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Risk Management and Healthcare Policy Dovepress

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Assessment of Patient Safety Culture Among

Doctors, Nurses, and Midwives in a Public
Hospital in Afghanistan
This article was published in the following Dove Press journal:
Risk Management and Healthcare Policy

Abdul Qahir Jabarkhil 1,2 Introduction: The first step to improve the safety of patients in hospitals is to evaluate
Seyed Saeed Tabatabaee 1 safety culture. Therefore, the patient safety culture in doctors, nurses and midwives should be
Jamshid Jamali 1 reviewed regularly. The aim of the study was to determine the current state of patient safety
Javad Moghri 1 culture among physicians, nurses and midwives at the Estiqlal Hospital in Kabul to promote
an effective safety culture.
Social Determinants of Health Research
Methods: This cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted from January to March 2020
Center, Mashhad University of Medical
Sciences, Mashhad, Iran; 2MoPH, Estiqlal among doctors, nurses, and midwives at the Esteqlal Specialized Hospital in Kabul. In that
Hospital, Kabul, Afghanistan study, the data were collected through a survey of hospital. Among the 267 employees
invited to participate, 267 (100%) completed the surveys. Descriptive statistics have been
used to adjust frequency distribution tables and inferential statistics to identify differences in
variable relationships. The independent sample T-test and one-way ‘ANOVA ‘ were used to
check variations between groups, and SPSS version 25 was used for data analysis.
Results: The findings of this study have shown that organizational learning and non-punitive
response to errors have had the highest and lowest scores. Eight out of 12 dimensions of
patient safety culture scored lower. Four dimensions of patient safety culture scored the
highest. Overall, patient safety culture dimensions were low and poor (44%). This means the
patient safety culture at the hospital was poor.
Conclusion: The safety culture of the patients at the hospital was inappropriate, particularly
in the eight dimensions of the patient safety culture, immediate intervention was necessary.
The study emphasizes the creation of a desirable organizational climate, the need for staff
involvement in various levels of decision-making, the creation of a culture of error reporting
and recognizing the causing factors, and promoting a patient safety culture.
Keywords: patient safety, patient safety culture, medical error, HSOPSC questionnaire

One of the most obvious human rights is the right to be safe from hazards and harm
when receiving health care. According to the World Health Organization (WHO),
quality of care is the delivery of health services to individuals, populations, and patients
that enhances the desired outcome.1 Safety in the diagnosis and treatment of patients is
one of the priorities of the healthcare system and one of the key elements of the quality
of medical services. It means preventing any harm to the patient while providing
Correspondence: Javad Moghri
Social Determinants of Health Research medical services. The World Health Organisation estimates that because of unsafe
Center, Mashhad University of Medical medical procedures, millions of patients are victims of accidents and deaths. These
Sciences, Mashhad, Iran
Email moghrij@mums.ac.ir harms may include surgery, wrong technique, post-operative complications,

