Issued Endorsed Appr’d
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Table of Contents
A. General .................................................................................................................................... 4
E. Equipment .............................................................................................................................. 9
1. Transformers ........................................................................................................................ 9
2. Switchgear ............................................................................................................................ 9
3. Motor Control Centers ....................................................................................................... 10
4. Protective Relay & Control Panels .................................................................................... 10
5. Protection and Metering ..................................................................................................... 11
6. 138 kV & 34.5 kV Substations........................................................................................... 11
7. Materials ............................................................................................................................. 12
8. Stationary Battery Banks.................................................................................................... 12
F. Materials ................................................................................................................................ 13
1. Power, Lighting and Service Panels................................................................................... 13
2. Cable Tray. ......................................................................................................................... 13
3. Power and Control Cable. .................................................................................................. 13
4. Stress Cones ....................................................................................................................... 14
5. Cable Connectors ............................................................................................................... 14
6. Junction Boxes ................................................................................................................... 14
7. Receptacles ......................................................................................................................... 14
8. Field Mounted Pushbutton Stations. .................................................................................. 14
9. Grounding System Materials.............................................................................................. 14
10. Conduits – Underground Ductbanks or Recessed. ............................................................. 15
11. Conduits – Surface Installations. ........................................................................................ 15
12. Lighting – Process Plants ................................................................................................... 15
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G. Other Criteria ....................................................................................................................... 15
1. Electrical Buildings ............................................................................................................ 15
2. Foundations ........................................................................................................................ 16
3. Commissioning and Spare Parts ......................................................................................... 16
4. Requisitions (Consumables)............................................................................................... 17
5. H-beams and Pile Caps. ..................................................................................................... 17
6. Corrosion Protection. ......................................................................................................... 17
7. Equipment Shelters ............................................................................................................ 17
8. Equipment Protection ......................................................................................................... 18
9. Fencing ............................................................................................................................... 18
10. Distribution Panels ............................................................................................................. 18
11. Lighting Controls. .............................................................................................................. 19
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A. General
Engineering, design, equipment and material procurement for new facilities shall be in accordance
with the criteria outlined in this specification.
1. National Electrical Code (NEC) or the Canadian Electrical Code (CSA 22.1)
2. Compliance with criteria outlined in such standards as; NFPA, ANSI, IEEE, NEMA, ICEA,
3. Engineering principles as outlined in the IEEE Color Book Series; Std #141, Std #142, Std
#241, S Std #242, Std #399, Std #446, Std #493, Std #602, Std #739, & Std #1100.
4. Fault currents (max & min), voltage drop and similar calculations shall be based on the
procedures outlined in IEEE Std #142 and other ‘Color Book Series’
Engineering undertaken for any new facilities shall only be undertaken by professionals who are
experienced and knowledgeable in their field of expertise.
Electrical equipment and components shall be suitable for the following system:
1. Frequency: 60 HZ
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3. Equipment Voltage Classes
ystem Grounding
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kW. Loads shall be identified with the service name and applicable equipment or panel
number. In addition, it is to identify the starter, breaker, disconnect, fuse and cable sizes
(awg / mcm only) and, if applicable, metering data.
Power transformers feeding these MCCs shall be shown as a load on the higher voltage SL
Diagram. Incoming feeder size (awg / mcm) shall be shown as well as the upstream SL
Diagram drawing number.
This drawing category shall also identify the 480 – 120/208 V service transformers and
associated service and lighting panels. Loads energized from service and lighting panels
shall be shown on panel schedule drawings in accordance with criteria outlined elsewhere.
3. Layout Drawings
Separate layout drawings are to be developed for each major category of electrical data.
Further, data shall be delineated in such a fashion that only similar or related information is
shown on the same document. This mandatory criteria requires that separate drawings are to be
developed for each of the following:
a. Equipment layout
b. Grounding
c. Lighting Layout
d. Raceway Layout (such as cable tray. u/g ductbank & similar)
e. Installation Details (delineated by above listed categories).
