s 2
s 2
s 2
1. Able to understand the concept of abstract machines and their power to recognize the languages.
2. Able to employ finite state machines for modeling and solving computing problems.
3. Able to design context free grammars for formal languages.
4. Able to distinguish between decidability and undecidability.
5. Able to gain proficiency with mathematical tools and formal methods.
Introduction to Finite Automata:Structural Representations, Automata and Complexity, the Central
Concepts of Automata Theory – Alphabets, Strings, Languages, Problems.
Nondeterministic Finite Automata:Formal Definition, an application, Text Search, Finite Automata with
Deterministic Finite Automata: Definition of DFA, How A DFA Process Strings, The language of DFA,
Conversion of NFA with €-transitions to NFA without €-transitions. Conversion of NFA to DFA, Moore
and Melay machines
Regular Expressions: Finite Automata and Regular Expressions, Applications of Regular Expressions,
Algebraic Laws for Regular Expressions, Conversion of Finite Automata to Regular Expressions.
Pumping Lemma for Regular Languages,: Statement of the pumping lemma, Applications of the
Pumping Lemma.
Closure Properties of Regular Languages: Closure properties of Regular languages, Decision Properties
of Regular Languages, Equivalence and Minimization of Automata.
Context-Free Grammars:Definition of Context-Free Grammars, Derivations Using a Grammar, Leftmost
and Rightmost Derivations, the Language of a Grammar, Sentential Forms, Parse Tress, Applications of
Context-Free Grammars, Ambiguity in Grammars and Languages.
Push Down Automata: Definition of the Pushdown Automaton, the Languages of a PDA, Equivalence of
PDA's and CFG's, Acceptance by final state, Acceptance by empty stack, Deterministic Pushdown
Automata. From CFG to PDA, From PDA to CFG.
Dept. of CSE/JNTUHCEH B.Tech. (Reg), w.e.f. 2018-19 Academic Year
Normal Forms for Context- Free Grammars:Eliminating useless symbols, Eliminating €-Productions.
Chomsky Normal form ,Griebech Normal form.
Pumping Lemma for Context-Free Languages: Statement of pumping lemma, Applications
Closure Properties of Context-Free Languages:Closure properties of CFL’s, Decision Properties of
Turing Machines: Introduction to Turing Machine,Formal Description, Instantaneous description, The
language of a Turing machine
Types of Turing machine: Turing machines and halting
Undecidability: Undecidability, A Language that is Not Recursively Enumerable, An Undecidable
Problem That is RE, Undecidable Problems about Turing Machines, Recursive languages, Properties of
recursive languages, Post's Correspondence Problem, Modified Post Correspondence problem, Other
Undecidable Problems, Counter machines.
Text Books
1. Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages, and Computation, 3nd Edition, John E. Hopcroft,
Rajeev Motwani, Jeffrey D. Ullman, Pearson Education.
2. Theory of Computer Science – Automata languages and computation, Mishra and
Chandrashekaran, 2nd Edition, PHI.
1. The aim of the course is to provide an understanding of the working knowledge of the techniques
for estimation, design, testing and quality management of large software development projects.
2. Topics include process models, software requirements, software design, software testing, software
process/product metrics, risk management, quality management and UML diagrams
1. Ability to translate end-user requirements into system and software requirements, using e.g. UML,
and structure the requirements in a Software Requirements Document (SRD).
2. Identify and apply appropriate software architectures and patterns to carry out high level design of a
system and be able to critically compare alternative choices.
3. Will have experience and/or awareness of testing problems and will be able to develop a simple
testing report
Introduction to Software Engineering: The evolving role of software, changing nature of software,
software myths.
A Generic view of process: Software engineering- a layered technology, a process framework, the
capability maturity model integration (CMMI), process patterns, process assessment, personal and team
process models.
Process models: The waterfall model, incremental process models, evolutionary process models, the
unified process.
Software Requirements: Functional and non-functional requirements, user requirements, system
requirements, interface specification, the software requirements document.
Requirements engineering process: Feasibility studies, requirements elicitation and analysis, requirements
validation, requirements management.
System models: Context models, behavioral models, data models, object models, structured methods.
Design Engineering: Design process and design quality, design concepts, the design model.
Creating an architectural design: software architecture, data design, architectural styles and patterns,
architectural design, conceptual model of UML, basic structural modeling, class diagrams, sequence
diagrams, collaboration diagrams, use case diagrams, component diagrams.
Testing Strategies: A strategic approach to software testing, test strategies for conventional software,
black-box and white-box testing, validation testing, system testing, the art of debugging.
