Radar Report Final
Radar Report Final
Radar Report Final
On the basis of a declaration submitted by Saurabh Singh, Saurabh Yadav, Shani Kumar,
Shivam Kumar, Shivam Kushwaha student of (5th Semester) B. Tech (EE), I hereby
certify that the report titled “Arduino based Radar for Object Detection” which is
submitted to the Department of ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING, is an original
contribution with the exciting knowledge and faithfully record of research carried out
by them under my guidance and supervision. To the best of my knowledge this work has
not taken submitted in part or full for any Degree to this University or elsewhere.
It gives us a great sense of pleasure to present the report of the B. Tech Mini Project. I
would special debt of gratitude to designation, Mr. Ashish Tripathi, Department of
Electrical Engineering, Rajkiya Engineering College Banda for his constant support and
guidance throughout the course of our work.
We also do not like to miss the opportunity to acknowledge the contribution of all
faculty members of the department for their kind assistance and cooperation during the
development of our project. Last but not least; we acknowledge our family and friends
for their contribution in the completion of the project.
Name - Sign. -
Saurabh Singh (2207340200047)
Saurabh Yadav (2207340200048)
Shani Kumar (2207340200049)
Shivam Kumar (2207340200051)
Shivam Kushwaha (2207340200052)
Date -
1. Abstract
2. Introduction
3. Hardware Description
• ESP-32 CAM
• NPN Transistor
• Bread Board
• Voltage Regulator
• Resistor
• Capacitor
• Push Botton
• 12V DC Adaptor
• FTD1232 USB
4. Circuit Diagram
5. Source Code/program
6. Principle or Methodology
7. Advantages
9. Output
In this ESP32 CAM project, I have explained how to make WiFi door lock with photo
capture using ESP32-CAM and Telegram app. With this IoT project you can take
multiple photo, unlock and lock the door from anywhere in the world with the
Telegram app. When anyone presses the doorbell, you will get a notification in the
telegram app with a photo of that perso After that, you can
easily unlock and lock the door from the telegram app. So this IoT project also can be
used as a home security system. In this article, I have explained all the steps to make
this Wi-Fi door lock with photo capture. The most important feature of any home
security system is to detect the people who enter or leave the house. Instead of
monitoring that through passwords or pins unique faces can be made use of as they
are one’s biometric trait. These are innate and cannot be modified or stolen easily. The
level of security can be raised by using face detection.
The proposed face recognition door lock security system has been developed to
prevent robbery in highly secure areas like home environment with lesser power
consumption and more reliable standalone security device for both intruder detection
and for door security. ESP -32 Cam electronic board is operated on battery power
supply, wireless internet connectivity by using USB modem, it includes pi camera,
and a door. Whenever the person comes in front of the door, it captures the face and
send owner system then owner will decide that open or not.
In today world of connectivity and smart devices there is an urgent need to modify our
existing day to day objects and make them smart, also it is not the era when we can
blindly trust the old and conventional security measures, specifically speaking is our
door locks. To change and modernize any object we need to eliminate its existing
drawbacks and add extra functionality. The major drawbacks in a common door lock are
that anyone can open a conventional door lock by duplicating or stealing the key and its
simply impossible if we want our friends and family to enter our house, without being
actually, present over there. Thus, why not just eliminate these problems. So, to simply
convert this normal door lock into a smart lock, which can open the door whenever we
turn up in front of the gate or when we want it to open up for someone else without
being physically present, we need to modify the door. So an era has come where devices
can interact with its users and at the same time ensure of their safety and keep
improvising themselves. Users could operate on a touchscreen to select entering the
house by recognizing the face or motors and/or adding a digital number pad to take
inputs from the user or adding infra-red or Bluetooth modules to operate these devices.
For face recognition, an image will be capture by a pi camera and pre-processed by
raspberry pi like converting, re-sizing and cropping. Then face detection and recognition
are perform. Once the face is recognized by the classifier based on a pre-sorted image
library, the image will be sent to a remote console waiting for house owner’s decision.
For the passcode part, users could enter or reset passcode through a keypad.
Hardware description
In this project, The input voltage is 12V DC. I have used 7805 5V regulator to feed 5V to ESP32
camera module. I have used a TIP122 NPN transistor to control the 12V electronic lock from
the GPIO12 pin and the push button is connected with the GPIO13 of ESP32-CAM. As I have used
the INPUT_PULLUP function in code, so I have not used any pulled-up resistor. You can use a
heatsink with the 7805-voltage regulator.
1.ESP-32 CAM
The ESP32-CAM is a small-size, low-power camera module based on ESP32. It comes with
an OV2640 camera and provides an onboard TF card slot. This board has 4MB PSRAM which is
used for buffering images from the camera into video streaming or other tasks and allows you to use
higher quality in your pictures without crashing the ESP32. It also comes with an onboard LED for
flash and several GPIOs to connect peripherals.