Electrical information shall be shown on drawings which are solely dedicated to this field of
engineering discipline. At no time shall electrical data be shown on civil, architectural or
similar other discipline drawing categories (and vice versa).
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crossings tray bridges are to be installed to provide a minimum clearance for vehicular traffic
of 5.9 m. Waha's typical installation details as shown on 4000-AP-319 are to be followed for
all new installations.
A cable tray system consists of straight sections, horizontal & vertical bends, crosses & T's
(when required). It should be noted that all these components are generally only used for major
runs containing large sized and/or many cables. Aside for main runs it is not necessary to
install bends, T's, crosses etc for radial runs if Teck cable is used. For radial runs it is quite
acceptable and normal practice to make changes in elevations and/or directions without
transition pieces. A cable tray system does not have to be a 100% mechanically continuous
system (see Article #318 of the NEC for additional criteria).
A ground wire shall be laid in a tray to ensure ground continuity from end to end. For a 'multi-
tier tray run' only one wire shall be installed in anyone tray and the other trays shall be bonded
together, say every 30 m. Ground wire shall be clamped to rungs every 10 m or so.
5. Schematic Diagrams
This drawing category is to be developed in the 'ladder' type format. Within any one schematic
each wire shall be identified with a unique number. Each schematic shall be accompanied by a
block diagram, providing information on the location of the 'control devices' as well as showing
the individual cables. Location of control devices shall not be identified within a schematic,
instead this type of data is to be shown in the block diagrams and implicitly shown in the
interconnection drawings.
Generally a separate schematic is to be developed for each motor. For those instances that
several motors (480 V motors only) have an identical scheme a basic schematic is to be
developed and the differences are to be listed on a schedule. These differences could consist of
different MCC's, wire and/or terminal block numbers and similar.
For those instances that a manufacturer shows control schemes on vendor drawings this
information is to be extracted from the vendor prints and re-drafted onto Waha drawings.
The format of this drawing category (both the ac and dc schematics) shall be in full compliance
with Waha’s standard format which in essence is the ANSI format. Sample drawings will be
made available.
The schematic portion of this drawing category shall identify all terminals commencing from
the field device to the final panel device.
7. Interconnection Diagrams
This drawing category shall identify termination points of each wire. Termination schedules
may be acceptable providing the format has been approved by Waha.
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This drawing category shall be developed - when required - per API 500. The data shown on
this drawing(s) shall consist of plan views only with the reference made to standard details
shown on Standard Dwgs #4000-AP-334/335.
a. Cables associated with pump number G367 and assume this is a large motor requiring
2c of 3c power cables. These power cables are to be numbered G367-P1 & G367-P2
whereas the control cables shall be numbered as G367-C1, G367-C2 etc. The cable
schedule has a ‘From’ and a ‘To’ column where additional information can be provided
if necessary. The power cable number shall not contain any reference such as ‘M’ to the
b. Power feeders carrying large currents such as those interconnecting a transformer with
switchgear or similar usually consist of single conductor (1c) cables with multiple
conductors per phase. In all cases each 1c cable shall be assigned a cable number on the
cable schedule (not on the SL diagrams). Say the SL diagram identifies a 6 of 1c #350
mcm (2c/ph) power feeder interconnecting transformer #T8 with Swgr #3. The
corresponding cable numbers shall be T8-P1, T8-P2, T8-P3 etc.
c. Similarly panels shall be identified as PDP1, PDP2 etc or as SP1, SP2 etc or as LP1,
LP2 etc. If necessary to make reference to an individual circuit then it shall be
identified as SP2-25 or similar.
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E. Equipment
Outdoor equipment shall be suitable for the conditions and environmental conditions.
Specifications and engineering decisions for outdoor mounted equipment and materials shall take
into account the high ambient temperatures, wind-blown sand as well as the presence of sour gas.
Environmental criteria is outlined in ENG-PJ-A-0019.
Equipment such as switchgear, motor control centers, control panels shall be installed indoors in
environmentally controlled and dust free rooms.
Equipment specs shall clearly identify that power cable/wire termination lugs are to be supplied by
the equipment manufacturer. Engineering Contractor shall be responsible to finalize the 'cable
sizing' prior to issuing the documentation for tender.
