Bf 00387761
Bf 00387761
Bf 00387761
9 Springer-Verlag 1992
C o m m u n i c a t e d by H. BREZIS
We investigate the stability of travelling wave solutions of the multidimen-
sional thermodiffusive model for flame propagation with unit Lewis number.
This model consists in a system of two nonlinear parabolic equations posed
in an infinite cylinder, with Neumann boundary conditions. In this paper, we
prove that every travelling wave solution of this model is linearly stable. Our
tools are exponential decay estimates for solutions of elliptic equations in a
cylinder, and the Maximum Principle for parabolic equations.
1. Introduction
This is the first of a series of articles aimed at proving linear and nonlinear
stability results for travelling wave solutions of a multidimensional flame pro-
pagation model. We are interested in solutions of the system of semilinear
parabolic equations
ut - • + o~(y) Ux = v f ( u ) ,
v~ - Av + ~(y) vx = - i f ( u )
in a cylinder X = {(x, y) ~ • x a)}, co being an open bounded regular subset of
[RN-i, with N >1. System (1.1) is associated with boundary conditions which
will be made precise later.
Such equations are related to the classical thermodiffusive model for flame
propagation, which we briefly describe now. System (1.1) is a particular case
(when L e = 1) of the system
ut - Au + c~(y) ux --- i f ( u ) ,
(1.2) &v
vt - + o~(y) v~ = - v f ( u )
in X.
This result is proved in [6]; our goal is to prove that these travelling wave solu-
tions are stable under "small" perturbations. For this purpose we first linear-
ize system (1.1) formally about a travelling wave solution (~, qz); this yields
a new set of equations which can be written in the compact form
-- + LU=O,
Before we state precisely the assumptions and the result, let us recall that
there is a vast literature devoted to this type of problem for a single equation
in the one-dimensional setting
u~ - Ux~ = g ( u ) in [R
u(t,-oo)=O, u(t, + o o ) = t.
Ou Ov
(2.1.b) - -- 0 for (x, y) ~ ~ x 0 o ) ,
Ov Ov
u(t,-co, y)=0, u(t, +oo, y ) = 1 )
(2.1.c) for y E c~.
v(t, - o % y) = 1, v(t, + 0% y) oJ
Here v is the outward unit normal on OX. The Neumann boundary conditions
(2.1.b) mean that the walls of the tube are adiabatic.
Estimate (2.7.a) can be found in [6]; (2.7.b) is proved in [8], and shows that
condition (2.6.d) uniquely determines ~b.
Let us consider equations (2.1). We first rewrite them in the reference frame
of a travelling wave (q~, ~), and we linearize them about the (now steady) solu-
tion (q~, ~u). Specifically, we set
(u(t,x,y))=(q~(x,y) +a(t,x,y)).
v(t, x, y) k,~(x, y) + g(t, x, y)
System (2.1) then becomes
- A u + (c+a(y))u~-f'(ch)q/u-f(ch)v=2~l for
(x, y) eZ,
(2.9.a) - A v + (e+a(y))vx+f'(c~)gtu+f(dp)v ),
with boundary conditions
Ou Ov
(2.9.b) - - 0 for (x, y) e [Rx Oco.
Ov Ov
Since the solutions of the initial nonlinear problem have finite limits as j x[ --, + 0%
it would be natural to look for u and v satisfying
This means that the travelling-wave solutions of (2.1) are linearly stable.
In the following paper ([18]), it is proved that a nonlinear stability result holds
for the evolution problem (2.4) for these travelling waves: Any solution of
(2.4), with initial data close enough to the travelling front ~b, gt actually con-
verges towards a translate o f q~.
In the sequel, for convenience, we set
fl(y) = c+ a(y).
For any complex number z such that z r we as usual, denote by x/zz the
unique complex number y such that y Z = z and Re y > 0. Setting
e -T- x/~c2- 42
/~• (2) =
we immediately obtain
(3.3) W ( x ) = Ae ~+(x)x + Be ~-(~)x
Step 2" 2 ( R. Since ~ ( 0 ) = 0, and since the function q~ is increasing, the term
g'(q~) vanishes for x =< 0. Since Re 2 =< 0, we get
(3.5) u ( x ) = u(O) e u-(~)x for x ~ R_.
