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Training and Competency

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gas as a
marine fuel

Bunkering of ships with
Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG)

training & competence

Training & Competence

Version 1.0, May 2016

© Society for Gas as a Marine Fuel, 2016

ISBN number: 978-0-9933164-3-2

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced,

stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means,
electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the
prior permission of the Society for Gas as a Marine Fuel (SGMF).

While the advice given in these guidelines has been developed using the
best currently available information, it is intended solely as guidance to be
used at the owner’s own risk.

This document was produced by SGMF’s Working Group on Training
& Competence. SGMF acknowledges the participation of the following
individuals and companies in developing this document:
Per Barkmann (previously Sirius Rederi)
Alan Campion, minus 161 consulting
Ray Gillett, GTT Training
David Haynes, Society for Gas as a Marine Fuel
Robin Jackson, Videotel
Stefan Molin, Skangas
Adrian Tuck, Tuxan Consulting

SGMF recognises and thanks Marcel LaRoche of BC Ferries for his

contribution in peer reviewing the work of the SGMF Working Group.

SGMF also wishes to thank the following member organisations for their
contributions in reviewing this work:
Bernhard Schulte Shipmanagement, BG Group, Dixon Valve, Engie,
Gazocean, Lloyds Register, Mission de Coordination GNL, Moran Towing,
NYK Line, Shell, SIGTTO, SSPA and Total

© Society for Gas as a Marine Fuel

In managing the risks involved in potentially hazardous activities,
it is imperative that staff are provided with the information and
skills they need to undertake such tasks safely and efficiently. The
more effectively this is done, the lower the perceived risks will be.
Liquefied natural gas (LNG) poses a variety of hazards if not handled
correctly because of its very low temperature and its flammability.

Consequently, to reduce risk to acceptable levels, everyone engaged
in its handling needs appropriate education and training.

LNG has been carried at sea for over 50 years and the industry has an
enviable safety record – thanks to the design of the vessels used, the
use of common standards and protocols, and the skilled personnel
engaged at all stages of the process. However, the use of LNG as
a fuel on marine vessels, a new and growing sector, introduces
additional challenges that need careful consideration.

When LNG is used as fuel for the vessel, rather than being carried

as the cargo, it is possible that the transfer of LNG in bunkering
operations may receive less focus than has traditionally been
expected in LNG shipping operations. Moreover, transfers are likely to
take place in a variety of locations, using various methods, and from
different types of suppliers – again a very different environment to the
one the LNG shipping industry has been accustomed to up to now.

The training required for individual facilities – such as terminals,

trucks, supply vessels and receiving vessels – is defined by the
relevant responsible industries and authorities. However, where an contractual
interface is required between two systems to allow an operation to
take place, that interface increases risk. In using LNG as a fuel, many
factors need to be considered, including the risks that arise from the
interface between supplier and receiver. In this context, it is generally
acknowledged that the bunkering process poses the greatest risks.

This document and the methodology it describes define a simple

training & competence

but common approach that focuses on the tasks that have to be

performed to ensure successful transfer of LNG from a supplier to a

© Society for Gas as a Marine Fuel I

The guidelines are intended to be used by any individual, organisation
or authority, on either side of the transfer process, to identify what
tasks need to be conducted by themselves, their personnel, or
within their scope – and hence to be able to identify the knowledge,
understanding and competencies required. We have done our best to
ensure that the guidelines are easy to understand and interpret.

Developing a simple scheme applicable to all the various parties

involved in bunkering has not been an easy task, but I believe this
document goes a long way towards meeting that goal. For that, I
would like to thank the contributors to the SGMF Working Group on
Training & Competence for their excellent work, as well as those that
have contributed to reviewing these guidelines.

The overall goal is to ensure that LNG transfers are completed safely
and effectively – no matter where, when or how.

The use of LNG as a fuel is a new industry that will develop over time.
New knowledge, understanding and competency requirements will
become apparent as the industry evolves. We therefore intend to
review and update this document regularly. To this end, SGMF and its
Working Group on Training & Competence welcome comments and
suggestions for improvement.

Ray Gillett
General Manager,
GTT Training Ltd

© Society for Gas as a Marine Fuel II

These guidelines are aimed at all parties who may be involved – directly
or indirectly – in the bunkering of ships with liquefied natural gas (LNG).
They set out the standards of competency expected of everyone involved
to ensure that bunkering is completed safely and effectively, and with due
regard for the environment.

The guidelines recognise that bunkering processes involve a variety of
organisations, both ashore and afloat, whose training and competency
cultures may differ significantly. The competency framework therefore aims
to ensure that everyone involved has the appropriate knowledge and
understanding, no matter what methods may be used to deliver training.
This common standard applies to all interested parties, who may include:

• ship-owners, managers and staff working for them on LNG-fuelled

receiving vessels
• ship-owners, managers and staff working for them on LNG-
bunkering supply vessels

• LNG bunkering terminal staff supplying LNG direct to gas-fuelled
• drivers and operators of LNG road tankers or containerised LNG tanks
• port managers and staff working within ports in close proximity to
LNG bunkering operations, including the shore-based staff of ship-
• local and national authorities that need to approve and/or regulate
bunkering infrastructure contractual
• local emergency services personnel who need to be familiar with
LNG bunkering operations so that they can design and manage
emergency response plans
• third parties visiting or delivering to and from LNG-fuelled vessels in
port areas
• academics developing and delivering training courses to parties
training & competence

involved in bunkering operations

The competency framework has been developed on several levels to

ensure that staff with different roles, responsibilities and knowledge

© Society for Gas as a Marine Fuel III

of LNG can achieve the appropriate levels of understanding and
competence, in what is still a relatively new area of activity.

This document defines the competence requirements for each task

involved in bunkering operations. The way in which people obtain the
relevant competencies, and hence the format of the training provided, will
vary according to which sector of the industry they work in. The guidelines
suggest the use of a modular approach to allow individuals to progress
through the competency framework as their knowledge and job role
requires, and as their experience develops.

To produce a comprehensive set of guidelines for the LNG-as-fuel

industry, SGMF has drawn on the wealth of experience and expertise
of its members, both in the handling of LNG and the various training
programmes that have previously been implemented. The guidelines
have drawn from a wide range of initiatives and competency
requirements covering the practices involved in bulk LNG operations on
LNG carriers, in the procedures required by the operators of LNG import
terminals and road tankers, and in the filling of LNG-fuelled trucks. They
also take into account the principles published by authorities such as the
IMO that support the operation of gas/LNG-fuelled ships.

The initial sections of this document cover the nature of and the
philosophy behind the training and competency framework.

The main body of the document lists competence areas within which
individual elements are identified. The underpinning knowledge intended
to support the training is also described, although in less detail. This
combination is intended to ensure that personnel understand the
appropriate actions to be taken, why they are appropriate, and their

The final sections of this document present the competency modules in an

alternative form, centred on functional roles, to make it easier to identify
which modules are appropriate to which individuals.

The assessment requirements of the competency framework will be

available in a companion document.

© Society for Gas as a Marine Fuel IV

1. Purpose and Scope........................................................................... 1

2. Introduction............................................................................................2
2.1. Why Training Matters.......................................................................2
2.2. What is Training and Competence?...............................................3
2.3. Who needs Training?.......................................................................4

3. SGMF Training and Competence Framework......................8
3.1. Training and Competence Requirements......................................8
3.2. General Approach...........................................................................9
3.3. Assessing Training and Competence Requirements.................. 11
3.4. Progression through the Competency Guidelines...................... 12

4. SGMF Training and Competence Modules.......................... 16

4.1. Operating and Regulatory Framework........................................ 16
4.2. Ensuring a Safe Environment........................................................ 19
4.3. Checking Equipment..................................................................... 24

4.4. Connection and Testing................................................................ 30
4.5. Transferring LNG............................................................................ 34
4.6. Draining, Purging, Disconnection and Storage.......................... 39
4.7. Responding to Emergencies......................................................... 41
4.8. Quality and Quantity..................................................................... 45
4.9. Port and/or Ship Specific Operations...........................................47

5. Underpinning knowledge............................................................ 49
5.1. Fundamental Knowledge............................................................. 49
5.2. Corporate Governance and Management Systems.................. 51 contractual
5.3. Organisation and Management................................................. 53
5.4. Familiarity with the Operation, Calibration and
Maintenance of Equipment and Instrumentation...................... 53
5.5. Bunkering Operations................................................................... 56
5.6. Control and Monitoring................................................................ 58
5.7. Non Standard and Emergency Operations................................ 60
5.8. Commercial Considerations......................................................... 61
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© Society for Gas as a Marine Fuel V

6. Modules and Responsibilities by Role................................... 62
6.1. The RESPOND Role........................................................................ 62
6.2. The ASSIST Role.............................................................................. 64
6.3. The DO Role................................................................................... 66
6.4. The MANAGE Role......................................................................... 68

7. SPECIALIST Roles................................................................................70

8. BESPOKE Roles.................................................................................... 71

© Society for Gas as a Marine Fuel VI

Definitions and Abbreviations
Accident and Emergency Boil-Off Gas (BOG) – The
(A&E) – An urgent-care vapour created by the evaporation
department in a hospital. of LNG
Sometimes referred to as a
casualty department BLEVE – Boiling Liquid Expanding
Vapour Explosion – explosion
ADN – Accord Européen Relatif resulting from over-pressurising

au Transport International des a liquid gas storage tank, usually
Marchandises Dangereuses par caused by a fire beneath the tank
Voies de Navigation Intérieures :
European agreement concerning Carbon dioxide (CO2) – A
the international carriage of product of the combustion of
dangerous goods by inland carbon-containing molecules. A
waterways major greenhouse gas

ADR – Accord Européen Relatif CCNR – Central Commission for

au Transport International des Navigation of the Rhine – body
Marchandises Dangereuses that controls regulations on

par Route: European agreement the major international inland
concerning the international waterways of Europe
carriage of dangerous goods by
CH4 – See methane
Closed-Circuit Television
Agreement to bunker – A
document setting out a formalised (CCTV) – The monitoring of
procedure agreed by all parties an area remotely using video
to ensure that LNG transfer cameras and TV screens
takes place safely and in an contractual
CO2 – See carbon dioxide
environmentally acceptable
manner – ideally supported by a Competence – The ability to
check-list undertake a task and complete it
successfully, with understanding
ATEX – Appareils destinés à and confidence
être utilisés en ATmosphères
EXplosibles – European directive Compressed Natural Gas
training & competence

concerning protection of (CNG) – Natural gas stored at

workers from the dangers of high pressures up to 300 bar
using equipment in explosive

© Society for Gas as a Marine Fuel VII

Cryogenic – An adjective used Facilities – In the context of this
to describe processes and document, the land- or ship-based
equipment that operate at very components of the bunkering
low temperatures, typically below system which could include the
-100°C LNG road tanker or container, an
onshore terminal, the receiving
Custody transfer – The formal vessel or a bunker vessel
agreements and associated legal
and other documents related to GIIGNL – the Groupe
the transfer of LNG from supplier International des Importateurs
to receiver de Gaz Naturel Liquéfié – The
France-based industry group
Custody transfer representing the interests of the
measurement – Defined by the main LNG importers worldwide
American Petroleum Institute (API)
as providing “Quantity and Quality Health Safety Security and
(Q&Q) information used for the Environment (HSSE)
physical and fiscal documentation
of a change in ownership and/ IGC Code – the International
or a change in responsibility for Code for the Construction and
commodities” Equipment of Ships Carrying
Liquefied Gases in Bulk. An IMO
Duty of care – The requirement publication regulating ships used
for employers and owners to take for carrying all liquefied gases in
all reasonable steps to mitigate bulk as cargo
risk while performing any acts
that could foreseeably harm the IGF Code – The International
health, safety and well-being Code of Safety for Ships Using
of personnel, property or the Gases or Other Low-Flashpoint
environment Fuels