1. Transformers
Power & Distribution transformers shall comply with the criteria outlined in ANSI Std
#C57.12.00, #C57.12.10 as well as all related guides and standards outlined therein. Other
features, accessories and similar shall be in accordance with that outlined in various Waha
Transformers shall be derated to take into account the high ambient temperatures in accordance
with criteria outlined in Spec № P2.6 and ANSI std #C57.92. This de-rating shall be done at
the engineering level and not by the manufacturer.
Transformers, regardless of voltage class and size, shall be installed outdoors. The only
transformers which are permitted indoors are control power transformers associated with starter
modules in MCCs or synchronous motor controls, instrument transformers or similar.
2. Switchgear
Indoor switchgear of the 15 kV and 5 kV voltage class shall be of the ‘Metal Clad’ category
and be equipped with SF6 or vacuum type draw out breakers.
a. Current Transformers
Protection relay and metering circuits shall be energized via separate current transformers
or for the case of outdoor CTs (i.e. in substations) from different windings. The secondary
rating of all CTs shall be 5 A.
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Protection relays, control switches, meters, status lights and similar shall be mounted in an
instrument compartment above or adjacent to the feeder and ‘incoming’ cell. Each breaker
cell shall be equipped with an analog ammeter and in addition each ‘incoming’ cell shall
be equipped with a voltmeter. Both types of meters are to be equipped with 3 phase
selector switches. Control circuits shall be equipped with the following, but not necessarily
be limited to, features:
• 125 V dc control circuit
• Trip circuit supervision with provisions for remote annunciation.
• Breaker status indication (‘red-closed’, ‘green-open’) at cell, control panel and
• All crucial points are to be e/w auxiliary contacts for annunciation.
a. 5 kV MCCs
Equipment shall be Westinghouse ‘Ampgard’ or approved equal which is to incorporate
the following:
• Comply with NEMA Std ICS2 (300 Series)
• NEMA Class E2 Controllers
• NEMA 1 enclosure rating
• UL or CSA certification labels
• Incoming breaker section c/w PTs, CTs, meters and similar
• Main power horizontal bus
• Motor protection relay type IQ-1000
• Control voltage to be 120 V ac
• Lugs suited for the power cable sizes
• Portable lifting carriage (for starter removal)
• Other features as determined during the detailed design phase
• Red (run) & green (standby) light and Stop button
b. 480 V MCCs
Shall be the GE 8000 product line or an approved equal. Each starter shall be c/w with a
control power xfr and one 'red' (run) light. Wiring class shall be NEMA Class I, Type B.
Each MCC shall be equipped with a main circuit breaker to provide protection and
isolating means. Each incoming section shall be complete with one 3 phase ammeter and
one 3 phase voltmeter. MCCs are to be of the 'back-to-back' arrangement with one
common horizontal bus. MCCs to be in compliance with NEMA Std #ICS 2-321, UL-425,
CSA 22.2 #14. Other features shall be as listed in Waha spec #P15.1.
Feeder breakers (if more than 3 or 4 are required) shall not be part of a MCC. Instead, a
large suitably sized main feeder breaker (say 600 A or whatever) shall be located in the
MCC which in turn feeds a PDP (i.e. a Square D I-Line Power Distribution Panel). The
PDP shall be the feed point for loads which require a power supply only i.e. without
4. Protective Relay & Control Panels
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Protection relays, indicating devices, meters and similar pertaining to outdoor substation
equipment shall be mounted in control panels. These panels shall be located indoors in
environmentally controlled & dust free rooms. Control panels shall be complete with a mimic
which provides a graphic presentation of the single line information. Indicating lights located
at the various points on the mimic shall provide the 'open/close' or similar status information of
equipment. Each panel shall be equipped with an annunciator. All relays devices shall be
complete with auxiliary output contacts to facilitate transmission (via a SCADA system) of
status and alarm conditions. Panel layout (logical & ample space), type of relays and similar
shall be identical in concept to what has recently been installed at some of our major stations.
