Vai it
Vai it
Vai it
Submitted By
Prof. A. A. Wadate
Duration – 30 days
I would like to thank to all those who gave me the opportunity to complete
this training also would like to thank the Department of Civil Engineering for
giving me such a wonderful opportunity to expand my knowledge for my own
branch and giving me guidelines to present an industrial training report. It helped
me a lot to realize of what we study for. Due to this constant encouragement and
inspiration, I am able to present this report.
I would also like to acknowledge and my heartful gratitude to Prof. Pradeep
Jain for giving me the opportunity for internship training. Who continuously
support me in every possible way, from initial advice to encouragement till this
I express my deep gratitude to Prof. S.V. Joshi, Head of the department,
Department of civil Engineering, for his valuable guidance and constant
encouragement. I am thankful Dr. S.V Kulkarni, Principal, Government College
of Engineering, Karad for providing all the necessary facilities to carry out project
Finally, I would also like to thanks my guide Prof. A. A. Wadate for giving
me the opportunity and guiding me during the course of the training.
Report”, which is being submitted herewith for the award of the Bachelor of
Shivaji University, Kolhapur (M. S., India). This is the result of the original
and guidance
Project Name
7 Flyover 28-30
9 Store 35-36
10 References 37
The Employer is committed to achieve its goal of ‘zero’ - zero fatality, zero injuries
and zero excuses. In order to achieve this, every Contractor is responsible and
accountable to ensure zero tolerance to any violation with respect to the safety
protocols of the Employer.
In the process of undertaking the Scope of Work, the Contractor shall ensure strict
compliance with applicable safety standard requirements and all business specific
standards or procedures as may be provided by the Employer.
In the event of any inconsistency between the provisions stipulated herein and the
requirements specified in any other documents provided by the Employer, the
provisions stipulated herein shall prevail, to the extent of such inconsistency. Critical
safety requirements which are required to be complied by the Contractor are as
Hierarchy Triangle:
The accident triangle, also known as Heinrich's triangle, is a theory of industrial
accident prevention. It shows a relationship between serious accidents, minor
accidents and near misses.
Theoretical model that describes a stable ratio between workplace incident of varying
degrees of severity.
Hazard identification and risk assessment are important steps when working in our
industrial environment. This process helps keeps our workers safe, our workplace
hazard free and can result in a safer product. We want to make sure everything we do
as an industrial hygiene Company is done correctly.
In the field of management, HIRA is ongoing process in which safety specialist
evaluate opportunities for the prevention and mitigation of accidental injuries and
occupational illnesses. Hazard identification and risk assessment are synonymous with
A job safety analysis (JSA) is a procedure that helps integrate accepted safety and
health principles and practices into a particular task or job operation.
The goal of a JSA is to identify potential hazards of a specific role and recommend
procedures to control or prevent these hazards.
Personal protective equipment (PPE) is protective clothing, helmets, goggles, or
other garments or equipment designed to protect the wearer's body from injury or
Points Learned In The Planning & Quantity Survey Department
i) The work of the planning department includes developing and managing
detailed project schedules and outlining timelines for each construction phase,
milestone dates, and critical path activities to ensure timely completion.
ii) The planning department manages the acquisition of necessary permits and
approvals from local authorities and regulatory agencies to ensure compliance
with legal and environmental requirements.
iii) The planning department maintains accurate records of planning documents,
changes, and project reports. It also manages changes to the project scope.
iv) Project management involves 3 phases- Project Planning, project scheduling,
and project controlling. Project planning and project scheduling phases are
accomplished before the actual start of the project. In the ongoing project, project
controlling is important.
v) The department manages contracts with suppliers and subcontractors,
including negotiating terms, preparing contract documents, and ensuring
compliance with contractual obligations.
vi) The Quantity Survey department Continuously tracks and reviews project
costs to ensure they align with the budget.
vii) The Quantity Survey department Regularly assesses and certifies the value
of work completed
viii) The Quantity Survey department Performs ongoing measurements and
updates of quantities of materials and work completed to maintain accurate
records and ensure proper billing.
Quality control refers to the plans and procedures that achieve high-quality outcomes.
Construction quality control is a system of management that ensures that deliverables meet the
standards and guidelines set by the client at the beginning of the construction process.
This can include a number of criteria, such as completing the project within the scope of work. In the
end, quality is decided by the client, regulatory bodies, and EPA (Environmental Protection Agency)
1. Fineness of Cement: (IS:4031-part-3)
Cement fineness is tested through sieving and air permeability methods to determine particle size
distribution and specific surface area.
The purpose of this test is to find out the quality of coarse material present in cement. It is an
indirect test of fineness of cement.
▪ Sieve size: 90micron
▪ Sieving time: 10minute
▪ Sample of cement taken: 100g
▪ Calculation:
%weight of residue= Wt. of sample retained on the sieve x100
Total weight of the sample
= 2.5x100/100
= 2.5%
- Standard Consistency of cement: between 26-33%
- Cement paste will be of standard consistency when the 10 mm plunger penetrate the paste to
a distance of 5 to 7mm from the bottom of the Vicat mould.
