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TfP' ' $
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An Inexpensive Spectrum
Analyzer for the Radio
By AI Helf rick, K2BLA
RFD 4, Box 87
Boonton, NJ 07005
Like Alice's looking
glass, the spectrum
analyzer allows you
to enter another world.
It's your window on
the world of RF.
permit the use of an electronic frequency
readout. Our analyzer will have an ultimate
IF bandwidth of about 10 kHz, and so a
second, and possibly a third, frequency
conversion is required. The second IF
should be high enough so that the first IF
filler can remove the image frequency. For
this purpose, a 61.5-MHz IF has been
chosen. The image. removed from the
desired frequency by twice the IF, is
123MHz. It may appear that a much lower
second IF may be suffi cient, but at the
SI6-MHz first IF, it is not easy to create
high-Q resonator s or provide a high
amoun t of ultimate attenuation.
The 6I.SMHz second IF makes it
difficult to provide a selectivity on the order
of 10 kHz, so a third conversion is
required. For our example, this IF is
10.7 MHz. At this frequency, it is not dif-
he spectrum analyzer is an indispen-
sable tool for the RF designer.
Although the radio amateur could
benefit from the use of such a tool, few if
any can afford the sti ff pri ce tag of a com-
mercially made unit . Home construction of
a spect rum analyzer appears to be an
awesome tas k. Note that I said appears.
With the help of some readily available
building blocks, the task is made easier and
inexpensive. Before describing the design
and construction of OUf homemade
analyzer, let' s reviewsome of the basics of
t heir operation.
How. Spectrum Analyzer Works
Basically. the spectrum analyzer is an up-
conver ti ng superheterodyne re cei ver
outlitted with a visual display. Several years
ago, the concept of up-conversion would
require considerable discussIon, but with
practicall y all HF receivers being designed
that way today, we' ll only touch on the
In up-conversion, the input frequency is
converted to a first IF that is above the
highest input frequency to bereceived. This
places the image frequency well beyond the
ran ge of desired input frequencies so that
a fixed-tuned preselector fllter can beused.
There are some advantages to using up-
conversion in a communications receiver,
but in a spectrum analyzer. in which the
entire input range of frequencies must be
swept , it is an absolute necessity. The low-
pass filter used in the front end of the
analyzer does not need to be frequency
swept, so only the local oscillator (LO)
frequencies determine the frequency to
which the spectrum analyzer is tuned. It is
usually difficult to obtain the required
selectivity at the high first IF, so a second
frequency conversionis required. Because
the first IF of a VHF or UHF spectrum
analyzer is well into the UHF region, it is
oft en necessary to perform a third fre-
quency conversion as well.
Refer to Fig. I. In this block diagram of
our spectrum anal yzer, the input frequency
range is chosen to be from 0 to 400MHz.
The first IF, which is requir ed to be above
the highest input frequency, is 516 MHz.
The frequency chosen for thi s IF is a
compromise between one that will not
produce serious spurious responses and
some "nice round number" that might
.... ""'
Fig. 1-Block diagram of our spectrum analyzer.

