gender bias article 1 2
gender bias article 1 2
gender bias article 1 2
APMM 2024
word count : 3475
Abstract. This article offers a comprehensive exploration of gender bias within the Chinese workplace,
addressing its definition, manifestations, impacts, and proposed solutions. Gender bias presents itself
through various channels, encompassing wage disparities, unequal opportunities, limited career
progression, and diminished job satisfaction. These biases not only detrimentally affect individuals' mental
well-being and professional advancement but also impede organizational performance, innovation, and
reputation. Furthermore, they pose significant challenges to a nation's economic prosperity and social
harmony. Given the pervasive nature and far-reaching consequences of gender bias, it becomes imperative
to undertake a series of concerted measures aimed at its reduction and eventual elimination. These
measures encompass the establishment of clear and unequivocal policies and procedures, provision of
comprehensive employee training and education, implementation of fair and transparent recruitment and
promotion mechanisms, the establishment of robust feedback channels supplemented by counseling
services, cultivation of a workplace culture that actively supports gender equality, promotion of diverse
leadership teams, and facilitation of government policies conducive to gender parity. Through
collaborative and collective efforts, a more equitable and inclusive work environment can be fostered,
thereby fostering the mutual development and progress of individuals, businesses, and society at large. By
prioritizing gender equality initiatives, we lay the groundwork for a fairer and more prosperous society,
wherein the talents and contributions of all individuals are recognized, valued, and rewarded equitably.
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0
SHS Web of Conferences 193, 02017 (2024)
APMM 2024
the testing environment, the phrasing of specific stereotypes, some employers may hold gender
questions, and even a student's attitude toward the test, discriminatory views, believing that men are more
can influence test outcomes. These elements may competent than women in certain jobs, leading to higher
fluctuate over time due to variations in test salaries for men. Given its enormous labor force,
administration methods, revisions to test items, and massive economic reforms, and deep-rooted Confucian
shifts in students' comfort levels with the test. The patriarchy, China has been at the center of empirical
resulting error from these factors will impact both men research on gender bias in transition economies. Here,
and women randomly [2]. This kind of bias may be we briefly review the important policy changes and
reflected in recruitment, promotion, salary, job closely related empirical studies on gender wage
assignment, working environment, and so on. The inequality in China [5]. Secondly, gender-based
existence of gender bias in the workplace not only occupational preferences, in China, there are clear
affects the quality of individual work life but also gender-based preferences in occupational choices. Some
damages the fairness of the organization and the high-paying industries and positions may be
enthusiasm of employees. In other to understand gender predominantly chosen by men, while women may be
bias, we should learn about the difference between more inclined to work in lower-paying industries or
gender and sex. Gender encompasses the socially positions. Thirdly, unfair distribution of promotion
constructed roles, behaviors, expressions, and identities opportunities, some companies or organizations may
attributed to individuals, including girls, women, boys, exhibit gender bias in promotions, favoring the
men, and gender-diverse individuals. It shapes self- advancement of men over equally qualified women,
perception, interactions, and the allocation of power and resulting in wage disparities. Fourth, gender bias in the
resources within society. Gender identity isn't limited to workplace environment: Gender bias faced by women in
a binary framework (female/male) and is fluid, existing the workplace is also a contributing factor to wage
on a spectrum with the potential for evolution over time. inequality. This may include restrictions on women's
There's significant diversity in how people and promotion opportunities, hindered career development,
communities perceive, experience, and express gender and unfair allocation of job opportunities. Fifthly, family
through their roles, societal expectations, interpersonal responsibilities: Women in China often bear more family
relationships, and the institutionalization of gender responsibilities, including childcare and household
norms. In an ideal scenario, we would anticipate minimal chores, which may affect their working hours and
divergence among texts delineating individuals intensity, thereby influencing their wage levels."
irrespective of their gender identities, save for the
presence of explicitly gender-specific terms like
2.2.2 Inequality of opportunities
pronouns or names. Consequently, a machine learning
model would struggle to discern statistical discrepancies In China, women face various forms of unequal
across gender categories (i.e., gender bias) due to the opportunities in the workplace. Firstly, recruitment bias,
absence of substantial variations [3]. Sex refers to a set some industries or companies may exhibit recruitment
of biological attributes observed in humans and animals, bias, showing a preference for hiring males, especially in
encompassing physical and physiological features such technical, managerial, and high-paying positions, leading
as chromosomes, gene expression, hormone levels and to greater competition for women in the job market.
