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A_phytochemical_analysis_of_medicinal_plant of Dang

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International Journal of Chemical Studies 2017; 5(1): 319-322

P-ISSN: 2349–8528
E-ISSN: 2321–4902
IJCS 2017; 5(1): 319-322 A phytochemical analysis of medicinal plants of
© 2017 JEZS
Received: 13-11-2016 Dang District
Accepted: 14-12-2016

Khuma Sharma Dhital Khuma Sharma Dhital

Asso. Prof, Patan Multiple
College, Tribhuvan University, Abstract
Alkaloids, tannins, saponins, steroid, terpenoids, flavonoids, phenolic compounds, and glycosides
distribution in five medicinal plants belonging to different families were assessed and compared in
different medicinal plants that were collected from Dang district of Nepal. Qualitative analysis was
carried out for the conformity of the presence of phytochemical compounds. The technique used for
compound analysis was extraction method. Five plants taken for compound analysis were namely
Moringa olefera (Moringaceae family), Aegal marmelos (Rutaceae family), Azodirachta indica
(Meliaceae family), Bauhinia veriegata (Fabaceae family), and Temarindus indica (Fabaceae family).

Keywords: Medicinal plants; Phytochemical analysis; Alkaloids; Tannins; Saponins; Flavonoids

1. Introduction
Plants are integral part of nature and are important sources of medicine. Plants contain natural
substance that can promote health. In previous time the plants were only the means of
medication. The uses of plants as a medicine dates back to thousands of years from Ayurveda
and it has the same value today as well. Nepal is also rich in plants and medicinal plants and
the medicinal plants are used in various ailments.
Phytochemicals are naturally occurring chemical compounds in plants [1] Nature has been a
source of medicinal agents for thousands of years and an impressive number of modern drugs
have been isolated from natural sources and many of which based on their use in traditional
medicine. The medicinal value of plants depends in some chemicals present in them. Among
the 7,000 species of medicinal plants recognized so far all over the world, more than 900 types
of precious medicinal plants are said to be found in Nepal [2]. The use of plants and plant
products as medicines could be traced as far back as the beginning of human civilization. The
earliest mention of medicinal use of plants in Hindu culture is founds in “Rigveda”, which is
said to have been written between 4500 - 1600 B.C. and is supposed to be the oldest repository
of human knowledge. It is Ayurveda, the foundation of medicinal science of Hindu culture, in
its eight division deals with specific properties of drugs and various aspects of science of life
and the art of healing [3]. Medicinal plants contain some organic compounds which produce
definite physiological action in human body and these bioactive substances include tannins,
alkaloids, carbohydrates, terpenoids, steroids and flavonoids [4]. Many of these indigenous
medicinal plants are used as spices and food plants. Medicinal plants are generally used in
traditional medicine for the treatment of many ailments, [5].
According to World Health Organization (WHO), traditional medicine is estimated to be used
by 80% of the population of most developing countries. These plant-based medicines are used
for primary health care needs [6]. Although plants are unique in their activities, it has also been
found that a particular plant may be used by different tribes or countries for different ailments.
This shows that plants possess a wide range of healing powers which are attributed to their
chemical composition. Despite the wealth of human experience and folklore concerning the
medicinal uses of plants, proper scientific investigation has only been applied to a small
fraction of the world's plants [7]. Plants generally have varied chemical compositions
depending upon species. A good number of plants are known to be of economic and medicinal
Khuma Sharma Dhital
value. Those that are of medicinal value are often used as herbal remedy for the restoration and
Asso. Prof, Patan Multiple maintenance of good health. Some herbs have been considered as drugs and therefore
College, Tribhuvan University, generally safe and effective [8].

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International Journal of Chemical Studies

2. Materials and Methods numerous medicinal plants are found in Dang but only 5
2.1 Plant materials important plants were selected for the experimental analysis.
Various medicinal plants are available in Nepal. The selected plant with their local name, scientific name
Topographically all of the development zones and districts are (botanical name), plant family, the parts used for experiment
quite rich in having the beneficial plants. For this research and their medicinal uses is given below in a tabulated form.
work Dang district was selected as a study area. Though

Table 1: Ethno botanical information of selected medicinal plant species for phytochemical analysis in Dang District area of Nepal.
S. No Local Name Botanical Name Family Part used Uses
1 Sajiwon Moringa olefera Moringaceae Leaf diabetes, heart, liver, respiratory, digestive, skin, diseases, anemia, arthritis
jaundice, asthma, inflammations, bronchitis, snakebite, abdominal
2 Bel Aegal marmelos Rutaceae Leaf discomfort, epilepsy, leporsy, myalgia, smallpox, spermatorrhoea,
leucoderma, eye, mental, nausea, ulcer disorders, infections
Neem Azadirachta indica Meliaceae Leaf Antipyretic, Gastrointestinal, respiratory disorders, leprosy
4 Koiralo Bauhinia veriegata Fabaceae Leaf Diabetes, pneumonia
5 Imlichi Tamarindus indica Fabaceae Leaf Antipyretic, Carminative