' 0
November 1985 23
A bottom view of the homemade spectrum
analyzer. At the bottom left of the chassis Is
the Input attenuator. The CATVconverter
module Is the large box at the rlght-hand side
of the chassis; small clips secure the cover
(see text).
ficult to obtain crystal filters with
passbands on the order of a few kilohertz.
Unlike the communications receiver. the
spectrum analyzer must be tuned rapidly
and electronically so the entireinput spec-
trum can be displayed. This is done by
simply making the first LO voltage tunable
while the frequencies of the second and
third LOs are fixed. This permits the en-
tire spectrum analyzer input-frequency
range to be swept by varying the frequency
of a single oscillator.
The information displayed by the
spectrum analyzer is the amplitude of the
input signal vs. frequency. It is in this
respect that the spectrum analyzer again
deviates from the communications
receiver-no demodulation of the input
signal is required. The power range of the
input signal can span a wide range,
typically 60 dB or more. This implies a
power range of a million to one! If this
range were displayedin a linear fashion,
although large signals would be easily
visible on the screen, the smaller signals
would be practically invisible. To alleviate
this problem, a logarithmic display
calibrated in decibels is desired. I n order
to convert thelinear signals to a logarithmic
display within the analyzer, special IF
amplifiers knownas "log amps" areused.
Perhaps the two largest stumbling blocks
to a home-constructed spectrum analyzer
are the RF circuits and the log amp. If these
two hurdles can be overcome, the re-
24 D 5 T ~
maining circuits-power supplies, display
amplifiers, sweep voltage generators 'and so
on-are relatively simple. low-frequency
circuits that could be built easily in the
home shop.
The spectrum analyzer to be described
provides you with a source for these
difficult-to-buildcomponentsand reduces
the required construction to that of the low-
frequency circuits. Our source for the RF
circuits is a common cable-television
(CATV) set-top converter. The frequencies
usedas anexample in the discussioninthe
previous paragraphs wereselected to reduce
spurious responses, but also are those
commonly used in a CATV converter!
With the proliferation of CATV, these set-
top converters will eventually become
availableas inexpensive items on the new.
surplus and scrap markets. Practically any
oscilloscope worth its place on your
workbench can be used for the display.
Bulldlng Blocks
The RF module used for the spectrum
analyzer described in this article is a
Jerrold 400, often found for sale as a new
item as well as a surplus unit. The input-
frequency range of the '400 is 54-400 MHz,
and can be used as the basis for a 4OO-MHz
spectrum analyzer. For the RFmodule to
be used ina spectrum analyzer. someminor
modifications are required. The converter
covers frequencies from 54 to 400 MHz for
a total of 62 channels. As shown in Fig. 2,
theinput filter consists of a low-pass filter
with a 400-MHz cutoff frequency and a
high-pass filter with a 54-MHz cutoff fre-
quency. The high-pass filter is removed,
resulting in an effective input-frequency
range of from 0 to 400 MHz. The first IF
t.uned circuit is 6 MHz wide to cover the
width of an entire television channel and
spans 512.5 to 518.5 MHz. The output
tuned circuit is also a 6-MHz wide tilter and
is tuned to TV Channel 2 or 3 depending
on which channel is assignedto thearea in
which the converter is used. Both filters are
left intact, although they are" wider than
necessary for use in a spectrum analyzer.
This way, only minimal retuning of the cir-
cuits in the RF module is required. With
the removal of the input high-pass filter,
the CATV converter RF module is capable
of converting all frequencies from almost
() to 400 MHz to Channel 2 or 3. A third
conversion is added externally to the
module to convert the output to 10.7 MHz
where standard receiver IF filters areused.
Building a spectrum analyzer of this sort
depends on your ability to obtain the
CATV converter.' The Jerrold 400 seems
to be a widely distributed converter, and
there should be a good supply of parts. The
RF module is produced by at least two
manufacturers, whichfurther enhances the
'Notee .appear on page 29.
This Is an Inside view of the CATV module
with the high-pass filter removed.
chance of the unit becoming available. In
addition to the Jerrold unit, there are
several other manufacturers of CATV
converters. and many of the newer units
cover frequencies in excess of 450 MHz.
Regardless of the manufacturer or the
vintage of the converterI all of the CATV
converters operate on the same principle.
Although the frequencies are different, the
converters flt the block diagram of Fig. 1.
Some of the very early converters are not
frequency synthesized and do not contain
a frequency prescaler.' In many of these
units. the input-frequency rangedoes not
extend beyond 300 MHz. 'These early units
areavailable at low pricesandcan be used
to cover up to 300 MHz with a mechanical
dial rather than the frequency counter.
Also, practically all CATV converters use
the same odd, negative nv power supply.
Once the output of the CATV RF
module is converted to 10.7 MHz, a log
amplifieris required to create the desired
display. An excellent and simple device for
the purpose is a Motorola IC, the MC3356.
This device is designed to function as an
FSK receiver for input frequencies in the
VHF range for use in radio-control
receivers and RF modems.
The Ie consistsof an oscillator. a mixer.
a limiting IF amplifier, a detector, and data
shaping and squelch circults. An interesting
feature of this chip is that it has an output
designed to be used in a relative signal-
0.1 t.0 10 tOO tOOO