1. Solenoid Lock
A 12V Solenoid Lock is an electromechanical device designed to control access through a locking
mechanism. It operates by using an electrical current to generate a magnetic field, which in turn
moves a plunger or bolt. When energized, the solenoid lock retracts the bolt, allowing the lock to
open; when de-energized, a spring or gravity returns the bolt to its extended, locked position. This
type of lock is commonly used in electronic door locks, vending machines various other security
applications., safety deposit boxes, and
3.NPN Transistor
The Darlington NPN transistor-like TIP122 includes Darlington braces & it works like a normal
transistor however includes a Darlington pair. This transistor includes a decent collector current like
5A & the gain is approximately 1000. This kind of transistor bears 100 volts in the region of both the
emitter & collector terminals because it can be utilized mainly for high loads
4.Voltage Regulator
The voltage regulator is one kind of electrical component used to maintain a stable
voltage across any electronic device. The fluctuations in the voltage can cause an
undesirable cause in an electronic system. For that, maintaining a stable voltage is
compulsory based on the system voltage requirement.For instance, a simple LED uses a
maximum of 3V. Once the voltage increases than this voltage, then the diode will get
damage. Similarly, in all the electrical and electronic components, it is common. Once
the voltage increases, all the components in the system will get damaged. To overcome
this situation, a voltage regulator is used to provide a regulated power supply
The 10K resistor is a foundational component in the world of electronics, used for
regulating electrical current in both simple and complex circuits. With its resistance
value of 10,000 ohms, this passive element plays role in managing voltage and
protecting sensitive components from potential damage. From voltage dividers and
current limiters to filtering systems and biasing circuits, the 10K resistor is an invaluable
tool used by engineers and technicians alike. Understanding the operational aspects of
the 10K resistor, along with its standardized color code for easy identification, is
required for anyone working with electronics. This article explores the various
applications, color coding, and the practical importance of the 10K resistor in modern
circuit design.
An aluminium electrolytic capacitor, often only called an electrolytic capacitor, uses aluminium
metal as one electrode, covered with a very thin layer of aluminium oxide as dielectric, and which
has an
the electrolyte as its second electrode.
Aluminium electrolytic capacitors are typically used in power supplies and DC-DC converters for
smoothing and buffering rectified DC voltages in many electronic devices. They are also used in
industrial power supplies. Aluminium electrolytic capacitors are polarized capacitors because of their
anodization principle. They can only be operated with DC voltage applied with the correct polarity.
7.Push Botton
Push button switches, or pushbutton switches, are electrical devices that activate or
deactivate circuits when pressed. They are commonly used to control a wide array of
Push button switches come in various forms, including buttons and keys, and can be
categorized as either maintained or momentary. The most common type of momentary
switch is the push button. A normally closed push button switch, often called a push-to-
break switch, interrupts the circuit when pressed, while a normally open push button
switch, known as a push-to-make switch, completes the circuit when pressed.
8.12V DC Adaptor
A 12V power adapter is a device that distributes 12 volts of regulated DC power
to electronics that can use it. It’s used in a lot of different household appliances,
security systems, LED strips, and small electronic devices.
9.Bread Board
A breadboard, solderless breadboard, or protoboard is a construction base used to build
semipermanent prototypes of electronic circuits. Unlike a preboard or stripboard,
breadboards do not require soldering or destruction of tracks and are hence reusable.
For this reason, breadboards are also popular with students and in technological
Circuit Diagram
Source Code/Program
Void setup() {
// Configure pins
pinMode(trigPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(echoPin, INPUT);
pinMode(solenoidPin, OUTPUT);
Void loop() {
// Measure distance
Long duration, distance;
// Send a 10-microsecond pulse to the trigger pin
digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW);
digitalWrite(trigPin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW);
• Creating an idea for face recognition door lock system using the
raspberry pi.
• Designing a block diagram to know which components are needed
to construct it.
• Designing a schematic for creating the circuit board.
• Programming for the raspberry pi to control the video camera for
capturing the images.
• Setting all the components in with raspberry pi on board.
• Turn on the device for the experimental.
• And finally run the device.
Result &Conclusion
The experimental results shows two different cases like if it is an authenticated person then the door
will be opened automatically and in the case of unauthenticated person the door will remain closed.
The snap shot of the authenticated person is taken. The captured image is compared with the image in
the database. With these features the image is decided to be an authenticated one. Once the image is
declared to be an authenticated one, then the door of the system will be opening automatically.
Sometimes unknown person may also enter, this cannot be avoided but at all times everyone will not
be aware of the intruder. For this type of situation this model proposes a solution. If the captured
image is an unauthenticated person and the door will remain closed itself. Face recognition system
has been developed in order to study the potential application for automated door access control
system. We successfully finished a face recognition door lock system as we planned. The passcode
and face recognition works well. There is high accuracy in recognizing house owner faces and it
could realize sending the matched face image to another ESP-32 CAM in time and give a good
output. And it takes a little bit time to recognize. At all, we all are satisfied to build it.
1. www.google.com
2. Arduino - Home
3. www.googleimages.com
4. http://www.arduino.cc/
5. http://www.arduinoproducts.cc
6. http://www.atmel.com/atmega328/
7. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:16MHZ_Crystal.jpg
Components Quantity Rate
FTDI232 USB 1 160
FTDI Cable 1 50
22uF Capacitor 1 3
12V Adaptor 1 120
Solenoid Lock 1 350
TIP122 NPN 1 10
Push Botton 1 3
7805 Voltage 1 10
10k Resistor 1 2
ESP-32CAM 1 550
Total 11 1258