Emergency Shut-Down The International Maritime

(ESD) – A control system and Organization (IMO) – The
its associated components United Nation’s maritime
which, when activated, stop the regulatory body
operation of a malfunctioning
process, with the aim of returning ISM – The International Safety
it to a safe state Management Code published by

© Society for Gas as a Marine Fuel VIII

International Organization MARPOL – the International
for Standardisation (ISO) Convention for the Prevention of
– An international standard- Pollution from Ships, published by
setting body composed of the IMO
representatives from various
national standards organizations Material Safety Data Sheet
(MSDS) – A document that

Knowledge – The possession provides workers and emergency
of information relating to an personnel with procedures for
event or operation that gives the handling or working with that
individual involved the capability substance in a safe manner. It
to conduct that operation includes information such as
safely and effectively (see also physical data toxicity, health
understanding) effects, first aid, reactivity, storage,
disposal, protective equipment
Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) – and spill-handling procedures
Natural gas that has been cooled
Mechanical handling – The

to the point where it is liquid at the
current pressure. GNL in French, methods and/or equipment used
Spanish and Italian (In French: Gaz to manoeuvre an LNG transfer
Naturel Liquefié) system into place. The equipment
may consist of a crane, or simpler
Lower Explosive/Flammable devices such as block and tackle,
Limits (LEL/LFL) – The lowest and chain hoists
concentration of a flammable
hydrocarbon in air that can be Methane (CH4) – A hydrocarbon
molecule containing a single
ignited and burnt. Similarly, UEL/
UFL are the upper limits of the atom of carbon. The main
flammable range constituent of natural gas. A
potent greenhouse gas.
LNG Carrier (LNGC) – A ship
designed to carry LNG as cargo Natural gas – A mixture of
in bulk hydrocarbon gases, mostly
methane, used as a fuel or
LPG – Liquid Petroleum Gas, a chemical feedstock. May refer
training & competence

mixture of propane and butane to natural gas in the liquid or

used as fuel and chemical gaseous phase.

© Society for Gas as a Marine Fuel IX

Net Positive Suction Head involved in the use of LNG as a
(NPSH) – The absolute pressure marine fuel
at the suction port of a pump
The Society of International
Oil Companies International Gas Tanker and Terminal
Marine Forum (OCIMF) – Operators (SIGTTO) – An
An association representing association representing operators
operators of oil tankers and of gas tankers and import and
terminals, dealing with safety export terminals dealing with all
and environmental issues and liquefied gases in bulk
specifically associated with
mooring and berthing guidelines Standards of Training
Certification and
Person In Charge (PIC) – Watchkeeping (STCW) – An
Sometimes also called the Person IMO publication detailing the
in Overall Advisory Control (POAC) standards and training for
mariners on different ship types
Personal Protective
Equipment (PPE) Training – The teaching of a
particular skill or way of doing
Quality and Quantity something
(Q & Q) – The specialist
measurements taken as part of Underpinning knowledge –
the transfer process The minimum level of technical
or other appropriate knowledge
Rapid Phase Transition (RPT) and understanding required to
– The very rapid vaporisation of be able to carry out a task safely
LNG through contact with a heat and efficiently, without undue risk
source, typically water or delay

SIMultaneous OPerations Understanding – The

(SIMOPS) – Typically, operations possession of sufficient breadth
carried out on or close to a and depth of knowledge and
vessel at the same time as LNG experience to be able to make
bunkering appropriate decisions about the
preparation for, and conduct
Society for Gas as a Marine of, an operation, without
Fuel (SGMF) – The London- compromising safety or efficiency
based association for companies (see also knowledge)

© Society for Gas as a Marine Fuel X

1. Purpose and Scope
This guide summarises the recommended competence guidelines for the
supply and bunkering of LNG for marine vessels, and the environment –
for example the port – in which these LNG transfers take place, together
with knowledge that underpins them. In identifying competencies, due
account has been taken of existing industry best practices and expertise.

There are many tasks involved in the use of gas as a marine fuel, often
involving personnel both ashore and afloat. This document is therefore
designed to apply to everyone who may be involved in carrying out the
required tasks, regardless of background or location.

Note that these guidelines cover only the bunkering/transfer operation

and are aimed to dovetail with and augment, rather than replace, other
industry training schemes such as:

• Standards of Training Certification and Watchkeeping (STCW) for

mariners on LNG-fuelled ships

• STCW training for mariners serving on board IGC-compliant vessels
• local or national training schemes for LNG road tanker drivers, for
example ADR in Europe
• various systems for LNG bunkering terminal staff
• guidelines issued by other respective bodies who may be engaged
in the industry
This guide has been produced by the Society for Gas as a Marine Fuel’s
Working Group on Training & Competence. contractual

The Society for Gas as a Marine Fuel (www.sgmf.info) has been

established as a framework organisation covering the emerging gas-
as-a-marine-fuel sector, within which both best-practice and creative
solutions can be reviewed and developed. It works with other industry
bodies, governmental agencies and intergovernmental agencies,
including the IMO.
training & competence

© Society for Gas as a Marine Fuel 1

2. Introduction
In many industries that routinely handle potentially hazardous cargoes or
fuels – for example, the bulk LNG transport business – their main strength
(or weakness) is the quality and experience of the staff involved and how
these individuals perform not just during routine operations but in reacting
to unexpected or unusual events.

Training is therefore essential to improving the knowledge, understanding

and flexibility of the people involved throughout the LNG industry. The
bunkering of LNG for use as a fuel is no exception. In fact, because of the
nature of bunkering, and the environment in which it may be conducted,
additional focused training may be required to ensure operations are
conducted safely and efficiently.

This publication therefore aims to provide guidance to all parties who

may be directly or indirectly involved in the bunkering of ships with LNG,
as to the standards of competency that should be expected, to ensure
that bunkering is completed safely and in an environmentally responsible
fashion. These same competencies also ensure that operations are
efficient, taking into account commercial considerations.

It is not the intention of this document to define the format or content

of any training that a person may undertake to obtain the respective
competencies. The competencies may be obtained in different ways
depending on the role, industry and how the respective training
programmes are compiled. However, whenever and wherever the
training is delivered, the intention should be to ensure that the respective
people involved have shown they are competent, as per the guidelines,
before undertaking the particular role they have to conduct.

2.1. Why Training Matters?

LNG and natural gas, like most fuels, have certain safety and
environmental aspects associated with them. Flammability is a
requirement of all fuels and this combustion property is harnessed to
provide benefit. However, flammability also presents a potential danger
to the surroundings if the combustion process is uncontrolled. In addition,
LNG is cryogenic, which creates other hazards that need to be addressed.

© Society for Gas as a Marine Fuel 2

Operatives therefore need training to ensure that:

• they are fully aware of all potential hazards and how they may be
• they understand the working practices that minimise the risk of
occurrence of any incident and ensure that LNG is transferred safely

and in an environmentally acceptable manner
• they understand the procedures needed to ensure that the fuel
transferred is accurately accounted for

2.2. What is Training and Competence?

2.2.1. What is training?
Training involves the teaching of a particular skill or way of doing
something. Generally, it does not require the trainee to have a particularly
high level of understanding of the

activity. What is training?
“Helping people to learn
2.2.2. What is competency?
• how to do something,
Competency (i.e. the possession
• telling people what they
of competence) is often defined as
should or should not do or
possession of the ability to undertake
• simply giving them
a task and complete it successfully
with understanding and confidence.
Training isn’t just about formal
“classroom” courses” UK Health
Competency generally consists of the
& Safety Executive
integration of one or more of:

• training What is competency?

The Engineering Council (UK)
• physical skills defines competence as: ‘‘the
integration of knowledge,
• underpinning knowledge understanding, skills and values’’.
• risk awareness
training & competence

• experience “I hear and I forget. I see and I

remember. I do and I understand.”
• understanding Confucius

© Society for Gas as a Marine Fuel 3

• the task at hand
• the surrounding environment
• a range of human factors
Having training and/or qualifications alone will not necessarily mean that
a person is competent.
2.2.3. Assessing competence
Training and competence can be assessed by combinations of many
different means. These include:

• written and/or verbal assessments/examinations

• computer-based assessment
• demonstration of practical skills
• acknowledgement of relevant experience
• review of multi-media (photographic/video) evidence
This document does not include guidance on how competence should
be assessed. An accompanying assessment guide will be published

2.3. Who Needs Training?

The supply of gas as a marine fuel to a vessel is likely to involve a number

of people, on both the side of the LNG supplier and the receiver. All the
personnel involved in planning and undertaking the transfer will require
a level of competence (that is, possessing knowledge and understanding
and being able to apply that knowledge in an appropriate way in given
circumstances) so that the transfer is undertaken in the required manner.
Depending on how the transfer is being conducted, the people concerned
may include members of the ship’s crew, shore personnel, road tanker
drivers, and emergency services – all of whom will need a level of
competence in their particular area of responsibility. The competence
required is gained by a combination of training and experience.

© Society for Gas as a Marine Fuel 4

Individuals directly involved in the transfer process typically include:

• crew (including those ashore) of the gas/LNG-fuelled receiving vessel

• people involved in the supply of the LNG – normally operators at a
LNG terminal or small liquefaction plant
• people involved in the delivery of the LNG – such as road tanker

drivers or the crew of a LNG bunker vessel or the tug propelling a
LNG bunker barge

Most bunkering operations will take place in or close to a port

environment – so these activities will need to be authorised under port
rules and potentially under wider local governmental regulations. It may
therefore be appropriate for personnel from the port and wider onshore
area to have some level of training so that they have sufficient knowledge
and understanding about activities conducted under their jurisdiction.

Individuals covered in this area may include:

• port staff, both managerial and dockside – for example stevedores,

tug crews and crane operators – who are regularly in the gas-
fuelling area or who may be affected by any spills or releases
• local and national authorities – for example custom officials – who
work a significant portion of time within the gas-fuelling area
There are also personnel indirectly involved in the bunkering process that
may require a basic understanding of the fuel and the bunkering process. contractual
They might include:

• shipping company procurement officers with responsibility for

ordering fuel
• technical and operations superintendents with responsibility for ship
equipment, maintenance and scheduling
training & competence

• charterers

© Society for Gas as a Marine Fuel 5

Finally, there are a range of individuals and organisations that temporarily
find themselves either on a gas-fuelled ship or in a port area where LNG
or gas bunkering takes place. Some basic training about the risks and
emergency plans may be appropriate.

