Big Smelly Bear Book
Big Smelly Bear Book
Big Smelly Bear Book
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Big Smelly Bear!
For Vincent and Ian
All rights reserved, including the right of reproduction in whole or in part in any form.
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data available.
ISBN-13: 978-1-905417-37-7
ISBN-10: 1-905417-37-3
1 3 579 10 8642
Printed in China
Britta Teckentrup
Boxer Books
When the animals in the forest got a whiff
of Big Smelly Bear, they ran away as quickly
as they could.
He tried rubbing his back against
the trunk of an old tree.
But that didn't help at all.
"1 would scratch your back for you,"
said a voice from above,
"but you are much too smelly."
Big Smelly Bear looked up and saw
a Big Fluffy Bear sitting in some branches
Big Fluffy Bear smiled at Big Smelly Bear.
"Why don't you take a bath?"
asked Big Fluffy Bear. "Then you
wouldn't itch or smell."
Big Fluffy Bear jumped down from the tree and sniffed.
"There," she said, "that's much better. Now you smell
all clean."And she scratched his back for him.
The itch was gone!
Big Smelly Bear sighed.
''Thank you," he said.
Then he gave Big Fluffy Bear's back
a little scratch, too.
"I'm not going to take any more baths,"
said Big Smelly Bear.
Big Fluffy Bear smiled, and the two
big bears had a little bear hug.
Big Smelly Bear liked Big Fluffy Bear very much.
Even though he said he would never bathe again,
sometimes, late at night, he would wander down
to the big pond.
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Britta Teckentrup
was born in Hamburg,
Germany. She later studied at
St. Martin's College of Art and
at the Royal College of Art in
London. She has written and
illustrated numerous books for
many international publishers,
and Britta's paintings are fre¬
quently exhibited in London
galleries. She now lives and
works in Berlin, Germany, with
her artist husband and their
young son.
Boxer Books
Printed in China
Meet Big Smelly Bear
Big Smelly Bear never washed.
Big Smelly Bear never brushed or took a bath.
Big Smelly Bear was followed
by a big smelly stink wherever he went.
Until one day, he met a new friend.
Could she persuade Big Smelly Bear to take a bath?