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Diesel High Speed Diesel Specifications

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DIESEL FUELS DEFINITION A diesel fuel is any fuel suitable for burning in diesel or compression ignition engines.

Petroleum diesel fuels may be distillates and residual fuels. In a compression ignition engine, air alone is drawn into the cylinder and compressed until it is hot (about 500C). At this stage, finely atomised fuel is injected at a very high pressure, which is ignited by the heat of compression and hence the term compression ignition (C.I.). A spark ignition engine on the other hand, relies upon a carburetor to supply into the cylinder a mixture of gasoline vapour and air, which after compression, is ignited by a spark. The average compression ratio of a diesel engine is much higher (about 15:1) than that of a gasoline engine (about 8:1). This is the reason for the higher thermal efficiency of the diesel engine (about 35% as compared to about 25% of the gasoline engine) which makes for economy in operation.

NOMENCLATURE Two main grades of diesel fuel are marketed in India, High Speed Diesel (HSD) and Light Diesel Oil (LDO). The former is a 100% distillate fuel while the latter is a blend of distillate fuel with a small proportion of residual fuel.

SPECIFICATIONS HSD is currently marketed meeting Bureau of Indian Standards Specifications, IS 1460:2005 Specification for Diesel Fuels and AMENDMENT NO. 2 MARCH 2010 IS 1460: 2005 specification for diesel fuel.

From 1st April, 2010, 13 cities in India, Diesel fuel meeting Bharat Stage IV norms is available and in rest of country Diesel fuel meeting Bharat Stage III norms. The 13 designated cities cities are Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, Kolkata, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Ahmedabad, Pune, Surat, Kanpur, Lucknow, Sholapur, and Agra. END USE HSD is normally used as a fuel for high speed diesel engines operating above 750 r.p.m. i.e. buses, lorries, generating sets, locomotive, pumping sets etc. Gas Turbines requiring distillate fuels normally make use of HSD as fuel. LDO is used for diesel engines, generally of the stationary type operating below 750 r.p.m. There are two grades of HSD, being marketed by Bharat Petroleum. These are HSD normal and Hi-SPEED a premium branded HSD fuel.

Hi-Speed: Hi-Speed Diesel contains detergents that enhance combustion through a process of cleaning up of fuel injectors that are blocked with harmful deposits. This improves spray pattern and prevents the injectors from dribbling with diesel. These detergents not only clean the injectors but also prevent the formation of new deposits making it work as good as new, every time. By cleaning up these deposits the detergent additive restore and sustain original performance leading to increased power and better acceleration. The higher cetane number of 53 of Hi Speed Diesel ensures that it burns more smoothly and completely there by reducing exhaust emission, engine vibration and resultant noise as compared to normal diesel.

Hi-Speed HSD is currently marketed meeting Bureau of Indian Standards Specifications, IS 1460:20005 Specification for Diesel Fuels and AMENDMENT NO. 2 MARCH 2010 IS 1460: 2005 specification for diesel fuel.

SIGNIFICANCE OF PROPERTIES 1. Ignition Quality When fuel is injected into the combustion chamber of a diesel engine, ignition does not occur immediately. The interval between the commencement of fuel injection and the commencement of combustion is known as the Ignition delay and is a measure of the ignition quality of the fuel. This delay period depends on the nature of the fuel, the engine design and on the operating conditions. If the delay is too long, the engine may be hard to start and when the accumulated fuel does ignite, the rate of pressure rise may be so great that it causes roughness or diesel knock. The effects of diesel knock are similar to the effects of knocking in gasoline engines viz. loss of efficiency and power output and a possibility of mechanical damage to the engine if the knocking is prolonged. 2. Cetane Number The most accurate method of assessing the ignition quality of a diesel fuel is by measuring its cetane number in a test engine, the higher the cetane number the higher the ignition quality. The cetane number of a fuel is defined as the percentage of cetane, arbitrarily a cetane number of 100, in a blend with alphamethyl-naphthaline (cetane number-0) which is equivalent in ignition quality to that of the test fuel. 3. Diesel Index The cetane method of expressing ignition quality presupposes the availability of a standard engine, reference fuels and also tends to be somewhat time-consuming and expensive. Hence alternative tests, such as Diesel Index, is often used for routine control purposes. The diesel index of a fuel is a non-fundamental property, which is calculated from the following formula: D.I. = Aniline Point (F) x A.P.I.Gravity 100