,400 Wkt\
1'I\() H-Pol.S$

4 n "N!!\G
t 700
ii: GO() I-Il-HIWOf-fJ.
1 500 HIHl!!,H+
400 HtH,IHI
&3 00

B 200

To? view of the prototype spectrum analyzer. The prototyping board carries the frequency divider
circuit. Immediat ely behind the LED display Is the counter/driver IC. The power supply is
mounted on a separate chassis In the enclosure and Is not shown In the photos.
Fig. 2-Block diagram of a CATV convertor.
st rength indicator circui t (see Fig. 3). The
output cur rent is prop ortional to the log of
Ihe input-signal amplitude. Although
designed to drive a met er, the frequency
respon se of this output is high enough to
drive an oscillosoope display in a spectrum
analyzer. Using the CATV oonverter and
the MC3356 requires only a sweep-voltage
.! -
generator and signal-processing circuits to
make a complete spectrum analyzer.
Nuts and Bolts
Figs. 4 and 5 'how the schematic diagram
of the spectrum analyzer. As explained
previously. the conver ter ismodified so that
the input to the first mixe r passes the ent ire
Fig. 3-Meter current \IS. sIgnal input of the
MC3356 wldeband FSKreceiver. Notice that
the meter current is proportional to the log
of the input signal.
frequency range and is accomp lished by
removing the high-pass filter at the input .
Although the input impedance of the oon-
verter module is 75 oh ms , it is not necessary
to decrease it. Because an attenuator will
be used ahead of the RF module. a good
5(}.ohm mat ch can be ohtained simply by
pr oviding 10 dB or more of attenuation.
It may be necessary to lower the LO fre-
quency to provide complete UO-MHz"
coverage , as the lowest input freq uency of
the or iginal oonverter is 54 MHz. I did Ibis
by heati ng the solder at one end of the
oscillator inducto r a nd pulling approxi-
mately 1/ 8th of an inch of wire from the
feedthrough capacitor used as an anchor
for the inductor. With a tuning voltage
from about I.SVto 22 V, the first LO easily
covers 516 MHz, or what will appear on
the screen as 0 MHz.
Ramp Generator
The frequency change relative to the
tuning-voltage change for the first LO is
not cons tan t. and a varlable-slope input
voltage must be provided. A ramp
generator is used to provi de the sweep
voltage for the oscilloscope and the t uning
voltage for the first LO. Before being ap-
plied to the LO. the ramp volt age is at -
tenuated by the SCAN (MHz/division or
dispersion) control and added to a voltage
from the front-panel frequency control,
the n fed to a variable-slope generator.
Anot her significant advantage is evident
here. The CATV converter uses a hyper-
abrupt varactor tuning diode that provides
a near ly linear voltage versus frequency
slope for the t uning diode. and only one
" breakpoi nt" or change' in slope is re-
quired, It is not unusual for a spect rum
analyzer to use as ma ny as to breakpoints
in the varia ble-slope generator1 and the
simple single-breakpoin t slope generator
shown in Fig. 4 provi des reasonable tre-
quency linearity for the analyzer .
Spurious Responses
While making the converter modifi ca-
tions, do not distur b any of the components
within the box even though they may look
November 1985 25

2N. 222 I
fO.7- MHz
390 ll l TER
e 270 ;L680
,L '
" C
M_l 0 0QQOO
11' RECEIVER f-----'''i lk
r-rr KIB r- I )
20 R1 INPlJT , ....11:(11: ';'''' r L-o-----; 1) 1
3rd IF IN II 0.001 U4A OUr ,"Ul !5 120 .. '
FROM IF MCOUL et U2 MC335fi 10 :r MHZ "
MHz Oflrt LZ Rf' esc
60 oj GMD I)$C COLLIfl'0R T680 ec XT,o, L FILTER 680
- 66 MH, _ r' L..:':;: '," '.c""',\, "<, ""''-'h,.-J r 77 pI- V rL 470
44.8 OR so.e MHz
r L4
;. 2.2 L!5
1..1 , ,,u H 2.2:p H
(0'0- _
"'+-f- t--
') (l ItHz l DJV

( +15V
Y 2 1458
10 '
\.'::J .. 10k
10 ,
8 1.... . 1.... Vc:<:


U4 8



A di splay produced by the homemade
spectrum analyzer. Each horizontal di vi si on Is
10 MHZ; verti cal divisi ons are 10 dB each. The
l arge pip to the lett is at 110 MHz; the one to
the rlOh1. 210 MHz. Two H-P 864GB signal
generato rs were connected t o the analyzer.
each stepped in 10MHz Increments from one
end of the frequency range. At each step , the
signa l amplitude was decreased 10 dB. The
photo shows the excellent amplitude and fre-
quency li nearity of the homemade anelyrer;
as if they have been mistreated. Many of
the tuned circuits. especially the higher-
frequency ones, are tuned at the factory by
bending and crushing. When the necessary
modificat ions have been made, the con-
verter cover must be replaced to prevent
spurious signals from appearing. This
analyzer is capable of viewing signalsas low
as -105 dBm. and even the smallest gaps
can cause spurious responses to appear.
Because the cover uses bend-over fasteners,
the number of times the cover can be
remo ved and replaced is limit ed. In my
unit. the cover is fastened with small
alligator clips (see the accompanying
photo). One method of securing the cover
is to wrap bare copper wire around the
exposed clips.
Frequency Conversion
The TV Channel 2 or 3 output from the
converter is mixed with the oscillator of the
MC3356 operat ing at either 50.8 MHz for
Channel 3 or 44.8 MHz for Channel 2, and
converted to 10.7 MHz. The mixer output
feeds a switchable 1O.7MHz filter . The
wider of the two filters uses two 1O.7MHz
ceramic filters such as those found in
broadcast receivers. The 3-dB bandwidth
of this filter is approximately 200 kHz. A
second filter uses a two-pole monolithic
filter, like those found in VHF FM
receivers such as amateur and monitor
receivers. This filter bandwidth is 13 kHz
and provides the narrow bandwidth for the
The vert ical output for the display is
derived from the meter output of the
MC3356. An op amp circuit provides three
functions for the output. First, a de voltage
is summed into the input to provide an IF
attenuator function that can be used for
small level-di fference measureme nt s.
Second, a correction voltage is added to
compensate for the difference in loss
between the narrow- and wide-IF filters.
'0' $-o<---oVERTICAL
-t5 v
470 -re v
10 k lN9t4
TI. 082
in LO
>. --.....- ---0 TUNI NG VOLTAGE
I N914 lOOk
40 II fOk
+15 V
2.2 M
Fig. 4-$chematlc diagram of the main oorttcn of the homemade spectrum analyzer .
Cl-7-35 pF miniature ceramic variable.
Fl1. FL3-Ceramlc IF filter, 10.1 MHz, Murata or Kyocera SFE 10.7MA or equiv.
FL2-Cryst al f ilter, 10.7 MHz. Plezo Technol ogies 2195F or equlv.
L1-250 nH; 5Y.z turns, 311 6-diam ferri te slug, Coll craft 142-osJO.
L2-9 turns on a Micro metals or Amidon T3110 core t apped 4 t urns trom ground end.
L3-L5. Incl .- l 0.l-MHz IF transformer (Mouser Electronics. 42IF124).
R1-1-kO, t o-turn poten ttometer (see text ).
R2-1Q.kD, stncre-tum, panel-mount potentiometer.
A3-10kO. to-tem, panel -mount potenttometer.
R4-1()"kO., single-turn or multlturn panel-mount potentiometer.
R...-1G-kOtrimmer. Sl-SPDT toggle.
Aa-t-kO t ri mmer. S2- SPST toggle.
t rimmer . 53-Slnglepole, t t -pce. rotary.
20kOtrimmer. U1-MCl458 op amp.
trimmer. timer.
R.-5Q1\l1 trimmer. U3-TL082 op amp.
-50-kD trimmer. U4-MC3356 wldeband FSK recelver .
- l 0kO trimmer. U5-MC1458 op amp.
November 1985 27
- 15 V
7 9
t 5 V
o 74L$ U13
I--- --"""' CET V
h Pi [13 O. 01 Dr eEl"
r , 9 6 :s 14 7

