The sub - Registrar,
Medchal SRO,
Medchal District.
Sub : HMDA - Planning Department - Building Permission for construction of Residential Building in Plot No’s. OPEN
LAND consisting of 1 Ground + 1 upper floors in Sy.Nos. 177P 181P situated at Kompally Village,
DundigalGandimaisamma(M) Mandal, Medchal-Malkajgiri Dist. to an extent of 7,617.97 Sq.m applied by Smt
Chamakura Shalini Reddy and Others - Approval Accorded - Reg.
Your attention is invited to the Deed of Mortgage bearing vide Document No. 10079/2024 , Date: 02 August, 2024 ,
executed in favour of Metropolitan Commissioner, HMDA, mortgaging 10.54 % of Built up area in First Floor Floor vide Flat
Nos. Sy.No.177P to an extent of 197.73 Sq.Mt. in Plot Nos. OPEN LAND situated at Survey nos. 177P 181P of
Kompally Village, DundigalGandimaisamma(M) Mandal, Medchal-Malkajgiri District as per G.O.Ms.No.168 MA dt.07-
04-2012 falling in Kompally Municipality / Municipal Corporation as security for ensuring that construction is made as per
sanctioned Plan as specified by the HMDA in the proceedings Dt: 26 August, 2024 . You have also given a certificate of
Encumbrance on property, confirming that the above plots are mortgaged against HMDA.
Taking into consideration of the agreement & Deed of Mortgage, Certificate of Encumbrance on property issued by
you, this Authority released the Building Permission in favour of the applicant / developer vide Building Permission Fee
Intimation Letter No. 005606/BP/HMDA/1271/MED/2024, dt. 20 July, 2024.
You are therefore, requested not to undertake any conveyance of the property covered specifically in the Flat Nos.
Sy.No.177P to an extent of 197.73 Sq.Mt. as per the plan enclosed to any other persons(s) till necessary communication
is sent by this Authority.
Yours Faithfully
Name : K.Shalini PO
Date: 08/26/2024 3:21:29 PM
Designation : Planning Ofcr
Planning Officer
Copy to:
1. The Commissioner,
Kompally Municipality / Municipal Corporation,
DundigalGandimaisamma(M) Mandal,
Medchal-Malkajgiri District.
2. The District Registrar, Medchal-Malkajgiri District - for information.
Smt Chamakura Shalini Reddy and Others
Villa No.169,Palm Meadows, Kompally Village,Dundigal-Gandimaisamma Mandal,Medchal-Malkajgiri District
Pin Code : 500100
Sub: HMDA- Plg.Dept - Approval for Construction of Proposed Residential consisting of 1 Ground + 1 upper floors in
plot nos. OPEN LAND situated at Survey No. 177P 181P of Kompally Village, DundigalGandimaisamma(M) Mandal,
Medchal-Malkajgiri District to an extent of 7,617.97 Sq. Mt. belonging to Smt Chamakura Shalini Reddy and Others
- Reg.
With reference to your application cited, it is to inform that the application submitted by you for technical approval of
Residential in Sy.No. 177P 181P of Kompally Village, DundigalGandimaisamma(M) Mandal, Medchal-Malkajgiri
District belonging to Smt Chamakura Shalini Reddy and Others an extent of 7,617.97 Sq. Mt. has been examined and
technical approved and forwarded to The Commissioner, Kompally Municipality / Municipal Corporation,
DundigalGandimaisamma(M) Mandal,
Medchal-Malkajgiri District. vide this office Application No. 005606/BP/HMDA/1271/MED/2024 , Date: 26 August,
2024 for release of Proceedings & plans.
Therefore, the concerned Municipal Commissioner, Kompally Municipality / Municipal Corporation, Kompally
Village, DundigalGandimaisamma(M) Mandal, Medchal-Malkajgiri District., will release the Proceedings & Plans.
Yours Faithfully
Name : K.Shalini PO
Date: 08/26/2024 3:21:29 PM
Designation : Planning Ofcr
For Metropolitan Commissioner, HMDA
Planning Officer
The Municipal Commissioner,
Kompally Municipality / Municipal Corporation,
DundigalGandimaisamma(M) Mandal,
Medchal-Malkajgiri District.