Product metrics: Software quality, metrics for analysis model, metrics for design model, metrics for source
code, metrics for testing, metrics for maintenance.
Metrics for Process and Products: Software measurement, metrics for software quality.
Risk management: Reactive Vs proactive risk strategies, software risks, risk identification, risk projection,
risk refinement, RMMM, RMMM plan.
Quality Management: Quality concepts, software quality assurance, software reviews, formal technical
reviews, statistical software quality assurance, software reliability, the ISO 9000 quality standards.
Dept. of CSE/JNTUHCEH B.Tech. (Reg), w.e.f. 2018-19 Academic Year
Text Books
1. Software Engineering, an Engineering approach- James F. Peters, Witold Pedrycz, John Wiely.
2. Software Engineering principles and practice- Waman S Jawadekar, The Mc Graw-Hill Companies.
3. Fundamentals of object oriented design using UML Meiler page-Jones: Pearson Eductaion.
Dept. of CSE/JNTUHCEH B.Tech. (Reg), w.e.f. 2018-19 Academic Year
1. The objective of the course is to equip the students with a general overview of the concepts and
fundamentals of computer networks.
2. Familiarize the students with the standard models for the layered approach to communication between
machines in a network and the protocols of the various layers.
1. Gain the knowledge of the basic computer network technology.
2. Gain the knowledge of the functions of each layer in the OSI and TCP/IP reference model.
3. Obtain the skills of subnetting and routing mechanisms.
4. Familiarity with the essential protocols of computer networks, and how they can be applied in network
design and implementation.
Network hardware, Network software, OSI, TCP/IP Reference models, Example Networks: ARPANET,
Physical Layer: Guided Transmission media: twisted pairs, coaxial cable, fiber optics, Wireless
Data link layer: Design issues, framing, Error detection and correction.
Elementary data link protocols: simplex protocol, A simplex stop and wait protocol for an error-free
channel, A simplex stop and wait protocol for noisy channel.
Sliding Window protocols: A one-bit sliding window protocol, A protocol using Go-Back-N, A protocol
using Selective Repeat, Example data link protocols.
Medium Access sub layer: The channel allocation problem, Multiple access protocols: ALOHA, Carrier
sense multiple access protocols, collision free protocols. Wireless LANs, Data link layer switching.
Network Layer: Design issues, Routing algorithms: shortest path routing, Flooding, Hierarchical routing,
Broadcast, Multicast, distance vector routing, Congestion Control Algorithms, Quality of Service,
Internetworking, The Network layer in the internet.
Transport Layer: Transport Services, Elements of Transport protocols, Connection management, TCP and
UDP protocols.
Dept. of CSE/JNTUHCEH B.Tech. (Reg), w.e.f. 2018-19 Academic Year
Application Layer –Domain name system, SNMP, Electronic Mail; the World WEB, HTTP, Streaming
audio and video.
1. Computer Networks, Andrew S Tanenbaum, David. j. Wetherall, 5th Edition. Pearson Education/PHI
1. A course on “Computer Programming and Data Structures”
2. A course on “Advanced Data Structures”
3. A course on “Design and Analysis of Algorithms”
4. A course on “Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science”
5. Some background in linear algebra, data structures and algorithms, and probability will all be
1. To learn the distinction between optimal reasoning Vs. human like reasoning
2. To understand the concepts of state space representation, exhaustive search, heuristic search
together with the time and space complexities.
3. To learn different knowledge representation techniques.
4. To understand the applications of AI, namely game playing, theorem proving, and machine
1. Ability to formulate an efficient problem space for a problem expressed in natural language.
2. Select a search algorithm for a problem and estimaate its time and space complexities.
3. Possess the skill for representing knowledge using the appropriate technique for a given problem.
4. Possess the ability to apply AI techniques to solve problems of game playing, and machine
Problem Solving by Search-I
Problem Solving by Search-II and Propositional Logic
Adversarial Search:
Games, Optimal Decisions in Games, Alpha–Beta Pruning, Imperfect Real-Time Decisions.
Propositional Logic:
Knowledge-Based Agents, The Wumpus World, Logic, Propositional Logic, Propositional Theorem
Proving: Inference and proofs , Proof by resolution, Horn clauses and definite clauses, Forward and
backward chaining , Effective Propositional Model Checking , Agents Based on Propositional Logic.
Logic and Knowledge Representation
First-Order Logic:
Representation, Syntax and Semantics of First-Order Logic, Using First-Order Logic, Knowledge
Engineering in First-Order Logic.