2 "
r-r 1
" I' "
fi to:Ot

t 5V
o ? ",4lSl0

" " 81T
74 LSf63
0- '..-2 c;p
lXl NVERrE Fl .
,-- --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ,
Fig. 5-Schematlc diagramof the frequency-divider chain and display sectionof the spectrum analyzer.
Q30S, incl,-2N2222. lJ10-LM311 voltage comparator. r-eecment output drivers.
R,r-1k-nU tr immer. preferably Cermet. U11-74123 dual, rotriggerable monostable U13-74LS10triple a-input positiveNAND gate.
U6-U8, lncl.-74l$163 4blt binary counter. multivibrator. Misc.-National NSB5881 multiplexed,
U9-74LS74 dual n-tvoe flip-flop, U12-74C925 4-dlgit counter With multiplexed common-cathode LEDdisplay or ecutv.
Finally. a feedback capacitor can be added
to provide a video filter for the vertical
' I 'he input attenuator usedinmyanalyzer
was removed fromanold sweepgenerator
and provides 60 dB of attenuation in IO-<lB
steps. The attenuator isaccurate to 20Hz,
and is used as a part of the calibration
procedure. Not all signal generators have
step attenuators and those that do
command a high price. A homemade
attenuato r can he used; such a unit is
described in Chapter 25 of The / 986 ARRL
Frequency Display
Most of the CATV converters are fre-
quency synthesized. and most have high-
speed prescalers mounted within the RF
module. The divided output can be u.ect for
a variety of purposes, the most obvious
beingto interface a frequencysynthesizer.
Frequency synthesizing a spectrum analyzer
is a difficult task as one of the analyzer LOs
must be frequency swept. Rather than
devise a complex system to allow the
analyzer to be synthesized and frequency
swept, the output from the high-speed
prescaler is used fOT a frequency counter
to display the center frequency. Only thr ee
digits of frequency are displayed: 0 to
400 MHz with I-MHz increments, requiring
anaccuracy of about 0.25010 to be accurate
to the last digit. This is accomplished with
a simple one-shot multivibrator as a sim-
ple count gate. The frequency is counted
"on-the-fly," which means the frequency
is counted as the analyzer is being fre-
quency swept. Even though the frequency
is constantly changing, the counting period,
1.024 ms, is short compared to the total
sweep time and provides a reasonably
accurate frequency measurement.
Thespectrum analyzercenter frequency
is not the actual frequency of the first
LO, but the osciUator frequency minus
516 MHz. Th us, to display the actual
operating frequency of the analyzer ,
S16 must besuhtracted from the frequency
display. This is done by inhibiting the first
S16 pulses from the frequency counter by
using a presettable couoter. The frequency-
measurement period is set to occur at the
center of the display by comparing the
ramp voltage to zero with a comparator
thar starts the measurement period.
The analyzer requires several regulat ed
positive andnegative voltages. Fortunately.
thes e voltages can be generated by using
components from the original converter
power supply.
Cali bratlon
Altho ugh it is not a difficult procedure,
setting up the spectrum analyzer requires
some care; anoscilloscope anda frequency
counter must be used. The oscilloscope
used duringalignment canbethesame one
used asthe spectrum-analyzer display. since
the display does not have to beconnected
during alignment. First, determine if all of
the analyzer circuits are operating. Check
that a ramp voltage of approximately
15 V Pop is available at pin 7 of UI and
that a similar, but inverted, ramp is
available at pin I of U3, with a maximum
amplitud e of about 22 V Pop. The ramp
amplitude at the latter poi nt shou ld be
variable by changing the SCAN switch; the
de offset sbould be variable depending on
the setti ng of the front -panel frequency
contra!' When the SCAN switch is in the
zero position, the output of U1 should be
varied with the center frequency control
from about - 2 V to about - 22 V. Check
the output voltage at pin I of US. There
should be some noise visible at this output
where the amplitude is a function of the IF
and FILTER swit.ches.
Place an oscilloscope probe on pin 7 of
UI and set the SCANswitch to the widest
frequency sweep. Adjust R
so that the
voltage swing in the positive direction is
exactl y the same as in the negative
direction . Setthe frequency of the third LO
by adjusting Lito SO.8MHz for a Channel
3 converter or 44.8 MHz for a Channell.
converter. Precise adjustment is not re-
quired. A frequency counter can be used
to set the third-LO frequency; however. a
simple techni que, such as listening for the
1..0 on a monitor receiver, is sufficient.
Connect anoscilloscope to the analyzer.
Use the X-Y mode with a sensitivity of
I Vper division in the horizontal mode and
50 mV per division in the vertical mode;
obse rve the display. Adj ust RH su the
horizontal scan is slightly more than the
width of the oscilloscope tube. With no
input signal, the re should beseveral peaks
to the left of the scan. It may be necessary
to adjust the front-panel frequency control
(TUNING) to ob serve these peaks. There
should be one main peak and a fewsmaller
peaks within a few megahertz of the mai n
peak. This is the IF zero beat and some