Individuals covered in this area may include:

• port staff, including shore -based personnel of the ship-owner or

operating company, who occasionally enter the gas-fuelling area,
including the ship’s agent
• visitors, including haulage company staff and contractors, who
deliver to and collect cargoes from the port area but only spend short
periods in the affected area
• emergency services personnel who need to plan responses to
potential hazard scenarios
• local and national authorities who occasionally visit the facility for
regulatory compliance purposes

Some of the roles that require appropriate levels of competence, and

hence who may require training, are summarised in the figure below:
Port employees Maritime specialists
Emergency Class
Services Port Owners, Marine
Manager Port Port Surveyors
Worker Security & other Superintendents
or & charterers
Supervisor specialists

Local/National LNG supplier (Road tanker, bunker vessel, LNG receiver (gas fuelled ship)
authority terminal, etc)
representatives LNG
Supplier’s Hose Manifold Vessel’s
Loading PIC/POAC
Manager or Watch Watch Master
Truck drivers
& other
Port visitors Vapour
Ship’s manifold

return Vessel’s
Supplier’s tank Receiver’s tank
Specialist LNG
transfer Other

Figure 2.1: Roles that should require training

© Society for Gas as a Marine Fuel 6

In defining training, this document should be read in conjunction with the
appropriate international, regional and national standards applying to
specific bunkering configurations.

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© Society for Gas as a Marine Fuel 7

3. SGMF Training and Competence
3.1. Training and Competence Requirements

The level of competence required for each task will differ depending
on the individuals’ particular roles and responsibilities. Competence is
gained by a combination of training and experience – so training needs
are likely to differ from person to person. The level of competence, and
hence training required, for any particular individual will depend on:

• their specific role

• their experience with LNG or gaseous fuels
• whether they will be directly involved in managing the transfer or
handling of the LNG/gas

SGMF suggest four levels of competence:

MANAGE – For individuals responsible for the people engaged in the

operation or the area where this operation takes place, along with the
administration, planning, and implementation of the supply of LNG, on
behalf of the receivers, suppliers or port authority/regulatory bodies.

DO – For individuals engaged directly in the LNG/gas transfer and who

may supervise other individuals engaged in the activity (for example, a

ASSIST – For individuals that support the activities required in the transfer of
LNG/gas but are under the direct supervision and direction of the DO level.

RESPOND – For individuals who need to be familiar with, and

understand the hazards associated with, LNG and the actions that need
to be implemented in an emergency situation.

In addition, two further levels can be envisaged:

SPECIALIST – Training required to cover very specific skills needed by a

few individuals, such as medical staff who will need to know only about
the causes and treatments of injuries caused by cryogenic materials.

© Society for Gas as a Marine Fuel 8

BESPOKE – Training required for staff supporting the bunkering operation
who do not fall into the competence levels described above.

The four main levels of competence and their relationships are

summarised in Figure 3.1 below. The aim is to make the associated

training task-based and modularised so that individuals can progress
through the required knowledge and skills in a logical manner, taking into
account previous experience and understanding.

It is reasonable to expect that candidates for training at the ASSIST, DO,

and MANAGE competency levels possess a good understanding of the
competencies at the subordinate levels.

For individuals responsible for the people For individuals engaged For individuals that
engaged in the operation or the area
directly in the LNG/gas support the activities

where this operation takes place,
transfer and who may required in the transfer of
along with the administration, regulation,
supervise other individuals LNG/gas but are under
planning, and implementation
of the supply of LNG engaged in the activity the direct supervision

For individuals who need to be familiar Training required to
with, and understand the hazards
coververy specific skills
associated with, LNG and the actions
needed by a few
that need to be implemented in
an emergency situation

Training required for staff supporting the bunkering operation who do not fall into the
competence levels described above
Figure 3.1: Summary of training concept

3.2. General Approach

SGMF suggests a modular approach to obtaining the knowledge and
skills needed to undertake fuel transfer operations. Trainees can add
modules to their portfolio as required until they reach the appropriate level
of competence for their intended role.
training & competence

The modules are grouped into areas that follow a chronological route
through the bunkering process. Each module identifies the required
competence elements.

© Society for Gas as a Marine Fuel 9

1. Operating and regulatory framework
• activities that cover the operating and regulatory framework under
which bunkering occurs and which are not specific to any given
bunkering operation
• modules that primarily cover organisational and management
• the importance of safety and operating/bunkering procedures

2. Ensuring a safe environment

• definition of the roles and responsibilities of individuals and the wider
team – good co-ordination and communication between all parties
being vital to maintaining a safe environment
• activities that must be performed prior to a LNG transfer taking place
but with the fuel supplier (bunker supplier) and receiving vessel
• risk assessment of the transfer environment, including factors such
as the weather, time of day, security arrangements and the training/
competence of the personnel available

3. Checking equipment as fit for purpose

• the initial approach to bunkering, including examination of the
equipment to be used to identify damage and wear, to ensure the
safety of the subsequent transfer
• the management perspective and the duty of care to operating
staff, of both the fuel supplier and the receiver, by maintaining the
equipment to be fit-for-purpose and within certification
• the provision of appropriate safety-related and personal protective
equipment and how it should be used

4. Connection and testing

• the function and correct assembly of the LNG transfer system
• checks and testing undertaken prior to LNG transfer

© Society for Gas as a Marine Fuel 10

5. Transferring LNG
• ensuring the safe transfer of LNG, including the control and
monitoring of the transfer and storage tank conditions and dealing
with abnormal events
• management oversight or governance of the process

6. Draining, disconnection and storage
• the processes that need to occur after completion of the LNG transfer
to ensure that equipment is safe to disconnect and store, and also
that its integrity is managed for future transfers

7. Responding to Emergencies
• the tasks required to reduce the probability of an emergency and
improve the effectiveness of the emergency response by making the
facility safe and co-ordinating with the local emergency services

8. Quantity & Quality

• accurate measurement of the quantity of LNG transferred and the
techniques required to determine its quality/composition

9. Port & Ship Specific

• Many processes will need to be specific to the ship, port or
individual equipment selections. The competence requirements and
subsequent training cannot be quantified and so are excluded from
these SGMF training guidelines. However, a “generic” module is
included for reference.
The SGMF modular approach is shown in Figure 3.3

3.3. Assessing Training and Competence Requirements

The aim of this framework is to ensure competence based on the function

of a specific role, which will differ between various ship-owners/managers,
ports, LNG facilities and ship crew. It is therefore not the intention of
training & competence

this document to be prescriptive in assigning competence and training

requirements to specific ranks or positions. A mapping of competencies
against job roles has deliberately been omitted from this document.

© Society for Gas as a Marine Fuel 11

Some competency levels map fairly obviously to certain job roles. For
example, the gas-fuelled ship’s master or the LNG terminal or port
manager will require the MANAGE competency, while LNG road tanker
drivers and the ship’s engineering officer undertaking the transfer will
require the DO competency.

The BESPOKE and SPECIALIST levels allow customisation of modules for

specific roles.

3.4. Progression Through the Competency Guidelines

The aim of the competency framework is that individuals can demonstrate

their understanding of the training and their responsibilities in individual
areas. These individual skills can be built up into a portfolio of capabilities
(which may include training gained through other training or mandatory
requirements). Individuals, as their careers develop, may take different
or larger roles within an organisation that will require additional training
and competency assessment. The strength of the modular approach is
that previously learnt and demonstrated behaviours, from a candidate’s
portfolio, are “portable” and can be recognised and therefore not
repeated in future training programmes. Demonstration of the retention of
the competence should still be required.

The competency guidelines and modules can therefore be used in a

multiplicity of ways to progress through a career path.

Figure 3.2 shows one possible interpretation of which roles, as a

minimum, require which levels of training. Some roles have two
suggestions for the training level required, reflecting the possible options
in interpretation that result from the variations worldwide of relevant
training authorities and of ship-owner practices.

© Society for Gas as a Marine Fuel 12

Figure 3.2: Suggested roles and competence levels
Public Port employees Maritime specialists
Emergency Port Class
Services Port Port Surveyors Owners, Marine
Manager Superintendents
or Worker Security & other
specialists & charterers

Local/National LNG supplier (Road tanker, bunker vessel, LNG receiver (gas fuelled ship)

authority terminal, etc)
representatives LNG
Supplier’s Hose Manifold Vessel’s
Loading PIC/POAC
Manager or Watch Watch Master
Truck drivers
& other
Port visitors Vapour

Ship’s manifold
return Vessel’s

Supplier’s tank Receiver’s tank

Specialist LNG
transfer Other
Passengers crew

Key: ASSIST = blue DO = orange MANAGE = green

RESPOND = grey BESPOKE = red SPECIALIST = purple
No specific training = white.

training & competence

© Society for Gas as a Marine Fuel 13

Figure 3.3: SGMF bunkering competence elements


Operating & Regulatory Framework


Safety & Operating Organisation and

Procedures Management

Ensuring a safe environment

Risk Assess for safety


Understanding of the roles and responsibilities

of the various parties involved

Understanding own role and responsibilities during bunkering

Preparation for LNG Transfer

Checking Equipment as “Fit For Purpose”

Examine transfer system Duty of Care on
for damage & wear own equipment

Electrical hazards

Mechanical Handling
& Support Devices

Safety Equipment

Personal protection

Connection & Function Testing of the LNG Transfer System

Connection of the LNG Transfer System

Purging & Leak Testing

© Society for Gas as a Marine Fuel 14

Figure 3.3: SGMF bunkering competence elements (continued)


Transferring LNG
Cooling Down

LNG Transfer

ESD Systems

Control & Monitoring

Managing Tank pressure

Drain, Disconnect & Store

Draining, disconnection & Storing Equipment

Responding to Emergencies

Making Safe

Responding to Emergencies

Quantity & Quality

Management contractual

Q&Q Measurement

Port & Ship Specific Familiarisation

Port, Ship and equipment specific training (excluded)
training & competence

© Society for Gas as a Marine Fuel 15

4. SGMF Training and Competence
4.1. Operating and Regulatory Framework


Operating & Regulatory Framework


Safety & Operating Organisation &

Procedures Management

4.1.1. RESPOND
Regulatory ASSIST
Environment DO MANAGE

Categories Applicable
Ensuring a safe to: MANAGE
Risk Management & Assessment for Safety

Module summary: Communication

On satisfactory completion of this module the trainee

Understanding willandbe
of the roles able to of
the various parties involved
implement and manage procedures and physical practices on the ship or
in the port area that have anUnderstanding
impact on compliance with international and
own role and responsibilities during bunkering

local regulations. This will ensure that bunkering is conducted in a safe

Preparation for LNG Transfer
and environmentally responsible manner.

Competence required: ASSIST DO MANAGE

Checking Equipment as “Fit For Purpose”

• understand the international legal Examine
contexttransferof the bunkering
for damage & wear
Duty of Care on
own equipment
(local arrangements would be covered under Port and Ship Specific
Electrical hazards
Mechanical Handling
• understand the requirement to ensure all Devices
& Support regulatory requirements
are fulfilled Safety Equipment

• understand the role of thePersonal

safety, environmental and operating

manuals in complying with legal requirements and be able to

compare manuals with rules and regulations and identify gaps in
Connection & Function Testing of the LNG Transfer System
• understand why operating and maintenance procedures on ships
Connection of the LNG Transfer System
and/or facilities must not be modified from their compliant principles
without appropriate risk assessment to demonstrate continued
Purging & Leak Testing


Transferring LNG
Cooling Down
© Society for Gas as a Marine Fuel 16
LNG Transfer

ESD Systems
• understand why ships and/or facilities must not be modified from
their original, compliant, design without appropriate risk assessment
to demonstrate continued compliance
• understand what steps must be completed before an “agreement to
bunker” decision can be made and how this should be recorded

Underpinning knowledge:

• international rules and regulations covering bunkering (section 5.2.1)

• safety management system (section 5.2.4)
• pre-bunkering activities (section 5.5.1)

4.1.2. Organisation and management

Categories Applicable to: MANAGE

Module summary:

On satisfactory completion of this module the trainee will be capable
of effective organisation and management of the ship/port/bunkering-
supply system.

