Email address: (K. E. Ramija), (Z. Nasution), (M. Zarlis), (R. Widiastuti)
Abstract: Rice cultivation during four planting seasons by using cultivation system improvements, especially in the
management provision of water and fertilizer, other than increasing rice production can also reduce methane emission which is
often rumored as a cause of global warming. Efforts to reduce methane emission from paddy fields must be done because of
the impact of ecological damage caused by climate change due to global warming. It is estimated that by the year 2100 the
average surface temperature of the earth will increase up 2 to 3° C. The experiment was conducted in the village of
Purbaganda, Pematang Bandar District, Simalungun over four planting seasons from July 2011 until June 2012. The research
design used in the study was split plot design which was organized into groups based on the difficulty of obtaining an ideal
environmental uniformity in the field. Watering System treatment as main plot factor (A) and fertilization as subplot factor (B),
with three replications. The treatments in the main plot were intermittent and continuous irrigation system, conducted to
determine the amount of methane emissions in each planting season. For subplot, the fertilization treatments were based on
laboratory analysis of soil, and Fertilization Recommendation of the Minister of Agriculture regulation No. 40 OT.140/2007.
These were then combined with probiotic fertilization. The results showed that the pattern of methane emission varies in each
treatment. The average methane emission was highest in treatment A1B1 with 338.50 kg ha-1 per season, and lowest in A2B6
treatment with 63.25 kg ha-1 per season. A2B6 treatment that used fertilization according to laboratory analysis with probiotic
fertilization experienced intermittent irrigation process. The higher dosage of fertilizer N in treatment A1B1 led to higher
methane emission than treatment A2B6. N fertilizer in rice fields can increase methane emissions due to increased rice growth,
which was the source of methane biomass that increased the emission lines. Interaction between flooding and fertilization
treatments that gave the highest emission during the four planting seasons was A1B1 and the lowest was A2B6. Comparison
between the interaction of A1B1 and A2B6 on methane emission results was significantly different (DMRT test, P = 0.05).
of N2O from the soil; 8) indirect N2O emissions from Increased intensity of cropping to increase rice
livestock waste; and 9) irrigated land. Enteric fermentation productivity conducted by Rice Integrated Crop
process emitted methane while the management of Management approach (ICM) is an alternative to intensive
livestock waste produced emissions of methane and N2O. management of rice on irrigated land. ICM components
The sources of N2O emissions from agricultural land include integrated pest management, integrated nutrient,
were from N fertilizer, crop residue management, organic water, and weed treatment which have been proven to
materials, and land conversion that led to mineralization of increase yield rice to 1 t ha-1. In Tamil Nadu, India, ICM
soil organic matter [27]. CO2 emissions came from liming implemented in 2002-2004 planting season increased yields
and urea fertilizing, while non-CO2 emissions came from by 1.5 t ha-1 [2]. Results of upland rice cultivation with
burnt crop residues such as straw (rice, corn, sugarcane) ICM approach reached 4.3 t ha-[22]. In Pinrang, South
and from the burning process done at the time of Sulawesi, agricultural intensification with ICM increased
conversion. Irrigation emitted methane due to anaerobic farmers' income by IDR 1,066,504 ha-1, or 20.7% higher
process that occurred in decomposition of organic matter in than that without ICM [1]. If ICM could suppress GHG
waterlogged rice soils and released into the atmosphere by emissions, this system would be an ideal rice crop
plants [5] [30]. Methane gas volume from wetlands were management because in addition to saving agricultural
affected by the planting season, type of irrigation, organic inputs and increasing grain yield and farmers’ income, it
and non-organic fertilizers, soil type, temperature, and also reduces GHG emissions so the system becomes a
varieties [12]. sustainable and environmentally-friendly approach to rice
Climate change is the most serious challenge facing the cultivation. Wetland area, which has been rated as one
world today. Global warming caused by greenhouse gases emitter of greenhouse gases, will raise some arguments on
(GHG) such as carbon dioxide (CO2), methane, and nitrous its feasibility as sustainable wetland management.
