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Sterling United Kingdom Criminal (Basic Disclosure) Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) ID Checking Process 1D Verification plays a vital role in the provision of the DBS check. To perform ID Verification to thé required standard, verifiers must: ‘© Check and validate the information provided by the candidate on the application form; antl Establish the true identity of the candidate through the examination of a range of docuimerhts as set out in this, guidance; and ‘© Ensure that the candidate provides details of all names by which they have been known and all addresses where they have lived in the last 5 years; and © Ensure the application form is fully completed and the information it contains is accurate. FAILURE TO DO THIS MAY COMPROMISE THE INTEGRITY OF THE DISCLOSURE SERVICE. Please note that: ‘© Only valid, current and original documentation can be accepted. Photocopies provided by the candidate are not acceptable. Documentation printed from the internet (e.g. internet bank statements) cannot be accepted, Identity information for the candidate's name, date of birth and address recorded on the DBS application form must be validated, ‘Where possible, the candidate should produce photographic identity documents (e.g. passport, photocard driving. licence, etc.) and this must be compared against the candidate's likeness. * Allddocuments must be in the candidate's current name (© The candidate must be asked to declare all previous change of name, and provide documentary proof to support the change of name. If the candidate is unable to provide proof to support the change of name, 2 probing discussion should be held with the candidate about the reasons why before validating their identity, © Atleast one document must confirm the candidate's date of birth * Atleast one document must confirm the candidate's current address, ‘* The candidate must provide a full and continuous address history covering the last S years. Where possible you should seek documentation to confirm this address history '* The candidate's address history must be cross-matched with any other information that has been provided as part of the recruitment, such as their CV. This can highlight if an address has not been provided (e.. ifthe ‘candidate’s CV shows that they have worked in Liverpool in the last 5 years but the application form only shows London addresses, the candidate should be questioned about this) ‘* Adocument from each of the groups should be included only once in the document counts (i. two bank statements as two of the required dacuments should not be accepted if they are from the same bank) ‘© The foreign equivalent of an identity document if that document is listed as ‘(UK)’ on the list of valid identity documents should not be accepted. The same type of document must not be used more than once. Page Lofa Last updated on 08 Mar 2024 Sterling WInrremc kee The candidate must provide original documents to prove thelr identity. The documents required depend on the route taken. The candidate ‘must try ta provide documents from Route t firs. Route 1 (For all UK and Iish national applicants) ‘The candidate must be abe to show: © Adocument from Group 1 ‘© further document from either Group 1, or Group 23 or 2b ‘The combination of documents presented must confirm the candidate's name, ‘two documents, a third document can be selected. idress and date of birth. Ifthis can’t be achieved within Route 18 (For non-UK or rsh national candidates) ‘The candidate must be able to show: "* document from Group 4a + Lfurther decument from Group 1, or Group 2a or 2b ‘The combination of documents presented must confirm the candidate's name, address and date of birth. lf this can’t be achieved within two documents, a third document can be selected. Route 2 (For all UK and Irish national applicants) Ifthe candidate doesn’t have any of the documents in Group 1, they must be abe to show: ‘© document from Group 2a ‘© 2further documents from elther Group 2a or 2b ‘The combination of documents presented must confirm the candidate's name, address and date of birth. ifthe eandisate cant provide these documents they may need tobe fingerprinted, which s ely to cause delay tothe DBS application process. List of approved regulated professionals ‘The following persons are accepted by the organisational as suitable for confirming your identity, however, they MUST NOT be related to you: + Accountant © Manager/personnel officer ofa limited company + Airline plot ‘© Member, associate or fellow of a professional body + Atcled clerk of a limited company © Member of Parliament Assurance agent of recognised company © Merchant Navy officer © Bank/bullding society official 1¢ Minister of a recognised religion - including Christian Barrister Science ‘© Chairman/director of limited company *Nurse- AGN or RMN © Chiropodist ‘© Officer ofthe armed services ‘© Commissioner of oaths * Optician ‘© Councillor- eg, local or county + Paralegal certified paralegal, qualified paralegal or ‘© Civil servant (permanent) associate member ofthe Institute of Paralegals # Dentist © Person with honours- e.g an OBE or MBE + Director/manager of a VAT-registered charity © Pharmacist + Director/manager/personnel officer of a VAT-registered © Photographer - professional company © Police officer ‘© Engineer - with professional qualifications © Post office official ‘© Financial services intermediary -e.g.a stockbroker or ‘© President/secretary ofa recognised organisation insurance broker ‘© Salvation Army officer © Fireservice official # Social worker © Funeral director + Solicitor ‘+ Insurance agent (fulltime) of a recognised company Surveyor © Journalist © Teacher, lecturer ‘+ lustce ofthe Peace Trade union officer + Legal secretary--fellow or associate member of the Institute © ‘Travel agent - qualified of Legal Secretaries and PAs ‘+ Valuer or auctioneer - fellows and associate members of © Ucensee of public house the incorporated society + Local government officer = Warrant officers and Chief Petty Officers Page 20f 4 Last updated on 08 Mar 2024 a Sterling ID Verification Form being provided by the applican Passport: Any current and valid passport Current biometric residence permit (UK) Current driving licence photocard —fullor provisional (UK, Ise of Man and Channel islands) Birth Certificate issued within 12 months of birth (UK, Isle of Man and Channel Islands - including those issued by UK authorities overseas, e.g. embassies, High Commissions and HM Forces) ‘Adoption Certificate (UK and Channel Islands) Cota a o ‘A current Biometric Immigration Document (Biometric Residence Permit) issued by the Home Office to the holder indicating that the person named is allowed to stay indefinitely in the UK or has no time limit on their stay in the UK. current Biometric immigration Document (Biometric Residence Permit) issued by the Home Office to the holder which indicates that the named person can currently stay in the UK and is allowed to do the work in question, Acurrent passport endorsed to show that the holder is exempt from immigration control, is allowed to stay indefinitely in the UK, has the right of abode in the UK, or has no time limit on their stay in the UK. A current passport endorsed to show that the holder is allowed to stay in the UK and is currently allowed to do the type of work in question, A current document issued by the Home Office to a family member of an EEA or Swiss citizen, and which indicates ‘that the holder is permitted to stay in the United Kingdom indefinitely ‘Accurrent document issued by the Home Office to a family member of an EEA or Swiss citizen, and which indicates that the holder is permitted to stay in the United Kingdom for a time limited period and to do the type of work in question. ‘A current Immigration Status Document issued by the Home Office to the holder with an endorsement indicating that the named person is allowed to stay indefinitely in the UK or has no time limit on their stay in the UK, together with an official document giving the person’s permanent National Insurance number and their name issued by a Government agency or a previous employer. Online evidence of immigration status. Either via the View and Prove service or using the BRP or BRC online service, Issued by the Home Office to the employer or prospective employer, which indicates that the named person may stay in the UK and is permitted to do the work in question. Must be valid. Note: this includes the EUSS digital status confirmation. A frontier worker permit issued under regulation 8 of the Citizens’ 2020 ‘A Positive Verification Notice issued by the Home Office Employer Checking Service to the employer or prospective employer, which indicates that the named person may stay in the UK and is permitted to do the work in question. A current immigration Status Document containing a photograph issued by the Home Office to the holder with a valid endorsement indicating that the named person may stay in the UK, and is allowed to do the type of work in ‘question, together with an official document giving the person's permanent National Insurance number and their name issued by a Government agency or a previous employer. ‘document issued by the Home Office showing that the holder has made an application for leave to enter orremain under Appendix EU to the immigration rules on or before 30 June 2021 together with a Positive Verification Notice from the Home Office Employer Checking Service. ‘An Application Registration Card issued by the Home Office stating that the holder is permitted to take the employment in question, together with a Positive Verification Notice from the Home Office Employer Checking service, ights (Frontier Workers) (EU Exit) Regulations Saran ed o a o Current driving licence photocard — full or provisional (All countries outside the UK, excluding Isle of Man and Channel islands) Current driving licence paper version if issued before 1998) —full or provisional (UK, Isle of Man and Channel Islands) Birth certificate issued after time of birth (UK, Isle of Man and Channel islands) Marriage/ivil partnership certificate (UK and Channel Islands) Page Sof Last updated on 08 Mar 2024 Sterling 1M Forces 0 card (UK) (Firearms licence (UK, Channel Islands and isle of Man) Immigration Document/Visa/Work permit (Issued by @ country outside the UK. Valid only for roles whereby the (applicants living and working outside of the UK. Visa/permit must relate to the non-UK country in which the role is based) Entree keen [Mortgage statement (UK). Issued in the last 12 months. 1 Bank or building society statement (UK and Channel Islands}. Issued in the last 3 months. 1 Bank or building society account opening confirmation letter (UK). Issued in the last 3 months. Credit card statement (UK). Issued in the last 3 months. Financial statement, eg pension or endowment (UK). Issued in the last 12 months. [P45 or P6O statement (UK and Channel Islands). Issued in the last 12 months. Council Tax statement (UK and Channel islands). issued in the last 12 months. Letter of sponsorship from future employment provider (Non-UK only — valid only for applicants residing outside ofthe UK at time of application). Must still be valid Utility bill~ not mobile telephone bill (UK). Issued in the last 3 months. Benefit statement, eg Child Benefit, Pension (UK). Issued in the last 3 months. Central or local government, government agency, or local council document giving entitlement, eg from the Department ‘of Work and Pensions, the Employment Service, HMRC (UK and Channel Islands}. Issued in the last 3 months. 1D National ID Card. Must still be vali. (Irish Passport Card (Cannot be used with an irish Passport). Must still be valid. 11 Cards carrying the PASS accreditation logo (UX, Isle of Man and Channel Islands). Must still be vali. 1 _ Letter trom head teacher or college principal (UK ~ for 16 to 19 year olds in fl time education ~ only used in ‘exceptional circumstances if other documents cannot be provided. Must stil be vali. Non-UK Bank or building society statement. (The branch must be located in the country in which the applicant fives and ‘Works. Issued in the last 3 months. Identity Verification Certification Passport Driving Licence. Passport Ni Uisise Driving Licence Number:|_ GOMES qos |ISCo ‘Country of issue: TN Dr Country of issue: Wa n Has the true identity of the candidate been established by examining a range of documents as set out in es the 08S guidance? Have documents which confirm the candidate's date of birth and current address been witnessed? Bes ‘Which route was followed? DRoute i Dfoute 12 Ci Route 2 ‘Middle Name: Surmame Date of Birth: Client Name: Page 4 of 4 Last updated on 08 Mar 2024

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