The criteria for these relays is far reaching and, if required for a project, contractor is to
obtain details on general protection criteria from Waha. Regardless of circumstances the
concepts employed by Waha for the recent upgrades of the 138 kV protection systems
shall be followed.
Where applicable, relays are to be equipped with selectable characteristics covering a wide
range of conceivable requirements. Further, if available for the particular relay, the
following are to be included:
• Output modules for remote indication.
• Test plugs to facilitate maintenance and commissioning.
• Self supervisory capability.
• Additional features as required for a ‘state of the arts’ system.
b. Protection Engineering
Only ‘top of the line’ protection systems are to be implemented for new facilities. The
final relay type, selected from manufacturers indicated above, as well as the associated
features, accessories and similar, shall be determined by a fully qualified and experienced
‘Protection Engineer’ who is to take into account the maximum and minimum fault levels
as well as proven components in the power system protection field.
c. Ammeters
Ammeters shall be furnished for all out and incoming circuits. Ammeters shall be the
Crompton Switchboard Series. Scales shall be selected to provide 70% to 80% deflection
at full load.
d. Voltmeters
Each voltage level shall be equipped with a voltmeter and selector switch. Meters shall be
the Crompton Switchboard Series
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a. Equipment Configuration and Clearances
The ‘open profile’ equipment layout concept shall be used. Clearance of phase conductors
within fenced substation areas shall be in accordance with the criteria outlined in ANSI
Std. #C2 and as follows:
• 34.5 kV
Clearance to be in accordance with the criteria in ANSI Std #C2
b. Grounding
Substation grounding shall be in accordance with the criteria outlined in ANSI/IEEE Std
#80. At the very minimum the ground grid is to consist of #4/0 awg (min) bare copper,
with a nominal grid spacing of 5m x 5m (max) and placed about 500mm below grade.
Gradient mats shall be furnished for the safety of the maintenance personnel at each piece
of equipment which requires operation and maintenance. Waha standard consists of H-
beams complete with grating.
c. Support Structures
Support frames shall be purchased for / with equipment such as CTs, PTs, Surge arresters,
breakers and similar. Frames shall be complete with a base plate and fixing bolts to a 1”
thick pile cap plate. If concrete foundations are required then it is mandatory that anchor
bolts are supplied by the frame manufacturer. Structures shall comply with the criteria
outline in Specification P72.1
Support frames shall be either one singular column (i.e. 1 CT/column) or the inverted U-
type frame where 3 equipments (i.e. CTs, PTs, SAs etc) are mounted of an elevated
horizontal base frame which in turn is supported by 2 vertical columns. The T-type frame
with the elevated horizontal base supported by 1 vertical column only, is hereby
specifically excluded.
d. Equipment
Substation equipment such as breakers, CTs, PTs, SAs and similar shall be in accordance
with the criteria outlined in Specification P72.1 (138 kV equipment) and Specification
P16.1 (34.5 kV equipment).
7. Materials
Equipment layout shall make provision to provide free and unobstructed movement of wash
trucks, maintenance vehicles as well as sand clearing crews within the confines of a substation.
Minimum clearance around equipment shall be 3m and the clearance between equipment /
support structures and the fence to be no less than 5m.
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Battery banks and chargers fir the dc control power of switchgear, control panels and similar
shall be in accordance with the criteria outlined in Specification P78.1
F. Materials
Contractor shall incorporate into his design and develop the appropriate procurement
documentation based on the materials specified in this section. Threaded connections shall be the
imperial sizes threads per NEC and NFPA codes. Threads shall be coated with an anti-sieze
compound, T&B “KOPR SHIELD” or equal prior to engagement.
2. Cable Tray.
Cable tray system complete with ventilated covers (for top layer) is to form the main raceway
system. Cable tray shall be manufactured by the Electro Tray Company or other approved
manufacturers consisting of the following:
a. Material Type: Aluminium
b. Loading Category: Class E (130 mm side rails)
c. Rung Spacing: 300 mm
d. Type: EAE5
e. Width: Standard tray width shall be 600 & 300 mm (under exceptional
circumstances only may other widths be utilized)
f. Covers: Ventilated for top tray only. Bends, elbows etc to be e/w solid
covers (top tray only).
g. Tray Accessories: Cantrus channels, spring nuts, bolts, brackets, fittings, threaded
rods and similar accessories shall be the T&B (Superstrut)
product line.