oxide (N2O) was often associated with agriculture. This too will have an impact on the decline of paddy
Wetlands are a significant source of methane due to the system benefits. Therefore, it is necessary for an in-depth
waterlogged soil condition that facilitated the formation of study of GHG emissions from this wetland system,
methane. The considerable size of agricultural areas, especially methane emissions during four planting seasons
especially in developing countries, was identified as one of on main plots that used different irrigation treatments
the major sources and contributors to the increase in (continuous and intermittent irrigation). The subplot
atmospheric methane concentrations [24]; [11]. On a treatment used fertilization with varied levels. This study
national scale, contribution of GHG emissions to the total aims to analyze the level of methane emission and
paddy soil are still quite high. Therefore, efforts to reduce determine how much GHG emission of methane on
methane emissions from paddy soil must still be done. technical irrigated wetland during the four seasons.
Mitigation measures chosen should not sacrifice aspects of
production and is local-specific. In addition, mitigation 2. Materials and Methods
efforts priority need to be directed to wetlands ecosystem
that have a high potential for methane emissions, which is The research was conducted in July 2011 to July 2012 in
on irrigated land. Wetland rice fields are an important source the village of Purbaganda, District Bandar Simalungun
of methane, a potent greenhouse gas [24] [11]. The first field Causeway which lies at 03005'03" and 99013'45.9'' with
measurements were done in California [4]; [28], followed by climate type D1 according to Oldeman and ZOM 7
extensive studies in Spain [17] and Italy [7] ; [14]. classification, with average rainfall at 1785 mm/year. The
Methane emission from agricultural land was estimated experimental design used in the study was split plot design
at 100 Tg year-1 [25]; [18]. Indonesia that has 6.8% of the which was organized into groups. This grouping is based
world’s agricultural area allegedly contributed as much on the difficulty of obtaining ideal environmental
methane emissions as 3.4 to 4.5 Tg year-1 Tg (1 Tg = 1012 uniformity in the field. Watering System treatment as main
g). Based on this data, wetlands are not a main contributor plot factor (A) and fertilization as subplot factor (B with
to the increase in global methane emissions. three replications. Treatment of irrigation systems was
Increased cropping index (ICI) is a more practical and intermittent and continuous irrigation system (continuous
realistic step in increasing acreage and harvest towards a flooding) in the main plots, conducted to determine the
sustainable rice production because it does not require a amount of methane emission in each planting season.
relatively large cost and can increase farmers' income, Subplot treatment (fertilization treatment) was based on
regardless of various problems related to changes in laboratory analysis of soil, and Fertilization
environmental quality such as the quality of soil, water, Recommendation of the Minister of Agriculture regulation
GHG especially methane and the development of pests and No. 40 OT.140/2007. These were then combined with
diseases in rice. Research on patterns of change in probiotic fertilization. The treatments carried out were as
environmental quality to an increase in central rice follows:
production was due to the change to 400 Rice Farming 1. Main Plot (A) with two Irrigation Systems:
Index (Rice Cropping Index -400 ) cropping intensity to 1.1. A1 = Irrigation Continuous Flow (continuous
support sustainable rice production. flooding),
Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries 2014; 3(3): 155-162 157
1.2. A2 = Intermittent (control flooding), (SAS) version 9,0. Correlation analysis was performed to
2. Sub Plot (B) with eight fertilization systems: examine the relationship between plant parameters with
2.1. B1 = Recommended Fertilization, Minister of methane emissions and was done with Microsoft Excel
Agriculture regulation No. 40 OT.140/2007, 2007.