functionality, and reproductive anatomy. While Secondly, career advancement, in certain industries and
traditionally categorized as either female or male, there companies, women may have fewer opportunities for
is variability in the biological elements defining sex and career advancement, possibly influenced by gender
their manifestations. biases. Even if they possess sufficient skills and
On the other hand, when referring to gender, we qualifications, they may be overlooked or restricted. This
address socially constructed norms and expectations for indicates that, typically, female applicants will need to
individuals identifying as women, men, girls, or boys. submit 55% additional applications to achieve an equal
Specifically, societal expectations dictate that girls and number of call backs compared to their male
women exhibit feminine traits, while boys and men counterparts. It's unsurprising that women still face
display masculine characteristics. By sex, we mean under representation in academic institutions,
biological differences assigned to females and males in particularly in senior positions, decision-making bodies,
order to distinguish between the two. The biological and editorial boards. Additionally, women tend to
characteristics assigned to females and males often receive lower pay compared to men, and their research
consist of primary or secondary sex characteristics [4]. projects are less likely to secure funding. Secondly,
incorporating additional student characteristics into the
2.2 The forms of gender bias in the workplace regression analysis has minimal impact on the
coefficient of the female variable. This outcome was
anticipated, given the lack of correlation between the
2.2.1 Gender wage inequality in China female variable and other student attributes.
Furthermore, we expanded our analysis to include
Gender wage inequality refers to the phenomenon where
firm characteristics and an extensive array of variables,
there is a significant disparity in the salaries earned by
such as submission methods for resumes, recruitment
men and women in equivalent job positions. This gap
duration, job fair indicators, and dummies for sought-
may stem from various factors. Firstly, gender bias and
SHS Web of Conferences 193, 02017 (2024)
APMM 2024
after college majors. Our findings demonstrate the although the direction of these discussions remains
robustness of the coefficient associated with the female ambiguous. Additionally, barriers to career advancement
variable, with both its magnitude and statistical and encounters with gender bias may restrict individuals'
significance remaining largely unchanged across varying prospects for progress in their careers. Gender bias can
firm sizes, ownership structures, and industries. These impede individuals from accessing promotions, salary
findings underscore that female applicants are increments, or involvement in significant projects,
significantly less likely to receive callbacks from hiring thereby impacting the trajectory and pace of their career
firms for on-site interviews. [6]. Secondly, workplace growth. Recruitment processes often fall prey to gender
culture, some companies have a male-dominated stereotypes, presenting a significant bias. Employers
workplace culture, where women may encounter bias, may hold subjective beliefs regarding a woman's
gender stereotypes, and workplace bullying from competency, dedication, and appropriateness for certain
colleagues or superiors, affecting their performance and positions. These biases can skew assessment and
competitive opportunities. Thirdly, family selection procedures, leading to favoritism towards male
responsibilities, and traditional family values are candidates over equally or even more qualified female
prevalent in Chinese society, with women often viewed candidates facing similar circumstances. Research
as the primary caregivers. This can limit their suggests that women are frequently judged as less
competitive opportunities in the workplace, especially in capable or less dedicated to their professions due to
roles requiring long hours or frequent travel. Fourth, stereotypes related to caregiving responsibilities or
wage inequality, women may receive lower wages due to perceived ambition gaps. Consequently, women may
their gender, even when performing the same job. They encounter barriers in securing job opportunities and may
may face wage gaps, further exacerbating their be passed over for promotions [8]. Fourthly, decreased
competitive disadvantage. job satisfaction: individuals subjected to gender bias may
These factors collectively contribute to the unequal feel dissatisfied with the work environment. This
opportunities for women in the Chinese workplace, dissatisfaction may stem from experiences of unfair
restricting their career development and personal treatment, leading to reduced motivation and
growth.Feel free to utilize color illustrations for the engagement at work. Fifthly, affected social
online edition of the proceedings. However, please note relationships, and experiencing gender bias may make
that any printed version will be in black and white, individuals feel isolated and ostracized in the workplace.
unless prior arrangements have been made with the They may face exclusion from colleagues or superiors,
conference organizer. It's advisable to confirm with the resulting in strained social relationships and a
organizer regarding the printing specifications. For black deteriorating work atmosphere. In summary, workplace
and white prints, ensure that figure captions do not gender bias not only negatively impacts individuals'
reference color in the illustration or text. Also, consider mental health and career development but also has
potential degradation or loss of information in color adverse effects on the overall work environment and
figures when converting them to black and white during team relationships. Therefore, reducing and eliminating
preparation. workplace gender bias is crucial for safeguarding
individual rights, enhancing work efficiency, and
3 The influence of gender bias in the maintaining a positive work environment.
O abt low self-worth
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3.2 Impact on business
without prioritize
3.1 Impact on individual passion & strengths
SHS Web of Conferences 193, 02017 (2024)
APMM 2024
constitute at least 37.5% of the pool, as these biases participate in the labor market and contribute to
wane, research shows that the effect of gender- economic growth. This can result in lower productivity,
stereotyped perceptions on hireability ratings can be reduced innovation, and hindered economic development.