A.P.I, (American Petroleum Institute), gravity is calculated from specific gravity (s.g.) as follows: API Gravity = 141.5 - 131.5 s.g. @ 60/60F Aniline point is the lowest temperature at which the fuel is completely soluble in an equal volume of pure dry aniline (a chemical liquid). A diesel fuel is a mixture of aromatics, napthenes and paraffins, which are the three basic types of hydrocarbons found in petroleum. Aromatics have low aniline point therefore low diesel indices and poor ignition quality, paraffins, on the other hand, have relatively high aniline points and good ignition quality. Naphthenes are intermediate in ignition quality. There is a fair degree of correlation between cetane number and diesel index, the latter being generally higher by about 3 to 5 numbers throughout the entire range. This correlation breaks down if fuels of widely different composition are compared and also in the case of fuels containing ignition additives or dopes. These additives are known as cetane number is checked in a standard engine. 4. Viscosity Defined simply, viscosity means resistance to flow or movement. In metric system, centistoke is the unit for its measurement. It is function of time taken in seconds for a given volume of oil to flow through a calibrated viscometer under specified conditions. Viscosity depends on temperature and decreases as the temperature increases, so no numerical value has any meaning unless the temperature is specified. In the case of diesel fuels, low viscosity may give rise to: (i) (ii) (iii) Leakage of fuel from pumps and injectors. Abnormal rate of wear of the moving parts of pumps and injectors owing to lack of lubricity. Too fine a degree of atomisation with the result that the fuel will not penetrate sufficiently far into the compressed air in the cylinder to give the food mixing essential for efficient combustion. Overheating of the injector owing to the concentration of the fuel spray and hence the flame in a relatively small area around the injector nozzle.


If the viscosity of the fuel is too high, it will impede the flow of fuel to the pump, giving rise to poor atomisation and excessive penetration with inefficient combustion of fuel. Suitable lower and upper limits are therefore specified for viscosity of diesel fuels. 5. Carbon Residue Different fuels have different tendencies to crack and leave carbon deposits when heated under similar conditions. This property is normally measured by the Conradson or the Ramsbottom coke tests. In these tests, a sample of the fuel is heated without contact with air under specified conditions and the weight of carbon residue remaining after the test is expressed as a percentage of the weight of the sample.

Broadly speaking the Ramsbottom carbon value appears to indicate fairly well, the tendency to form carbonaceous deposits on the injector tip of a diesel engine. This can become a serious problem in high speed engines and hence, a stringent limit is placed on Ramsbottom carbon in the case of HSD Oil. 6. Volatility As a rule, the higher the viscosity of a liquid fuel, the lower its volatility. Therefore provided the viscosity lies within specified limits, a satisfactory volatility is automatically ensured. However, the percentage recovered at some particular temperature e.g. 366C, is specified in the case of HSD mainly to control engine fouling due to incomplete combustion of the higher boiling components. 7. Total Sulphur This is significant because it governs the amount of sulphur oxides formed during combustion. Water from combustion of fuel collects on the cylinder walls, whenever the engine operates at low jacket temperatures. Under such conditions, sulphurous and sulphuric acids are formed, which attack the cylinder walls and piston rings, promote corrosion and thus cause increased engine wear and deposits. The above effects can to some extent be overcome by the use of lubricants containing alkaline additives. If the diesel fuel is refined from a very high sulphur crude, it may become necessary to desulphurise it before marketing. Total sulphur is expressed as a percentage of the weight of the fuel sample. 8. Corrosive Sulphur It is important that diesel fuels shall be free of these sulphur compounds which in themselves attack metal parts of the engine or the fuel system. This characteristic is tested by the Copper Strip Corrosion Test, a severe discoloration or pitting of the polished strip indicating the presence of corrosive sulphur compounds in the fuel. 9. Total Acidity This should be low in order that corrosion of melts in contact with the fuel during storage and distribution is minimised. 10. Inorganic or Mineral Acidity Where diesel fuels are treated with mineral acid as part of the refining procedure, traces of mineral acid remaining in the final product would obviously be undesirable. However, zero limit is usually specified for this property. 11. Organic Acidity This is due to acids of the naphthenic type, which are constituents of crude petroleum. Their presence in small amount is not necessarily an indication of improper refining or poor quality. Although much weaker than mineral acids, they may attack galvanised metal and this is why the use of galvanised containers for the storage of diesel fuels is not recommended.