Cables for plant site distribution systems are to be installed in cable tray or underground
duct banks shall be the “HL Teck” per Specification P83.1. The highlights consist of the
• Armor: Interlocked Aluminium
• Conductor material: Copper
• Outer sheath: PVC
• Color of outer sheath Black (all voltages)
• 5 kV Teck Cable: Shall be unshielded (i.e. Teck only)
It shall be noted that for substations, which inherently require extensive grounding
systems, the TC type power cable is acceptable.
b. Cable sizing.
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Conductor size shall be determined on basis of standard engineering calculations such as
ampacity requirements, voltage drop and short circuit levels. Cables shall be de-rated for a
50°C ambient as well as other factors (if required) which are unique to the physical
The ‘fault current’ values (max fault current) used to confirm final cable size shall be the
actual calculated value or the calculated future value. The bus bracing rating of switchgear
shall not form the basis for cable sizing.
The imperial system (i.e. awg or mcm) is to be employed in determining the conductor
sizes. Final conductor sizes are subject to the following criteria:
• The maximum size of 3c cables is limited to 300mcm
• 1c power feeders shall be used for conductor sizes > # 300 mcm
• The maximum size of 1c cables is limited to 500mcm
• Large ampacity feeders are to consist of multi 1c cables per phase.
4. Stress Cones
Termination kits shall be made by 3M and be the product series number 5620
5. Cable Connectors
T&B connectors as outlined in the Waha connector schedules ( Specifications P80.1, P80.2 or
P80.3) shall be used.
6. Junction Boxes
Outdoor mounted junction boxes shall be of fiber glass construction (NEMA 4X rating) c/w
back mounting plates as manufactured by the Robroy Company.
7. Receptacles
Receptacles shall be selected from Waha’s Receptacle Schedule ( Specification P81.1). Bryant
catalogue numbers are listed but the Hubble equals are acceptable. No substitutes are accepted
for the Appleton listed power receptacles.
In process plants 120 V general purpose receptacles shall only be installed at strategic locations
which are likely to require them for maintenance. Dedicated 120 V outlets shall be provided for
chemical injection pumps where required. A minimum of one 480V 3ph power outlet is to be
installed in major shelters, buildings and similar. Process facilities within 50m of major shelters
or buildings (which are complete with 120 V outlets) shall not be furnished with separate
general purpose outlets since these areas can be reached with extension cords.
Pushbutton stations shall be selected from the Appleton product line series “EFD”
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A substation or plant grounding system and ground grids shall be constructed utilizing the
following materials:
a. Ground Wire: Bare, stranded, soft drawn copper
b. Connectors: Compression, T&B series 53000
c. Rods: Copper clad
d. Buried Conductor Size: # 4/0 awg (min)
e. Surface Conductor: # 2/0 or # 2 awg (as required)
f. Surface Lugs: Burndy mechanical type
b. Process areas which require operating or maintenance personnel to work during night
time. Equipment locations to be illuminated in accordance with the criteria outlined in
Specification P2.3 and / or in IES standards.
c. Substation equipment
Luminaires shall be pole mounted or attached to an adjacent structure, such as a pipe rack
or similar. Poles shall be equipped with a tilting mechanism to facilitate cleaning and lamp
replacement. Fixtures shall be the HID category of High Pressure Sodium (HPS). Lighting
pole foundations generally consist of pile driven H-beams topped with a 25mm thick pile
G. Other Criteria
1. Electrical Buildings
Electrical distribution equipment such as switchgear, MCCs, control panels, service panels and
similar shall be installed in a conventional ‘cast-in-situ’ type building. These buildings shall
provide as ‘dust free’ of an environment as possible to ensure the integrity of the electrical
distribution and control equipment. These buildings are to be environmentally controlled to
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maintain the temperature @ 20°C ± 5°C.