Travelling Fronts in Flame Propagation 103
Ul(X ) = e-iXu(x),
we rewrite equation (3.4) as
Recall that from assumptions (2.3.a) and (2.3.b) we have g'(1) < 0. Therefore
u/4Y vanishes as x - ~ + oo. This time we set ul = u/4Y. ul is a solution of
Set M = sup u 1(x) ; assume that M . 0. Condition (3.8.b) yields the exis-
tence of Xo such that us (x0) = M; moreover, u] (x0) = 0 and u~' (x0) -< 0. There-
fore M = ul(xo) < 0 from (3.8.a). Similarly, if we set m = inf ul(x), we get
m > 0 if m * 0. Since u . 0, we infer that m > M, which is of course absurd.
Therefore 2 >_ 0, and Theorem 1 is proved in the one-dimensional case. []
We treated in detail this simple particular case chiefly because the proof
contains two of the main ideas of the p r o o f for the general case, i.e., that
a solution (2, u, v) of (2.9) with R e 2 < = 0 and 2 ~ : 0 is such that: (i)
u + v = 0, (ii) u decays faster than q~x as [x] ~ + oo. In the next section we
accordingly recall some general results on the exponential decay of solutions
of elliptic equations in a cylinder. However, the rest of the above demonstra-
tion does not apply, because of the y-dependance of the function ~; additional
ingredients will therefore be needed.
A very powerful tool for deriving some a priori information on the asymp-
totic behaviour of possible solutions of (2.9) is the theory of Ao~aoN &
NIRENBERa [2], and the extensions given by P~zY [16]. In this paper, we are
mainly interested in the solutions of second-order elliptic equations; therefore
the results that we are going to recall are only given in this framework. Never-
theless, they hold for much more general situations. In particular they are true
for elliptic equations of order 2m, and even for weighted elliptic equations (see
[2]); the last category includes parabolic equations.
We refer to [2] for the general results and their proofs; we also refer to
the beginning of [8], where one may find a summary of these results.
We set 27+ = ~+ • We are interested in the solutions of equations of
the following type:
(4. l.b) -- = 0 in ~ + • 0co,
where a(y) and B(y) are HOlder-continuous functions. The function a(y) is
complex-valued, and the function B(y) takes its values in C u. O f course, all
the results that we are recalling have their analogues in 2;_ = ~ _ • ~o.
For B E [R and p > 1, let u E W~OP(s be a solution of (4.1) such that
em[[u(x,.)llLp(co) = o ( 1 ) as x ~ +oo.
X = EX : - = 0 on 3 .
for all integer j >_ O. The constant C depends on l~, j, P, co, e, and a but not on u.
with the function u ~ satisfying (4.1), and the function u, satisfying (4.4). Further-
more, for every e > 0 the following estimate holds:
(4.5) I1u, (x,)11 cl, (Ex,x+l <= Cce (E-b)x
for all x > 0 and for all e > O.
ek(X, 9) = eXk~q/k(y), 4k ~ R.
Theorem 4.3. ([8]) (i) If a =-- 0 and (b) > 0, then there exists a unique nonzero
principal generalized eigenvalue A_ > O.
(ii) If Pl ( - @ + a) > O, then there exist exactly two principal generalized eigen-
values A_ > )~+.
(iii) In both cases (i) and (ii) the space of the exponential solutions associated with
each generalized principal eigenvalue is one-dimensional.
II 1 - q S ( x , . ) - e-~+X~+llcl,~(~) ~ Ce -(~++~>x,
for x ~ O .
5. Proof of Theorem 1
L e m m a 5.1. Under the above assumptions, )~ has nonzero real part unless a =-O.
If a = 0 and if Re 2 = O, then )~ = 0; if furthermore (y) t O, then ~ =-- constant.
Proof. Assume that 2 has the form 2 = iq, and write ~ in the form
~ ( x , y) = ~ q/k(y)x k.
The function ~un does not identically vanish in co; moreover, q/n and ~Un_l are
solutions of
0q/, 0~u~_1
(5.2.c) - - 0 on 0o2.
Ov Ov
Multiplying (5.2.a) by ~ and integrating the result over co, we get
We now assume that a(y) does not identically vanish in co, and investigate
the asymptotic behaviour of the solutions of (5.1).
Proof. By L e m m a 5.1, we know that there exists p > 0 such that, for any ex-
ponential solution of the homogeneous problem, the corresponding exponent
lies outside the interval [ - p , p]. This comes from the fact that there is only
a finite number of exponents corresponding to nonzero exponential solutions
in every strip {Re z < K}.