Knowledge Representation:
Ontological Engineering, Categories and Objects, Events. Mental Events and Mental Objects, Reasoning
Systems for Categories, Reasoning with Default Information.
Classical Planning:
Definition of Classical Planning, Algorithms for Planning with State-Space Search, Planning Graphs, other
Classical Planning Approaches, Analysis of Planning approaches.
Time, Schedules, and Resources, Hierarchical Planning, Planning and Acting in Nondeterministic Domains,
Multi agent Planning,.
Uncertain knowledge and Learning
Uncertainty :
Acting under Uncertainty, Basic Probability Notation, Inference Using Full Joint Distributions,
Independence, Bayes’ Rule and Its Use,
Probabilistic Reasoning:
Representing Knowledge in an Uncertain Domain, The Semantics of Bayesian Networks, Efficient
Representation of Conditional Distributions, Approximate Inference in Bayesian Networks, Relational and
First-Order Probability, Other Approaches to Uncertain Reasoning ; Dempster-Shafer theory.
Forms of Learning, Supervised Learning, Learning Decision Trees.Knowledge in Learning : Logical
Formulation of Learning, Knowledge in Learning, Explanation-Based Learning, Learning Using Relevance
Information, Inductive Logic Programming.
Dept. of CSE/JNTUHCEH B.Tech. (Reg), w.e.f. 2018-19 Academic Year
(Professional Elective - I)
1. A course on “Database Management Systems”
2. Knowledge of probability and statistics
1. It presents methods for mining frequent patterns, associations, and correlations.
2. It then describes methods for data classification and prediction, and data–clustering approaches.
3. It covers mining various types of data stores such as spatial, textual, multimedia, streams.
1. Ability to understand the types of the data to be mined and present a general classification of tasks
and primitives to integrate a data mining system.
2. Apply preprocessing methods for any given raw data.
3. Extract interesting patterns from large amounts of data.
4. Discover the role played by data mining in various fields.
5. Choose and employ suitable data mining algorithms to build analytical applications
6. Evaluate the accuracy of supervised and unsupervised models and algorithms.
Data Mining
Data–Types of Data–, Data Mining Functionalities– Interestingness Patterns–Classification of Data
Mining systems– Data mining Task primitives –Integration of Data mining system with a Data
warehouse–Major issues in Data Mining–Data Preprocessing.
Association Rule Mining
Mining Frequent Patterns–Associations and correlations– Mining Methods– Mining Various kinds of
Association Rules– Correlation Analysis– Constraint based Association mining. Graph Pattern Mining,
Classification and Prediction– Basic concepts–Decision tree induction–Bayesian classification, Rule–
based classification, Lazy learner.
Clustering And Applications
Dept. of CSE/JNTUHCEH B.Tech. (Reg), w.e.f. 2018-19 Academic Year
Text Books
1. Data Mining – Concepts and Techniques – Jiawei Han & Micheline Kamber, 3rd Edition Elsevier.
2. Data Mining Introductory and Advanced topics –Margaret H Dunham, PEA.
1. Data Mining: Practical Machine Learning Tools and Techniques, Ian H. Witten and Eibe Frank, 2nd
Edition, Morgan Kaufmann, 2005.
Dept. of CSE/JNTUHCEH B.Tech. (Reg), w.e.f. 2018-19 Academic Year
(Professional Elective - II)
1. Familiarity with the theory and use of coordinate geometry and of linear algebra such as matrix
2. A course on “Computer Programming and Data Structures”
1. The aim of this course is to provide an introduction of fundamental concepts and theory of
computer graphics.
2. Topics covered include graphics systems and input devices; geometric representations and 2D/3D
transformations; viewing and projections; illumination and color models; animation; rendering and
implementation; visible surface detection;
1. Acquire familiarity with the relevant mathematics of computer graphics.
2. Be able to design basic graphics application programs, including animation
3. Be able to design applications that display graphic images to given specifications
Introduction: Application areas of Computer Graphics, overview of graphics systems, video-display
devices, raster-scan systems, random scan systems, graphics monitors and work stations and input devices
Output primitives: Points and lines, line drawing algorithms (Bresenham’s and DDA Algorithm), mid-
point circle and ellipse algorithms
2-D geometrical transforms: Translation, scaling, rotation, reflection and shear transformations, matrix
representations and homogeneous coordinates, composite transforms, transformations between coordinate
2-D viewing: The viewing pipeline, viewing coordinate reference frame, window to view-port coordinate
transformation, viewing functions, Cohen-Sutherland algorithms, Sutherland –Hodgeman polygon clipping
3-D object representation: Polygon surfaces, quadric surfaces, spline representation, Hermite curve,
Bezier curve and B-Spline curves, Bezier and B-Spline surfaces. Basic illumination models, polygon
rendering methods.