Air conditioning equipment shall be either the ‘Single Package / Roof Top’ type (with duct
work connecting it to the room) or the split ac type. ‘Wall Type Units’ are hereby specifically
excluded. For split ac units (max 2 ton) the indoor fan coil shall be floor mounted against a wall
(elevated or ceiling mounting is hereby specifically excluded for electrical rooms).
Layout and features of buildings falling under this category shall be designed and constructed
in accordance with the criteria outlined in Specification P2.4.
2. Foundations
Equipment foundations such as; transformer, ray racks, poles and similar consist of pile driven
H-beams (sandy areas) or set in concrete H-beams in bed rock areas. This steel consists of
HP8x36 sections, ASTM Grade A.36
This is the preferred foundation material and method to be used for all new facilities, providing
that it meets all strength and stability criteria as determined by engineering calculations or
economic evaluations.
Installation details, such as depth below and above grade are to be shown on the applicable
drawing category. For bed rock areas, these details shall identify the size of the required
‘drilled’ hole (min 375mm) as well as the concrete required to surround the H-beam. Pile caps
consist of 1” thick steel plate sized for bolting equipment base plates to the foundations.
Commissioning spares shall be purchased with each equipment purchase order. All parts shall
be identical to those which are furnished with basic equipment.
a. Commissioning Spares
Considerable engineering judgement will be necessary to determine the type of and
quantity of commissioning parts. Each case shall be analysed on it’s own merits. The
following guidelines are to be used:
• Consumables are required to put the equipment into service such as:
o SF6 gas bottles
o Gas filling accessories such as hoses, fittings, gauges etc.
o Specialized test equipment required for commissioning.
o Specialized assembly or installation tools such as non standard wrenches & similar
o Lamps as required luminaries, control panels and similar.
o Overload heater elements as required for combination starters.
• Some control cards generally fail during the commissioning cycle ‘burn-in’ phase
therefore it is essential that spares are readily available for the commissioning phase.
• Equipment items which may be damaged during shipment. Generally these parts
consist of the following:
o Indicating meters.
o Bushings and insulators.
o Breaker poles and switch indicators.
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b. Spare Parts
A list of spare parts as required for a 2 year operation and maintenance period are to be
supplied as part of the basic vendor documentation. All items which are subject to wear
and tear as well as potential failure are to be identified. Generally, the engineering listing
will be augmented by items recommended by the manufacturer.
The spare parts listing shall be obtained from the manufacturer around the midpoint of the
procurement cycle. Purchase of these items will be Waha’s responsibility.
4. Requisitions (Consumables).
Data shown on these requisitions is to represent the summary of all the separate BOMs to be
developed for the individual drawing categories.
If engineering calculations determine that this foundation type is suitable for the application
then the materials shall be identified in Specification P.39.2.
6. Corrosion Protection.
Field fabricated support structures made from H-beams or similar shall be painted as outlined
in Waha’s ‘Coat & Wrap Manual’.
7. Equipment Shelters
Generally, major mechanical equipment requiring drivers and panels will be installed in open
sided main shelter buildings which will protect electrical & mechanical equipment from direct
If, for process or other considerations, distribution or control panels are positioned beyond the
main building perimeter, then this equipment shall be protected from direct sunlight. The sun
shade shall extend a minimum of 2 m in all directions beyond the equipment foot print.
Generally, this consists of corrugated metal sheets which are affixed to a U-channel frame. The
frame bottom in turn is embedded in or affixed to concrete base or driven piles. Shelters shall
be designed in such a fashion that they do not in any way present an obstacle to safety,
operation or maintenance.
Diesel Generator sets shall be installed within their own shelter which is to be complete with
ventilation as required for reliable and safe equipment operation. This shelter shall be sized to
provide a clear and unobstructed passageway of 1.5 m (minimum) around equipment footprint.
This width is to be increased, if necessary, to facilitate removal of components for maintenance
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Sunshades shall be provided for transformer/rectifier units and similar. These are generally
specified and purchased with the equipment.