12. Ash Content Ash is a measure of the incombustible material present in a fuel and is expressed as a percentage of the weight of the fuel sample. In the case of distillate fuels, it usually consists of rust, tank scale or sand, which settles out readily. Blends of distillate and residual fuel, e.g. LDO may additionally contain metal oxide derived from oil soluble and insoluble metallic compounds. Ash is significant because it can give rise to deposit problems such as abrasion, malfunctioning of injectors and high temperature corrosion, particularly with residual fuels. 13. Sediment and Water These are obviously undesirable contaminants and should be as low as possible. The higher the specific gravity and viscosity of a fuel, the grater the quantities of water and sediment it can hold in suspension. Large quantities of sediment can affect the combustion of the fuel, and if abrasive, my cause excessive wear of closely fitting parts of fuel pumps and injectors. It may also clog filers and build up deposits in tanks and piping. 14. Pour Point The pour point of a fuel is the lowest temperature at which it will pour or flow when chilled under prescribed conditions. It is a very rough indication of the lowest temperature at which a given fuel can be readily pumped. However, since practical conditions are quite different from those under which the laboratory test is conducted, many fuels can be pumped at temperatures well below their laboratory pour point. Sometimes the cloud point is measured. This is the temperature at which paraffin was begins to crystallise or separate from solution when the fuel is chilled under prescribed conditions. This may settle out in the fuel system and cause blockage of filters leading to malfunctioning or stalling of the engine. 15. Cold Filter Plugging Point The cold filter plugging point (CFPP) is defied as the highest temperature at which the fuel, when cooled under prescribed conditions, either will not flow through the filter (45 microns) or will require more than 60 seconds for 20 ml to pass through. This is the temperature at which wax crystals begin to cause blockage of filters. 16. Flash Point This has no bearing on performance but is important largely from the point of view of safety in handling the fuel and minimum values are usually specified in the specification. The flash point of High Speed Diesel is stipulated as min. 35C and thus it falls under the category of class B of petroleum products. While other diesel fuels have flash point of min. 66C and hence fall in the category of class C of petroleum products.


Sl. No.



(1) i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) vii)

(2) Acidity, inorganic Acidity, total, mg of KOH/g, Max Ash, percent by mass, Max Carbon residue (Ramsbottom) on 10 percent residue1), percent by mass, Max Cetane number, Min Cetane index, Min Pour point4) , Max a) Winter b) Summer Copper strip corrosion for 3 hr at 100C Distillation, percent v/v, recovered at 360C, Min Flash Point* : a) Abel, C, Min b) Pensky Martens closed cup5),C Min Kinematic viscosity cSt, at 40C Sediment, percent by mass, Max Total contamination, mg/kg. Max Density at 15C6), kg/m3 Total sulphur8) , mg/kg, Max

(3) Nil To report 0.01 0.30 513) 463) 3C 15C Not worse than No.1 95

Test Method [P:] of IS 1448/ISO/ASTM (4) [P :2] [P :2] [P:4]/ISO 6245 [P:8]/ISO 10370 [P:9]/ISO 5165 D 4737/ISO 4264 [P:10]/D 5949 or D 5950 or D 5985 [P:15]/ISO 2160 [P:18]/ISO 3405

viii) ix) x)

xi) xii) xiii) xiv)

35 66 2.0 to 4.5 24 820-845




Water content percent (v/v) Water content, mg/kg, Max Cold Filter Plugging Point (CFPP)4), Max a) Winter b) Summer Oxidation stability, g/m3, Max Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon (PAH) percent by mass, Max Lubricity corrected wear scar diameter (wsd 1.4) at 60C, microns, Max Oxygen content11), percent by mass, Max

200 6C 18C 25 11 460 0.6


[P:20] [P:21] [P:25]/ISO 3104 [P:30] EN 12662 [P:16] or [P:32]7)/D4052/ISO 3675 or ISO 12185 IP 336 or D 42949) ISO 14596 or ISO 8754 /[P:83]/D 2785/D 5433/D 2622/D 3120 [P:40]/ISO 3733/ISO6296 ISO 12937 [P:110]/D 6371

xviii) xix) xx) xxi)


ISO 12205 or ASTM D 2274 IP 391 or EN 12916 ISO 12156-1 Annex B

This limit is applicable prior to addition of ignition improver, if used. In case a value exceeding the limit is obtained on finished fuels in the market, ASTM D 4046/ISO 13759 shall be used to establish the presence of nitrate containing compound. In such case the present limit for