Sub: HMDA- Plg.Dept - Approval for Construction of Proposed Residential consisting of 1 Ground + 1 upper floors in
plot nos. OPEN LAND situated at Survey No. 177P 181P of Kompally Village, DundigalGandimaisamma(M) Mandal,
Medchal-Malkajgiri District to an extent of 7,617.97 Sq. Mt. belonging to Smt Chamakura Shalini Reddy and Others
- Technical Approval Accorded - Reg.
With reference to your application cited for technical approval of Residential Bldg/Apartment in plot Nos. OPEN
LAND in Sy.No. 177P 181P of Kompally Village, Kompally Muncipality Mandal, Medchal-Malkajgiri District belonging
to Smt Chamakura Shalini Reddy and Others to an extent of 7,617.97 Sq.Mtr. has been examined with reference to
the notified/ sanctioned master plan, zoning regulations and stipulated building rules and technical approval is hereby
accorded vide
I. Technical approval No. : 005606/BP/HMDA/1271/MED/2024, Date : 26 August, 2024
II. Name of the Owner and Applicant Address:
Smt Chamakura Shalini Reddy and Others
Villa No.169,Palm Meadows, Kompally Village,Dundigal-Gandimaisamma Mandal,Medchal-Malkajgiri District .
Proposed Height of the
Number of the Block No. of Floors Built up Area
Building building
1 Ground + 1 upper
Residential 1 1876.67 10
Applicant has paid all required Fees and charges pertaining to HMDA and Municipal Corporation/Municipality.
The applicant has executed simple mortgage of 10% of built up area in favor of MC, HMDA as per rule 25 (d) of G.O. Ms.No.
168 Dt: 07.04.2012. The same is executed at Sub-Register Medchal , vide Doc No. 10079/2024 , Dt: 02 August, 2024 at
joint Sub-Registrar. The mortgage details are as follows:
Required 10% Provided Mortgage Total Built up Area
Block Proposed Built-up Area
Mortgage area area(In Sq.mts) (In Sq.mts)
PROPOSED 1,876.67 187.67 197.73 1,876.67
Total 1,876.67 187.67 197.73 1,876.67
The building plans shall be sanctioned and released by the Municipal Corporation/Municipality.
a) The Municipal Corporation/Municipality shall scrupulously follow the instructions of the Govt. vide Govt.
Memo.No.1933/I1/97-1 M.A., dated 18-6-97 i.e., ensure the ownership and ceiling clearance aspect of the site under reference
are in order before sanctioning and releasing the technically approved building plans.
are in order before sanctioning and releasing the technically approved building plans.
b) The building plans technically approved by HMDA are valid for period of (3) years in case of non high rise buildings and
(5) years in case of high rise buildings from date of issue of this letter if the work is commenced within the six months from
the date of issue.
c) With regard to water supply, drainage and sewerage disposal system to be provided / facilitated to the proposed building
the Municipal Corporation/Municipality shall ensure the following: -
i. The location of water supply source & sewerage disposal source are located at appropriate distance within the site
preferably at 100 feet distance so as to avoid contamination.
ii. The depth of the bore and sizes shall be limited to the minimum depth and size of existing nearby bore-well. Water shall
be disinfected by adding hypo-solution to maintain 0.3 to 0.4 p.m. of residual chlorine in the sump / overhead tanks.
iii. Where main Gram Panchayat drains exist in vicinity of site, insist on connecting the treated sewerage to main existing
drain by laying a sewer pipe of diameter ranging from 200mm. To 300mm.
iv. In case where such Gram Panchayat drain exist, insist on connecting the treated sewerage overflow to a natural drain or
nala with a sewer pipe of diameter 150mm.
v. Before allowing the overflow mentioned in (iii) & (iv) above ensure the sewerage of the proposed building is invariably 1
into a common septic tank constructed on as per ISI standard specification (ISI) Code No.2470 of 1985 (Annexure - I)
and constructed with a fixed contact bed, duly covered and ventilated for primary treatment. The Executive Authority
shall ensure that no effluent / drainage over flows on the road or public place.
vi. To prevent chokage of sewers / drains, the last inspection chamber within the site / premises shall be provided with
safety pads / gates.
vii. The party should clean that septic tank periodically by themselves, and cart way the sludge, etc., to an unobjectionable
viii. All the above shall be supervised and inspected by the Municipal Corporation/Municipality concerned for compliance
during the construction stage.
