1. Physiological Factor Determining Component Of Physical Fitness
2. Effect Of Exercise On Cardio Respiratory System
3. Effect Of Exercise On Muscular System
4. Physiological changes due to ageing
5. Sports Injuries: Classification, (Soft Tissue Injuries – Abrasion, Contusion, Laceration,
Incision, Sprain & Strain; Bone & Joint Injuries - Dislocation, Fractures - Green Stick,
Comminuted, Transverse, Oblique & Impacted) Causes And Prevention
6. Treatment Of Injuries
• PHYSIOLOGY: A branch of biology that deals with the functions of living matter (such
organs, tissues, or cells).
• SPORTS PHYSIOLOGY: Sports physiology is the study of the long and short-term
effects of
training on athletes.
• EXERCISE PHYSIOLOGY: Exercise physiology is a study of the body’s response to
• In the human body we majorly study skeletal, muscular, nervous, endocrine, cardiovascular,
metabolic, respiratory, digestive, urinary and reproductive systems which are somehow affected
by exercises.
• During exercise, all systems of our body work jointly but responses of these systems
• Metabolic system produces energy and takes care of intake and output of energy.
• Cardiovascular system controls circulation, transports oxygen and energy to muscles
and waste
products from muscles to kidney.
• Respiratory system takes in air, diffuses oxygen to lungs and muscle tissue and
carbon dioxide from body.
• Neuromuscular and skeletal system allows body movements through muscle
• Skeletal muscles are made up of muscles fibres which are divided into two categories Slow twitch fibres or
Type I fibres and Fast twitch fibres or Type II fibres. Mostly muscles contain a mix of both fast and slow
twitch fibres and the proportion of theses fibres is dependent on genetics, hormones, and habits of
exercises. Composition of fibres in muscles plays a dominant role in development of strength, endurance,
and speed performance. Skeletal muscles have four properties contractility, excitability, extensibility,
and elasticity.
• Slow twitch fibres or Type I fibres or slow oxidative fibres contain large numbers of capillaries, higher
concentration of myoglobin and mitochondria than fast twitch fibres which promote aerobic activity and
resistance against fatigue. Due to higher concentration of capillaries the colour of fibres becomes red
and has greater supply of blood. Such types of fibres contract at low rate and keep contracting for longer
duration without fatigue.
slow oxidative is the process of slow production of energy with the use of oxygen
• Fast twitch fibres or Type II fibres or Fast glycolytic fibres contain a good volume of glycolytic enzymes
which promote anaerobic activity but due to a smaller number of mitochondria they have limited
aerobic capacity and low fatigue resistance. Fast twitch fibres do not require blood supply to produce
energy, so their colour is lighter as compared to slow twitch fibre. Such fibres have fast contraction rate,
and can produce small amount of energy quickly. Fast twitch muscle fibre helps in anaerobic activities
like jumps, throws, sprint etc.
Glycolysis is the process in which glucose is broken down to produce energy.
• Cellular respiration is a process in which ATP (Adenosine triphosphate) is formed through food. Main source
of energy in food is in form of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. Each has different complex chemical
process to form ATP energy. During exercise, the load on the metabolic system increases manifold because
of increase in the demand of energy by different systems. In this process, carbohydrates give instant energy
as compared to fats and proteins, but fats give a larger amount of energy as compared to carbohydrates and
proteins. Higher intensity aerobic activity requires carbohydrates in the form of glucose and glycogen as
• Carbohydrates work as a fuel for short duration exercise, fats are utilized for long duration exercises and
proteins contribute a small but important proportion of nourishment. Basically, three energy system works
in our body ATP-CP (Creatine phosphate) system, anaerobic system, and aerobic system. ATP- CP system
provides energy if the activity is less than 10 second. Such activities are dynamic in nature and of very
short duration and very intensive. They include jumps, throws, sprints, weightlifting, power lifting etc.
Anaerobic system provides energy for less than two minutes, in activities like 200m, 400m races. Aerobic
system provides energy for long duration activities like marathon, football, hockey etc.
• STRENGTH = Ability of a muscle or a group of muscle to exert force against any resistance.
• SPEED = Ability to move all or part of the body as quickly as possible OR ability of a person to
perform same pattern of movement at a faster rate.
• ENDURANCE = Ability of a person to perform any task for a longer duration of time OR ability of a
muscle to contract for extended period of time.
• FLEXIBILITY = The range of motion of your joints is known as flexibility.