Competence required:

• understand the training and competency required by those staff

responsible for bunkering
• be able to determine the required manning levels for transfer
operations, including requirements for support personnel contractual
• understand the roles of the LNG buyer/receiver (ship), LNG seller and
LNG deliverer (bunkerer)
• understand the roles of specialists employed to support the bunker
transfer process
• understand the need for, and the main elements of, a
training & competence

communications plan between LNG receiver and LNG supplier

• understand the need for mooring and bunkering equipment
compatibility checks and how this should be implemented

© Society for Gas as a Marine Fuel 17

Underpinning knowledge:

• safety management system (section 5.2.4)

• communication and team working (section 5.3.1)
• roles and responsibilities (section 5.3.2)
• pre-bunkering activities (section 5.5.1)
4.1.3. Safety and operating procedures
Categories Applicable to: DO

Module summary:
On satisfactory completion of this module the trainee will be able to
identify the appropriate safety and operating procedures (including
manuals) and know how to implement them effectively.

Competence required:

• demonstrate understanding of which safety and operating

procedures are appropriate to an LNG Bunkering operation.
• understand the role and scope of the operating and safety
procedures with respect to bunkering
• demonstrate an understanding of how and where the procedures
are detailed
• demonstrate an understanding of how to report modifications/
improvements to procedures

Underpinning knowledge:

• safety management system (section 5.2.4)

• operations procedures (section 5.2.5)

© Society for Gas as a Marine Fuel 18


Operating & Regulatory Framework


Safety & Operating Organisation &

4.2. Ensuring a Safe Environment Procedures Management


Ensuring a safe environment

Risk Management & Assessment for Safety


Understanding of the roles and responsibilities of

the various parties involved

Understanding own role and responsibilities during bunkering

Preparation for LNG Transfer

4.2.1. Risk management

ASSIST assessmentDO
for safety MANAGE

Categories Applicable
Checking Equipment to:ForMANAGE
as “Fit Purpose”
Examine transfer system Duty of Care on
for damage & wear own equipment
Module summary:

Electrical hazards
On satisfactory completion of this module the trainee will be able to
Mechanical Handling
understand risk assessment methodologies and
& Support how they should be

applied to the LNG bunkering operation Safety

to manage
Equipment risks.

Personal protection
Competence required:

RESPOND the properties

• understand DO
ASSIST and characteristics MANAGE
of LNG and gases
• be able
Connection to identify
& Function situations
Testing relating
of the LNG TransfertoSystem
an LNG bunkering operation,
including SIMOPS, which may require a System
risk assessment to be
Connection of the LNG Transfer

undertaken Purging & Leak Testing

• demonstrate the ability to perform a risk assessment and implement

• understand how to plan and monitor work carried out under a
Transferring LNG
risk assessment to ensure its effectiveness and that all risks are
Cooling Down
LNG Transfer
training & competence

• understand the necessity to regularly review risk assessments

ESD Systems
relating to commonly performed operations
Control & Monitoring

Managing Tank Level

& Pressure

© Society for GasASSIST
RESPOND as a Marine Fuel MANAGE 19
Draining, Purging, Disconnection & Storage
Draining, Purging, Disconnection & Storage
Underpinning knowledge:

• the physics and chemistry of LNG (section 5.1.1)

• hazards of LNG (section 5.1.3)
• the impact of LNG on equipment and construction materials
(section 5.1.5)
• risk assessment methodologies (section 5.2.2)
• safety management systems (section 5.2.4)
• communication and team working (section 5.3.1)

Categories Applicable to: DO

Module summary:
On satisfactory completion of this module the trainee will be able to
understand the principles of risk assessment and the importance of
following a risk-assessed procedure.

Competence required:

• understand the properties and characteristics of LNG and gases

• be able to identify situations relating to an LNG bunkering operation
that may require a risk assessment to be undertaken
• understand the principles of risk assessment
• understand the importance of following a risk-assessed procedure

Underpinning knowledge:

• the physics and chemistry of LNG (section 5.1.1)

• hazards of LNG hazards (section 5.1.3)
• the impact of LNG on equipment and construction materials (section 5.1.5)
• risk assessment methodologies (section 5.2.2)
• safety management systems (section 5.2.4)
• communication and team working (section 5.3.1)

© Society for Gas as a Marine Fuel 20

4.2.2. Communication
Categories Applicable to: ASSIST, DO, MANAGE

Module summary:
On satisfactory completion of this module the trainee will be able to
implement effective communications to allow the transfer to take place

safely and efficiently.

Competence required:

• understand what information should be exchanged, when and with

• demonstrate an understanding of effective communication methods
and how to receive feedback confirming that communication has
been understood
• be able to accurately record appropriate information for governance


Underpinning knowledge:

• safety management system (section 5.2.4)

• communication and team work (section 5.3.1)
• roles and responsibilities during bunkering (section 5.3.2)
• pre-bunkering activities (section 5.5.1)
4.2.3. Understanding the roles and responsibilities of the other
parties involved
Categories Applicable to: DO, MANAGE

Module summary:
On satisfactory completion of this module the trainee will understand
training & competence

the operational and safety roles of all the other parties (including the
lines of responsibility and reporting) that may be involved in the process
promoting alignment of behaviours.

© Society for Gas as a Marine Fuel 21

Competence required:

• understand the roles and responsibilities of the various persons and

organisations that may be involved in an LNG transfer operation

Underpinning knowledge

• communication and team working (section 5.3.1)

• roles and responsibilities during bunkering (section 5.3.2)

4.2.4. Understanding own role and responsibilities

Categories Applicable to: ASSIST, DO, MANAGE

Module summary:
On satisfactory completion of this module trainees will understand
their operational and safety roles throughout all stages of a bunkering

Competence required

• understand their own job roles throughout the bunkering process

• understand their own roles in ensuring the safe and environmentally
responsible transfer of LNG
• understand the need to report and record safety/environmental

Underpinning knowledge

• the impact of LNG liquid and vapour on the environment (section 5.1.2)
• the hazards of LNG (section 5.1.3)

4.2.5. Preparation for LNG Transfer

Categories Applicable to: DO, MANAGE

© Society for Gas as a Marine Fuel 22

Module summary:
On satisfactory completion of this module the trainee will be able
to ensure that conditions are safe before LNG transfer begins and
will understand hazard and safety zones and how they should be

Competence required

• demonstrate an understanding of how to prepare the area where

the transfer will take place
• understand the purpose and requirements of pre-transfer checks
and how they should be conducted
• have an understanding of the safety equipment required
• understand the effect of environmental conditions and how they may
negatively impact the bunkering process and/or staff performance

Underpinning knowledge

• the physics and chemistry of LNG (section 5.1.1)

• hazards of LNG (section 5.1.3)
• leak behaviour (section 5.1.4)
• the impact of LNG on equipment and construction materials (section

• how static and electrical equipment can cause sparks and ignition
(section 5.1.6)
• the risk assessment process (section 5.2.2)
• familiarity with the operation, calibration and maintenance of the
safety management (leak/spill) equipment required (section 5.4.8)
• pre-bunkering activities (section 5.5.1)
training & competence

© Society for Gas as a Marine Fuel 23

Ensuring a safe environment
Risk Management & Assessment for Safety


Understanding of the roles and responsibilities of

the various parties involved

Understanding own role and responsibilities during bunkering

Preparation for LNG Transfer

4.3. Checking equipment


Checking Equipment as “Fit For Purpose”

Examine transfer system Duty of Care on
for damage & wear own equipment

Electrical hazards

Mechanical Handling
& Support Devices

Safety Equipment

Personal protection

4.3.1. Transfer
RESPOND System Equipment
ASSIST / Duty of
Categories Applicable to: MANAGE
Connection & Function Testing of the LNG Transfer System
Connection of the LNG Transfer System
Module summary:
Purging & Leak Testing
On satisfactory completion of this module the trainee will be able to
ensure that transfer and safety equipment and associated systems –
owned or rentedASSIST
whetherRESPOND – are fit-for-purpose. DO MANAGE

Transferring LNG
Competence required: Cooling Down

LNG Transfer
• understand which items of equipment need to be certificated and the
need to confirm that certification is up-to-dateESD Systems
• understand what maintenance and calibration
Control & Monitoring records are required

for owned and rented equipment Managing Tank Level

& Pressure
• understand the concept of duty of care, how this protects both
people and assets, and
how to decide which
ASSIST DO precautions/actions
are necessary
Draining, Purging, Disconnection & Storage
Draining, Purging, Disconnection & Storage
Underpinning knowledge:


• responsibilities regarding owned and rented equipment (section
Responding to Emergencies
Managing Emergencies

Responding to Emergencies

Making Safe

© Society for Gas as a Marine Fuel 24

4.3.2. Examine transfer system for damage and wear
Categories Applicable to: DO

Module summary:
On satisfactory completion of this module the trainee will be able to
ensure that there is no damage or wear that may lead to a dangerous


Competence required:

• know which items of equipment need to be certificated and the need

to confirm that they are within certification
• know how to examine all the components of the LNG transfer system
for physical damage and wear
Underpinning knowledge:

• the impact of LNG on equipment and construction materials (section
• familiarity with the operation, calibration and maintenance of the LNG
transfer system (section 5.4.2)
• an understanding of equipment manufacturers’ operating manuals
(section 5.4.10)

4.3.3. Electrical hazards

Categories Applicable to: DO, MANAGE contractual
Module summary:
On satisfactory completion of this module the trainee will be able to
manage the electrical hazards that provide potential ignition sources
during the transfer of LNG or its vapour.

Competence required:
training & competence

• understand the hazards associated with both current electricity and

static electricity during transfers of LNG liquid and/or vapour

© Society for Gas as a Marine Fuel 25

• understand the purpose of an insulating flange
• understand the reason for maintaining electrical continuity of
bunkering lines
• understand the requirements for the use of electrical equipment in
hazardous areas
• understand how to examine the physical condition of electrical
equipment in hazardous zones for safe function prior to use
• understand how and why land based equipment and road tankers
need to be earthed

Underpinning knowledge:

• how static electricity and electrical equipment can cause sparks and
ignition (section 5.1.6)
• familiarity with the operation, calibration and maintenance of electrical
equipment intended for use in hazardous areas (section 5.4.7)

4.3.4. Mechanical handling and support devices

Categories Applicable to: DO

Module summary
On satisfactory completion of this module the trainee will understand the
need for, and the appropriate use of, mechanical handling equipment.

