darus.
June 2007)
To build a green environment with the methodology, it must
Environmental impact of human activities, pollution, be valid on a comprehensive approach for the design of
overpopulation, widespread Infrastructure deterioration, buildings appropriate to the environment. And all natural
natural resource depletion and waste generation are some of resources within the designs of any building materials such as
the reasons that make sustainability as an essential approach natural or synthetic materials, and the contribution of users
in contemporary world. Vernacular architecture and urbanism should be viewed as sustainable architecture. And giving the
of Iran has many characteristics of sustainable architecture production of green buildings include solving many issues
and studying its space helps to the future development as a about the construction and the environment and conflicting
successful space in the heart of the city. requirements, every decision of design and environmental
Tabriz has been the capital city of Iran many periods. Its impact implications, The "green" buildings and construction
Bazaar has different spaces and its strong connection to open of a high priority on the environment, health and conservation
space is remarkable in its design. It is so much related to the of natural resources and have more impact on the life cycle.
climate of the city as Tabriz is located in cold climate of the
country and the materials and architectural form of this space Used Material Efficiency
response to the nature and context of the city. This space Green architecture observes these materials properties
shapes a sustainable place which different aspects such as regarding the lack or reduction in elaborated elements or
social, economical and environmental sustainability are harmful gases and a decrease in their toxicity. It also observes
considered in it. the possibility of recycling, their disintegration resistance,
predicted life and possibility of local production. It suggests
use of materials produced from removal and destruction
because they contain chemically inactive materials. It also
suggests use of dimensional planning which depends on
repeated measurements and decreases in cost by the use of

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© 2020 JETIR July 2020, Volume 7, Issue 7 www.jetir.org (ISSN-2349-5162)
fewer materials. It also requires enough space to implement METHODOLOGY
programs to get rid of solid wastes, to recycle destructive
wastes, to include a special time to gather recycled wastes. Sustainable construction is defined as "the creation and
responsible management of a healthy built environment based
Health and Safety of Building Users on resource efficient and ecological principles".
Paper researches have shown that buildings which have a Sustainably designed buildings aim to lessen their impact on
well-painted inside environment may lower the incidence of our environment through energy and resource efficiency. It
hypersensitivity asthma and resultant diseases due to building includes the following principles:
effects that include chemical elements or products of
petroleum and petro-chemical derivatives that have a toxic  minimising non-renewable resource consumption.
effect on humans. Some of them affect the brain directly,  enhancing the natural environment.
while others affect the immune system, and consequently  eliminating or minimising the use of toxins.
prevent the destruction of disease.
Improvement of the inside environment leads to better
efficiency and quality of workers performance. Advantages of
this exceed cost from 8-14 times. Construction and painting
materials should not emit elements affecting the inside
atmosphere. Many materials of construction, maintenance
and cleaning emit toxic gases, such as volatile Organic
Compounds (VOC), which come out from gypsum bars or
their adhering materials, especially during first stages directly
after fixation. Ventilation and warming leads to the quick
drying of gypsum and the emitted elements are lowered
considerably by treatment of gypsum surfaces by painting.
These gases have bad effects on the building user's health and
production. As a result, recycled gypsum is preferable, as are
adhering materials which depend on adhering papers and not
adhering fiber-glass. Use of water-saturated sponge decreases
dust particles in the inside environment if used as an
alternative to sand.

Process of System

Three Phases of Building :

Pre-Building Phase
The Pre-Building Phase describes the production and delivery
process of a material up to, but not including, the point of
installation. This includes discovering raw materials in nature
as well as extracting, manufacturing, packaging, and
transportation to a building site. This phase has the most
potential for causing environmental damage. Understanding
the environmental impacts in the pre-building phase will lead
to the wise selection of building materials. Raw material
procurement methods, the manufacturing process itself, and
the distance from the manufacturing location to the building
site all have environmental consequences. An awareness of
the origins of building materials is crucial to an understanding
of their collective environmental impact when expressed in
the form of a building.

