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Chapter 1.1

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Social workers play a vital role in mitigating youth delinquency by

addressing the root causes, providing support and guidance, and connecting

young people with resources to help them make positive life choices. These

social workers focus primarily on early intervention and preventative

strategies to protect at-risk youth from engaging in criminal behaviors. They

work within a complex framework that combines aspects of criminal justice,

psychology, and social services to address the issues that lead to juvenile

delinquency at the individual and community levels.

A Delinquency Prevention Social Worker plays a critical role in the

proactive intervention and support of at-risk youths, aiming to curb juvenile

delinquency before it begins. These professionals are dedicated to

identifying young individuals who exhibit signs of behavioral issues or are

exposed to environments that may predispose them to criminal activities.

Through a holistic approach, they assess the multifaceted aspects of their

clients' lives, including family dynamics, educational challenges, peer

influences, and community resources. Collaborating with schools, law

enforcement, families, and community organizations, Delinquency

Prevention Social Workers develop and implement individualized

intervention plans tailored to the needs of each youth.

They seek to promote resilience and support networks that address the

psychological and socioeconomic factors that contribute to juvenile

criminality by utilizing evidence-based strategies. These programs

frequently include educational support, mentoring, counseling, and

organized social events aimed at promoting resilience and healthy growth.

They strive to establish a secure and supportive environment that encourages

good decisions and behaviors by addressing underlying problems like drug

addiction, mental health disorders, and socioeconomic disadvantages.

Their ultimate goal is to steer young people away from a path that

leads to criminality and toward positive avenues for social integration and

personal development. Delinquency Prevention Social Workers are essential

in helping vulnerable youths shape their futures and lead successful, law-

abiding lives by providing them with constant support and advocacy.


A qualitative research approach was used in this study to comprehend

the significant impact social workers have in reducing juvenile delinquency.

Demonstrate how our social worker plays a big role in understanding the

crimes made by juveniles and how it affects their behavior, discover the

challenges encountered and perceive the solutions that can mitigate the

youth delinquency.

Theoretical Background

This study is anchored on three (3) theories, namely: The Social

Learning Theory by Bandura (1977), Control Theory by Hirschi, (1969), and

Developmental Theory by Moffitt, (1993)

The Social Learning Theory by Bandura (1977)

The Social Learning Theory - juveniles learn delinquent behavior

through observation, imitation, and reinforcement from family, peers, and


Social learning theory, proposed by Albert Bandura, emphasizes the

importance of observing, modeling, and imitating the behaviors, attitudes,

and emotional reactions of others. The theory emphasizes the importance of

observational learning, where individuals acquire knowledge, skills,

attitudes, and beliefs by watching the actions of others and the consequences

that follow, leading to the modeling and adoption of observed behaviors;

social learning theory suggests that people learn new behaviors by observing

and imitating others.

Unlike Skinner, Bandura (1977) believes humans are active

information processors and think about the relationship between their

behavior and its consequences.

Understanding client behavior: SLT helps social workers comprehend

how clients learn and maintain behaviors, including maladaptive ones. Social

workers can identify environmental and cognitive factors contributing to

client problems and develop targeted interventions and enhancing clients'

self-efficacy fosters confidence and motivation to change behaviors.

Control Theory by Hirschi, (1969)

"Control Theory" by Travis Hirschi (1969) is a criminology theory

that explains why individuals conform to or deviate from societal norms. Its

relevance to social workers lies in understanding the factors that influence

human behavior, particularly in the context of juvenile delinquency and

crime prevention.

This theory perceived juveniles are more likely to engage in

delinquency when they lack attachment to family, school, or community,

and have weak social bonds.It states that an individual’s behavior is bonded

by society, and the extent to which an individual feels the bond or

commitment to society determines their deviance from conventional societal


The common conception is that when individuals feel

a strong bond with society, they are less likely to commit

a crime. As the social bonds become stronger, the costs of

committing a crime also increase, and when the

individual’s bond to society weakens, delinquent

behaviors surface (Schreck et al., 2009).