2.2 Chemicals 1. Test for Alkaloids: Mayer’s Reagent: In 1ml. of the

Ethanol, Distill water, Aqueous HCL, Methanol, Chloroform, plant extract, 2ml. of Mayer’s reagent (potassium
Concentrated Sulphuric acid, Ammonia solution, Picric acid, mercuric iodide solution) was added. Appearance of dull
Acetic acid, Potassium mercuric iodide solution, Lead acetate white precipitate indicated the presence of alkaloids.
solution 2. Test for Flavonoids: (A) In 1ml. of plant extract, 1ml. of
neutral ferric chloride was added. The formation of
2.3 Sample collection brown color confirmed the presence of flavonoids. (B)
Plant were identified and authenticated then fresh and tender Crude extract was mixed with 2ml. of 2% solution of
leaves of selected five medicinal plants, Moringa olefera NaOH. An intense yellow color was formed which turned
(leaves), Aegal marmelos, Azodirachta indica, Bauhinia colorless on addition of few drops of diluted acid which
veriegata and Temarindus indica were collected from indicated the presence of flavonoids.
different regions of Dang district of Nepal. The plants were 3. Keller-Kilani test: A mixture of Acetic acid glacial (2
used for the purpose of their phytochemical analysis. Plant ml.) with 2 drops of 2% FeCl3 solution was added to the
species selected during present investigation are given in plant extract and H2SO4 concentrated. A brown ring at
Table 1. the interface indicated the presence of cardiac glycosides.
4. Test for Steroids: Lieberman-Burchard’s Test: The
2.4 Preparation of plant extracts plant extract was dissolved in 2ml. of chloroform to
The leaves of selected plants were collected, cleaned and air which 10 drops of acetic acid and five drops of
dried under shade. After drying, the leaves were then blended concentrated sulphuric acid were added and mixed. The
using a household electric blender into fine powder and change of red color through blue to green indicated the
transferred into airtight containers with proper labeling. This presence of steroids.
powder was analyzed for the phytochemicals present in it. 5. Test for Triterpenoids: Salkowski Test: 5 ml. of each
Extraction of the plant parts was done with ethanol and water extract was mixed in 2ml of chloroform and concentrated
(1:1). The extract of the leaf, stem and root were obtained sulphuric acid (3ml.) and it was carefully added to form a
through the cold percolation method. The powdered plant layer. A reddish brown precipitate of the interface
material 50 gm was weighed and kept in a conical flask then indicated the presence of triterpenoids.
soaked in100 ml. of aqueous ethanol (1:1). The mouth of 6. Test for Phenols: In 1ml. of each extract, lead acetate
conical flask was covered with aluminum foil and kept for solution was added and the precipitate formation
one week. Then the extract was taken by filtering the content. indicated the presence of phenolic compounds.
The extract was pooled and concentrated on a water bath by 7. Test for phenols and tannins: Crude extract was mixed
keeping the temperature 60 °C. The concentrated extract was with 2ml. of 2% solution of FeCl3. A blue-green or black
kept in the desiccator for further evaporation of the solvent. coloration indicated the presence of phenols and tannins.
These aqueous ethanol crude extracts of above mentioned 8. Test for saponins: Crude extract was mixed with 5ml. of
plants were screened for the presence of various distilled water in a test tube and it was shaken vigorously.
phytoconstituents such as steroids, alkaloids, glycosides, The formation of stable foam was taken as an indication
flavonoids, saponins, terpenoids, tannins, and phenolic for the presence of saponins.
compounds. The crude extracts were subjected to
phytochemical analysis using standard methods. 2.6 Data Analysis
The change of color was observed when the test reagent was
2.5 Qualitative phytochemical analysis added to the prepared sample for the phytochemical test. The
The crude plant extract was obtained. The extracts were used result was recorded as sign plus (+) for presence and sign
for the preliminary phytochemical analysis to identify the minus (-) for absence of organic compounds depending on the
various chemical constituents. All the tests were performed in outcome of the test. All experiments were done in triplicate
triplicate mode so as to make more and more accurate. The model so as to make it more and more accurate.
standard procedures taken for analysis were [9, 10], and [11] as
given below based on the results obtained in the qualitative 3. Results
phytochemical analysis. The phytochemical test of the crude ethanol extracts of five
medicinal plants (Moringa olefera, Aegal marmelos,
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Azodirachta indica, Bauhinia veriegata and Temarindus phytochemicals that are alkaloids, tannins, glycosides,
indica) was carried out. Among various available flavonoids, steroids and phenols. Bauhinia veriegata showed
phytochemicals, this experiment was confined to observe the the presence of seven [7] phytochemicals such as alkaloids,
presence of eight important phytochemicals namely alkaloids, tannins, saponins, glycosides, flavonoids, phenols and
tannins, saponins, glycosides, flavonoids, steroids, phenols triterpenoids. And Temarindus indica also showed the
and triterpenoids. Phytochemical analysis of Moringa olefera presence seven phytochemicals alkaloids, tannins, glycosides,
showed the presence of alkaloids, tannins, saponins and flavonoids, steroids, phenols and triterpenoids. Table given
steroids. Aegal marmelos also showed the presence of four below illustrates the presence and absence of eight [8]
phytochemicals which are alkaloids, tannins, flavonoids and phytochemical compounds in five [5] medicinal plants:
steroids. Azodirachta indica showed the presence of six