2.2. B2 = Recommendation Fertilization with
Laboratory analysis, 3. Results and Discussion
2.3. B3 = Regulation of 40 (100% dose) + probiotics,
2.4. B4 = Regulation of 40 (70% dose) + probiotics, 3.1. Methane Emissions
2.5. B5 = Agriculture minister rules 40 ( 40% dose) +
probiotics, Methane emission patterns vary in each treatment as
2.6. B6 = Laboratory analysis (100% dose) + shown in Figure 1. The highest average value of methane
probiotics, emissions occurred in A1B1 treatment in the amount of 349
2.7. B7 = Laboratories Analysis (70% dose) + kg ha-1 per planting season. The lowest occurred in A2B6
probiotics and with 58.33 kg ha-1 per planting season. A1B1 treatment was
2.8. B8 = Laboratory analysis (40% dose) + in accord with Fertilizer Recommendation by Minister of
probiotics. Agriculture regulation No. 40 of 2007 (112.5 N + 27 P2O5
As many as 16 treatments were repeated with 3 + 30 K2O) with continuous flooding process that led to the
replications in order to obtain 48 experimental plots. Linear creation of anaerobic conditions that are very suitable for
equations of the experimental design was in accord with methanogenic bacteria which produced methane.
Gomez and Gomez (1994). Observation data was collected In A2B6 treatment that used fertilization according to
from plant height and productive tillers, plant biomass, soil laboratory analysis (100% dose = 90 N + 40.8 + 22.3 P2O5
pH and methane emission in the field which was measured K2O) with probiotic fertilization, an intermittent irrigation
by using a 50 cm x 50 cm x 103 cm flexiglass box. Gas process occurred. A1B1 used a higher dose of N than A2B6
sampling was conducted at 06.00 am using a 5 ml syringe that led to a higher methane emission than A2B6. N
from polypropilen with extraction interval of 6 minutes. To fertilizer in wetlands can increase methane emission due to
obtain the linearity of methane concentration increase in increased rice growth as the source of methane in the form
one unit of time, four extractions were carried out in each of biomass that increased the emission lines [3].
gas sampling at minute 6, 12, 18, and 24. In one growing
season, gas samples were extracted 3 times per phase.
Phase 1 was done at 1 month days after planting (dap),
phase 2 at 2 months, and phase 3 at 3 months dap. This
sampling was continued throughout the four planting
seasons. Methane concentration in each unit of time was
measured using gas chromatography equipped with flame
ionization detector with a column using N porapak. Injector
temperature was 1100C and column temperature was 920C.
Flux (F) of methane emitted from an area of rice soil was
calculated using the equation adopted from [8] as follows.
F: flux of methane (mg/m2/day)
dc/dt: differences in the concentration of methane per
time (ppm/minute)
Vch: volume box (m3)
Ach: area of box (m2)
mW: wide box methane (g)
mV: constant volume of methane (22,411)
T: average temperature during sampling (oC)
Value of 273.2: Kelvin temperature constant.
Data of methane emissions and plant parameters were
analyzed using ANOVA (analysis of variance), and
Duncan's Multiple Range Test (DMRT) was used to see the
significant differences between treatments. The software
used for statistical test was Statistical Analysis System Figure 2. Cumulative methane for four planting seasons
158 Khadijah EL Ramija et al.: Methane Emission on Intensive rice Farming with Water Frequency and Fertilizer
Management in North Sumatera
Methane emission patterns during four planting seasons In A2B6 treatment that used fertilization according to
showed the tendency of increased methane emission due to laboratory analysis with probiotic fertilization, an
increased intensity of cultivation with continuous flooding. intermittent irrigation process occurred. This is consistent
However, in intermittent irrigation, emissions tended to be with studies that showed intermittent treatment produced
constant. Figure 2 shows the cumulative increase in lower emission than continuous flooding. Drying created
methane emissions during the four seasons. The highest aerobic condition in the soil and methanotroph bacteria that
cumulative increase in methane emission in each planting oxidized methane into CO2, therefore, lots of methane were
season occurred in treatment A1B1 with average emissions oxidized before being released into the atmosphere [29].
of 338.5 kg ha-1 per season. The lowest was in treatment Furthermore, [21] proposed that of all the methane
A2B6 (intermittent and fertilization by laboratory analysis produced in the soil only 16.6% were emitted and the rest
as well as the addition of probiotic fertilizer). was oxidized.