• COORDINATIVE ABILITIES = Coordinative abilities are those abilities of an individual
which enable the individual to do various related activities properly as well as efficiently. Our
accuracy rhythm flow and constancy depend on our coordinative abilities.
SIZE OF A MUSCLE : Strength Of The Muscle Depends On Size Of The Muscles. Force Produced By
Same Size Of Muscle In Males And Females Is Approximately Same. Can Be Improved Through
BODY WEIGHT: Individuals Who Are Heavier Are Stronger Than The Light Weight Individuals.
MUSCLE COMPOSITION: Muscular System Is Composed Of White Muscle & Red Muscle Fibre.
The Percentage Of These Muscles Is Genetically Determined And Cannot Be Changed Through
Type I fibre or slow twitch fibre or red muscle fibre- contain large amount of capillaries
& myoglobin. (suitable for slow and long duration activity)
Type II fibre or fast twitch fibre or white muscle fibre- contain small amount of capillaries &
myoglobin. (suitable for fast and strength related activity)
NERVE IMPULSE: Speed Of Nerves Impulse
• Increased Size and Strength of Heart: Continuous aerobic exercises help to increase
the strength and the size of heart which helps in better performance. It is also referred
as cardiac hypertrophy.
• Low Level of Accumulation of Lactic Acid: Anaerobic respiration is the process of
converting glucose into energy without oxygen. During the conversion from glucose to
energy, lactic acid, a waste product, is created. Lactic acid makes muscles tired and
• Decrease in Resting Heart Rate: Due to improved efficiency of the heart, it is required
to pump less blood to meet the needs of the body. As a result, the heart rate at rest
decreases. It is also called as Bradycardia.
• Normal Blood Pressure: In response to endurance training, there can be substantial
reduction in both systolic and diastolic blood pressure. Regular exercise helps keep
the blood pressure normal.
• Increase in Stroke Volume and Cardiac Output: Since the size and strength of the heart
increases, heart pumps blood more efficiently with increase in stoke volume and
cardiac output.
• Increase in Capillaries Network: To achieve the demand for oxygen, capillaries network
increases. Due to the demands placed on different parts of the body during exercise,
the capillary density at muscle sites improves. Increased capillary density allows for
greater oxygen being transported to the muscles, improving their ability to perform
intense exercise.
Effect of Exercise on Respiratory System
Short Term Effects of Exercise in Respiratory System
• Respiratory Rate Increases: Our body requires more oxygen during exercise, and to meet this
increased demand, the respiratory rate (breathing rate) increases. The normal respiration rate
for an adult at rest is 12 to 20 breaths per minute, but during exercise it increases to 40
breaths per minutes.
• Tidal Volume Increases: The amount of air inhaled and exhaled in one breath is known as tidal
volume. Tidal volume increases as a result of exercise to take in more oxygen and remove
carbon dioxide from our body.
• Rate of Exchange of Gas Increases: Regular exercise increases the rate of exchange of gas
in lungs.
Long Term Effects of Exercise in Respiratory System
• Increased Efficiency of Respiratory Muscles: Due to regular exercise efficiency of respiratory
muscles increases, inhalation and exhalation become fluent. This helps to meet the demand
of oxygen.
• Increased Lung volume: Continuous exercises done for long duration help to increase the
capacity and volume of lungs.
• Increased Pulmonary Diffusion: Pulmonary Diffusion refers to the capacity of the lungs to
allow oxygen and carbon dioxide to pass in and out of the blood. Regular exercise develops the
scope of increasing the exchange of gases, and in this process the size of the alveoli also
• Increased Residual Volume: Residual volume is the volume of air that remains in the lungs
after forceful expiration. Regular exercise increases residual volume that helps to exchange the
gases in normal limits.
Short Term
• Increased blood supply
• Increased Muscle temperature
• Increased Muscle flexibility’
• Accumulation of Lactate
• Micro tears in muscle fibres
Long Term
• Hypertrophy of Muscle Increases
• strength of ligaments and tendons
• Increase in size and number of mitochondria
• Increase in myoglobin storage
• Increase in glycogen storage
• Increase in oxidation/ metabolism
• Increase in lactate acid tolerance
Short Term Effect of Exercises on Muscular
• Increased blood supply: During exercise, in order to match demand of fuel to muscle, the supply of blood
increases in the whole body or, in the particular muscle group where activity is largely impacted.
• Increased muscle temperature: During exercises muscles demand energy, which comes from contracting
muscles. During this process, a lot of heat energy is generated which increases the temperature of
muscles, and the body.