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misdiagnosis (late diagnosis and non-diagnosis), infections, deaths. Annually, unsafe medical practices cause around
and bedsores. Approximately two-thirds of adverse events 134 million adverse events in LMICs, of which 2.6 million
and related disabilities caused by medical mistakes occur in are lethal.7 In Canada, one in 18 hospital visits leads to
low- and middle-income countries. It is estimated that out of avoidable harm. These incidents generate an additional
421 million hospitalizations worldwide every year, about 2.75 billion dollars in health care treatment costs
42.7 million are at risk, with about two-thirds of all events every year.8 The social and economic impact of patient
occurring in low- and middle-income countries.2 Every year, harm leads to losses of trillions of US dollars worldwide.9
a significant number of patients are injured or die as a result The global focus on increasing the number of services, and
of unsafe and inadequate health care. The costs of the the financial mechanisms which provide them need to be
wounded and their families are estimated at millions of complemented by sustained attention to safety.10 The extent,
American dollars. In 2017, under the heading “Making types, and causes of errors, adverse events, and near misses
healthcare safer”, the WHO estimated that about 1 in 10 are essential for developing and implementing patient safety
hospitalized patients were injured and that at least 50% of policies, strategies, and plans. Therefore, the implementation
cases were preventable.3 The Institute of Medicine (IOM) of reporting and learning systems for events should receive
released a report in 1999 that “In the United States, between a particular priority among other interventions to ensure
44,000 and 98,000 people die every year in hospital due to patient safety. The reporting environment should be free
preventable medical errors “. Martin Makary and Michael
from blame and punishment to encourage health profes­
Daniel at Johns Hopkins University published a report in
sionals to report and learn from events and provide opportu­
BMJ 2016, and mentioned the report. “The medical error is
nities for patients, their families, and their careers to report on
the third most commonly reported cause of death in the
their experiences. Other needs to improve patient safety
United States”. The cost of these errors in American hospitals
include increased resources to train local personnel, enhan­
is estimated to be between US$17 and US$19 billion
cing research capacity, and training of non-physician person­
annually. This unsafe health care resulted in “14% of perma­
nel to create interdisciplinary patient safety teams. A safety
nent disabilities, 16% of moderate disabilities, 30% of mini­
culture requires the leadership, commitment, and involve­
mum disabilities, and 8% of unexplained incidents”. Studies
ment of personnel at all levels, especially frontline personnel.
have also shown that, in all cases of adverse accidents, the
There is a need for healthcare organizations to assess patient
patient requires a further nine days to be hospitalized. These
safety culture. Areas of patient safety requiring attention and
unsafe events involved “34% medical errors, 19% diagnostic
recognizing the strengths and weaknesses of the hospital’s
errors, 18% obstetrical errors, and 9% neonatal procedures”.4
current safety culture. Prior to intervening in a change in
According to the World Health Organization report in 2018
for developing countries (Africa and Eastern Mediterranean), a hospital’s safety culture, it is necessary to assess the current
“one-third of patients died from unsafe health care”. In state of the safety culture. Assessing the current state of the
developing countries, about two out of ten patients will be patient safety culture makes it possible for the hospital to
wounded in the hospital. It is also known that procedures and recognize its strengths and weaknesses. Although many
areas of activity are most likely to lead to adverse outcomes: instruments for assessing patient safety culture exist, and
Therapeutic errors (34%), surgical procedure (27%), obste­ one of the most common is the “HSOPSC” questionnaire.
trics errors (18%), neonatal procedure (8%), and anesthesia That has been developed by the US Agency for Health Care
(0.5%).5 However, in many countries, the fear of reporting Research and Quality (AHRQ). It is widely used for both
mistakes is manifested in the culture of health care, hindering institutional and national level measurements.
progress, learning to improve, and preventing mistakes. HSOPSC measures patient safety culture in
Across Europe, medical mistakes and health-related events Afghanistan’s hospital in order to support teamwork and
occur in approximately 8–12% of hospitals. It showed that collaboration to improve patient safety. There are no mea­
15% of hospital costs in Europe are attributable to the treat­ surement devices for patient safety in Afghanistan’s
ment of safety-related adverse events. Furthermore, adverse national language. Afghanistan is also part of the interna­
events consume almost 15% of total health spending in tional community and has similar health problems as most
OECD countries.6 Every year, in Low- and Middle-Income countries. Therefore, we used the HSOPSC tools to Raise
Countries (LMICs), 5.7 to 8.4 million deaths are attributed to staff awareness about patient safety and assess the current
poor-quality health care services, accounting for 15% of all status of patient safety culture.