Total methane emission during four planting seasons in The low emission from intermittent irrigation was caused
one year is presented in Figure 3. Cumulatively, over the by the increase in soil oxidation-reduction value. Therefore,
four planting seasons, the highest total emission was 1354 indirect reductive decomposition did not occur. Intermittent
kg ha-1 found in treatment A1B1, while the lowest was 253 treatment was intended to regulate land condition to
kg ha-1 in treatment A2B6. This result is consistent with the become dry and waterlogged consecutively. In addition to
results by [29] which suggested that the soil condition with saving water, intermittent irrigation can give roots a chance
continuous flooding emits relatively higher emission than to receive air, allowing it to grow deeper. Intermittent
muddy and intermittent irrigation. irrigation provides benefits to agricultural land such as
preventing iron, preventing accumulation of H2S which can
impede root development, activate beneficial microbes,
reduces collapse rate, reduces the number of unproductive
tillers, harmonize ripening of grain, accelerates harvest
time and eases the immersion of fertilizer in the soil.
According to [20], the total emissions of methane with
various rice crop management are very different, namely:
total methane emissions in inundated non-ICM was 289.93
kg/ha/season; non-ICM with intermittent irrigation was
57.87 kg/ha/ season; ICM with intermittent irrigation was
78.33 kg/ha/season; and ICM with continuous flooding was
347.03 kg / ha / season.
Treatment Planting season I Planting season II Planting season III Planting season IV
Based on the F value in Table 1, it can be seen that A2B7, and A1B8) also affected the results of methane
treatment flooding system (A), fertilization (B) as well as emissions significantly.
the interaction between irrigation and fertilization From the interaction between flooding and fertilization
treatments (AxB) on methane emission results were treatments (AxB), it can be seen that the highest emission
significantly different at 1% level. This suggests that the during the four planting seasons was in A1B1 and the
different flooding treatments (A1 and A2) had a significant lowest was in A2B6. Comparison between A1B1 and A2B6
effect on the results of methane emissions. Similarly, the interaction on methane emission results was significantly
different fertilizer treatments (B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B7 different. To see the influence of fertilization and irrigation
and B8) and the interaction of flooding and fertilization on methane emissions during four planting seasons can be
treatments (A1B1, A1B2, A1B3, A1B4, A1B5, A1B6, seen in Table 2.
A1B7, A1B8, A2B1, a2b2, A2B3, A2B4, A2B5, A2B6,
Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries 2014; 3(3): 155-162 159
Table 2. Effect of Fertilization and Irrigation on methane emissions during different (DMRT; P = 0.05), but significantly different to
four planting seasons other fertilizers, i.e. B3, B4, B5, B6, B7 and B8.
Treatment PSI PS II PS III PS IV In the second planting season, fertilizer treatment B1
A1B1 320.00 a 349.00 a 345.67 a 339.33 a also gave the highest methane emissions (349.00 kg ha-1)
A1B2 314.67 a 341.33 a 333.00 a 338.00 a followed by B2 and B3. The total emission from all three
A1B3 250.00 bc 320.67 a 266.67 b 225.33 c
was not significantly different, but significantly was to
A1B4 234.67 bcd 244.67 b 218.33 c 262.33 b
A1B5 219.00 cd 256.00 b 250.33 c 233.67 c other fertilizers, i.e. B4, B5, B6, B7 and B8.
A1B6 206.33 d 223.33 b 218.00 c 214.00 c In the third planting season, fertilizer treatment B1 again
A1B7 214.67 cd 241.00 b 224.00 c 217.67 c gave the highest methane emissions (345.00 kg ha-1) followed
A1B8 266.67 b 232.33 b 226.67 c 234.33 c by B2 (333.00 kg ha-1). While both treatments showed nearly
A2B1 87.67 e 87.33 c 75.33 d 75.00 d
equal methane emissions, they were significantly different
A2B2 85.67 e 86.33 c 77.67 d 79.00 d
A2B3 82.33 e 73.33 c 78.00 d 66.33 d compared to B3, B4, B5, B6, B7 and B8.