• Increased muscle flexibility: Due to increase in blood flow and rise in temperature, elasticity of
muscles increases. Stretching and mobility exercises also play a dominant role in increasing muscular
• Accumulation of Lactate: Muscles requires oxygen. If blood supply does not provide appropriate volume
of oxygen to muscles, it leads to accumulation of lactate acid in muscles which result in pain, and soreness
in muscles.
• Micro-tears in Muscle Fibres: During exercises muscle tissue is placed under stress which results in
micro- tears in muscle fibres. The body responds by repairing the muscle fibres and making them larger.
When a muscle gets bigger, this process is called hypertrophy.
• Muscular Strength - It is defined as the maximal force that a muscle or muscle group can generate.
Men and women usually attain their highest strength levels between ages 20 and 40, Changes in
Due to decrease in muscle size, the strength of the muscles also decreases The decrease in strength
gradually occurs during the age of 35 to 45 years.
• Neural Function - A number of research studies indicate that reaction time and movement time
slow down with increasing age. The brain's weight, the size of its network and its blood flow
decreases with age. However, the brain adapts to these changes, growing new patterns of nerve
endings. To recall old memories becomes slow.
• Pulmonary Function - Mechanical restriction on the pulmonary system progress with age to cause
decline in static and dynamic lung function measures. Alveoli can lose their shape and become baggy.
The diaphragm can, over time, become weaker, decreasing the ability to inhale and exhale (Pulmonary -
relating to the lungs)
• Cardiovascular Function - With advancing age, there is a progressive decrease in cardiac muscle strength.
The stroke volume, cardiac output and blood flow are all decreased with age. Blood vessels also lose
their elasticity. They become more and more rigid. Systolic blood pressure also increases with age. The
reduced blood flow results in reduced endurance. There is less nourishment to cells of body Heart valves
become less flexible.
• Body Composition - In physical fitness, body composition is used to describe the percentages of fat, bone,
water, and muscle in human bodies. After age 60, total body mass decreases despite increasing body fat.
• Bone Mass- Bone Mass is a measure of the amount of minerals (mostly calcium and phosphorous)
contained in a certain volume of bone. Osteoporosis poses a major problem with ageing, particularly
among postmenopausal women. In this condition it produces loss of bone mass as the ageing skeleton
de- mineralizes and becomes porous. Bone mass can decrease by 30% to 50% in persons older than age
• An athletic injury is defined as “some physical damage or insult to the body that occurs during
athletic practice or competition causing a resultant loss of capacity or impairing performance.”
Morris (1984)
• A sports injury may be defined as damage to the tissues of the body that occurs as a result of sport or
exercise. IOC Manual of Sports Injuries (2012)
Injuries Which Are Common In The Field Of Games And Sports
Happen During Practice, Training Or Competition
If Appropriate Steps Are Taken By The Sports Person The Chance Of Getting Injuries Can Be Reduced.
Contusion Dislocation
Simple Fracture
Impacted Fracture
• It is the type of hematoma, which refers to
• A bruise, or contusion, appears on the
any collection of blood outside of a vessel.
skin due to trauma. The injury causes tiny
• Muscle Injury Occurs Due To Direct Hit, With Or blood vessels to burst. Blood gets trapped
Without Any Sports Equipment. below the skin’s surface, which causes a
• Blood Vessels In The Muscles Are bruise. Black and blue marks are often
Broken, Bleeding May Occur In The associated with bruise
Muscles .
Bruise and contusion both are same
• Stiffness & Swelling Common Sign.
• Common In : Boxing, Wrestling, Kabaddi.
• Prevention - All the safety gear to be worn
upon while playing (Helmet, chest guard,)
should be worn
Inflammation is part of the process by which the immune system
• Treatment defends the body from harmful agents, such as bacteria and viruses.
• Cold Compression Should Be Used Immediately For
Around +40 minutes.
• Cold Compression Should Be Performed Five To Word meaning
Six Times Daily.
• In Case Of More Swelling At The Injured Part Anti – Persists= continue to exist
Rehabilitation= Rehabilitation is the act of restoring something to its
Inflammatory Medicine Should Be Given. original state
• If The Swelling Still Persist, Consult The Doctor. Accumulation = collection, gathering
• For Rehabilitation, Flexibility Exercises Should Be
Done Carefully.
• A strain is an acute or chronic soft tissue injury that occurs to a muscle, tendon, or both.
• Mild or severe muscle injury.
• In severe case, muscle may rupture.
• In case of complete rupture movement of limb is not possible due to severe pain.
• May happen during practice
• Prevention - Regular stretching and strengthening exercise for any kind of sport can be the
preventive measure for strain.