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© 2020 JETIR July 2020, Volume 7, Issue 7 www.jetir.org (ISSN-2349-5162)


Heating and cooling buildings contributes to more energy

usage than any other aspect of a buildings use (“Heating &
Cooling”). Creating a building that is well insulated will
reduce the energy costs of heating (and cooling) and will be
looked at in the materials section.

There are many methods to keep buildings environment

comfortable while minimizing energy input including: roof
ponds, thermal mass walls, solar chimneys, solar rooms and
green roofs. As a result of the lack of energy input these
methods require, they are often called passive heating and

All methods of passive heating and cooling rely directly on

the sun for energy input. Due to this reliance on the sun one of
the most important aspects of a building is its solar
Three Phase System orientation. A building that is shaped like a rectangle (with
side lengths

Building Phase
The Building Phase refers to a building material’s useful life.
This phase begins at the point of the material’s assembly into
a structure, includes the maintenance and repair of the
material, and extends throughout the life of the material within
or as part of the building. Construction: The material waste
generated on a building construction site can be considerable.
The selection of building materials for reduced construction
waste, and waste that can be recycled is critical in this phase
of the building life cycle.

Post-Building Phase

The Post-Building Phase refers to the building materials when

their usefulness in a building has expired. At this point, a
material may be reused in its entirety, have its components
recycled back into other products, or be discarded.From the
perspective of the designer, perhaps the least considered and
least understood phase of the building life cycle occurs when
the building or material’s useful life has been exhausted. The
demolition of buildings and disposal of the resulting waste has
a high environmental cost. Degradable materials may produce
toxic waste, alone or in combination with other materials. Heating and Cooling of Building.
Inert materials consume increasingly scarce landfill space.
The adaptive reuse of an existing structure conserves the
energy that went into its materials and construction. The
energy embodied in the construction of the building itself and
the production of these materials will be wasted if these
“resources” are not properly utilized. Conclusion

We have designed our house with a consciousness to several

aspects: atmosphere, longevity, energy, interface and equity.
We wanted an atmosphere that was comfortable, peaceful and
conducive to living. We believe we have achieved this by day
lighting, and providing indirect diffuse lighting. We have
created an open space that allows for easy access to all the
rooms. Air quality is kept fresh with plants, filters and
mitigation techniques.

The building will last untold years as long as it is maintained.

Made of materials that are built to last and once not needed
can be recycled for further use, we have created a space that
JETIR2007445 Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR) www.jetir.org 1128
© 2020 JETIR July 2020, Volume 7, Issue 7 www.jetir.org (ISSN-2349-5162)
materially has much less impact than a traditional building. House, 601 West 13th
Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance
Because most of our heating and cooling will come from http://www.nwalliance.org
passive methods (direct solar) or ones that use little energy
(radiant-flooring) energy used for maintaining the building 8. http://www.lib.berkeley.edu/ENVI/GreenAll.html
temperature will be kept to a minimum. The overall embodied UC Berkley’s list of references for green building
energy of the building will be much lower than a traditional
building due to the use of primarily recycled and waste 9. http://www.architect.org/institute/programs/sustainab
materials. The materials we have chosen also have the benefit le/
of being local, further reducing transportation energy costs. 10. Compares the conventional vs. ecological approaches
to ecological design, and has an extensive
It saves money. It improves the quality of life, not just for bibliography of green architecture books.
employees, but everyone in the local and global community. It
can make things more aesthetically pleasing. It makes an
office more efficient. It helps sustain life on this planet and
conserves resources for future generations


1. Cradle to Cradle: Remaking the Way We Make

Things, by William McDonough and Michael
Braungart. North Point Press, 2002

2. Home Work: Hand built Shelter, by Lloyd Kahn.

Trade Paperback,

3. Sun, Wind, and Light: Architectural Design

Strategies, by Brown, G.Z. and Mark Dekay. William
Stout, 2000.
4. Focuses on day lighting, solar heating and natural

5. http://www.eugenepermaculture.org/
UO Energy Studies in Buildings Laboratory

6. http://darkwing.uoregon.edu
Northwest Eco Building Guild, Eugene chapter

7. http://www.ecobuilding.org/chap/eug/index.php

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