ix. Since eventually the public sewerage and water supply systems are expected to be systematically added / extended by
the Hyderabad Metropolitan Water Supply & Sewerage Board to the outlying areas of Hyderabad, the proposed building
owners shall pay proportionate pro-rata charges to Hyderabad Metropolitan Water Supply & Sewerage board for the above
facilities as and when demanded by the Hyderabad Water Supply & Sewerage Board.
x. Structural Safety and Fire Safety Requirements shall be the responsibility of the Owner, Builder/ Developer, Architect and
St. Engineer to provide all necessary Fire Fighting installations as stipulated in National Building Code of India, 2005 like;
a. To provide one entry and one exit to the premises with a minimum width of 4.5mts. and height clearance of 5mts.
b. Provide Fire resistant swing door for the collapsible lifts in all floors.
c. Provide Generator, as alternate source of electric supply.
d. Emergency Lighting in the Corridor / Common passages and stair case.
e. Two numbers water type fire extinguishers for every 600 Sq.mts. of floor area with minimum of four numbers fire
extinguishers per floor and 5k DCP extinguishers minimum 2 Nos. each at Generator and Transformer area shall be
provided as per I.S.I. specification No.2190-1992.
f. Manually operated and alarm system in the entire buildings;
g. Separate Underground static water storage tank capacity of 25, 000 lts. Capacity.
h. Separate Terrace Tank of 25,000 lts. Capacity for Residential buildings.
i. Hose Reel, Down Corner.
j. Automatic Sprinkler system is to be provided if the basement area exceeds 200 Sq.mts.
k. Electrical Wiring and installation shall be certified by the electrical engineers to ensure electrical fire safety.
l. Transformers shall be protected with 4 hours rating fire resist constructions.
m. To create a joint open space with the neighbors building / premises for maneuverability of fire vehicles. No parking or
any constructions shall be made in setbacks area.
d) The Municipal Corporation/Municipality should ensure that the proposed building / complex is constructed strictly as per
the technically approved building plans mandatory inspection shall be made at foundation stage, plinth level and first floor and
subsequent floor level as required under G.O.Ms.No.168 MA, dt.07-04-2012 Deviation, misuse or violations of minimum
setbacks, common parking floor / stilt marking / violation and other balcony projections shall not be allowed.
e) The Municipal Corporation/Municipality shall allow the proposed building complex to be occupied used or otherwise let out
etc., only after;
(i) The proposed building is completed in accordance with the technically approved building plans;
(ii) After ensuring all the above conditions at (a) to (e) are complied.
(iii) After ensuring the conditions with regard to water supply and sewerage disposal system as mentioned in (d) above are
compiled to the satisfaction of the Municipal Corporation/Municipality.
(iv) After issuing a “Fit for Occupancy” certificate by the HMDA as required under Building rules.
f) The Municipal Corporation/Municipality shall ensure that the developer display a board at a prominent place at the site
which shall show the plan and specify the conditions mentioned by this office letter, so as to facilitate public in the matter.
g) That the applicant is responsible for structural safety and the safety requirement in accordance with the National Building
h) The applicant shall develop Rain Water harvesting structures in the site under reference as per Norms.
i) That the applicant should erect temporary scheme to avoid spilling of materials outside the plot during construction to
stop environmental pollution to ensure safety and security of the pedestrians and neighbours.
j) That the applicant shall made provisions for errection of Transformer and Garbage house with in the premises.
k) That the applicant / builder / constructor / developer shall not keep their construction materials / debris on public road.
l) That the applicant should ensure to submit a compliance report to HMDA soon after completion of first floor roof level and then
all the roofs are laid so as to enable to permit him to proceed further.
m) That the stilt / Cellar should be exclusively use for parking for vehicles without any partition walls and Rolling shutters and the
same should not be converted or the undertaking dated.
n) That the construction should be made strictly in accordance with this sanctioned plan. If any modifications are necessary prior
approval should be obtained.
o) This permission does not bar any public agency including HMDA to acquire the lands for public purpose as per law.
p) Tree plantation shall be done along the periphery and also in front of the premises as per T.S. Water Land and Trees Rules
2002 and create sustainable green buildings that make use of vertical gardens.
q) The applicant shall make provision for recycling of rain water.
r) The applicant shall install CC cameras from safety point of view of the residents.
s) The applicant shall adopt the mandatory and prescriptive requirements listed under ECBC.
t) The roofing shall be designed to reflect more sunlight and absorb less heat than a standard roof/Cool roofing.
u) The applicant shall register the project in TG RERA if applicable.
v) A dual piping system is a type of plumbing system where two separate sets of pipes are installed to distribute water in a
building. One set of pipes carries potable or drinking water, while the other set of pipes carries non-potable or reclaimed water.