Select a real number r such that 0 < r < p. Let F(x) b e a nondecreasing
C~-function such that
F ( x ) = I01 ifx__< 1,
if x__>2.
v(x, y) = e-rXF(x) u(x, y).
We have
A ( r ( x ) u) = r " u + 2r'ux - r ( x ) ( y ( y ) Ux + a(y) u).
Choose p > 0 and set
-Av+luv=h in Z+,
-- = 0 in R+x0co,
v--0 in [0, 1]•
u~ y) = er%~ y)
belongs to 2 ( - r , p, 2;+ ) ; moreover, u ~ is a solution of the homogeneous prob-
lem corresponding to (5.1). By the choice of r, we infer from Theorem 4.1 and
from the fact that p > N that
liu~ .)[[cl.~(~) < Ce -*x for all (x, y) ( X + ,
the real number ( - e ) being the (negative) real part of the first exponent of
the asymptotic expansion of u ~ Therefore,
lu( x, Y)I < Ce-"X for all (x, y) EZ+
for any 1/< rain (p, cx). Lemma 5.2 is proved. []
Travelling Fronts in Flame Propagation 109
Now let (c, 4)) be the solution of (2.6.a-d). Since 4)~ > 0 in 2 , we have
g(4)(x,-)) =0 for x = 0 .
We now concentrate on the solutions of
(5.3.a) -~u + fl(y) Ux - g'(4)) u = 2u for (x, y) ~27,
(5.3.b) -- = 0 for (x, y) ~ • x 0o9,
(5.3.c) u E W~6P(27) n W 1'= (27) for all p > 1.
Let (u,)~) be a solution of (5.3) such that Re )~ < - g ' ( t ) . Let (ek)k>__l be the
sequence of the exponential solutions of
(5.4.a) - A u + fl(y) Ux - g'(1) u = 2u in 27+,
(5.4.b) -- = 0 in [P+x0co,
written in the form ek(x, y) = eZ~*pk(x, y ) , such that Re 2k < 0 and such that
the sequence (Re ,~k) is nonincreasing. Let ( - a l ) = max~__>t Re )~k; then a~ > 0.
Let (ek)a<_k<_n be the exponential solutions of (5.4) such that Re ,~k = - a v
Let - 2 + be the negative generalized principal eigenvalue of (5.4) with ,~ = 0 ;
this exponent is involved in estimate (4.7.b) for the exponential decay of
( 1 - 4)) and 4)x. From Lemma 5.1 we deduce:
(ii) I f (71 ~ ,~+, there exist an e > 0 and n complex numbers at . . . . , an such that
for x large enough. Notice that without loss of generality we may assume that
5 has the form
5= --, PEN.
Since Re 2 < - g ' ( 1 ) , we are in the framework of Lemma 5.2. Therefore there
exists an ~/> 0 such that (5.3) holds for u; consequently,
I [g'(4)(x, y)) - g'(1)] u(x, Y)I --< Ce-(~z++n)x in 2 + .
Case 1:o-1 > 2+. Notice that P can be chosen so large that
- - 2+<0-1.
As a consequence o f Theorem 4.2 the function u may be written in the form
u = u ~ u,. The function u, is a solution of (5.3.a), (5.3.b) in 2;+ and
(5.5.a) II U, (X, " )[[Cl,~([x,x+llx~o) ~= Cee-(~i+ +e)x
for small enough positive e and large enough positive x. The function u ~ is
a solution of (5.4); moreover, from Lemma 5.2 and (5.5.a) we have u ~
2 ( p , p, 27+) for all p > 1 and for some p > 0. We may then apply Theo-
rem 4.1 to u~ There exist n complex numbers: al . . . . . an such that, for
small enough e > 0,
Here comes the crucial part of the proof of Theorem 1. We first recall
some properties of the function Pl(P) given by
L e m m a 5.5. Assume that Re 2 < 0 and )~ t- O. Then there exists an e > 0 such
that, for all (x, y) f X _ , the following inequality holds:
- A u + fl(y) Ux = 2u in 2J_,
-- = 0 in [R_xato.