low-frequency spurious responses, and
corresponds with"zero" frequency. Apply
a 200-MHz input signal and adjust the
input level so the signal is visible. Set the
TUNINGcontrol to exactly five turns (rom
either end and adjust RRso tbe ZOO-MHz
signal is exactly at the center of the screen.
Adj ust the scan-amplitude pot entiometer,
, so the zero- frequency signal is on the
left side of the screen. Apply a 400-MHz
input signal, whicb shou ld be close to the
right -band side of the screen. Adjust Rc
and R
for the best compromise between
the 0, 200 and 400-MIlz settings.
Attach a frequency counter to the output
of the high-speed prescaler . Turn the SCAN
control to zero and adjust the TUNINGcon-
trol until the output is exact ly l..797 MHz.
Adj ust the time-base rnultivibrator, RJ so
the frequency counter reads 200.
Set the SCAN switch to 50 kHz per
division and adjust LI so the 200-MHz
signal is centered on the screen. Monitor
the output of the high-speed prescaler
to be sure that the counter is exactly
2.797 MHz. Sweep the spectrum analyzer
slowly and use a short gate time so that the
frequency counter will follow the actual
frequency of the ana lyzer. By observing the
counter, the precise center frequency can
be determined.
Place the SCAN switch in the lO-kHz-per-
division position, place the IF switch at
wide, and adjust L3 and CI for grea test
amplitude of the output display. Set the
bandwidth to narrow, and adjust LA and
L5 for the best amplitude with only one
peak .
Set the IF atte nuator to ze-ro, vary the
input attenuator in t o-dB steps and adjust
so the output changes exactly 50 mV
for each lO-dB change. Adj ust Ro so the re
is no change in the amplit ude of the peak
of the display between the narrow and wide
IF bandwidths. Adjust RFso each t urn of
the I F auenuator corresponds to a l(kfB
change in the dis played-signal level.
The performance of t his homemade
spectrum analyzer is quite respectable, but
it does not have the level o f performance
that would be available in laboratory in-
struments . The dynami c range of the
instrument is quite good for signals
separated by more t han about 6 MHz.
Signals closer than this faU into the IF-
amplifier passband and the second mixer,
where the intermodulation is generated.
This coul d be improved by substituting a
higher-level IF amplifier transistor and a
doubl y balanced mixer for the secoud
mixer. I' m sureyou ' Il agree, however, that
this analyzer is excellent for al most all
Amateur Radiorequirements. It will be a
welcome addition to your workbench.
'A limited number of CATV converters and
schematic diagrams are available from the
author. Sendhima large8.8.S.e. fordetails. PC
boards. parts kits and converters 'or the
spectrum analyzer are evatlable from A & A
EngineerIng, 7970 Orchid Dr., Buena Park. CA
90620: tel. .7104-521-4160.
' A future articl e will describe the construction ,
of a matchingtracking generator. Thetracking
generator requiresthepresenceof a presceler
in the spectrum analyler.
'See pp. 2543 to25-45. Complete attenuater kits
are available from Circuit Board Specialists.
P,O. Box 969. Pueblo. CO 81002; tet. 303-
542-5083. ~ ! E J
iJ Do you know how to do it '! If so, how
about telling other QST readers about it?
Put somewords on paper-typewritersand
computers make that easy to do-and send
tha t paper to Chuck Hutchinson , Technical
Editor, QST, ARRL Hq., 225 Main sr.,
Newington, CT 06111 , or give us a call at
[] Beacon stations LU4AA began opera-
tion September 3 as par t of the Northern
California DX Foundation's 14. I-MHz
'CW beacon net . LU4AA will key for one
'minute every 10minutes in the 0008 time
slot following ZS6DN /B.
I LU4AA is t he first South American
beacon in the net to become operationa l.
A beacon with the call HK4LRlB has been
shipped by NCDXF to Liga COlombiana
de Radioaficionados for installation in
Medellin. It will key in the 0009 time slot
following LU4AA. HK4LB/B is expected
to be on the air soon.
Other beacon stations operating in
the 14.I-MHz net are (in order of
keying) 4UI UN/ B, W6WX/B. KH60 / B,
JA2 IGY/B, 4X6TU/ B, OH2B, CT3B.
ZS6DN/ B and, soon, HK4LRlB.
Each beacon station transmits the same
l-minute CW message, which consists of
four 9-second dashes at power levels
decreasing from 100 W to 0.1 W.
For further net operation information,
refer to the article in Ju ne 1983 QST.
o Wonder what you' v'e been missing by
not subs cribing to QEX, the ARRL news-
letter for experimenters? Among the fea-
tures in the October issue were:
Simpl ify control of your remote base sta-
tion with a high-performance DTMF
decoder, by Eric Grabowski, WASHEB
Advice on a "Cheap Moonbounce"
system, by Rick Wilson, W0KT
A view of a sunrise-sunset program on
a Mercator map 01 the world, by W.
Conley Smith, K6DYX.
QEX is edited by Paul Rinaldo, W4RI,
and Maureen Thompson, KAIDYZ, and
is published monthly. The special subscri p-
tion rate for ARRL members is $6 for 12
issues; for nonmembers, $12. There aread-
ditional postage sur charges for mailing
outside theU.S.; write to Headquarters for
November 1985 29

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