C o m p l i c a t i o n s o f P re g n a n c y
a, b a
John Mark Sawyer, MD *, Naseem Moridzadeh, MD , Rebecca A. Bavolek, MD
Venous thromboembolism Pulmonary embolism Deep venous thrombosis
Superficial venous thrombosis Acute myocardial infarction
Spontaneous coronary artery dissection Peripartum cardiomyopathy
Aortic dissection
The risk of all types of venous thromboembolism increases in the procoagulant state of
pregnancy. This risk increases throughout the duration of pregnancy and into the post-
partum period. Low-molecular weight heparin is the preferred treatment in the setting of
Pregnancy poses an increased risk for acute myocardial infarction and spontaneous cor-
onary artery dissection. Treatment is similar between the two, with the exception of throm-
bolytics. Ideally, patients should undergo coronary angiography whenever possible.
Peripartum cardiomyopathy is managed similarly to other forms of cardiomyopathy,
including noninvasive ventilation strategies, diuretics, and afterload reduction with
Aortic dissection is a relatively low incidence but high mortality occurrence in pregnancy.
Again, the management is similar to that of the nonpregnant patient, with surgical man-
agement being the preferred modality for Type A dissections and medical management
for Type B dissections.
The physiologic and hormonal changes of pregnancy present significant stress to the
cardiovascular system. Maternal cardiac output increases by 50% and circulating blood
volume may increase by as much as 100% to support the gestating fetus. The hormonal
changes of pregnancy also increase the risk of thrombotic events and vascular dissec-
tions. As maternal age increases in the United States, more women are coming into
pregnancy with significant preexisting conditions that are brought into sharp focus by
these physiologic stresses. The clinical importance of cardiovascular conditions is high-
lighted by the fact that cardiovascular conditions combined with cardiomyopathy
UCLA Ronald Reagan, Olive View Emergency Medicine Residency, 1100 Glendon Avenue,
Suite 1200, Los Angeles, CA 90024, USA; b NYU Langone Health, 570 First Avenue, New York,
NY 10016, USA
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: johnsawyer@mednet.ucla.edu
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248 Sawyer et al
account for 26.5% of pregnancy-related deaths in the United States, making this the
leading cause of such deaths.1 This review—targeted toward the emergency clini-
cian—encompasses the major cardiovascular disorders of pregnancy and highlights
their specific diagnostic challenges and new developments in the field.
For the emergency clinician, the diagnosis and management of venous thromboem-
bolism (VTE) is the most frequently encountered cardiovascular complication of preg-
nancy. VTE includes superficial vein thrombosis (SVT), deep vein thrombosis (DVT),
and pulmonary embolus (PE) with PE being the most challenging diagnosis given
the concern for maternal and fetal exposure to ionizing radiation and differing society
guidelines.2–7 VTE complicates 1.2 per 1000 deliveries and risk increases throughout
pregnancy and into the postpartum period. The postpartum period has a variable defi-
nition but the risk for VTE seems to peak in the first week, declining to the prepreg-
nancy risk after 12 weeks.8
Pulmonary Embolism
Up to 1.5 per 100,000 maternal deaths are due to PE in the United States and Europe,
making PE the leading cause of maternal death in the developed world. Most of these
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Cardiovascular Complications of Pregnancy 249
deaths (60%) occur in the postpartum period.16 Delays in diagnosis and treatment,
along with inadequate thromboprophylaxis contribute significantly to these deaths.17
Many of the key clinical features of PE are confounded by the physiologic changes
of pregnancy including tachycardia, tachypnea, dyspnea, and edema. These signs
and symptoms are also incorporated into decision rules, such as modified Well’s
score and revised Geneva score, that are often used to risk stratify nonpregnant pa-
tients for PE. Unfortunately, these decision rules have not been validated in pregnant
patients and studies show they may miss a significant number of PEs even in low-risk
groups, as discussed in the previous edition of this article.18
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Sawyer et al
Table 1
Summary of international society guidelines on diagnosis of venous thromboembolism in pregnancy
Use of
Rules (Well’s Use of Ultrasound Before
Geneva)? D-dimer? CTPA for V/Q Scan? CTPA or V/Q?
American College of Obstetrics and No No Unclear Agree with ATS-STR
Gynecology (US)
American Thoracic Society/Society of No No Yes, if LE symptoms CXR (Chest X-ray) then V/Q if normal. If
Thoracic Radiology (US) abnormal, CTPA is reasonable
European Society of Cardiology With D-dimer Yes Yes, if LE symptoms CXR and then either CTPA or V/Q If CXR
abnormal, CTPA
Royal College of Obstetrics and No No Yes, if LE symptoms CXR and then either CTPA or V/Q If CXR
Gynecology (UK) abnormal, CTPA
Cardiovascular Complications of Pregnancy 251
LMWH is the preferred treatment of VTE in pregnancy and postpartum because it does
not cross the placenta and does not cross into breast milk. The American Society of
Hematology guidelines recommend LMWH with either once daily or twice daily
dosing. The patient should have close subspecialty follow-up because the increased
volume of distribution associated with the normal hypervolemia of pregnancy may
affect serum levels. For patients with severe renal dysfunction, unfractionated heparin
is the preferred treatment.12 For the patient who is peripartum or periprocedural, a
heparin drip may be preferred due to the ability to stop the infusion with rapid return
to normal clotting parameters.4,7
Rarely a patient with a severe heparin allergy may be encountered. Although there is
little evidence in this area, treatment with fondaparinux is recommended.4,7
Warfarin is generally not recommended in the pregnant or postpartum patient
because it has known teratogenic effects and crosses into breast milk. Direct oral an-
ticoagulants (DOACs) including the factor Xa inhibitors and direct thrombin inhibitors
are not recommended in pregnancy due to a lack of evidence on safety and efficacy.4
In postpartum patients, evidence for safety of DOACs is also lacking and there is some
evidence it may cross into breast milk.12
For patients with hemodynamic instability due to PE, treatment with thrombolytic
therapy is recommended.4,7,12,23 For patients with evidence of right heart strain but
who have not developed hemodynamic instability, thrombolytic therapy is not recom-
mended.12 Finally, for the crashing pregnant patient with PE extracorporeal mem-
brane oxygenation (ECMO), if available, may be considered as a risky but
necessary intervention.