Competence required:

• be able to handle a transfer hose or loading arm correctly

• understand why the LNG transfer system must be supported to avoid
excessive stresses and bending in the hose, breakaway coupling,
connector and manifolds
• understand why and which mechanical handling equipment items
are covered by certification systems and how to confirm that they are
within certification
• understand how to examine the mechanical handling system for
safe function prior to use

© Society for Gas as a Marine Fuel 26

• understand which mechanical handling systems must remain in
place during LNG transfer

Underpinning knowledge:

• familiarity with the operation, calibration and maintenance of

mechanical handling equipment (section 5.4.1)
• familiarity with the operation, calibration and maintenance of the LNG
transfer system (section 5.4.2)
• knowledge of equipment manufacturers’ operating manuals (section

4.3.5. Safety Equipment

Categories Applicable to: DO, MANAGE

Module summary:

On satisfactory completion of this module the trainee will know which items
of safety equipment are required to support the LNG transfer operation,
including their purpose, operating procedures and maintenance.

Competence required:

• understand the operation of equipment used for hazard detection

(gas and fire detectors) and how environmental conditions may affect
their performance
• demonstrate an understanding of the calibration and maintenance contractual
procedures of hazard detection equipment
• understand the purpose of drip trays and water curtains and how
they are used to protect vessels and bunkering transfer areas
• understand where safety equipment is installed or needs to be placed

Underpinning knowledge:
training & competence

• the impact of LNG on equipment and construction materials

(section 5.1.5)

© Society for Gas as a Marine Fuel 27

• familiarity with the operation of required safety management (leak/
spill) equipment (section 5.4.8)
• knowledge of equipment manufacturers’ operating manuals (section
• fire and gas detection systems (section 5.6.1)
• the fire-fighting techniques and equipment that may be used to
mitigate LNG incidents (section 5.7.1)

Categories Applicable to: ASSIST

Module summary:
On satisfactory completion of this module the trainee will know which
items of safety equipment are required to support the LNG transfer
operation, including their purpose and operating procedures.

Competence required:

• understand the operation of equipment used for hazard detection

(gas and fire detectors)
• understand the purpose of drip trays and water curtains and how
they are used to protect vessels and bunkering transfer areas
• understand where safety equipment is installed or needs to be

Underpinning knowledge:

• the impact of LNG on equipment and construction materials (section

• familiarity with the operation of required safety management (leak/
spill) equipment (section 5.4.8)
• the fire-fighting techniques and equipment that may be used to
mitigate LNG incidents (section 5.7.1)

© Society for Gas as a Marine Fuel 28

4.3.6. Personal Protection
Categories Applicable to: RESPOND, ASSIST, DO, MANAGE

Module summary:
On satisfactory completion of this module the trainee will know which
types of Personnel Protection Equipment (PPE) are used when working

with LNG, how to use this equipment correctly, and how to check that it is

Competence required:

• demonstrate understanding of which items of PPE should be used

when working with LNG and how to use them

Underpinning knowledge:

• hazards of LNG (section 5.1.3)

• personal protective equipment (Section 5.4.9)

training & competence

© Society for Gas as a Marine Fuel 29


Checking Equipment as “Fit For Purpose”

Examine transfer system Duty of Care on
for damage & wear own equipment

Electrical hazards

Mechanical Handling
& Support Devices

Safety Equipment

4.4. Connection and Testing

Personal protection


Connection & Function Testing of the LNG Transfer System

Connection of the LNG Transfer System

Purging & Leak Testing

4.4.1. RESPOND
Connection ASSIST
of the DO
LNG Transfer System MANAGE

Categories LNG to: DO
Cooling Down

Module summary: LNG Transfer

On satisfactory completion of this module the trainee will be able to

ESD Systems
assemble the LNG transfer system correctly.
Control & Monitoring

Competence required: Managing Tank Level

& Pressure

• understand the various connection methods that may be used

• be able to assemble the LNG transfer system in the correct order
Draining, Purging, Disconnection & Storage
• demonstrate understanding ofDisconnection
Draining, Purging, how components
& Storage within a transfer
system should be properly connected together so that the possibility
of leaks is minimised
• demonstrate an understanding of the checks needed to ensure that
Responding to Emergencies
electrical continuity and insulation devices are correctly maintained
Managing Emergencies
and installed
Responding to Emergencies
• demonstrate understanding of the checks needed to verify the
system is free from leaks across the operating
Making Safe temperature range
• have an understanding of the various types of LNG storage systems
that a supplier and theDO
may be used byASSIST MANAGE
implications that need to be
considered regarding the transfer of LNG
Quantity & Quality
Quality & Quantity

Underpinning knowledge: Quality & Quantity


• the physics and chemistry of LNG (section 5.1.1)


Port & Ship Specific Familiarisation

Port, Ship and equipment specific training (excluded)
© Society for Gas as a Marine Fuel 30
• the impact of LNG on equipment and construction materials (section
• the principles of mechanical handling (section 5.4.1)
• familiarity with the operation, calibration and maintenance of LNG
transfer systems (section 5.4.2)
• familiarity with the operation and maintenance of near-atmospheric

and pressurised LNG storage tanks (section 5.4.3)
• knowledge of equipment manufacturers’ operating manuals (section

Categories Applicable to: ASSIST

Module summary:
On satisfactory completion of this module the trainee will be able to assist
in the correct assembly of the LNG transfer system.
Competence required:

• identify the various connection methods that may be used
• be able to assist in the assembly of the LNG transfer system
• be able to undertake the checks needed to verify the system is free
from leaks across the operating temperature range

Underpinning knowledge:

• the physics and chemistry of LNG (section 5.1.1) contractual

• the impact of LNG on equipment and construction materials (section
• the principles of mechanical handling (section 5.4.1)

4.4.2. Purging and leak testing

Categories Applicable to: DO
training & competence

Module summary:
On satisfactory completion of this module the trainee will understand the

© Society for Gas as a Marine Fuel 31

need to ensure the transfer system is clear of air and moisture and free
from leaks before transfer operations begin.

Competence required:

• understand the risks that may result if oxygen and moisture are not
removed from the LNG transfer system before the introduction of LNG
vapour or liquid
• understand the methods that may be used to purge the LNG transfer
system prior to use and the indications for satisfactory completion
• understand the possible physical and environmental damage that
may be caused by a leak of LNG
• demonstrate how to test for leaks in the LNG transfer system
• identify the implications of a leak of liquid or vapour and how to
apply appropriate corrective measures
Underpinning knowledge:

• leak behaviour (section 5.1.4)

• the properties of inert gases (section 5.1.7)
• hazards of LNG (section 5.1.3)
• the impact of LNG on equipment and construction materials (section
• how to contain and manage leaks and spills (section 5.4.8)
• operations management – purging (section 5.5.2)
• pressurisation and depressurisation (section 5.5.3)

Categories Applicable to: ASSIST

Module summary:
On satisfactory completion of this module the trainee will understand
the reasons behind the procedures to be followed to ensure the transfer
system is clear of air and moisture and free from leaks before transfer
operations begin.

© Society for Gas as a Marine Fuel 32

Competence required:

• understand the physical and environmental damage that may be

caused by a leak of LNG
• identify the implications of a leak of liquid or vapour and how to
apply appropriate corrective measures

Underpinning knowledge:

• hazards of LNG hazards (section 5.1.3)

• leak behaviour (section 5.1.4)
• the impact of LNG on equipment and construction materials (section
• the properties of inert gases (section 5.1.7)
• how to contain and manage leaks and spills (section 5.4.8)

training & competence

© Society for Gas as a Marine Fuel 33

Personal protection


Connection & Function Testing of the LNG Transfer System

Connection of the LNG Transfer System

Purging & Leak Testing

4.5. Transferring LNG

Transferring LNG
Cooling Down

LNG Transfer

ESD Systems

Control & Monitoring

Managing Tank Level

& Pressure

4.5.1. Cooling

Categories Applicable
Draining, Purging, to: DO
Disconnection & Storage
Draining, Purging, Disconnection & Storage
Module summary:
On satisfactory
completion of this module theDOtrainee will beMANAGE
able to
explain why and how to cool down the LNG transfer system.
Responding to Emergencies
Managing Emergencies
Competence required:
Responding to Emergencies

• understand why the cooling down of Making

LNG Safe
systems is required and
the potential for leaks
• demonstrate understanding of the methods that can be used to cool
down an LNG transfer system and how it should be monitored
Quantity & Quality
• have an understanding of the procedures for vapourQuality
return, disposal
& Quantity
or pressure management related to different LNG storage systems
Quality & Quantity

Underpinning knowledge:

• the physics and chemistry of LNG (section 5.1.3)

Port & Ship Specific Familiarisation
Port, Ship and equipment specific training (excluded)
• leak behaviour (section 5.1.4)
• the impact of LNG on equipment and construction materials (section
• familiarity with the operation, calibration and maintenance of LNG
storage tanks (section 5.4.2)

© Society for Gas as a Marine Fuel 34

• familiarity with the operation, calibration and maintenance of LNG
transfer systems (section 5.4.3)
• pressure protection devices (section 5.4.6)
• how to contain and manage leaks and spills (section 5.4.8)
• knowledge of equipment manufacturers’ operating manuals (section

• operations management – purging (section 5.5.2)
• storage tank operations – vapour control (section 5.5.4)

4.5.2. LNG transfer

Categories Applicable to: DO

Module summary:
On satisfactory completion of this module the trainee will be able to
undertake the transfer of LNG safely and efficiently.

Competence required:

• understand the importance of having an agreed transfer plan

• demonstrate how to control and monitor LNG flows throughout all
stages of the transfer process
• understand the data to be monitored and the appropriate
parameters that indicate safe operation
• understand and demonstrate the procedures needed to control the contractual
temperature and pressure within LNG storage tanks and associated
• understand the procedures for completion of the transfer
• have an understanding of the records that should be kept throughout
the transfer process and demonstrate how they should be completed
training & competence

Underpinning knowledge:

• familiarity with the operation, calibration and maintenance of LNG

pumps (section 5.2.4)

© Society for Gas as a Marine Fuel 35

• communication and team working (section 5.3.1)
• familiarity with the operation, calibration and maintenance of LNG
storage tanks (section 5.4.2)
• familiarity with the operation, calibration and maintenance of LNG
transfer systems (section 5.4.3)
• familiarity with the operation and maintenance of valves (section
• storage tank operations (section 5.5.4)
• familiarity with the operation, calibration and maintenance of
instrumentation/monitoring devices (section 5.6.4)

4.5.3. Emergency Shut-Down (ESD) systems

Categories Applicable to: DO, MANAGE

Module summary:
On satisfactory completion of this module the trainee will understand the
purpose and function of the Emergency Shut-Down (ESD) system.

Competence required:

• understand the philosophy of how ESD systems work and the

different means and levels of activation and the resulting effects
• understand the procedure to follow in the event of an ESD to find and
correct the underlying cause before restarting a transfer
• understand why and how to link/connect and test an ESD system
from LNG supplier to LNG receiver
• understand the additional procedures and checks required should a
linked ESD system not be available

Underpinning knowledge:

• fire and gas detection systems (section 5.6.1)

• emergency shut-down systems (section 5.6.2)

© Society for Gas as a Marine Fuel 36

4.5.4. Control and monitoring
Categories Applicable to: DO, MANAGE

Module summary:
On satisfactory completion of this module the trainee will be able to
describe the systems used to monitor and control the bunker system, and

demonstrate the correct and effective use of these systems.