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The Afghan Ministry of Public Health has made patient provided suggestions for improving the quality of the trans­
safety an absolute priority in response to the increase in lation and making it easier to understand its purpose. The
medical errors. Patient safety culture surveys have not yet latest version of the tool was modified accordingly and was
been conducted in public hospitals in Afghanistan, and then re-tested on 10 physicians in hospital. The reliability of
there are no valid or reliable investigational tools for this the translated instrument was assessed using Cronbach α
purpose. Therefore, to assess the HSOPSC tool in which revealed an acceptable value of “0.80”. The trans­
Afghanistan public hospital in addition to constructing an lated questionnaire was distributed to all doctors, nurses and
optimal model to assess the level of safety culture in this midwives at the hospital. All answers were confidential and
setting and to benchmark the data against other interna­ none was shared with hospital management teams or any­
tional studies. The results of such a study will enable one else. After answering the questions, SPSS version 25
hospital staff and management to better understand the was used for data analysis.
nuances of patient safety culture and will be some best
practices for other public hospitals. The development of
Data Analysis
a safety culture can prevent adverse events or promptly
Descriptive statistics were used to summarize demographic
correct mistakes before harm is caused to the patients.
data, patient safety culture dimension/element ratings, and
safety results (patient safety grade, the number of reported
Methods events). The HSOPSC questionnaire consists of both posi­
This cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted from
tive and negative items. The HSOPSC consists of three key
January to March 2020 among doctors, nurses, and mid­
elements: population information, 42 elements, and the 12-
wives at the Esteqlal Specialized Hospital in Kabul.
dimensional measurement scale, as well as two other ques­
Estiqlal Hospital is one of the public hospitals with 400
tions on the overall patient safety grading and the number of
beds and serves approximately 113,416 patients annually.
events reported in the last 12 months. The items were coded
In that study, the data were collected through a survey of
using a 5-point Likert scale ranging from “strongly disagree”
hospital. “HSOPC” Dari translated questionnaire was dis­
to “never”. The mean percent positive response was used to
tributed to 267 hospital staff consisting of doctors, nurses,
report the results. The positive responses for each item were
and midwife. Participants were volunteers who had sub­
defined as the percentage of strongly agree and agree
mitted a written informed consent. Most respondents had
(always and most of the time) responses for direct -worded
direct contact with patients. All answers were confidential
items and strongly disagree and disagree (never and rarely)
and no response was shared with the local management or
for reverse worded items. Additionally, the average percen­
anyone else. Hospital managers were asked to collect the
tage of positive responses for each level was defined as the
completed questionnaires a week after distribution. Among
average of the percentage of positive responses for the
the 267 employees invited to participate, 267 (100%) com­
dimension items. The last score was ranked in three levels:
pleted the surveys. Ethical approval was granted by the
high (over 75% of positive responses), medium (50% to
Research Ethics Committee of Mashhad University of
75% of positive responses), and low (under 50% of positive
Medicine (IR.MUMS.REC.1398.270), and Research
responses). Quantitative data was reported as a mean and
department of Public Health Ministry, Afghanistan.
standard deviation. The analysis used a 95% confidence
Participants were made aware of the purpose, benefits, and
interval and 0.05 significance levels. Paired sample t-tests,
importance of the survey and their rights to participate
Pearson correlation test, and ‘ANOV’ were used to compare
voluntarily. Data were collected through a questionnaire
means. Data analysed on SPSS version 25.
that included sociodemographic characteristics and the
Survey of Patient Safety Culture in Hospitals. Socio-
demographic and individual characteristics include age, Result
sex, education, hours worked per week, unit, position, Characteristics of Demographic
work experience within the current unit, and type of Demographic characteristics of participants show that 47.5%
employee. The HSOPSC was translated into Dari by three of men and 52.4% of women. Concerning the education
members who are experienced in health research and survey level, 41.2% bachelor’s degrees, 40.5% MD, 14.2% specia­
design. Then, the validity was evaluated by an expert list, and 4.1% had master’s degrees. The majority of respon­
researcher who looked at the translation. The reviewers dents reported having less than 15 years of experience