Table 2: Laboratory analysis chart

Plants Alkoloids Tannins Saponins Glycosides Flavonoids Steroids Phenols Triterpenoids
Moringa olefera + + + _ _ _ _ _
Aegal marmelos + + + _ + + _ +
Azodirahta indica + + + + + _ + _
Bauhinia veriegata + + + + + + +
Temarindus indica + + _ + + + + +
Note: (+) indicates presence of organic compound
(-) indicates absence of organic compound

4. Discussion inhibited by tannins [22]. Terpenoids and tannins are attributed

1. Alkaloids and tannins were found present in all five for analgesic and anti-inflammatory activities. Although, the
plants species. This shows that alkaloids and tannins are absence of certain phytochemicals in one sample and its
dominantly available. Out of five analyzed plants presence in the other can be safely attributed to the various
saponnins and flavonoids found in four plants. Flavonoid physiological and biosynthetic reactions taking place inside
was absent in Moringa olefera, saponin is absent in the plant, the effect of the environment should not be
Temarindus indica. neglected, as the environment always modify the things. The
2. Steroids are found only in two species out of five. It preliminary phytochemical tests are therefore significant and
shows its scantiness. It reveals that flavonoids and helpful in finding chemical constituents in the plant material
steroids are also frequently found compounds in most of that may lead to their quantitative estimation and also in
the medicinal plants. locating the source of pharmacologically active chemical
3. Phenol was found in three medicinal plants Azodirachta compounds [23].
indica, Bauhinia veriegata and Temarindus indica and Phenols are reported antitumor agents and to exhibit antiviral
Triterpenoids are found in Aegal marmelos, Bauhinia and antimicrobial activities [24] hypotensive effect [25] and
veriegata and Temarindus indica. This indicates that antioxidant properties [26]
these two plants Bauhinia veriegata and Temarindus The results obtained in this study thus suggest the identified
indica are good source of both phenol and triterpenoid. phytochemical compounds may be the bioactive constituents
and these plants are evidencing to be an increasingly valuable
4.1 Summary reservoir of biologically active ingredients of substantial
Crude plant extracts have both toxic and beneficial effect. medicinal value.
Alkaloids are heterogeneous group compounds which contain
one or more nitrogen atom in acyclic system. These are 5. Conclusion
widely used in medicinal purposes which have positive and phytochemical studies were performed it was found that the
negative effects even to human beings [12]. Most of the plants ethanolic extracts of the considered plants contained many
have alkaloids in different organs with different chemical bioactive chemical constituents including alkaloids,
configurations [13] (Harborne, 1984). Alkaloids are reported to glycosides, terpenoids, saponins, tannins, steroids, flavonoids
have analgesic, anti-inflammatory and adapt genic activities and phenols. Several earlier studies also confirmed that the
which help to alleviate pains, developed resistance against identified phytochemicals to be bioactive and these
diseases and endurance against stress [14]. The alkaloids, phytochemicals contribute medicinal as well as physiological
tannins and flavonoids are known to have curative activity properties to the plants studied in the treatment of diverse
against several pathogens and therefore could be used for the ailments.
treatment of various illnesses [15, 16].
Glycosides are known to lower the blood pressure according 5.1 Recommendations
to many reports [17]. Phenolic compound possess biological The traditional medicine practice is recommended strongly
properties such as apoptosis, anti-aging, anti-carcinogen, anti- for these plants as well as it is suggested that further work
inflammation, anti-atherosclerosis, cardiovascular protection should be carried out to isolate, purify, and characterize the
and improvement of endothelial function, as well as inhibition active constituents responsible for the activity of these plants.
of angiogenesis and cell proliferation activities [18]. The plant Also additional work is encouraged to see whether these
extracts were also revealed to contain saponins which are plants have said health benefits, especially as anti-cancer
known to produce inhibitory effect on inflammation [19]. drugs, and elucidate the possible mechanism of action of these
Steroids have been reported to have antibacterial properties extracts. From the above result it can be said that all the five
and they are very important compounds especially due to experimented plants species are rich in important
their relationship with compounds such as sex hormones [21]. phytochemical compounds that are highly useful for
The growth of many fungi, yeasts, bacteria and viruses can be
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