n-648 last one
n-648 last one
n-648 last one
2. What clinical or laboratory diagnostic techniques did you use to diagnose each of the applicant's disabilities and/or
impairment(s) listed in Part 3., Item Number 1.?
3. Have any of the applicant's disabilities and/or impairments listed in Part 3., Item Number 1. lasted, or do Yes No
you expect any of them to last, 12 months or more? If your answer is “No,” do not complete this form
because the applicant is not eligible for this exception.
4. Are any of the disabilities and/or impairment(s) listed in Part 3., Item Number 1. the result of the Yes No
applicant's illegal use of drugs? If your answer is “Yes” for all of the disabilities or impairments, do not
complete this Form because the applicant is not eligible for this exception.
5. If yes, for some disabilities or impairments, identify which disabilities or impairments are the result of the applicant's illegal use
of drugs.
6. For disabilities and/or impairments listed in Part 3., Item Number 1., provide the date you last examined the applicant.
Date (mm/dd/yyyy)
7. Do any of the disabilities or impairments listed in Part 3., Item Number 1. prevent the applicant from demonstrating the
following? Select all that apply. If none applies, do not complete this Form because the applicant is not eligible for this
The ability to: Read English Speak English Write English
Answer questions regarding United States history and civics, even in a language the applicant understands.
If in-person interpretation services were used during the medical examination, the interpreter must fill out this section, sign, and date
the certification. If telephonic interpretation services were used during the medical examination, the certifying medical professional
must complete all items in this section, except Item Number 6.
1. Was a telephonic or video facilitated interpreter used during the examination of the applicant? Yes No
2. Interpreter's Name
Family Name (Last Name) Given Name (First Name) Middle Name (if applicable)
Interpreter's Certification
I certify that I am fluent in English and the following language, .
I further certify that I have accurately and completely interpreted all communications between the certifying medical professional and
the applicant that occurred on , the date(s) of the examination(s) that form the basis of this certification.
6. Interpreter's Signature (not required for telephonic interpretations) Date of Signature (mm/dd/yyyy)
I certify that:
1. I have examined the applicant/patient listed in Part 1. above.
2. I will furnish relevant medical records to USCIS, if requested to do so by USCIS, based on the applicant's consent in
Part 6.
3. This applicant's identity has been verified through the following United States or State government-issued photographic
identity document:
Additionally, I certify, under penalty of perjury under the laws of the United States of America, that the information on this form and
any evidence submitted with it are all true and correct. I am aware that the knowing placement of false information on Form N-648
and related documents may also subject me to criminal penalties including under 18 U.S.C. section 1546, civil penalties under 8
U.S.C. section 1324c and Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) section 274C, and civil license suspension or revocation by the
appropriate authorities.
4. Certifying Medical Professional Signature Date of Signature (mm/dd/yyyy)