3. Can I look underneath my Top Enemy card to see Patterns on other attached Enemy cards?
• Yes.
4. If I defeat an Enemy card in the Launch step by using its Hack Pattern, can I launch
the same Hack Pattern on an identical Enemy card underneath?
• Yes, even though the Pattern is the same, its source is different, as it’s a different card. Remember
that you need to dump a second set of Data tokens though.
6. Most of the in-game effects have a wording “deal x damage to your Top Enemy”. What
about effects with wording without this clarification? Can I damage Enemies attached
to other players or Enemies other than my Top Enemy?
• The only Enemy card where you can apply all damage you deal is only your Top attached
Enemy. However, there are a few exceptions to this rule: all special Scenario Enemies/Bosses
which can be treated as your Top Enemy – if you encounter them, you can choose to apply
damage to either of them – the Special Enemy (treated like a Top Enemy) or your Top attached
Enemy. The same applies to using their Hack Patterns – you have access to Patterns of Special
Enemy and your Top attached Enemy (HOWEVER! you cannot Launch a Pattern from Top
attached Enemy to harm the Special Enemy and vice-versa). The other exceptions are very
few in-game special effects which allow interactions with Enemies of other players.
8. Can I launch a Pattern more than once? Or can I use Data tokens to launch more than
1 Pattern? In the rulebook there is a sentence which states: “You may launch 2 different
Patterns consisting of the same Data tokens if they come from 2 different sources”.
• We are aware this sentence may be very confusing. It was supposed to mean that you can
launch 2 different Patterns with 2 identical sets of tokens, arranged in the same way (so they look
the same). We didn’t want anyone to think that it would be violating the “you can launch each
Pattern only once per Launch step” rule. Going forward – each Pattern may be launched only
once and each time you launch a Pattern, you need to dump used Data tokens immediately,
so it is never possible to use a single Data token in more than 1 Pattern.
9. Can I use an effect which requires me to lose or spend an Asset which I have 0 of?
• In such a case, you may use effects which require you to lose the Asset, but you cannot use
any effects which require you to spend it.
10. Do I need to dump Data tokens when resolving Hack effects outside of the Launch step?
• If an effect, such as a Combat Frame allows you to “resolve a Hack effect”, you just resolve
the effect, with no additional cost.
11. What happens if I have 2 Advanced Bodies and I inhabit a third one?
• You need to discard 1 of the already owned Bodies to maintain the Body card limit.
12. When I prepare any Data tokens, do I have to place them on Highlighted Data slots,
like in the Refill step?
• No, you may place them on any empty Data slots, Highlighted or not.
1. Should Hideouts be included in the random District tile pool when setting up the map?
• Yes. There are some exceptions to this though, therefore you need to read all the setup
instructions carefully.
2. What happens when an active Plot Scenario card is replaced with another one?
• The only changes to the game state are applied by the effect which triggered a new Scenario
card and by the “Immediate effect” section of the new one. This means no resetting your
Integrity level nor resetting attached Enemies, etc.
4. The Yokai Scenario sheet states: “Each time an Enemy card is defeated, put it on the bottom
of the Enemy deck”. Following this rule, it is really easy to lose the game by running out of
Enemy cards in the Enemy deck and/or remove the Nure-Onna Enemy card from the game.
• This is a misprint. All defeated and discarded by any other means Enemy cards should be
put on the bottom of the Enemy deck.
6. Bloody War Scenario – the Traitor branch seems to be impossible to beat in solo mode.
• Using the core solo gameplay rules, it is possible that the map will arrange in a way that it will
be impossible to drive Yamato into a dead end. If you happen to run into these circumstances,
allow yourself to place a Success token on both your and Bot’s District tile in a single Launch
step (using the Battery and 2x the needed Data token sets!).
Particular components/modes
1. I ended my movement on a Faction Hideout tile, but its Faction Augment deck is empty.
Can I use the District tile effect?
• No. In such a case, you cannot gain any more of this Faction’s Augments.
2. Does Shelter tile allow me to inhabit a Body from the Body Market?
• No. Shelter tile inhabit effect is only for changing your current Active body and can be used
only if you have more than one Body card.
3. The Knight Body’s ability reduces suffered damage by 1 (to a minimum of 1). How often
does it work?
• It works per damage instance, which means it will kick in every time an Enemy attacks
(assuming this attack will deal damage).
4. How many times during a single Launch step can I use the blue Walker’s ability
(Dump 1 blue token to prepare 2)?
• It may be used once per Launch step.
5. The rules of resolving a heist in the Living City module seem to be confusing.
• The rulebook contains a misprint.
Instead of: “If the number is equal to or lower to the number of completed side quests,
the player may decide to draw another card OR end the heist successfully.”
it should be: “If the number is equal to or lower than the number on the completed Event
card, the player may decide to draw another card OR end the heist successfully.”
6. On one Learning Protocol card, the Step 3 states: “You may launch all Basic Patterns
multiple times per Launch step.” Does this mean I can apply the effect of a Basic Pattern
from one set of Data tokens more than once?
• No. It means you can launch more than one of the same Basic Pattern. You still need to
dump all needed set of Data tokens per Pattern though.
7. What happens with the J.O.R.D.A.N. Bot when I reset during a solo game?
• Nothing. It stays where it is.
Higher difficulties
Some of the players find the game too easy with no official way to ramp the challenge up.
Here are our proposals to make the game more difficult.
Hard mode
• The Upgrade costs 3 EXP instead of 2.
Insane mode
• During Setup, replace all Enemies LVL 1 with Enemies of LVL 2.
• The Upgrade costs 3 EXP instead of 2.
• During reset, do not roll the Enemy Symbol die. You always lose your Advanced Body.