elucidated through covariance analysis. It suggests that Secondly, income inequality, gender bias often results in
the impact of gender distribution in the applicant pool disparities in wages and employment opportunities
can be entirely accounted for by the increased attribution between men and women. This contributes to income
of female stereotypes to women when they constitute inequality within society, with women typically earning
25% or less of the pool. Heilman and Martell conducted less than their male counterparts for similar work.
a study revealing that bias against female applicants Persistent income inequality can exacerbate poverty and
diminished when raters were primed with evidence of
social disparities, leading to broader economic
women's success in a relevant male-dominated field.
consequences. Thirdly, labor force participation, bias in
However, priming with information about a single
the workplace may discourage women from entering or
successful woman did not yield the same results.
remaining in the labor force, leading to a lower overall
Additionally, companies that tolerate or perpetuate
labor force participation rate. This can limit the pool of
gender bias face legal liabilities and reputational harm,
available talent and skills, hampering economic
bias lawsuits can result in costly legal battles,
competitiveness and productivity growth. Fourthly,
settlements, and damage to the company's brand and
reputation, affecting its ability to attract top talent and human capital development, gender bias can impede
retain customers [9]. Fourthly, decreased productivity women's access to education, training, and career
and efficiency, and workplace bias creates tension and advancement opportunities. This limits their ability to
conflict among employees, leading to decreased acquire skills and expertise, hindering the development
collaboration, communication breakdowns, and a toxic of a skilled workforce essential for economic progress
work environment. This hostile atmosphere can hinder and innovation. Fifthly, social cohesion and stability,
productivity and efficiency, impacting the company's gender bias can fuel social tensions and undermine social
bottom line. Fifthly, negative impact on diversity and cohesion. When certain groups are systematically
inclusion efforts, gender bias undermines efforts to foster marginalized or excluded from economic opportunities,
diversity and inclusion within the workplace. Companies it can lead to resentment, inequality, and social unrest,
that fail to address bias risk alienating employees from posing challenges to national stability and cohesion.
underrepresented groups and perpetuating a culture of Sixth, policy implications, gender bias necessitates
inequality, hindering their ability to attract and retain policy interventions and regulatory measures to address
diverse talent. Sixth, regulatory compliance challenges, systemic inequalities and promote gender equality in the
many jurisdictions have laws and regulations in place to workplace. Failure to address these issues can result in
prevent gender bias in the workplace. Companies that policy inefficiencies, missed economic opportunities,
engage in discriminatory practices may face compliance and societal backlash against government institutions.
issues, fines, and penalties, further damaging their Totally, workplace gender bias not only undermines
reputation and financial stability. In summary, workplace individual rights and opportunities but also has far-
gender bias not only harms individuals but also poses reaching implications for a country's economy, society,
significant risks to businesses, affecting employee
and governance. Promoting gender equality and
morale, innovation, legal compliance, and overall
combating bias are essential for fostering inclusive
organizational effectiveness. Addressing gender bias and
growth, social progress, and sustainable development on
promoting a culture of equality and inclusion is essential
for fostering a positive work environment and ensuring a national scale. Establish clear policies against gender
long-term business success. Biased hiring and promotion inequality and bias, such as setting up a reporting
practices can detrimentally affect company performance mechanism to report gender bias and harassment in the
and innovation. Numerous studies indicate that diverse workplace, with protection of the reporter's privacy.
teams and leadership contribute to enhanced decision-
making, creativity, and problem-solving. When women 4 Solutions
are excluded or restricted from decision-making roles,
companies lose access to the varied perspectives and
talents they bring, impeding innovation and constraining 4.1 Establish clear policies and procedures and
adaptability in a dynamic business landscape [10]. provide employee training and education
3.3 Impact on the country’s economy Establish clear policies against gender inequality and
bias, such as setting up a reporting mechanism to report
gender bias and harassment in the workplace, with
Gender bias in the workplace can have profound effects
protection of the reporter's privacy. Implement
on a country's economy, society, and overall
mandatory training sessions on gender equality and anti-
development. Firstly, economic impact, gender bias in
bias regularly within the company, including skills
the workplace can lead to a waste of human capital and
training on how to avoid and address gender bias.
talent. When individuals are denied equal opportunities
based on their gender, it restricts their ability to fully
g in order to get high and fair income for
moven , women might switch to do job
like florist
that "suits the woren's perception
has STEM field,
however , if a women talent in
- set up a rating form in education
19: skils/ the student
their past working -
to make sure on career
have Genderbinongtovert n
M don' future
4.2 Implement fair recruitment and promotion hindering innovation and constraining their capacity to
mechanisms navigate a dynamic business landscape [10].