Competence required:

• be able to identify the key alarms and understand their likely causes
and (potential) effects
• understand the functions of the fire and gas monitoring systems
• demonstrate how to respond to alarms

Underpinning knowledge:

• familiarity with the operation and maintenance of valves (section
• fire and gas detection systems (section 5.6.1)
• how control systems work (section 5.6.3)
• familiarity with the operation of instrumentation/monitoring devices
(section 5.6.4)

Categories Applicable to: ASSIST, DO, MANAGE contractual

Competence required:

• understand the functions of bunkering control systems

• understand how the LNG transfer process can be monitored, by
whom and the equipment used
training & competence

• understand the philosophy of how the ESD system works and its
different means and levels of activation
• understand how to accurately read temperature instruments

© Society for Gas as a Marine Fuel 37

• understand how to accurately read pressure gauges
• understand how to accurately read level instruments

Underpinning knowledge

• how control systems work (section 5.6.3)

4.5.5. Managing tank level and pressure

Categories Applicable to: DO

Module summary:
On satisfactory completion of this module the trainee will be able to
manage tank level and pressure to ensure they do not exceed safe
operating limits.

Competence required:

• demonstrate an understanding of how to manage level and

pressure in a LNG tank during LNG transfer
• understand pressure and vacuum protection systems on LNG tanks
• understand the safe tank filling limit and how to calculate it
• understand the types of level gauges installed in LNG tanks, their
accuracy limits, and how to read them accurately
• understand the types of pressure gauges installed in LNG tanks, their
accuracy limits, and how to read them accurately
Underpinning knowledge:

• familiarity with the operation, calibration and maintenance of LNG

storage tanks (section 5.4.3)
• pressure-protection devices (section 5.4.6)
• storage tank operations (section 5.5.4)
• familiarity with the operation and maintenance of instrumentation/
monitoring devices (section 5.6.4)

© Society for Gas as a Marine Fuel 38

Transferring LNG
Cooling Down

LNG Transfer

ESD Systems

Control & Monitoring

Managing Tank Level

& Pressure
4.6. Draining, Purging, Disconnection and Storage

Draining, Purging, Disconnection & Storage

Draining, Purging, Disconnection & Storage

4.6.1. RESPOND
Draining, ASSIST
purging, DO storage
disconnection and MANAGE

Responding Applicable to: DO
to Emergencies
Managing Emergencies

Module summary: Responding to Emergencies

On satisfactory completion of this module Makingthe trainee

will be able to safely
drain, purge and disconnect the LNG transfer system after a transfer has
been completed.

Competence required:
Quantity & Quality
Quality & Quantity

• demonstrate how to isolate the LNGQuality
at the tanks
& Quantity
• understand the different methods of safely and effectively draining
and purging transferASSIST
lines without allowing
LNG or its vapour
to leak
into the environment
Port & Ship Specific Familiarisation
• demonstrate procedures to ensurePort,
LNG Ship is
and not trapped
equipment within
specific training sections
of the transfer system.
• demonstrate how to ensure/test that transfer lines are gas-free
before disconnection
• understand how to isolate and safely disconnect LNG transfer contractual
• understand how to correctly store/park LNG transfer equipment

Underpinning knowledge:

• the properties of inert gases (section 5.1.7)

training & competence

• mechanical handling systems (section 5.4.1)

• familiarity with the operation, calibration and maintenance of
equipment associated with the LNG transfer system (section 5.4.2)

© Society for Gas as a Marine Fuel 39

• familiarity with the operation and maintenance of valves (section 5.4.5)
• personal protective equipment (section 5.4.9)
• knowledge of equipment manufacturers’ operating manuals (section
• operations management – purging (section 5.5.2)
• pressurisation and depressurisation (section 5.5.3)
• operations management – draining (section 5.5.5)
• the principles of valves and physical isolation (section 5.5.6)

Categories Applicable to: ASSIST

Module summary:
On satisfactory completion of this module the trainee will be able to assist
in safely draining, purging and disconnecting the LNG transfer system
after a transfer has been completed.

Competence required:

• understand the different methods of safely and effectively draining

and purging transfer lines without allowing LNG or its vapour to leak
into the environment
• understand how to correctly store/park LNG transfer equipment
Underpinning knowledge:

• mechanical handling systems (section 5.4.1)

• familiarity with the operation of equipment associated with the LNG
transfer system (section 5.4.2)
• personal protective equipment (section 5.4.9)
• knowledge of equipment manufacturers’ operating manuals (section
• operations management – purging (section 5.5.2)
• pressurisation and depressurisation (section 5.5.3)
• operations management – draining (section 5.5.5)

© Society for Gas as a Marine Fuel 40

ESD Systems

Control & Monitoring

Managing Tank Level

& Pressure


Draining, Purging, Disconnection & Storage

Draining, Purging, Disconnection & Storage
4.7. Responding to Emergencies


Responding to Emergencies
Managing Emergencies

Responding to Emergencies

Making Safe

4.7.1. RESPOND
Managing ASSIST
emergencies DO MANAGE

Quantity & Quality

Categories Applicable to: MANAGE Quality & Quantity

Module summary: Quality & Quantity


On satisfactory completion of this module the trainee will be able to

detailed understanding ASSIST of the potential
DO hazards that may result
from a bunkering process involving LNG and how such hazards should

bePort & Ship
dealt Specific Familiarisation
Port, Ship and equipment specific training (excluded)

Competence required:

• demonstrate understanding of how to respond effectively to a variety

of potential hazardous events that may occur during bunkering
• understand the principles of escalation, in which one hazardous
event may lead to others
• understand the principles of emergency evacuation, and, where
appropriate, the role of temporary refuges, and how plans may need
to be modified for different weather, damage scenarios and by the
type of bunkering process
• understand when to evacuate to a muster point (or temporary refuge)
• understand the role and limitations of the local immediate
training & competence

responders and how to co-ordinate with, and when to hand over to,
the emergency services
• understand the need for realistic emergency drills and the process
for incorporating lessons learned in the contingency plan

© Society for Gas as a Marine Fuel 41

• understand how contingency plans should be prepared,
implemented and reviewed
• Understand the need for, and benefits of, recording and completing
any near-miss/hazardous event paperwork

Underpinning knowledge:

• the physics and chemistry of LNG (section 5.1.1)

• hazards of LNG (section 5.1.3)
• the impact of LNG on equipment and construction materials
(section 5.1.5)
• safety management systems (section 5.2.4)
• emergency procedures (section 5.7.1)
• contingency planning (section 5.7.3)

4.7.2. Responding to emergencies

Categories Applicable to: RESPOND, ASSIST, DO, MANAGE

Module summary:
On satisfactory completion of this module the trainee will be able to
identify hazardous scenarios and how to respond to these circumstances.

Competence required:

• describe how LNG liquid or vapour could be released into the

atmosphere during the bunkering process
• know how to activate the ESD system and when to activate it
• demonstrate knowledge of the emergency procedures
• know where the muster point (or temporary refuge) is located and
how to get there

Underpinning knowledge:

• hazards of LNG (section 5.1.3)

© Society for Gas as a Marine Fuel 42

• leak behaviour (section 5.1.4)
• emergency procedures (section 5.7.1)
4.7.3. Making Safe
Categories Applicable to: ASSIST, DO

Module summary:

On satisfactory completion of this module the trainee will be able to
identify hazardous scenarios and, if safe to do so, what actions to take to
reduce their impact

Competence required:

• understand how the ESD system works and how and when to
activate it
• understand the purpose and operation of the gas venting and LNG
discharge systems

• understand the potential hazards resulting from trapped volumes of
LNG and where they could occur
• know how to safely isolate the bunkering system to prevent any
release escalating
• know how to safely isolate potential ignition sources
• know how and when to start fixed and portable fire-fighting
• know how and when to fight a LNG fire contractual
• demonstrate knowledge of emergency procedures

Underpinning knowledge:

• the physics and chemistry of gas and LNG (section 5.1.1)

• hazards of LNG (section 5.1.3)
training & competence

• leak Behaviour (section 5.1.4)

• pressure protection devices (section 5.4.6)
• safety management (leak/spill) equipment (section 5.4.8)

© Society for Gas as a Marine Fuel 43

• operations management – isolation (section 5.5.6)
• emergency shut-down systems (section 5.6.2)
• the fire-fighting techniques and equipment that may be used with
LNG (section 5.7.2)
• the first aid action to be taken in the event of a person coming into
contact with LNG (section 5.7.4)

© Society for Gas as a Marine Fuel 44


Responding to Emergencies
Managing Emergencies

Responding to Emergencies

Making Safe

4.8. Quality and Quantity


Quantity & Quality

Quality & Quantity

Quality & Quantity


4.8.1. RESPOND
Quality ASSIST
and quantity management DO MANAGE

Categories Applicable
Port & Ship Specific to: MANAGE
Port, Ship and equipment specific training (excluded)

Module summary:
On satisfactory completion of this module the trainee will be able to
assess the amount of LNG transferred for commercial and governance

Competence required:

• understand the LNG quality certification provided prior to LNG
transfer, including the composition and energy quality terms, and be
able to determine whether the LNG is outside of specification and the
implications of this
• understand the units of measurement, calculations and the
accuracies required to confirm the amount and quality of LNG
Underpinning knowledge: contractual

• familiarity with the operation and maintenance of instrumentation/

monitoring devices (section 5.6.4)
• the transfer measurement process (section 5.8.1)
• fuel quality management (section 5.8.2)
training & competence

4.8.2. Quality and quantity measurement

Categories Applicable to: DO

© Society for Gas as a Marine Fuel 45

Module summary:
On satisfactory completion of this module the trainee will be able to
assess the amount of LNG transferred and complete supporting records.

Competence required:

• understand the principles of the transfer measurement process

• demonstrate understanding of the information required to be
recorded for quality and quantity purposes
• understand the principles of operation of and the operating
procedures for the various types of flow, level and weight measuring
equipment that may be encountered
• understand the types of temperature instruments installed, potential
sources of inaccuracy, and how to read them accurately
• understand the types of pressure gauges installed, potential sources
of inaccuracy, and how to read them accurately
• understand the types of level instruments installed, potential sources
of inaccuracy, and how to read them accurately
Underpinning knowledge:

• familiarity with the operation and maintenance of instrumentation/

monitoring devices (section 5.6.4)
• the transfer measurement process (section 5.8.1)

© Society for Gas as a Marine Fuel 46

Responding to Emergencies

Making Safe


Quantity & Quality

Quality & Quantity

Quality & Quantity

4.9. Port and/or Ship Specific Operations

Port & Ship Specific Familiarisation

Port, Ship and equipment specific training (excluded)

SGMF would expect that “localised” and “equipment specific” competence
modules (based on the appropriate underpinning knowledge) would be
developed to be equivalent to the generic modules previously described.

Categories Applicable to: MANAGE

Module Summary:
Familiarisation with specific items of port/ship rules and regulations
and where necessary manufacturer equipment through manuals and
manufacturer training courses.