Le Chateliers apparatus
▪ Sample of cement: 100g
▪ Water content: 0.78P = 0.78X 27.5 X 100/100 = 23.01g
Placing sample timing in bath:
▪ Temperature of water bath: 25℃ for 24hrs
: 100℃ for 3hrs
1. Sieve Analysis: (IS:383)
It determines the gradation of aggregate
• Sieve size: passing- 12.5mm
Retaining- 10mm
▪ Capacity of silos-150 MT
1) Fly ash 2) cement 3) silica
Rebar cage
preparation Lowering Rebar cage & fix the bulkhead and Align
Outer Outer shutter fixing including cleaning & application of shuttering oil for
studs fixing Mould or Preparation of Match
Cable profiling
After attaining 25Mpa we can start de-shuttering, transverse stressing can be done once the
concrete reached strength 40 Mpa. De-shuttering of inner and outer shutter then Shift the segment
to match cast position by using gantry
The flyover, 3.47 km long, consists of 91 spans, 90 piers, and 2 abutments, with each span measuring
40m or 30m at curved sections. The foundation includes pile groups with 7 piles for hexagonal pile
caps and 6 piles for rectangular pile caps, each pile being 1.5m in diameter and 8-12m long. Concrete
grades are as follows:
Pile and Pile Cap – M35,
Pier – M50,
Pier Cap & Pedestal – M55.
15 Days required for one pier up to pedestal when continuous 25 labours are provided
The flyover has spans divided into 14 segments (12 regular and 2 pier segments). Each segment is
cast as pre-stressed concrete using M50 grade concrete and Fe550D steel reinforcement. Transverse
pre-stressing occurs at the casting yard, and longitudinal stressing is done at the site. Regular
segments are 29.5m long and 3m wide, while pier segments are the same length but 2m wide with a
thicker web. Expansion and contraction joints are near the pier segments. Expansion joints are
provided for every alternate span i.e. for every 2 spans there will be an expansion joint.
Segment Launching
Segment launching involves lifting each segment, holding it in place, and releasing it onto pier
supports using a 900-tonne launching gantry. The gantry, 105m long, has three supports: front,
middle, and rear. The front support is on the succeeding pier, the middle on the pier segment of the
previous span, and the rear on the middle segment of the previous span. Nine 12.5-tonne
counterweight blocks prevent overturning. Support levels are adjusted by 400-tonne and 150-tonne
Time Cycle For Launching of Segments
Sr. Labours Tools And
Activities Required Materials Remarks
No (Nos) Machines
Transporting of
Puller, Transport
1 segment from 1 4 - -
casting yard
Lifting of one Launching Gantry,
2 0.66 5 - -
Segment Spanner
Hydraulic Jack,
Glueing of 14
20 6 Hammer, Epoxy Epoxy Glue -
3 Segments
mixer machine
Glue Soaking 0.7 - -
Stressing Cable
6 8 Hand Gloves HT Wires -
24 anchor
Hydraulic Jack, cones, 288
Prestressing 24 6 -
Hand Gloves Anchor bolts,
HT Wires
Hydraulic Jack,
5 Span Loading 4 8 - -
Lifting Beam De- Hydraulic Jack,
6 12 8 - -
staging Spanner
4 Days
LG Shifting to next Required
7 60 8 Hydraulic Jack -
span for
6 Bearing
8 Bearing Fixing 12 6 Hydraulic Jack
Plates -
Longitudinal Prestressing
Transverse stressing is done at the casting yard, and longitudinal stressing is performed at the site
after segment launching. Each segment has 24 HDPE-sheathed ducts (123mm and 98mm in
diameter) in the webs, with 2 ducts in blisters in the 5th and 6th segments. High tensile 19T15
strands are used in 22 web ducts and 9T15 strands in 2 flange ducts at the segment ends.
Stressing is performed from one end with anchorage at the other end using a bearing plate and multi-
wedges. Two jacks simultaneously stress both side webs. The stressing assembly includes multi-
wedges, a bearing plate, collar, locking plate, jack, pulling plate, and main wedges.
Highway and structure:
The Six-Lane Project Highway consist of the section of National Highway 4 start from 658.000
Km to 725.000 Km (67 Km length) joining the Pethnaka-Satara section. There is flexible pavement
provided at left hand side and rigid pavement is provided at right hand. The structure like VUP,
LVUP, MNB , MJB and CULVERT are also included in Highway and structure.
• The flexible pavement consists of several layer which is used to support traffic loads
and provide a durable, smooth driving surface.
It consists of
1. Sub grade – 500 mm
2. GSB (Granular Sub base) – 200mm
3. WMM (Wet Mix Macadam) – 125 mm
4. DBM (Dense Bituminous Macadam) – 140 mm
5. BC (Bituminous Concrete) – 50 to 100 mm
• Tack coat is applied before laying of BC (Bituminous Concrete) to make a bond with
previous layer. It is applied 1 hour before laying of BC at rate of 2.5 to 3 kg/m³ which
is used as binding agent.
The Rigid pavement consists of several layer which is used to withstand heavy loads and
traffic without deformation. It have low Maintenance hence it is cost Effective over their
life cycle.
It consists of
1. Sub base - 500 mm.
2. GSB – 150 mm.
3. DLC (DRY LEAN CONCRET) – 150 mm.
Pavement Quality Concrete: The Pavement Quality Concrete PQC is used as top
layer of rigid pavement which is provided to withstand heavy load traffic and offer
long lasting durability.
The PQC Road consist of base course and surface course in which surface course is
made of PQC of thickness 320 mm which is lying on DLC.
1)Precast panels.
2)Erection of panels
The grade separated structure such as VUP (Vehicle under pass), LVUP (Light Vehicle
under pass), CUP (Cattle under pass) are provided at intersection of project or Highway.
The structure may Be either an underpass or an overpass depending Upon the nature of
terrain, vertical profile of Road, availability of adequate right of way, and other.
Vertical Clearance:
Vertical clearance at underpasses shall not be Less than the values given below:
(i) Vehicular underpass 5.5 m