8. Equipment Protection
Electrical equipment and structures located at various points in open non-fenced areas shall be
protected by means of bollards as show on 4000-AP-189. Equipment and structures falling
under this category as follows:
9. Fencing
Substations containing overhead bare conductors (generally of the 34.5 and 138 kV class) shall
be surrounded by a fence in accordance with the criteria outlined in National Electrical Safety
Code ANSI Std.C2. All fence materials shall be in accordance with the criteria outlined in
Specification # P39.1.
Panels shall comply with the criteria outlined in such standards as UL-50, UL-67, CSA C22.2
#29, NEMA PB-1, NFPA 70 and Federal Spec #W-P-115 Type 1. Panel loading shall not
exceed 70% of the bus rating. Each panel shall contain 30% spare 1 pole breaker positions.
All unused positions shall be filled with spare 1P & 2P breakers. For the case of I-Line panels,
these spares shall be 3 pole breakers.
The 'random selection' of spare MCBs shall take into account the breaker sizes selected for the
base 70% circuit breakers. For those cases where the 'panel feeder circuit breaker' is in the
same room panels shall be the 'main lug' category other panels shall be c/w with a main
incoming breaker.
Panels exceeding a height of about 1.8 m shall be floor mounted whereas those of lesser height
are wall mounted. If several panels are installed along a common wall ≈600 mm space shall be
between panel sides to allow for cable side entry.
A careful evaluation shall be undertaken to establish the location of the panels. This
evaluation shall take into account conflicting requirements such as:
If large number of circuits are required where the loads are in relatively close proximity,
such as heat trace loads, it is deemed to be most economical to locate panels in the vicinity
of these loads. In all cases these panels shall be located beyond (min 3m) the hazardous
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If loads are scattered throughout the production station such as lighting and similar which
can be serviced by say two or three panels then these are to be installed in the electrical
When it is essential to install a panel in finished areas then they shall be surface mounted
in a 'floor-to-ceiling electrical closet'. The closet shall be c/w top & bottom openings (if
required) as well as with access to the 'suspended ceiling' space for cable tray & cable
c. Cable Sizing
Because of voltage drop considerations in some cases it is necessary to increase cable size
which is beyond the standard molded case circuit breaker lug kit. Following is a partial
listing (Square D data) for the maximum conductor sizes for their breakers:
Engineer shall also be responsible to undertake a similar task for the ‘load end’ of the
cables i.e. he is to ensure himself that termination capabilities in field junction boxes,
motor terminal boxes and similar can accommodate the ‘main run’ cable size. If necessary
‘reducer junction boxes’ for the load side of the cable runs shall be designed and supplied.
Lighting systems shall be provided in accordance with the criteria outlined in the scope of
work. Individual systems such as parking lot, perimeter, interior and similar shall be in
compliance with the criteria outlined in Specification P9.1. Control of these lighting systems
shall be as follows:
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Interior lighting shall be controlled via light switches located in strategic locations. Single
pole light switches shall be installed at the entrance of each office, general purpose rooms
and dead end hallways. Three way or four way switches shall be installed at each entrance
of multi entry hallways, shops, warehouses or similar. Lighting systems for large areas
such as warehouses, workshops and similar shall be complete with switches and lighting
High bay lighting shall be controlled by switches located at the main entry points to
workshops or other areas falling into this category.
c. Lighting Contactors.
Contactors shall be used to switch exterior lighting systems as well as those which
operate at voltages exceeding 120V. Photocells shall be used to control contactors
which switch external lighting systems whereas light switches are to control contactors
switching interior lighting systems.
Contactors shall be the Square D series # 9991 or an approved equal. The coil voltage
shall be 120 V and the number of poles suitable for the application. For luminaires
operating at a higher than 120 V level a control transformer with a 120 V secondary shall
be supplied. Each controller shall be complete with a cover mounted ‘Hand-Off-Auto’
selector switch.
H. Reference Specifications.
The listed Waha Specifications in this document will be made available, upon request, and on a
selective basis, to Engineering Contractors when their scope of work includes the work or
equipment category outlined in those specifications.
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