Competence required:

• understand the impact of port/ship rules and regulations on the job

role of the individual staff member
• understand the LNG bunkering operations allowed in the port and
the risk assessments required to support these
• where required for a particular role, and where implemented in the
local area, understand the concept and limitations of permit-to-work
(or similar) schemes on how staff should perform their individual contractual
work tasks
• understand the SIMOPS allowed in the port and the risk assessments
required to support these
• demonstrate a familiarity with the layouts of ships and ports and their
respective safety and security measures
Underpinning knowledge:
training & competence

• an understanding of port rules/regulations

• an understanding of how to recognise, and correctly respond to, an
emergency situation

© Society for Gas as a Marine Fuel 47

Categories Applicable to: DO

Module Summary:
Familiarisation with specific items of equipment and operating procedures
through manufacturer equipment manuals and training courses.

Competence required:

• understand how to safely and responsibly operate any equipment

(for example, vehicle driving, crane operation, etc.) that their role
• demonstrate familiarity with equipment capability, layout, and safety
and security measures
Underpinning knowledge:

• an understanding of port rules/regulations

• an understanding of how to recognise, and correctly respond to, an
emergency situation
• an understanding of appropriate equipment manufacturer manuals
and training course materials

This section covers the knowledge that is required by individuals to

support the competencies previously identified. It identifies the subjects
that need to be studied. The subsections deal with general industry
practices and are not specific to particular manufacturers or vessel, truck,
rail car and/or port configurations. Guidance on how these training areas
may be assessed will be provided in a separate document.

© Society for Gas as a Marine Fuel 48

5. Underpinning Knowledge
5.1. Fundamental Knowledge
5.1.1. The physics and chemistry of gas and LNG
• the gas laws and how they apply to LNG operations
• the physics related to the change of state of liquids
o latent heat

o heat and energy transfer
o refrigeration and liquefaction of gases
o critical temperature
o diffusion and mixing of gases
o the meaning of dew point
o the behaviour of cold gas clouds
o the causes of rollover and resulting effects

5.1.2. The impact of LNG liquid and vapour on the environment
• the performance of gas-fuelled engines compared with oil-fuelled
engines with regard to emissions
o CO2
o NOx
o SOx
o particulate matter (PM)
• the greenhouse gas emissions role of methane contractual

5.1.3. Hazards of LNG

• Cryogenic hazards
o hypothermia and frostbite
o cold burns
training & competence

• Flammability hazards
o explosive and flammable limits (LFL/LEL and UFL/UEL)
o flash point

© Society for Gas as a Marine Fuel 49

o auto-ignition temperature
o jet fires
o pool fires
o flash fires
o vapour cloud explosions
o BLEVE events
• Oxygen deficiency
• Product data sheets

5.1.4. Leak Behaviour

• the behaviour of gas/LNG in the event of a leak
o liquid pools
o dense gas clouds, heavier than air (until warmed)
o wind direction
o the cause and effect of “rapid phase transition”

5.1.5. The impact of LNG on equipment and construction materials

• the impact of cryogenic conditions on (construction) materials,
including selection and failure modes
• how materials contract when their temperature reduces and the
meaning of the term “co-efficient of expansion”
• the location of materials used
• repair methods, including the importance of using the correct
replacement materials
• the effect on materials/equipment when cooled
• how LNG and water interact
• how water and moisture may block transfer systems internally by the
creation of ice

© Society for Gas as a Marine Fuel 50

5.1.6. How static and electrical equipment can cause sparks
and ignition
• how electrical equipment causes sparks
• the causes of static
• the definition of hazardous zones

5.1.7. The properties of inert gases (including nitrogen)
• the definition of an inert gas
• oxygen content
• gaseous nature (asphyxiation)
• moisture content

5.2. Corporate Governance and Management Systems

5.2.1. International rules, regulations and guidance covering bunkering

• LNG as fuel – for example, MARPOL Annex VI, the IGF Code and
codes covering inland waterways
• LNG transfer via port rules and the ISM Code
• LNG supply from road tankers and containers, bunker vessels and
bunkering at LNG terminals
• LNG classification rules and the guidance provided by ship-yards,
Class societies and equipment suppliers
• guidance from industry bodies such as SGMF, ISO, OCIMF and SIGTTO contractual

5.2.2. Risk assessment

• elements of an assessment
• how to identify hazards
• how to determine risk
training & competence

• how to establish likelihood and severity

• how to decide if risk is tolerable
• how to prepare a risk-control action plan

© Society for Gas as a Marine Fuel 51

5.2.3. The responsibilities surrounding owned and leased equipment
• knowledge of the responsibilities resulting from the legal principle of
duty of care regarding the safeguarding of others from harm
• knowledge of regulatory and procurement processes for owned/
rented equipment
• knowledge of equipment manufacturers’ operating manuals
• knowledge of the principles of mechanical handling and the
associated dangers of performing LNG transfer without mechanical
• knowledge of how the LNG transfer system must be supported to
avoid excessive stresses in the hose, breakaway coupling, connector
and manifolds
• knowledge of appropriate response/reaction if defects are noted in
equipment or documentation
• knowledge of how the various safety detection devices work and are

5.2.4. Safety management system

• overview of corporate safety management systems and how
corporate-level policies are translated into ship/operating unit-
specific documentation
• techniques and methodologies to ensure effective risk management
• the need to manage any change to ensure continued safety
requirements are met and that any changes are implemented in a
controlled manner
• the importance of recording information on safety incidents and
near-misses to promote understanding, learning and improved
performance in the future
• safe staffing levels for the tasks to be undertaken

5.2.5. Operations procedures

• the role of operations procedures and the legal framework that they

© Society for Gas as a Marine Fuel 52

• the content of the various operations procedures and where they
may be located
• the need to follow operational procedures
• the need to manage any change to the operations procedures in a
controlled manner

5.3. Organisation and Management
5.3.1. Communication and team working
• the chain of command
• the importance of communication methodologies and practices, and
the methods of obtaining feedback to confirm that communication
has been understood
• pre-transfer meetings
o purpose

o content
• checklists and how they should be used to be effective
o Ship/shore safety check-list (or similar)

5.3.2. Roles and responsibilities during bunkering

• the LNG supplier
• the bunker delivery company
• the LNG receiver
• the port authority
• independent surveyors

5.4. Familiarity with the Operation, Calibration and

Maintenance of Equipment and Instrumentation
training & competence

5.4.1. Mechanical handling

• knowledge of the type of mechanical handling devices that might be
used in LNG bunkering

© Society for Gas as a Marine Fuel 53

• knowledge of the principles of mechanical handling and the dangers
associated with operating transfer equipment without adequate
mechanical support

5.4.2. The LNG transfer system

• knowledge of the components that make up a LNG transfer system
and the principles of their operation:
o flexible hoses
o articulated hard arms
o fixed pipework on the vessel or ashore
o breakaway and emergency release couplings,
o transfer system/manifold connectors,
o manifold arrangements
• an understanding of the failure modes that may lead to failure of

5.4.3. LNG storage tanks

• the types of LNG storage tank used for bunkering:
o construction and installation for each type
• the classification of tanks
• the details of Type C and examples
• the details of Type B and examples
• the details of Type A and examples
• the details of integral or membrane tanks and examples
• the operating requirements for each type
• the operating restrictions for each type

5.4.4. LNG pumps

• pump operation
o head versus flow characteristics
o net positive suction head (NPSH) requirements

© Society for Gas as a Marine Fuel 54

o specific issues around pumping a boiling liquid such as LNG, for
example cavitation, starting, and re-starting
• the types of LNG pumps used for bunkering:
o construction and installation for each type
o operating requirements for each type

o operating restrictions for each type

5.4.5. Valves
• the types of valves used in LNG and gas systems for
o isolation
o control
• their design features
• their operating requirements

o prevention of surge pressures
• maintenance requirements
• the problems that can occur – leakage

5.4.6. Pressure-protection devices

• pressure-release valves and systems
o the types
o how they are designed and operated contractual
o limitations
o the problems that can occur

5.4.7. Electrical equipment in hazardous areas

• hazardous area classification (zones and different gases)
training & competence

o the various categories of safe-type electrical equipment

o the role of standards in regulating the safe use of electrical

© Society for Gas as a Marine Fuel 55

o how to identify that an electrical item is safe for use in a
hazardous area

5.4.8. Safety management (leak/spill) equipment

• water curtains
• drip trays
o recommended practice
o draining procedures
• CCTV/monitoring equipment
• overfill protection methods
• fire-fighting equipment

5.4.9. Personal protective equipment

• clothing
• personal monitors

5.4.10. Equipment manufacturers’ operating manuals

• the content of equipment manufacturers’ operating and
maintenance manuals for each item of equipment
• the importance of referring to equipment-specific rather than generic

5.5. Bunkering Operations

5.5.1. Pre-bunkering activities
• the compatibility of the receiving vessel’s manifold with the LNG
transfer system
• the compatibility of the LNG supplier’s equipment with the LNG
transfer system
• the completion of appropriate pre-bunkering check lists
• the purpose of the pre-transfer meeting and the need for both the
receiver and bunkerer to sign off each other’s check-lists

© Society for Gas as a Marine Fuel 56

5.5.2. Operations management – purging
• the purpose and importance of the purging operations before and
after an LNG transfer
• the potential safety, operational and fiscal outcomes of incorrect or
ineffective purging processes

5.5.3. Pressurisation and depressurisation
• pressurisation processes
o the reasons for controlling pressurisation rate
o pressurisation processes and related testing
o pressure protection
• depressurisation processes
o the Joule-Thomson cooling effect and how equipment

temperatures may reduce significantly
• vacuum
• fatigue in LNG tanks

5.5.4. Storage tank operations

• operating requirements
o tank temperature management
• pressure management contractual
o the effect of mixing LNG volumes of different compositions
o vapour return
o the use of on-board consumers
o spraying LNG within the tank
• level management
training & competence

• protection devices
• alarm set points and actions

© Society for Gas as a Marine Fuel 57

5.5.5. Operations management – draining
• the methods of draining lines prior to disconnection
o the methods and precautions related to safe liquid-freeing of
lines and connections
o the methods and precautions related to safe gas-freeing of lines
and connections prior to disconnection
o safety issues arising from ineffective draining or gas-freeing

5.5.6. Operations management – isolation

• the methods of safely isolating lines and equipment with reference to:
o avoiding trapping of liquid
o ensuring safe disconnection
o ensuring safe conditions on completion of a transfer operation

5.6. Control and Monitoring

5.6.1. Fire and gas detection systems
• operating principles
o the suitability of different types of gas detectors for different
environmental applications
• the purpose, operating procedures, limitations and calibration
requirements of each type of leak detector
o O2 analyser
o % LEL detector
o % gas volume detector
o dew point meter
o CO2 meter
o chemical tubes
o low temperature detectors

© Society for Gas as a Marine Fuel 58

o infra-red
o ultra-violet

5.6.2. Emergency Shut-Down (ESD) systems

• their purpose

• their operating principles
• their connection arrangements
• operational considerations related to both linked and stand-alone
• actions when triggered

5.6.3. How control systems work

• an overview of how control systems for bunkering work
• an overview of how different control systems interact

• control functions
• control elements
• alarms and trips

5.6.4. Instrumentation/monitoring devices

• temperature measurement

o types
o limitations
o alarm set-points
• pressure measurement
training & competence