Dept. of CSE/JNTUHCEH B.Tech. (Reg), w.e.f. 2018-19 Academic Year
3-D Geometric transformations: Translation, rotation, scaling, reflection and shear transformations,
composite transformations.
3-D viewing: Viewing pipeline, viewing coordinates, view volume and general projection transforms and
Computer animation: Design of animation sequence, general computer animation functions, raster
animation, computer animation languages, key frame systems, motion specifications
Visible surface detection methods: Classification, back-face detection, depth-buffer, BSP-tree methods
and area sub-division methods
Text Books
1. Procedural elements for Computer Graphics, David F Rogers, 2nd Edition, Tata Mc Graw Hill.
2. Principles of Interactive Computer Graphics”, Neuman and Sproul, TMH.
3. Principles of Computer Graphics, Shalini Govil, Pai, 2005, Springer.
Dept. of CSE/JNTUHCEH B.Tech. (Reg), w.e.f. 2018-19 Academic Year
1. Introduction
The introduction of the Advanced Communication Skills Lab is considered essential at 3rd year level. At
this stage, the students need to prepare themselves for their careers which may require them to listen to,
read, speak and write in English both for their professional and interpersonal communication in the
globalised context.
The proposed course should be a laboratory course to enable students to use ‘good’ English and perform the
2. Objectives:
This Lab focuses on using multi-media instruction for language development to meet the following targets:
1. To improve the students’ fluency in English, through a well-developed vocabulary and enable them
to listen to English spoken at normal conversational speed by educated English speakers and
respond appropriately in different socio-cultural and professional contexts.
2. Further, they would be required to communicate their ideas relevantly and coherently in writing.
3. To prepare all the students for their placements.
3. Syllabus:
The following course content to conduct the activities is prescribed for the Advanced English
Communication Skills (AECS) Lab:
3. Activities on Writing Skills – Structure and presentation of different types of writing – letter
writing/Resume writing/ e-correspondence/Technical report writing/ – planning for writing –improving
one’s writing.
4. Activities on Presentation Skills – Oral presentations (individual and group) through JAM
sessions/seminars/PPTs and written presentations through posters/projects/reports/ e-
mails/assignments etc.
5. Activities on Group Discussion and Interview Skills – Dynamics of group discussion, intervention,
summarizing, modulation of voice, body language, relevance, fluency and organization of ideas and
rubrics for evaluation- Concept and process, pre-interview planning, opening strategies, answering
strategies, interview through tele-conference & video-conference and Mock Interviews.
4. Minimum Requirement:
The Advanced English Communication Skills (AECS) Laboratory shall have the following infrastructural
facilities to accommodate at least 35 students in the lab:
5. Suggested Software:
The software consisting of the prescribed topics elaborated above should be procured and used.
Oxford Advanced Learner’s Compass, 7th Edition
DELTA’s key to the Next Generation TOEFL Test: Advanced Skill Practice.
Lingua TOEFL CBT Insider, by Dreamtech
6. Books Recommended:
1. Effective Technical Communication by M Asharaf Rizvi. McGraw Hill Education (India) Pvt. Ltd.
2nd Edition
2. Academic Writing: A Handbook for International Students by Stephen Bailey, Routledge, 5th Edition
3. Learn Correct English – A Book of Grammar, Usage and Composition by Shiv K. Kumar and
Hemalatha Nagarajan. Pearson 2007
4. Professional Communication by Aruna Koneru, McGraw Hill Education (India) Pvt. Ltd, 2016.
5. Technical Communication by Meenakshi Raman & Sangeeta Sharma, Oxford University Press 2009.
6. Technical Communication by Paul V. Anderson. 2007. Cengage Learning pvt. Ltd. New Delhi.
7. English Vocabulary in Use series, Cambridge University Press 2008.
8. Handbook for Technical Communication by David A. McMurrey& Joanne Buckley. 2012. Cengage
9. Communication Skills by Leena Sen, PHI Learning Pvt Ltd., New Delhi, 2009.
10. Job Hunting by Colm Downes, Cambridge University Press 2008.
11. English for Technical Communication for Engineering Students, Aysha Vishwamohan, Tata Mc
Graw-Hil 2009.