In any patient with confirmed or ongoing concern for VTE, multidisciplinary involve-
ment and/or close follow-up should be obtained. Carefully selected patients with DVT
may be candidates for outpatient treatment. Most patients with confirmed PE will be
admitted for management.
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Cardiovascular Complications of Pregnancy 253
descending circulation.27,31 Patients generally present with chest pain, and it most
often occurs in late pregnancy or in the early postpartum period.27 This diagnosis
is made in the catheterization suite by the interventionalist but awareness of this
clinical condition is important for the emergency clinician because there are
significant changes in the approach to treating SCAD. Notable changes are outlined
Glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibitors are not recommended because they may increase
the risk of propagation and bleeding.31
Thrombolytics are not recommended because they may also further increase the
risk of propagation of the false lumen.31 Therefore, given the high prevalence of
SCAD in this population, these patients should be transferred to a center with
cardiac catheterization, if possible.
Although the diagnosis is made by conventional coronary angiography, subse-
quent PCI is often less desirable unless the patient has refractory symptoms, re-
fractory arrhythmias, or cardiogenic shock.
Coronary artery bypass grafting is also an option in some of these patients with a
better short-term outcome than PCI but with higher longer term graft failure than
CABG in non-SCAD patients.31
The American Heart Association recommends that patients found to have SCAD are
preferentially treated medically with beta-blocker, long-term aspirin, short-term clopi-
dogrel, and with the addition of a statin in patients with dyslipidemia.32,33 The emer-
gency clinician managing a pregnant patient meeting STEMI criteria will not know
the underlying cause and, thus, should consider administering heparin and other anti-
platelets in conjunction with cardiology recommendations.
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Cardiovascular Complications of Pregnancy 255
a detailed history and physical focusing on the quality of pain, radiation of pain, asso-
ciated symptoms, new murmurs, and pulse differences are key to increasing the index
of suspicion and ruling in the diagnosis.45
The diagnostic tests of choice for aortic dissection in the pregnant patient are the
same as those in the nonpregnant patient. Due to widespread availability, high sensi-
tivity, and high specificity, CT angiography of the aorta is the most commonly used
test in the emergency department.46 Trans-esophageal echocardiography (TEE)
also has high sensitivity and specificity for thoracic aortic dissection and, if available,
is a viable option that has the benefit of sparing exposure to radiation.46 In an institu-
tion where cardiac anesthesiologists or cardiologists trained in TEE are in-house,
consider requesting bedside TEE to confirm the diagnosis in unstable patients in
the emergency department (ED) with thoracic aortic dissection. Finally, magnetic
resonance (MR) aortography, while highly sensitive and specific, may not be useful
in the pregnant patient. First, MR has limited availability in most hospitals, with the
additional downside of taking a potentially unstable patient away from the emergency
department for an extended period. Second, the most commonly available MR aorta
protocols rely on administration of gadolinium contrast, which is contraindicated in
pregnancy and relatively contraindicated in the breast-feeding mother.
Type A Stanford aortic dissection, involving the ascending aorta or arch, seems to
account for w67% of pregnancy-related aortic dissections.47 As with the nonpregnant
patient, early surgical consultation and intervention is key in the treatment of Type A
aortic dissections. The surgical intervention of choice in later pregnancy is Caesarean
section followed by immediate surgical repair of the aorta in the same opera-
tion.44,47–49 Unfortunately, the maternal mortality seems to be up to 23%, whereas
the fetal/neonatal mortality is 27% to 33%.39,50
For Type B Stanford aortic dissection, early surgical consultation is advised as well,
although the need for surgical intervention depends on the clinical scenario. In both
types of aortic dissection, emergency department management involves maternal
cardiovascular control with vasoactive infusions, fetal heart rate monitoring, and early
obstetric consultation. A heart rate goal of w60 beats per minute should be targeted
first using beta-blocker infusions, most commonly esmolol. After heart rate control has
been achieved, afterload reduction with a goal systolic blood pressure (SBP) of less
than 110 mm Hg should be targeted using calcium channel blocker infusion, most
commonly nicardipine. It should be noted that ACE inhibitors and nitroprusside are
contraindicated in pregnancy. For the patient that presents with shock, either due
to acute aortic regurgitation, pericardial tamponade, or hemorrhage, a shift in focus
to blood pressure support may be required.
When working up a pregnant patient for low-risk to intermediate probability VTE, applying
the pregnancy-adjusted YEARS algorithm with D-dimer test is an emerging option that may
reduce the need for further imaging.
When evaluating a pregnant patient with STEMI, SCAD is a significant pathophysiologic
mechanism in this population. Therefore, in the setting of STEMI in this population,
routine administration of heparin is not recommended.
The preferred anticoagulant in pregnancy, whether for VTE or other thrombotic
complications, is heparin or LMWH. Warfarin is contraindicated in pregnancy, and DOACs
are not well studied in pregnancy.
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to disclose.
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