© Society for Gas as a Marine Fuel 59

o types
o limitations
o alarm set-points and actions
• level measurement
o The principles of operation for each type
• float
• radar/LiDAR (light detection and ranging)
o the operating requirements for each type
o the limitations for each type
o the maintenance requirements for each type
o alarm set-points and actions

5.7. Non Standard and Emergency Operations

5.7.1. Emergency procedures
• the effective use of contingency plans
• the importance of effective drills and post-drill discussions

5.7.2. The fire-fighting techniques and equipment that may be used

with LNG
• the use of high-expansion foam
• the use of dry powder
• the danger of re-ignition
• the heat intensity of LNG fires
• the potential dangers of extinguishing a fire before stopping the leak
• process isolation and draining
• water-spray protection
• the use of water curtains to inhibit the drifting of cold gas clouds
towards sensitive areas

© Society for Gas as a Marine Fuel 60

5.7.3. Contingency planning
• the role of contingency planning in normal and non-standard and
emergency operations

5.7.4. The first aid action to be taken in the event of a person coming
into contact with LNG

• skin contact
• inhalation
• ingestion

5.8. Commercial Considerations

5.8.1. The fuel transfer process
• fuel transfer procedures, including accurate record keeping

5.8.2. Fuel quality management
• the importance of custody transfer systems and how they work
o how to operate LNG quantity and quality measurement
o achievable levels of accuracy of LNG quantity and quality
measurement equipment and how to maintain these through
calibration and testing
• the composition of LNG contractual
• the impact of LNG composition on engine performance
• LNG quality certification and contractual documents and calculations
training & competence

© Society for Gas as a Marine Fuel 61

6. Modules and Responsibilities
by Role
6.1. The RESPOND Role

People who are occasionally involved with LNG, whether as liquid or

vapour, need a degree of familiarisation with what to do and what
not to do. The RESPOND training aims to fulfil these aims. RESPOND
training would be expected to cover the following areas/concepts and

• what LNG is
• hazards of LNG
• evacuation procedures
• basic LNG safety measures
• when and how to contact the emergency services
• how to initiate an Emergency Shut-Down (ESD)
• the importance of reporting any incidents or near-misses

Training is likely to be short and will depend on the role of the individual
and how often he or she is involved with LNG. Parallels with other
industries include: the safety briefing from airline crews for passengers;
abandon-ship instructions for cruise line passengers; and informational
safety videos produced by many major industrial facilities for visitors and
temporary workers. The latter often exist in several forms to ensure that
training is appropriate to the role being undertaken, particularly if this
involves working in hazardous areas. The difference in this scenario is
that some form of test is required to ensure the trainee has understood
the information provided.

For example, several LNG import terminals use videos supported by

multiple-choice questions to assess understanding. The length and depth
of the video depends on the role that the individual is about to play. This
training is usually supervised by security staff on first arrival at the site and
then at specific time intervals thereafter.

© Society for Gas as a Marine Fuel 62


Operating & Regulatory Operating

Framework Fra

Ensuring a safe environment Ensuring a s

Understanding own role and
responsibilities during bunkering Comm

Checking Equipment Understand
as “Fit For Purpose” responsibilitie

Personal protection
“Fit Fo
Connection & Function
Testing of the LNG Safety

Transfer System

Transferring LNG
Connection &
of the LNG T
Drain, Disconnect & Store
Purging &

Responding to Emergencies
Responding to Emergencies

Drain, Disc
Quantity & Quality
& Storin

training & competence

Port & Ship Specific Familiarisation

Port, Ship and equipment
specific training (excluded)

© Society for Gas as a Marine Fuel 63 Quantit

6.2. The ASSIST Role

ASSIST training is aimed at people who are involved with the transfer of
LNG/gas but only under the supervision of a more competent person.
One such role might be to perform a visual watch for leaks during the
bunkering process or to assist with the handling and/or connection of the
LNG transfer equipment. ASSIST training would be expected to cover the
following areas/concepts and behaviours

• an understanding of their own role

• understand the behaviour of LNG and BOG
• understand mechanical handling principles
• understand how to connect and disconnect the transfer system to the
• understand the need for and how to wear Personal Protective
Equipment (PPE)
• an understanding of the need for effective and timely communication

© Society for Gas as a Marine Fuel 64


g & Regulatory Operating & Regulatory Operating & Regulatory Framew

amework Framework Bunkering Safety &
Operating Procedures

safe environment Ensuring a safe environment Ensuring a safe environme

ding own role and
es during bunkering Communication Risk Assess for safety

g Equipment Understanding own role and Communication

For Purpose” responsibilities during bunkering
Understanding of the roles and

responsibilities of the various partie
al protection
Checking Equipment as
“Fit For Purpose” Understanding own role and
responsibilities during bunkering
on & Function
g of the LNG Safety Equipment
Preparation for LNG Transfer
fer System
Personal protection
Checking Equipment as
ferring LNG “Fit For Purpose”
Connection & Function Testing
of the LNG Transfer System Examine transfer system for
damage & wear
Connection of the LNG
Transfer System
Electrical hazards
connect & Store

Purging & Leak Testing Mechanical Handling &
Support Devices

Transferring LNG Safety Equipment

to Emergencies
Control & Monitoring
g to Emergencies Personal protection

Drain, Disconnect & Store Connection & Function Test

ty & Quality
Draining, disconnection of the LNG Transfer Syste
& Storing Equipment
Connection of the LNG
Transfer System
Responding to Emergencies contractual
ecific Familiarisation Purging & Leak testing
Making Safe
p and equipment
aining (excluded)
Responding to Emergencies

Quantity & Quality

training & competence

Port & Ship Specific Familiarisation

Port, Ship and equipment
specific training (excluded)

© Society for Gas as a Marine Fuel 65

6.3. The DO Role

DO training is aimed at people who perform the transfer of LNG/gas. The

individual must understand how LNG behaves, how to confirm that the
transfer equipment is fit for purpose, and how to connect the equipment
for a safe and leak-free fuel transfer. The trainee must also understand
the roles of other people involved in the transfer process and be able to
provide sufficient supervision over and communication with these other

DO training would be expected to cover the following areas/concepts

and behaviours:

Supervisory Role

• understand and be able to follow the operating manual

• be able to perform a risk assessment for each bunkering
• understand the roles of others in bunkering and how to
communicate effectively with them
• be able to ensure the safety of the LNG transfer process
• understand the LNG tank design and its limitations
• avoid venting of LNG vapour

Practical Tasks

• how to perform and record measurements

• how to confirm the transfer system is fit-for-purpose – compatible
and undamaged
• how to connect the transfer system correctly so that there no leaks
• how to ensure the ESD system is connected and working correctly
• how to start and stop LNG transfer
• how to effectively supervise people working in the ASSIST role

© Society for Gas as a Marine Fuel 66


Operating & Regulatory Framework Transferring LNG

Bunkering Safety &
Operating Procedures Cooling Down

LNG Transfer
Ensuring a safe environment

Risk Assess for safety ESD Systems

Communication Control & Monitoring

Understanding of the roles and Managing Tank pressure

responsibilities of the various parties

Understanding own role and

responsibilities during bunkering Drain, Disconnect & Store

Draining, disconnection &

Preparation for LNG Transfer

Storing Equipment

Checking Equipment as Responding to Emergencies

“Fit For Purpose”
Examine transfer system for Making Safe
damage & wear
Responding to Emergencies
Electrical hazards

Mechanical Handling & Quantity & Quality

Support Devices
Q&Q Measurement contractual
Safety Equipment

Personal protection
Port & Ship Specific Familiarisation
Port, Ship and equipment
specific training (excluded)
Connection & Function Testing
of the LNG Transfer System
training & competence

Connection of the LNG

Transfer System

Purging & Leak testing

© Society for Gas as a Marine Fuel 67

6.4. The MANAGE Role

MANAGE training is aimed at people who are legally responsible for the
transfer of LNG/gas but do not necessarily take part in the practicalities
of the transfer, for example connecting the hose or opening and closing
valves (tasks covered by DO training).

The individual must be able to understand the regulations at the LNG

transfer location and to ensure that the transfer process takes place within
these restrictions. The main concepts here would be interpreting the
regulations to ensure the operating manual is appropriate, risk assessing
any changes and the impact of other simultaneous operations, ensuring
that people in the DO and ASSIST roles are competent and understand
any special procedures for a transfer, ensuring that all parties agree
when and how the LNG transfer should take place, and ensure that all
equipment under their control is designed, operated and maintained to
appropriate standards.

MANAGE training would be expected to cover the following areas/

concepts and behaviours:

• understand local rules and regulations and their impact on ships,

LNG transfers and emergency operational plans, and how to ensure
that the law is complied with
• provide appropriate training for staff to ensure they comprehend and
follow manuals, procedures and any special instructions
• ensure equipment is properly designed, modified, installed and
• ensure that personnel at DO and ASSIST grades are appropriately
trained and experienced
• risk assess any modifications to equipment or procedures/processes
required for each location and any simultaneous operations
• reporting, analysing and recommending changes in response to
incidents and near-misses

© Society for Gas as a Marine Fuel 68

• obtaining permission to bunker and communicating effectively with
all parties involved
• completing LNG transfer paperwork


Operating & Regulatory Framework Transferring LNG

Regulatory Environment ESD Systems

Organisation and Management Control & Monitoring

Ensuring a safe environment

Drain, Disconnect & Store
Risk Assess for safety

Responding to Emergencies

Understanding of the roles
and responsibilities of the Managing Emergencies
various parties

Understanding own role and

responsibilities during bunkering Responding to Emergencies

Preparation for LNG Transfer

Quantity & Quality

Checking Equipment as Q&Q Management

“Fit For Purpose”
Duty of Care on own equipment contractual
Electrical hazards
Port & Ship Specific Familiarisation

Safety Equipment
Port, Ship and equipment
specific training (excluded)
Personal protection
training & competence

Connection & Function

Testing of the LNG Transfer

© Society for Gas as a Marine Fuel 69

SPECIALIST training is aimed at people who will be providing specialist
services to enable a bunker facility to operate safely, and in an
environmentally responsible manner, in a particular location. A non-
exhaustive list of suggested roles would include:

• medical staff ranging from emergency doctors in local or regional

hospitals to local first-aiders who need to be familiar with the causes
of and treatments for injuries resulting from contract with cryogenic
• land-based fire-fighters, salvors, lifeboat crews and tug captains
required to assist with the management of any spills and/or fires
involving LNG (fire training for mariners is covered by STCW)
• maintenance (and operating) staff working on specialist equipment
needing knowledge from the equipment manufacturer
• jetty staff (including line handlers) who may be called on to assist
during ship movements
• staff in ferry terminals or on board passenger vessels responsible for
mustering and mass evacuation
• people sampling and analysing LNG for quality purposes
• ship-repair and/or inspection staff working on a ship that is gas-
live, where special precautions are required to work within active
hazardous zones and gassed-up or LNG-containing systems

© Society for Gas as a Marine Fuel 70

8. BESPOKE Roles
BESPOKE roles in the LNG bunkering business that may benefit from
combinations of the competence modules described in this report could

• ship-owners/operators marine superintendent

• classification society surveyors

• port and flag state personnel
• local authority permitting staff and auditors

training & competence

© Society for Gas as a Marine Fuel 71

© SGMF – www.sgmf.info - office@sgmf.info
ISBN Number: 978-0-9933164-3-2

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