By (5.3.c) we have that u f 2 ( - e , p, X_) for all e > 0 and for all p > 1; we
may then apply Theorem 4.1: u admits an asymptotic expansion in terms of
exponential solutions in the sense of Theorem 4.1. Let e ~ ( x , y) be one of
the terms of the asymptotic expansion o f u. Setting
~ ( x , y) = ~ ~k(y)xk;
Recall (see [8]) that 2_ is obtained as the unique positive real number p satis-
fying the equation Pl(P) = p a . This follows from two facts. First, according
to Lemma 5.4, the function
Fig. 5.1
I m 2 ]" I g/n[2dy = O;
Travelling Fronts in Flame Propagation 113
l ~ m m a 5.6. Under the assumptions of Lemma 5.5 there exists an e > 0 such that
e ~ ~ d~k(Y)x k.
Setting p = p + iq we find, by an easy adaptation of the beginning of the
proof of Lemma 5.5, that
We could partially infer Proposition 5.7 from Lemmas 5.5 and 5.6 and
from the proof given in [17] (Chap. 2, Sect. 8 "eigenvalues"); we prefer,
however, to use a more straightforward method.
Proof. Assume that there exists a solution (2, u) o f (5.3) with Re 2 =< 0 and
2 ~: 0. Let us write u = Ul + iu2; we always may suppose that Ul * 0. Indeed,
if we had ul ~ 0, we would just have to work with the function iu instead.
From Lemmas 5.5 and 5.6 we infer the existence of two real numbers k_
and k+, with k_ < 0 _< k+, such that
Since /~1 =I=0, the real numbers k_ and k+ cannot be both zero; assume
therefore that k+ . 0. There exists (x+, y+) ~ such that
Let v(t, x, y) = Re[e-Ztu(x, y)]; the function v is the unique solution of the
parabolic problem
(5.11.b) -- = 0 for (x, y) E N x a c o ,
(5.11.c) v(t, -co, y) = v(t, + 0% y) = 0 for yfi c~
This is in contradiction with the explicit expression for the function v, which
shows that v ( t , . ) is unbounded as t ~ + c~.
Case 2 : 2 1 = 0. We now have 22 * 0 and
This time nothing a priori contradicts the Weak Maximum Principle, but for
/'1 = - - w e have
)~2 k+4~x(X+, y+) = V(tl, x+, y+).
If (x+, y+) E 27, then, by the Strong Maximum Principle, v -k+4~x---= 0, a con-
tradiction. Therefore (x+, y + ) 6 027; the H o p f Boundary Lemma for parabolic
equations (see, for example, [17]) yields
O(v - k+~x)
(tl, x+, y+) > 0,
which is impossible; Proposition 5.7 is proved. []
Proof of Theorem 1. Assume that there exists a solution (2, u, v) of (2.9) with
Re 2 ~ 0 and 2 . 0 . Let us set W = u + v; the function W is a solution of
Travelling Fronts in Flame Propagation 115
- A W + f l ( y ) Wx=AW in 27,
-- = 0 in IRxOog.
Moreover, since W is bounded we have
w~ ~ ( e , p, 2+) c~ 2 ( - ~ , p, 27)
for every e > 0 and for all p > l . Here we denote by ~z~(e,p, 2;+) and
2 ( - e , p, 2;_) the spaces of continuous functions defined in Z and satisfying
the definitions given at the beginning of Section 4. From Lemma 5.1 and The-
orem 4.1 applied to W in Z+ as well as in Z_, we infer that W and V W decay
exponentially when Ix I --* + 0% in particular, we have
WE H l ( z ~ ) ~ cl'O(z~).
~ l V Wl 2 • dy - Re ,~ ~ l Wl 2 dx dy = O.
Z 2;
I l V w l 2 ~ dy =O,
As a conclusion to this paper, let us point out that the sign of the function
c + a ( y ) does not interfere with the linear stability of the travelling waves. It
is proved in [6] that if the functions ot and g satisfy the technical condition
c+~(y)>0 in ~ .
On the other hand, if (5.12) is not satisfied, the function c + a ( y ) may change
sign. This phenomenon, called "inversion of the velocity field," is discussed
in [6] (see also [22] for a similar phenomenon in other geometrical configura-
tions, such as for a counterflow diffusion flame).
One could have expected a loss of stability for the travelling-wave solutions
of (2.1), due to a possible inversion of the velocity field. Our results show that
they are always linearly stable, whether this phenomenon occurs or not. In
fact, the positivity of c + (o$ is the only fact that really matters.