Assessment and intervention: Social workers can use

control theory to assess the strength of an individual's

social bonds and identify areas where intervention is

needed. They can also work with families and

communities to strengthen social bonds, promoting

attachment, commitment, involvement, and shared values.

When it comes to crime prevention, Social workers can

collaborate with law enforcement and community

organizations to develop strategies that address weak

social bonds and prevent crime and make a design of

programs that foster positive relationships, education,

and vocational training, reducing the likelihood of


Developmental Theory by Moffitt, (1993)

Juvenile delinquency is a developmental process

influenced by individual, family, and environmental

factors. The Developmental Theory by Terrie Moffitt

(1993) is a influential psychological theory that explains

the development of antisocial behavior and crime across

the lifespan. Moffitt's theory proposes that there are two

distinct pathways to antisocial behavior: a life-course-

persistent pathway and an adolescence-limited pathway.

In 1993, American psychologist Terrie Moffitt

proposed a dual taxonomy of offending behavior to

explain the developmental processes that lead to the

distinctive shape of the age crime curve. Moffitt described

two main types of antisocial offenders: Type A (high in

novelty-seeking, low in conformity) and Type B (high in

conformity, low in novelty-seeking)

Overall, Moffitt's theory provides a nuanced

understanding of antisocial behavior development,

highlighting the importance of distinguishing between

different types of offenders and tailoring interventions


The developmental theory proposed by Terrie Moffitt

(1993) is highly relevant to social workers, particularly

those working with children, adolescents, and families.

Moffitt's theory focuses on the life-course persistence of

antisocial behavior, distinguishing between those two

primary pathways.

Note: Provide Opening statement, at least 5 RRL and RRS, and must from the timeline of
2019 up to present. Each related literature must consist of 3 paragraphs each, over all
there must be 15 paragraphs for RRL.

Related Literature

 Introduction of the topic and type of resources use

 Analysis and synthesis of the existing research
 Conclusion of the topic

Related Studies

 Introduction of the study and author

 Analysis and synthesis of the existing research
 Conclusion of the topic


Statement of the Problem

This study aims to explore the (insert thesis title). ______________

______________________________________________________ .

Specifically, it sought answers to the following questions:

1. ______________________________________________________

2. ______________________________________________________


3. ______________________________________________________


Significance of the Study

The result of the study benefited the following:

Name of the Beneficiary. _____________________________





Name of the Beneficiary. _________________________________




Name of the Beneficiary. _________________________________



Name of the Beneficiary. _________________________________




Name of the Beneficiary. _________________________________





Research Design

This qualitative research used phenomenological research design by

using an interview guide for personal interviews and focused group

discussions (FGD).

Define phenomenological research study. _____________________



___ (author, year).

Furthermore, explanation why phenomenology was best suited for this

study. _______________________________________________________



__________________________________________ (author, year).

Research Environment

Describes the locale/venue of the research. _____________________





The researcher identified qualifying criteria for participating

barangays as a locale of the study. The researcher will look for the following
criteria: first, __________________________; second,

_____________________ the _______________________; and lastly, the


Name of the barangay. ____________________________________





Name of the barangay. ____________________________________





Name of the barangay. ____________________________________




Name of the barangay. ____________________________________





Name of the barangay. ____________________________________





Name of the barangay. ____________________________________





Name of the barangay. ____________________________________




Name of the barangay. ____________________________________





Name of the barangay. ____________________________________





Name of the barangay. ____________________________________




Name of the barangay. ____________________________________





Research Participants

The participants of this study were ___________________________,

specifically the _____________ of selected __________________. This

study involved ten (10) participants wherein six (6) of whom are for

individual interview and the remaining four (4) will be for Focused Group

Discussion (FGD).