The potable water pipes are connected to the main water supply and distribute water for drinking, cooking, and bathing. The
non-potable or reclaimed water pipes carry water that has been treated and recycled from sources like rainwater, greywater
from sinks and showers, or treated wastewater.
w) Parking places in buildings shall be provided with Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure as per Central Electricity Authority
(CEA) Technical Requirements for Connection of Distributed Generation Sources, CEA Measures of Safety Regulations, 2010
and Ministry of Power Consolidated Guidelines and Standards for EV Charging Infrastructure, as amended from time to time".
x) For Constructions over 10,000 and above and in case of Group Housing Buildings where there are 100 units and above,
the plumbing arrangement shall be made in a way that the potable water shall be used for drinking, cooking and bathing only
and for rest of the uses, provision for dual piping system shall be made.
y) New building constructions shall have to properly demarcate sections within buildings and on rooftops for housing
Broadband/digital connectivity infrastructure / antenna. These areas should have access to power supply for reliable, always
on services. Further, Computer Telephony Integration (CTI) of a building shall include the common duct to access the common
space used as telecomn room inside the building.
z) Occupancy Certificate to a building shall be granted only after ensuring that the CTI as per the prescribed standards is in place
and an undertaking is given by the Architect or Engineer certifying that building has ensured common access to all digital
infrastructure to all Service providers in accordance with plan of creation of CTI.
1. The permission accorded does not confer any ownership rights, At a later stage if it is found that the documents are false and
fabricated the permission will be revoked as per HMDA Act 2008 and as per Municipalities Act, 2019.
2. If construction is not commenced within 6 months, building application shall be submitted afresh duly paying required fees.
3. Commencement Notice shall be submitted by the applicant before commencement of the building.
4. Completion Notice shall be submitted after completion of the building & obtain occupancy certificate as per rules.
5. Occupancy Certificate is compulsory before occupying any building.
6. Public Amenities such as Water Supply, Electricity Connections will be provided only by the local body or any other agencies, only
after production of occupancy certificate issued by HMDA.
7. Cellar and stilts approved for parking in the plan should be used exclusively for parking of vehicles without partition walls & rolling
shutters and the same should not be converted or misused for any other purpose at any time in future as per undertaking
8. Stocking of Building Materials on footpath and road margin causing obstruction to free movement of public & vehicles shall not be
done, failing which permission is liable to be suspended.
9. The permission accorded does not bar the application or provisions of Urban Land Ceiling & Regulations Act 1976.
10. The Developer / Builder / Owner to provide service road wherever required with specified standards at their own cost.
11. A safe distance of minimum 3.0mts. Vertical and Horizontal Distance between the Building & High Tension Electrical Lines and
1.5mts. for Low Tension electrical line shall be maintained.
12. The mortgaged built-up area shall be allowed for registration only after an Occupancy Certificate is produced.
13. The Registration authority shall register only the permitted built-up area as per sanctioned plan.
14. The Financial Agencies and Institutions shall extend loans facilities only to the permitted built-up area as per sanctioned plan.
15. The Services like Sanitation, Plumbing, Fire Safety requirements, lifts, electrical installations etc., shall be executed under the
supervision of Qualified Technical Personnel.
16. The applicable shall comply the conditions as per the undertaking executed in terms of G.O. Ms. No. 541 MA, dt. 17-11-2000
(wherever applicable)
17. The construction shall be done by the owner, only in accordance with sanctioned Plan under the strict supervision of the Architect,
Structural Engineer and site engineer failing which the violations are liable for demolition besides legal action.
18. The owner, builder, Architect, Structural Engineer and site engineer are jointly & severely responsible to carry out and complete the
18. The owner, builder, Architect, Structural Engineer and site engineer are jointly & severely responsible to carry out and complete the
construction strictly in accordance with sanctioned plan and if failed to adhere the conditions, it shall be liable for demolition
besides taking legal action.
19. The Owner, Builder, Architect, Structural Engineer and Site Engineer are jointly and severely are held responsible for the structural
stability during the building construction and should strictly adhere to all the conditions in the G.O.