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Risk Management and Healthcare Policy 2021:14 1213
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working at their current hospital and unit. Most staff worked response rate was in continuous organization’s learning
40 to 59 hours a week (65.9%). There are significant differ­ improvement. Overall, the average positive response to
ences between the 12-dimensional patient safety culture and the 12 dimensions of patient safety culture was 44%,
gender. It means that women share more information than which showed a poor level of safety culture in the hospital.
men. There is a significant difference between married per­ There is significant difference between the dimension of “
son and the dimension of “ non-punitive response to errors”. Frequency of events reporting “ and the job category. This
This means that married persons are less likely to be pun­ meant that midwives were less likely to report events than
ished for their mistakes unmarried persons. physicians and nurses. Table 2 presents patient safety
There is significant difference between the dimension culture based on the HSPOSC questionnaire:
of “ Frequency of events reporting “ and level of educa­ Regarding the “number of reported events”, the find­
tion. This means that masters are less likely to report ings showed that midwives and nurses reported less med­
incidents than others. ical error than others. Fewer reports were given in the
Table 1 presents demographics based on the HSPOSC new-born service. This means that reporting of medical
questionnaire. errors in the hospital is poor, and the main reason is the
fear of punishment from the manager. Table 3 presents
Patient Safety Culture Dimensions Percentage of events report in the last 12 months.
In this study, dimensions with a mean percentage of posi­ In this study, the percentage of hospital staff evaluated
tive responses were considered at three levels: High the patient safety level. This means that the hospital is in
(above 75% of positive responses), medium (50% to a poor condition and this is a significant statistic for
75% of positive responses) and low (below 50% of posi­ hospitals. Table 4 shows responses to the patient safety
tive responses). The level of safety culture in non-punitive grade dimension:
response to errors (10.8%), communication openness
(25.5%), staffing (26.6%), frequency of events reporting Discussion
(34%), handoffs and transitions (40.6%), feedback and This study assessed the current state of patient safety
communication about the error (42.8%), supervisor/man­ culture in Esteqlal Hospital using the HSOPSC tool. The
ager expectations and promoting safety actions (43.8%), current study showed that the overall positive response
overall perceptions of safety (47,6%) were low level. was poor in all aspects of HSOPSC in the hospital, and
Management support for patient safety (55%), teamwork that some areas need improvement immediately. The
within units (62.4%), teamwork across units (71.2%), and assessment and promotion of a safety culture are recog­
Organizational learning-continuous improvement (75%) at nized as a necessary step to improve patient safety.
the medium level. The lowest positive response rate was Overall, the mean positive response rate was 44% which
a nonpunitive response to errors, and the highest positive is almost similar to the study implemented in Ethiopia11
but is lower than the Netherlands,12 Palestine,13 and
Taiwan.14 This clarification of variation may focus on
Table 1 Demographic Characteristics at the Estiqlal Public
Hospital, Kabul, Afghanistan (n=267)
differences in organizational behavior and management
across countries. These countries may have better man­
Variable Number Percentage
agement values, commitments, leadership, hospital staff
Gender relations, economic development and national cultural
Male 127 47.5 difference. This means we can learn from hospitals that
Female 140 52.4
have a more developed safety culture. In this study, the
Married status highest score for organizational learning (75%) and the
Single 75 28.1 lowest score for nonpunitive error response (10.8%) were
Married 192 71.9
identified. It is interesting to note that “Organizational
Level of education learning-continuous improvement” the only dimension
Master 11 4.1 that scores higher (75%) than the AHRQ data (73%).15
Specialist 38 14.2
This study showed “teamwork across the unit” and “team­
MD 108 40.5
work within unit” dimensions were the area of highest
Bachelor 110 41.2
average positive response rate after organizational

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Table 2 Average Percentage of Positive Responses Across All 12 Table 3 Percentage of Events Report in the Last 12 Months at
Dimensions of Safety Culture Survey at the Estiqlal Public the Estiqlal Public Hospital, Kabul, Afghanistan (n=267)
Hospital, Kabul, Afghanistan (n=267) and (M =Mean, SD=
Report in the Last 12 Months Percentage
Standard Deviation, the Independent Sample t-test and One-
Way “ANOVA” Were Used to Check Variations Between No report 49.8%
Groups, Significant at P ≤ 0.05, “Agree” and “Strongly Agree” 1–2 report 33.7%
are Positive Responses, “Strongly Disagree” and “Disagree” are 3–5 report 13.5%
Positive Responses, nd “Most of the Times” and “Always” are 6–10 report 2.6%
Positive Responses) 11–20 report 0.4%

No. Safety Culture Mean M SD P-value

Dimension Percentage
Table 4 Responses to the Patient Safety Grade Dimension at the
Estiqlal Public Hospital, Kabul, Afghanistan (n=267): Patient
Safety Grade
1 Frequency of 34 3.08 0.64 0.216
Grade Number Percentage
events reporting
Excellent 38 14%
2 Overall 47.6 3.02 0.57 0.163
Acceptable 56 21%
perceptions of
Poor 173 65%

3 Supervisor/ 43.8 2.84 0.67 0.670

expectations and learning. This shows that respondents are positive in
promoting safety
supporting each other, working together as a team, and
act to improve patient safety. This result is nearly compa­
4 Organizational 75 3.81 0.61 0.153 tible with the results of studies carried out in Iran,16 and
learning- Netherlands. It is estimated that the “staffing” dimension
is low (26.6%), and significantly below the AHRQ (54%).
The shortage of qualified personnel is a challenge for the
5 Teamwork across 71.25 3.88 0.57 0.243 hospital, and there is evidence of its impact on health
outcomes. As a result, managers should take appropriate
6 Communication 25.5 2.78 0.62 0.763 steps to allocate and distribute resources. Meanwhile,
openness staff is a common concern for patient safety in many
7 Feedback and 42.8 3.38 0.57 0.840 countries. This study found that 66% of respondents
communication worked more than 40 hours a week. Continuous work
about error causes fatigue in employees, increasing the likelihood of
8 Non-punitive 10.8 1.97 0.54 0.852 medical errors and side effects on patient safety. Another
response to area of concern is “non-punitive response to error” which
errors has the lowest percentage (10.8%) of positive response
9 Staffing 26.6 2.38 0.57 0.390 among the 12 dimensions of patient safety culture in this
study. Most hospital staff believe that their errors are kept
10 Management 55 3.32 0.70 0.138
against them and are kept in their personal file. Although
support for
patient safety a significant number of respondents believe that medical
error is followed by punitive measures, approximately
11 Teamwork within 62.4 3.41 0.60 0.535
half of them reported at least one incident in the last 12
months. It is important that the hospital create an envir­
12 Handoffs and 40.6 2.82 0.61 0.0145 onment that encourages the culture and reporting of errors
without fear of punishment, to restore patient safety. The
Average size of twelve 44% mean positive response rate was (10.8%) which is almost
patient safety culture similar to the study conducted at the ICU in Brazil (14%),
and Saudi Arabia.17–19 The dimension of “Handoffs and