carbon residue cannot be applied. However, the use of ignition improver does not exempt the manufacturer from meeting this requirement prior to the addition of additives. 3) For fuel processed from Assam crude, Cetane number & Cetane index is relaxed by 3 units. 4) Winter shall be the period from November to February in central and northern plains of India (both months inclusive) and rest of the months of the year shall be called as summer. 5) Applicable for Naval applications and fishing vessels requiring High Flash Automotive Diesel Fuel. 6) For fuel processed from Assam crude, the density range is relaxed to 820-855. 7) In case of dispute, IS 1448 [P:32] shall be the referee test method. 8) For Automotive Diesel Fuel supplied to Indian Navy, the limit of sulphur shall be in agreement between the buyer & the supplier. 9) In case of dispute, ASTM D 4294 shall be the referee test method. 10) This test shall be carried out only at the refinery or manufacturers end. In case of dispute, ASTM D 2274 shall be the referee method. 11) Shall be applicable only for Automotive Diesel Fuel blended with 5 percent (v/v)Bio-diesel conforming to IS 15607 & the limit shall proportionately vary as & when the different blending percent of Bio-diesel is permitted. --------------* Under Review

EURO IV/BHARAT STAGE IV EMISSION NORMS COMPLAINTSPECIFICATION FOR AUTOMOTIVE DIESEL FUEL Sl. No. Characteristics Requirements Test Method [P:] of IS 1448 /ISO/ASTM (4) [P : 2] [P : 2] [P: 4]/ISO 6245 [P: 8]/ISO 10370 [P:9]/ISO 5165 D 4737/ISO 4264 [P:10]/D 5949 or D 5950 or D 5985 [P:15]/ISO 2160 [P:18]/ISO 3405

(1) i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) vii)

viii) ix) x)

(2) Acidity, inorganic Acidity, total, mg of KOH/g Max Ash, percent by mass, Max Carbon residue (Ramsbottom) on 10 percent residue1), percent by mass, Max Cetane number, Min Cetane index, Min Pour point3) , Max a) Winter b) Summer Copper strip corrosion for 3 hr at 50C Distillation, percent (v/v), recovered at 360C, Min Flash Point* : a) Abel, C Min b) Pensky Martens closed cup4),C Min Kinematic viscosity cSt, at 40C Sediment, percent by mass, Max

(3) Nil To report 0.01 0.30 512) 462) 3C 15C Not worse than No.1 95

xi) xii)

35 66 2.0 to 4.5 -

[P:20] [P:21] [P:25]/ISO 3104 [P:30]

xiii) xiv)

Total contamination, mg/kg, Max Density at 15C5), kg/m3 Total sulphur7) , mg/kg, Max

24 820-845



xvi) xvii)

xviii) xix) xx) xxi)


Water content, mg/kg, Max Cold Filter Plugging Point (CFPP)3), Max a) Winter b) Summer Oxidation stability9), g/m3, Max Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon (PAH) percent by mass, Max Lubricity corrected wear scar diameter (wsd 1.4) at 60C, microns, Max Oxygen content10), percent by mass, Max

200 6C 18C 25 11 460 0.6

EN 12662 [P:16] or [P:32]6)/D 4052/ISO 3675 or ISO 12185 ISO 20846 or ISO 20847 or ISO 20884/[P:83]/D 5453/D 2622/D 4294/[P:34]8) ISO 12937 [P:110]/D 6371

ISO 12205 or ASTM D 22749) IP 391 or EN 12916 ISO 12156-1/Cor 1 Annex B

This limit is applicable prior to addition of ignition improver, if used. In case a value exceeding the limit is obtained on finished fuels in the market, ASTM D 4046/ISO 13759 shall be used to establish the presence of nitrate containing compound. In such case the present limit for carbon residue cannot be applied. However, the use of ignition improver does not exempt the manufacturer from meeting this requirement prior to the addition of additives. 2) For fuel processed from Assam crude, Cetane number & Cetane index is relaxed by 3 units. 3) Winter shall be the period from November to February in central and northern plains of India (both months inclusive) and rest of the months of the year shall be called as summer. 4) Applicable for Naval applications and fishing vessels requiring High Flash Automotive Diesel Fuel. 5) For fuel processed from Assam crude, the density range is relaxed to 820-855. 6) In case of dispute, IS 1448 [P:32] shall be the referee test method. 7) For Automotive Diesel Fuel supplied to Indian Navy, the limit of sulphur shall be in agreement between the buyer and the supplier. 1) In case of dispute, IS 1448 [P : 34] shall be the referee test method. 9) This test shall be carried out only at the refinery or manufacturers end. In case of dispute, ASTM D 2274 shall be the referee method. 10) Shall be applicable only for Automotive Diesel Fuel blended with 5 percent (v/v) Bio-diesel conforming to IS 15607 and the limit shall proportionately vary as and when the different blending percent of Bio-diesel is permitted.

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