• Strained Organ Should Be Kept In Comfortable Position.
• Pour Cold Water For 20 To 30 Minutes.
• Ice Should Not Be Applied Directly (Wrap Ice In Cotton Cloth).
• Light Massage Should Be Given After 2 –3 Days.
• Pain Killer May Be Given In Case Of Severe Pain.
• Complete Rest For One Week.
• Warm Water Therapy Should Be Given.
• PRICE Procedure For The Treatment Of Strain
• A sprain is a stretching or tearing of ligaments — the tough bands of fibrous tissue that connect
two bones together in your joints. The most common location for a sprain is in your ankle.
• Ligament Injury.
• May occur due to over stretching or tearing of ligament.
• Occurs at wrist joint and ankle joint.
• Some time fracture is possible along with sprain.
• Swelling, inflammation, severe pain & tenderness are common symptoms.
• Injured Part Should Be Kept In Comfortable Position.
• Cold Compression Should Be Used Immediately For 10-20 Minutes And Performed 6 To 8 Times Per
• The Injured Limb Should Be Elevated.
• If Pain Still Persist, Painkiller Should Be Given.
• Warm Water Therapy After 2-3 Days.
• Light Massage Should Be Given.
• In Case Of Ankle Sprain, 8-type Bandage Should Be Wrapped.
• There Are Two Procedure For The Treatment Of Sprain
• PRICE Procedure (Protection, Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation)
• MICE Procedure (Mobilisation, Ice, Compression, Elevation)
• An abrasion is a type of open wound that's caused by the skin rubbing against a rough surface,
affects on the upper superficial layers of the epidermis.
• Skin Injury.
• Occurs due to friction with any equipment or A fall over the area where the bone is close to skin.
• Occurs at upper layer of skin.
• Injured Part Should Be Washed With Clean Water/Antiseptic Liquid.
• Pick out the dead tissue, gravel and debris that might be sticking to the area of abrasion.
• Wipe the dirt from the affected part
• Dressing Should Be Done Lightly If Abrasion Is Serious.
• Anti-tetanus Injection Should Be Taken.
• Painkiller Should Be Given In Case Of Severe Pain.
• Anti-tetanus injection should be provided.
• A laceration is a wound that is produced by the tearing of soft body tissue. This type of wound is often
• It is an irregular cut in the skin from a sharp object or sharp edged sports equipment. These wound may
be very poisonous
• Stop The Flow Of Blood By Applying Firm Pressure To The Laceration With A Clean Cloth Or Gauze. A
Small Amount Of Blood Is Advantageous In Cleansing The Wound, But Large Amounts Of Blood Loss
Can Be Dangerous.
• Properly Clean The Wound. Remove All Dirt And Debris By First Running Cool Water Over The Area, And
Then Clean With A Sterile Cloth, Warm Water, And Mild Soap.
• Apply Antibiotic Ointment, And Then Cover The Wound Area With A Sterile Gauze Bandage And First-
aid Tape.
• Clean The Wound Area Daily With Soap And Water And Apply A Fresh Sterile Bandage.
• For A Minor Laceration, Remove The Bandage After A Couple Of Days To Promote Healing.
• If The Affected Person Requires Stitches, Take Him/her To The Doctor.
• Deep cut by any sharp object or equipment like spikes, knife etc
• Sharp straight wound
• If The Wound Is Not Deep, Let The Blood Come Out.
• Cleaned With Iodine Tincture Or Spirit.
• Bandage Should Be Applied.
• In Case Of Excessive Bleeding, The Bandage Should Be Kept Tight.
• Wound Is Too Deep, A Doctor Should Be Consulted Immediately.
In Such Sports Event Where There Is A High Impact.
Traumatic, Forceful And Unnatural Movements.
Prolonged Long Distance Walking Or Running.
Sudden Fall On Hard Surface.
Direct Strike Or Hit With Any Solid Sports Equipment.
• It is fracture of the bone only, • It is a fracture in which there is an open
without damage to the surrounding wound or break in the skin near the site
tissues or breaking of the skin. of the broken bone.
TRANSVERSE PROCESS FRACTURE • A transverse fracture occurs when a
• Brake in one of the bones of spine or bone breaks at a 90-degree angle to the
a part of it. It is shaped like a wing. long axis of the bone
Most probably these injuries occur in
the thoracic spine or lumbar spine
• A joint dislocation occurs when there is an abnormal separation in the joint, where two or more bones
• Partial dislocation is referred as a subluxation.