Researchers identified the participants in this study using the

purposive convenience sampling method. The number of participants in

(insert locale of the study) whose length of service as a _____________

range from 2 years to 3 years, (insert other qualifications of the participants

in accordance with the research study).

Moreover, the informants who were selected were based on my

convenience and accessibility and was taken into consideration.

Research Instruments

In gathering all the necessary data for the study, an interview guide

was carefully crafted. The panel members screened and evaluated the

questions that were created. The type of questions that were used in this

study were open-ended questions. The interview guide consists of four parts.

The participants' demographic profile comes first, followed by the

participants' experience ____________________. Third, the responses of the

participants towards challenges encountered in the performance of duties.

Lastly, solicit the views of the participants' regarding their aspirations for

quality service.

Additionally, researcher used the prepared questions in a focus group

discussion and an individual interview with the chosen (insert type of

participants and research environment).

Research Procedures

Data Collection. In the conduct of this study, researchers sought

permission for the validation of the interview guide from our adviser. After

its review and validation, researchers wrote a letter to

________________________________________(ex. police officers in

intelligence unit) citing the purpose of the study.

After the permission was granted, data were gathered and established

using the prepared research interview guide through individual interviews

and focus group discussions. An audio recorder was used to properly

document the data that were gathered. After this, a transcript of the

individual interview and focus group discussion was created.

The interviews were conducted in Waray-Waray. It was recorded,

transcribed verbatim, and then translated into English for further analysis by

an experienced English translator.

Data Analysis. The obtained data was analyzed using the Colaizzi

method. By coding the relevant comments made by the informants, the

information obtained was classified. Key definitions were developed based

on their statements. Due to parallels, it was re-grouped in classification and

interpretations and clustered into themes, with the evolving themes crafted

by the researcher. Thematic analysis was used to interpret the research

Ethical Considerations. ___________________________________







Trustworthiness. ________________________________________






As for credibility, researchers were assured and confident that the

findings of the study were true and genuine. The credibility of the study

being conducted were met because the real portrait of the phenomenon under

scrutiny were depicted. Credibility was the first aspect of criterion that must

be established. It was seen as the most important aspect or measure in

establishing trustworthiness because credibility essentially asks the

researcher to clearly link the research findings with reality in order to

demonstrate the truth of the research findings (Sarsalejo, 2018).

It was also dependable because it can be repeated by other researchers

or future researcher and its findings will be consistent. The researcher’s aim

is to verify his/her findings and should be consistent with the raw data

collected. It is dependable when you reach the same conclusion and arrive at

same findings.

It was transferable, as the study's findings can be applied to similar

situations and phenomena. The details of the study provided sufficient

details for other researchers to decide whether to conduct a similar study in a

different setting.

Finally, it was verified because the data gathered was based on the

information of the informants and not a single word was changed or deleted

from the researcher's own opinion or idea. This criterion is concerned with

the degree of certainty that has been strictly adhered to. The primary goal of

the researcher was neutrality. In other words, the study will be conducted

objectively, and the findings will be based on the responses of the


In order to fully understand the terms used in this research. The

following terms are operationally defined.

Lived Experiences of Victims of Domestic Violence Cases. ______



Responding to the Challenges Encountered in the Treatment of

the Victims of Domestic Violence. ______________________________




Aspirations of the Participants for Quality Service. ____________







The themes presented in this chapter arose as a result of the

phenomenological approach to the data collected. Furthermore, this includes

data analysis using Collaizzi's method.

Presentation of Data

This study uses a qualitative method and thematic analysis to identify,

analyze, and report patterns (themes) within the data. To analyze the

collected data, six phases of thematic analysis were used (Braun & Clarke,


The researcher was able to extract (insert the number of significant

statement formulated) significant statements from the informants' responses

and formulated the same number of key interpretations. Some of the

informants answered in a combination of English and local dialect to allow

them to express their part freely.

Additionally, the formulated core meanings were grouped and

clustered based on the similarity and thought of their statements. The

formulated core meanings that appeared to be grouped together and

reflecting unique structures were organized into (insert total number of

themes) clustered themes, which were then re-grouped to produce (insert

number) of emergent themes.

The emergent themes are as follows: (Note: align with the statement

of the problem).
I. Experiences of Persons Deprive of Liberty Inside Correctional


a. Positive Experiences

1. Ex. The Calling

2. Emergent Theme Name

3. Emergent Theme Name

4. Emergent Theme Name

b. Negative Experiences

1. Emergent Theme Name

2. Emergent Theme Name

3. Emergent Theme Name

4. Emergent Theme Name

II. Informants Respond to the Challenges Encountered Inside

Correctional Institution

1. Emergent Theme Name

2. Emergent Theme Name

3. Emergent Theme Name

4. Emergent Theme Name

III. Aspirations of the Participants for Quality Service

1. Emergent Theme Name

2. Emergent Theme Name

3. Emergent Theme Name

Unfolding life stories of the participants as ___________shown below

the presentations and elucidations of emergent themes.

I. Experiences of Persons Deprive of Liberty Inside

Correctional Institution

Unfolding the lived experiences of __________________________

based on the interview was a realization for me that being in that position

requires great dedication and sacrifice to _________________. I have

generated eight (8) emergent themes which focuses on both positive and

negative experience of the informants. The following themes are: (Note:

Select significant statement and formulated core meaning in APPENDIX F1-



a. Positive Experiences
1.The Calling. The first theme reflects the nature of the informant's

work, which she is very interested in, particularly when it involves helping

others. It emphasizes the significance of life as a woman and a person

through service to others. Participant 1 said that: (THIS A FORMULATED


Significant Statement in Waray/Filipino - Italic

(Code in bold). Translation in English in normal text

A true public servant does not look at helping other individual

as only a part of their job but as a way to help and contribute to the lives of

other women who are victims of domestic abuse and helping in making their

lives better. Informant 10 of the focus grouped stated that:

Ngayan nga aada na ak nakonsiderar ha

pagresolba han mga isyu mahitungod han domestic nga
kapintasan, kinahanglan ko mag-assume han personalidad
hin usa nga nanay ngan sangkay. Nanay ha pagpasabot
nga panahon-panahon kinahanglan naton pahinumduman
ini nga mga biktima han ira mga katungod bilang babaye
ngan bilang tawo nga angay respetuhon ngan higugmaon.
Bilang magturutdo, kinahanglan ko igtutdo ha ira an mga
butang nga akon gintuohan nga makakabulig liwat ha ira
ha tiarabot nga mga pagsulay bilang babaye. Ngan
kinahanglan ako magin usa nga sangkay nga pirme andam
pamati han ira mga sentimento ngan pasiguraduhon nga
nababatian an ira mga tingog ha sosyedad (FGD10:SS6).
Now as I am concerned when I resolve issues in domestic
violence. I have to assume the personality of a mother and a
friend. Mother in the sense that from time to time we have
to remind these victims their rights as a woman and as a
human being that need to be respected and loved. As a
teacher, I have to teach them what I believe is also
beneficial to them in their future endeavors as women. And
I have to be a friend that is always ready to listen to their
sentiments and ensuring their voices are heard in the

Being touched by the kind gestures shown by the previous

clients in return for helping them out of their misfortune means a lot and

makes me strive more. Informant 3 proudly stated that:

Ha akon, an pagiging pulis may-ada mas damo nga

bentaha kay han bisan ano nga posisyon ha law
enforcement tungod kay an kalidad han amon trabaho
importante ha paggiyahan han husto nga dalan para han
mga biktima ngan mga nakatalwas. Nakakabulig gihapon
ini ha pag-engganyo han mga kag-anak nga bag-uhon an
sitwasyon han pamilya ngan pagtrabaho direkta upod an
mga kabataan para mapakusog an relasyon han nanay
ngan bata, nga mahimo maapektaran negatibo tungod
han domestic nga abuso, labi na kon an biktima magbulag
tikang ha mabangis nga partner. (I3:SS1). Basically, for
me, being a police officer has more advantages than any
position at the law enforcement Because the quality of
work we have is essential for leading the right path for our
victims and survivor. It also helps to motivate the parents
to change the family's situation and to work directly with
the children to strengthen the mother-child relationship,
which can be negatively impacted by domestic abuse
especially if the victim separates from a violent partner.

In recognizing that we live in a hope-challenged society and that,

as GAD focal persons, they must be hope providers, informant 5 of the

focused group said:

Bisan pa han mga hagit, waray gud ako kawad-i
hin paglaom nga an akon mga kliyente ngan ira pamilya
malalampuwasan an magturum-on nga mga adlaw ha ira
kinabuhi; pirme ako andam ngan magpapadayon ha
pagbulig ha ira (FGD5:SS7).Despite the challenges, I
never lost hope that my clients and their families would
survive the dark days of their lives; I am always willing
and will continue to help them

b. Negative Experiences

1. Burnout. This theme delves on the negative experiences of

the informants Because of some negative factors surrounding the situation of

domestic violence, the informant experienced emotional stress while

performing her job. Informant 1 sadly stated that:

Usa ha pinakamakuri nga mga butang ha pagtrabaho

bilang pulis amo an mga butang sugad han emosyonal nga
stress nga nadadara ha pagkita han grabe nga kawaray-
hustisya ngan abuso, an hagit ha pagtrabaho upod an mga
vulnerable ngan marginalized nga mga kliyente, an stress
ngan pisikal nga mga samad nga kasagaran nga kaupod
han trabaho, ngan an kakulang han kapasidad nga
masolbar an ngatanan nga problema o maluwas an
ngatanan nga kliyente (I1:SS4).Among the hardest things
about working as a police officer are factors like the
emotional stress that comes with seeing the extremes of
injustice and abuse, the challenge of working with
vulnerable and marginalized client populations, the stress
and physical injuries that often accompany the job and the
inability to fix every problem or save every client.


II. Participants Respond to the Challenges Encountered Inside

Correctional Institution

Listed below are the (insert number of themes) themes that depict the

strategies implemented by the participants to respond to challenges

encountered inside correctional institution.

1. Emergent Theme. ______________________________________


_____________________________ ( ).

III. Aspirations of the Participants for Quality Service

1. Emergent Theme. ______________________________________


_____________________________ ( ).

Analysis of Data
The researcher used Collaizzi's phenomenological tradition method to

identify significant emergent themes from cluster re-grouping using

formulated meanings. Themes were simplified categorically in narrating the

(Thesis title).

This study is anchored on three (3) theories namely:

__________________ by __________ (year), ______________by

___________ (year ), and ____________ by Bandura (year).

Further discuss each theory in relation to the research study. Each theory must
consist of two paragraphs. Do not copy what is written in the theoretical background,
provide another explanation.

I. Lived Experiences of GAD in Handling Domestic Violence


The following themes were formulated unfolding the lived

experiences of the informants:

Note: Must consist of 3 paragraphs. (1) Explain the concept of thematic theme in
relation to research study (2) Choose what theory is applicable in the thematic theme
and explain in relation to research study, and (3) conclusion of the theory in relation to
the thematic theme.


a. Positive Experiences
1. Every Cloud has a Silver Lining. This theme embodies that as

a GAD focal person, every difficult or sad situation has a comforting or

more hopeful and pleasant side, even if this is not immediately apparent.

This theme reflects on motivational theory that a state of mind filled

with energy and enthusiasm and drives a person to work in a specific manner

in order to achieve desired results. Motivation is a driving force that drives

people to work hard and stay focused even when things are going against

them and motivation results in a specific type of human behavior (Sand,


Being in social works needs hard work to provide an effective service

to domestic violence victims and survivors. This gives them the opportunity

to make a positive difference in someone's life, and being able to recover

from a difficult situation ensures the best possible outcomes for their clients

(Boehm & Staples, 2002).

Motivational theory reflects the functions of GAD focal persons and

entails guiding people toward a sense of control through intervention

methods. People may feel helpless for a variety of reasons, but motivational

theory focuses on how oppression contributes to this feeling. It focuses on

giving marginalized people the personal, interpersonal, and political power

they need to improve their lives on an individual, group, and community

level. Furthermore, the model aims to challenge systems that prevent or

make it difficult for people to meet their basic needs (Lewis, 2001).

II. Participants Respond to the Challenges Encountered Inside

Correctional Institution

Note: The content must consist of three paragraphs. (1) Explain the concept of a
thematic theme in the context of a research study, (2) Identify an applicable theory
related to the emergent theme and discuss its relevance to the research study, and (3)
Provide a conclusion on how the selected theory relates to the emergent theme in the
research context.

III. Aspirations of the Participants for Quality Service

Note: The content must consist of three paragraphs. (1) Explain the
concept of "emergence" in the context of a research study, (2) Select an applicable
theory related to emergence and discuss its relevance to the research study, and (3)
Provide a conclusion on how the selected theory relates to the concept of emergence in
the research context.


This chapter presents the summary, findings and the implications

about the phenomenon under study.


This study aimed explored the (thesis title)

Specifically, answers to the following questions:



2. ______________________________________________________


3. ______________________________________________________


This study used a phenomenological approach and a qualitative

research methodology. When exploring the participants'

________________, researcger used an interview guide with an open-ended

question for both individual and focused group discussions (FGD).

Furthermore, the study is conducted in selected barangays in Catbalogan

city, namely:





The ______________were the participants of the study. They were

each given a separate interview.


The (total number) emergent themes were crafted after thoroughly

gathering the data from the informants. These themes formulated were as

follows: Emergent Theme, Emergent Theme, Emergent Theme, Emergent

Theme, Emergent Theme.

I generated (total number) themes for the experiences of the

participants as (ex. Police officer) two (2) for positive experience and five

(4) for the negative experiences namely: Emergent Theme, Emergent Theme,

Emergent Theme, Emergent Theme, Emergent Theme.

As to the challenges encountered in the performance of duties. I

crafted ( number )themes namely: Emergent Theme, Emergent Theme,

Emergent Theme, Emergent Theme, Emergent Theme.

On the aspirations of the informants for quality service I was able to

craft (number) theme namely: Emergent Theme, Emergent Theme, Emergent

Theme, Emergent Theme, Emergent Theme.


The researcher has been able to come up with valuable ideas and

guidelines for action through this review and considers it relevant for

existing service strategies and future studies to be carried out.

Implications for Practice

In the light of the findings, the following recommendations were


Discuss how the findings of this study contribute to the benefit of each identified

beneficiary as outlined in the significance of the study.

Implications for Future Studies

The following topics for future studies are recommended:

Provide at least three topics for future studies in relation to this research study and
explain.( 1 paragraph for each studies).


Author's Last Name, First Initial. Second Initial if Given. (Year of Publication). Title of
book: Subtitle if given. Publisher Name often shortened


Ajzen, I. & Fishbein, M. (1980). Understanding attitudes and predicting.

Social behavior. Eagle wood cliffs. New Jersey.

1. Author(s). Note: List each author's last name and initial as Author, A. A., Author, B. B., &
Author, C. C. Use an ampersand (&) before the final author's name. Read more from the APA
Style website if there are 21 or more authors.
2. (Year).
3. Title of the article. Note: For works that are part of a greater whole (e.g. articles, chapter), use
sentence case. Only the first word of the title and subtitle and proper nouns are capitalized.
4. Title of the Journal, Note: Italicize and capitalize each word in the journal.
5. Volume Note: Italicize the journal volume. If there is no issue, include a comma before the page
6. (Issue), Note: If there is a issue number in addition to a volume number, include it in parentheses.
7. Page range. Note: If there is no page range within the journal volume/issue, this can be excluded.
8. DOI (Digital Object Identifier) Read more about DOIs from the APA Style wesbite.


Ashing‐Giwa, K. T., Padilla, G., Tejero, J., Kraemer, J., Wright, K., Coscarelli, A.,
Clayton, S., Williams, I., & Hills, D. (2004). Understanding the breast cancer
experience of women: A qualitative study of African American, Asian American,
Latina and Caucasian cancer survivors. Psycho‐Oncology, 13(6), 408-
428. https://doi.org/10.1002/pon.75

Unpublished Materials


Harrison, T. & Khatoon. (2017). Virtue, practical wisdom and professional

education. A Pilot Intervention Designed to Enhance Virtue
knowledge, Understanding and Reasoning in Student Lawyers,
Doctors and Teachers. Birmingham: University of Birmingham.

Internet Sources


Keeling, J. & Van Wormer, K. (2012). Social Worker Interventions in

Situations of Domestic Violence: What We Can Learn from
Survivors' Personal Narratives? The British Journal of Social Work,
Volume 42, Issue 7, October 2012, Pages 1354–1370,








Participant :

Session Number :

Date :

Time Started :

Time Ended :

Duration :

Location :

Interviewed by :
Recorded by :

Transcribed by :

Reviewed by :

List of Acronyms :

Significan Main Subquestion

t Responses Questio Number
Statement n
Number Number




Participants :

Session Number :

Date :

Time Started :

Time Ended :

Duration :

Location :

Interviewed by :
Recorded by :

Transcribed by :

Reviewed by :

List of Acronyms :

Significan Main Sub

t Responses Question question
Statement Number Number




Significant SIGNIFICANT STATEMENTS Informant Main Sub
Statement Number Question question
Number Number Number
1 Being a GAD focal person is more than 1 I 1
a job. It’s a calling an individual has to
help others, often in the face of difficult
and stressful situations. Although we
love what they do and the difference
they are able to make, the reality is that
this occupation is incredibly challenging
in many ways. I1:SS1
2 It boosts my self-esteem and sense of 1 I 1
worth as an individual and as a human
being because we provide opportunities
for assessment and intervention to assist
clients and communities in dealing
effectively with their reality and
changing it when necessary. I1: SS2

Note: Select the best statements of your participants and these are the statements that will
be covered in your chapter 2




Being a GAD focal person is more than a FM1: The informant regarded the job as a
job. It’s a calling an individual has to help high form of service known as a calling,
others, often in the face of difficult and in which, despite difficulties, the best
stressful situations. Although we love interests of the client are of primordial
what they do and the difference they are importance.
able to make, the reality is that this
occupation is incredibly challenging in
many ways. I1:SS1
It boosts my self-esteem and sense of FM2: Skills improvement on preferred
worth as an individual and as a human selections for long term goals.
being because we provide opportunities
for assessment and intervention to assist
clients and communities in dealing
effectively with their reality and changing
it when necessary. I1: SS2
One of the most frustrating aspects of FM3: One thing that always proves
working in social work isn't just the stress, difficult is how to separate the work from
challenges, and risk of burnout that GAD the personal life.
focal person face. It is the fact that,
regardless of how good a focal person is
at his or her job or how dedicated that
focal person is to making a difference, no
single GAD focal person can help
everyone. There isn't enough time in the
day, and there aren't enough resources.







SOP 2 S0P 3

What are the positive and Negative

experiences of gender and development

EMERGENT THEMES focal person in handling domestic

violence cases?

Note: Researchers can make their own design of thematic diagram





Name :

City Address :

Date of Birth :

Place of Birth :


College :

Secondary :

Elementary :


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