A2B4 74.67 e 74.33 c 76.00 d 80.67 d The fourth planting season was the same as the previous
A2B5 74.00 e 81.33 c 77.00 d 72.33 d one, with fertilizer treatment B1 emitting the highest
A2B6 69.67 e 58.33 c 64.67 d 60.33 d methane (339.33 kg ha-1) followed by fertilization B2
A2B7 75.33 e 77.33 c 75.67 d 78.33 d
(338.00 kg ha-1). The total was almost equal, but
A2B8 82.00 e 77.33 c 78.67 d 72.33 d
significantly different with B3, B4, B5, B6, B7 and B8.
Equal numbers followed by the same letter are not significantly different In general, during the four cropping seasons, i.e. A1B1
at P = 0.05 DMRT
treatment with continuous flooding that followed the
Fertilization Recommendation by Minister of Agriculture
According to Table 2 it can be seen that the effect of
regulation No. 40 of 2007 showed the highest methane
fertilization on continuous flooding treatment (A1) were
emissions, while the lowest was in intermittent water
significantly different for methane emissions, while
treatment A2B6 with fertilization laboratory analysis
intermittent irrigation treatment (A2) for four planting
(100% dose) and probiotic fertilizer. The effect of
seasons did not significantly affect methane emissions.
fertilization on methane emissions during the four planting
In the first planting season, fertilizer treatment B1 gave
seasons can be seen in Table 3 below.
the highest methane emissions (320.00 kg ha-1) followed
by fertilization B2 (314.67 kg ha-1). Statistically, the total
methane emission from B1 and B2 was not significantly
Table 3. Effect of fertilization on methane emissions during the four planting seasons
Equal numbers followed by the same letter are not significantly different at P = 0.05 DMRT
Correlation with the total number of productive tillers tillers, followed by A2B6 with 104 tillers. However, for
with total methane emission showed a positive correlation total emission, A2B6 produced the lowest methane
(r = 0.4236) in the flooding, while intermittent treatment emissions at 253 kg ha-1, while A2B3 produced 300 kg ha-1
showed a negative correlation (r = -0.2522). The same methane emissions.
applies in the relationship that showed the maximum Based on the previous explanation that the lowest
number of tillers. In flooding, the correlation was positive methane emissions was from treatment A2B6, it is
(r = 0.2966), while in intermittent treatment it was negative necessary to see its correlation with the maximum number
(r = -0.3863). These mean that an increase in the number of of tillers with the total methane produced in treatment
productive tillers or maximum number of tillers would A2B6 (Figure 5).
increase the total methane emission by flooding. This is in
line with observations by [26] which showed that the
number of tillers can increase the density and number of
aerenchyma vessels, increasing the transport capacity of
methane. According to [23], the more root exudates formed,
the higher the methane emission will be.
In contrast, in intermittent treatment, an increase in the
number of productive tillers or maximum number of tillers
will not increase the total methane emissions. According to
[21], intensification by using flooded system (anaerobic) will
hamper the biological properties of the soil in addition to
increasing greenhouse gas emissions and inhibit the
development of rice plants root system. Biological diversity is
very limited under anaerobic conditions. Aerobic soil biota can Figure 5. Maximum Number of Tillers in correlation with Total Methane
not develop and it is estimated that only 25% of rice plant treatment A2B6
roots were well-developed. Cropping system with aerobic
(moist) root system production was at least 3-4 times greater From Figure 5, it can be seen that the correlation
compared to flooded system. Optimal development of the root between the maximum number of tillers with the total
system, supported by biodiversity in the soil can increase rice emission was a strong negative correlation (r = -0.5435).
yield potential. The functional relationship between the maximum number
of tillers with the total methane was R2 = 0.1459. This
indicates that the maximum number of tillers affects the
outcome of methane emissions. In A2B6 treatment, if the
number of productive tillers increased, the emission
actually declined.
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