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Risk Management and Healthcare Policy 2021:14 1215
Jabarkhil et al Dovepress

transition of care” is at a low-level (40.6%). The main aim strategies to improve it. There is a suggestion to
of the patient is to transfer and share the patient’s clinical research, patient safety culture in other public and pri­
information when transferring responsibility to other vate hospitals in the future.
employees. The lack of information raises the risk of
treatment and ultimately the safety of patients
Inadequate staffing, lack of knowledge, communication
The study focused on the hospital patient safety culture,
errors and lack of awareness are the main causes of risk
with a focus on doctors, nurses and midwives, who make
when patients are transferred to hospital.20 The dimen­
up approximately 75% of Estiqlal hospital staff. Further
sions of “Management support and learning” is at the
studies are required to obtain a more comprehensive pic­
medium level (55%). Hospital staff believes that hospital
ture of the patient safety culture taking into account other
management does not create an enabling work environ­
categories of staff in the hospital.
ment that enhances patient safety. Their errors are
recorded in the personnel files “Frequency of events
reporting”. Similar findings were found in studies in Ethics Approval and Consent to
Jima, Northern Ethiopia, Tunisia, and Oman.21–23 In this Participate
study, only 33.8% of hospital respondents reported at The study was approved by the Research Ethics
least one event in their hospital in the last year. This is Committee of Mashhad University of Medicine. (IR.
lower than reported by hospitals in Amhara, where two- MUMS.REC.1398.270), (http://research.mums.ac.ir) and
thirds of health care workers reported at least one event in research department of Ministry of Health, Afghanistan
the Jima region, SNNP hospitals in Ethiopia, Saudi before the process of data collection commenced.
Arabia and Iran.24–26 Our study showed that almost Participants were given oral and written information on
every aspect of a patient safety culture is needed to the study, including details on the confidentiality of the
make improvements. In this study, the hospital was in data processing. Participants were informed of the volun­
a poor condition. tary nature of their participation, including the possibility
of termination at any time. Written informed consent was
Conclusion obtained from each participant before the participation.
The result of the present study showed that the state of Meanwhile, this study was conducted in accordance with
patient safety culture in most of the dimensions are not the declaration of Helsinki.
appropriate from the perspective of physicians, nurses,
and midwives, which can be due to the culture of
punishment, unfair distribution of nurses, and midwives
The author would like to thank the doctors, nurses and
in the hospital unit. In this study, the highest score for
midwives at Estiqlal Hospital for their help and partici­
organizational learning and the lowest score for non-
pation in the study. I am grateful to the MoPH, the
punitive response to event error were detected. Our
hospital director, and the Mashhad University of
study identified most areas that needed to be improved,
Medical Sciencestrainers for supporting the study. I also
including increased staffing and resources. Creating
appreciated Dr. Fatema Kokabi, Dr. Arif Oryakhil, and
a positive safety culture for patients is unavoidable by
Dr. Masoda Faizi for their assistance with the editing
taking steps that support all aspects of the safety culture.
It will be important to invest time and resources in
training staff, not blaming anyone, and to encourage
a culture of reporting errors among co-workers. This Author Contributions
can be achieved through regular and joint training ses­ Author considered the idea, designed the study, analysed
sions for doctors, midwives and nurses. Additional the data, and wrote the article.
effort is needed to establish an effective and a positive Meanwhile, all authors contribution to data analysis,
safety culture in all parts of the hospital. Evidence can drafting or revising the article, have agreed on the journal
help governmental health decision-makers and hospital to which the article will be submitted, gave final approval
administrators understand the challenges surrounding the of the version to be published, and agree to be accountable
issue of hospital patient safety culture and develop for all aspects of the work.

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