20. The Owner / Builder should not deliver the possession of any part of built up area of the building, by way of Sale / Lease unless
and until Occupancy Certificate is obtained from HMDA
Special Conditions:
1. The Owner / Developers shall be responsible for the safety of construction workers.
2. The Owner / Developers shall ensure a comprehensive insurance policy of construction workers for the duration of construction
3. In large projects where it is proposed to temporarily house the construction workers on the site, proper hygienic temporary shelter
with drinking water and sanitary measures shall be provided.
4. If in case above said conditions are not adhered; HMDA / Local Authority can withdraw the said permission.
5. To comply the conditions laid down in the G.O.Ms.No.168 MA, dt: 07-04-12.
6. The HMDA/Local Authority reserve the right to cancel the permission, if it is found that the permission is obtained by false
statement or misinterpretation or suppression of any material facts or rule.
7. The applicant is the whole responsible if any discrepancy in the ownership documents and ULC aspects and if any litigation the
technically approved building plans may withdraw without notice.
8. If any dispute litigation arises in future, regarding the ownership of a land the applicant shall responsible for the settlement of the
same and Authority or its employees shall not be a part to any such dispute / litigation.
9. The applicant / developer are the whole responsible if anything happens while constructing the building.
10. Any conditions laid by the authority are applicable.
11. The applicant shall provide the STP and as per standard specification.
12. The Concerned Local Body shall ensure the same before issue of Occupancy Certificate or Commencement of Commercial
Production by the applicant.
13. If there are any court cases pending, the proposal is subject to outcome court orders.
14. The minimum width of approach road as indicated in the plan and the said road to be developed and maintained as Black topped
road with proper center etc. before release of occupancy certificate.
Additional Conditions
1. The building plan technically approved by HMDA is valid for period of (3) years from the date of issue of this letter if the work is commenced
within the six months from the date of issue.
2. To prevent chokage of sewers / drains, the last inspection chamber within the site/ premises shall be provided the safely pads /gates.
3. The party should clean that septic tank periodically by themselves, and cart away the sludge, etc., to an unobjectionable place.
4. That the applicant is responsible for structural safety and the safety requirement in accordance with the of National building Code of 2005.
5. The applicant shall develop Rain Water harvesting structures in the site under reference as per brochure enclosed.
6. That the applicant should erect temporary scheme to avoid spilling of materials outside the plot during construction to stop environmental
pollution to ensure safety and security of the pedestrians and neighbours.
7. That the applicant shall made provisions for erection of Transformer and Garbage house with in the premises.
8. That the applicant / builder / constructor / developer shall not keep their construction material / debris on public road.
9. That the Stilts / Cellar should be exclusively used for parking of vehicles without any partition walls and Rolling shutters and the same should not
be converted or the undertaking dated.
10. It is also hereby ordered that the copy of approved plans as released by HMDA and local authority would be displayed at the construction site for
public view.
11. That the construction should be made strictly in accordance with this sanctioned plan. If any modifications are necessary prior approval should be
12. This permission does not bar any public agency including HMDA to acquire the lands for public purpose as per law.
13. To create a joint open space with the neighbouring building / premises for manoeuvrability of fire vehicles, No parking or any constructions shall
be made in setbacks area. Master Plan for this area is under preparation. The Developer / Land Owner / Plot purchaser should accept the changes
or conditions imposed by the competent authority time to time.
14. The Applicant shall comply the standards mentioned in the National Building Code, 2005.
15. To comply the conditions laid down in the G.O.Ms.No.168, dt.07-04-2012.
16. 10.00% of Built Up Area to an extent of 197.73Sq.mtrs First Floor Mortgaged in favour of The Metropolitan Commissioner ,Hyderabad
Metropolitan Development Authority. Vide Document No: 10079/2024, dt: 02/08/2024, as per Common Building Rules 2012 (G.O.Ms.No. 168,
Dt: 07-04-2012.)
17. The applicant has handed over the master plan road affected area to an extent of 62.07Sq.mts vide document no. 10078/2024, Dt:- 02-08-2024.
18. The applicant shall approach HMDA for occupancy certificate after completion of building as per the sanctioned plan within stipulated time.
Yours Faithfully
Name : K.Shalini PO
Date: 08/26/2024 3:21:29 PM
Designation : Planning Ofcr
Copy to: