January 2022
Insert tab:
Page layout tab:
Reference tab:
Mailing tab:
Review tab:
view tab:
Word processing is that the ability to make text and format it in order that it appears good
looking, using different fonts, fancy characters, formatted paragraphs, and possibly other
features not found on classic text editors. word processing system is an application for
manipulating text-based documents; presenting the electronic equivalents of the function of
paper, pen and eraser, typewriter, dictionary and thesaurus. It enables you enter and format
text. It eliminate most of the time involved in typing and retyping documents. It provides a
really simple way of editing and correcting mistakes in documents. All word processing system
offers facilities for document formatting, like font changes, page layout, paragraph indentation,
check spelling and has features that enable you to make documents with graphics, borders,
computer graphics, hyperlinks and far more. There are various data processing (text editors)
packages, among the foremost widely used are Microsoft Word, WordPerfect,
WordStar, MultiMate, DisplayWrite, Word craft, Loco Script, Report Star, Lotus Note, Perfect
writer, Professional write, etc. almost like word processing system program are text editor like
Word pad and Notepad. Among these, Microsoft word are going to be focused as a tool for
data processing. Microsoft Word employ WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Give) feature.
Main features:-
➢ Bars - Title Bar, Menu Bar, Status Bar, and Quick Access Toolbar.
➢ Buttons - Office button, minimize button, maximize/restore button, close button and
other command buttons
➢ Ribbon - the area below menu bar. It contains tab group command buttons.
➢ Tabs - Home Tab, Insert Tab, Page Layout Tab, References Tab, Review and View Tabs.
➢ Tab groups - some set of commands under each tab.
➢ Work area - the place in the center where we type our work.
One of the benefits of using Microsoft Word is that it's available practically everywhere. Word
comes standard on many PCs. you'll typically find it on your work computer, computers at
college and your home PC. This makes it easy to save lots of documents on a flash drive, take
them with you and work on them elsewhere. Microsoft Word may be a useful gizmo as typing is
quicker than ever, it's easy to correct the mistakes by just hitting the backspace or delete
button, There are the templates for any sort of document and mail merge from a database in
order that you'll easily send the letters to multiple people at a time. You can align the text
whether at the middle, right or left margins or justified takes only one click, spelling and
grammatical mistakes are acknowledged instantly, you'll correct any mistakes which are made
easily, The bullets and numbers are done automatically and there's always an choice to invite
Parts and functions of microsoft word :
• title bar
A bar the display the name of active document.
• Ribbon the ribbon display different options depending on the tab you click here the
ribbon is divided into tabs and with in each tabs there are grups The primary tabs of
Word 2010 are File, Home, Insert, Page Layout, References, Mailings, Review, View and
• Zoom Control
Used for magnifying and shrinking of the active document.
• View Shortcut
Buttons used to change how the worksheet content is displayed. Print Layout, Full
Screen Reading, Web Layout, Outline or Draft.
• Status Bar
It displays information about your document, such as what page you are currently
viewing and how many words are in your document, etc.
• Ruler
It used to set the alignment and margins of the elements in the documents.
• Insertion Point it's the blinking vertical line in your document. It indicates where you'll
enter text on the page. you'll use the insertion point during a sort of ways: Blank
document: When a replacement blank document opens, the insertion point is found
within the top-left corner of the page.
• Document Window
The white space where you can type or attached all the data you need in the document.
• Office Button/File Menu
Office button in MS Word 2007 and File Tab for MS Word 2010 or higher version.
It provides access to document level features and program settings.
• Open a File
• Cut and Paste
• Copy and Paste
• Use the Clipboard
• Create AutoText
• Use Spell Check
• Find and Replace
• Change the Font Size
• Change the Font
• Save Your File
The features in Word 2007 can make your work easier, make your documents more attractive,
and/or enable you to figure more efficiently. This Microsoft Word lesson teaches you ways to
open a file, cut, copy, paste, use AutoText, use spell check, use Find and Replace, and alter
fonts. All of those features either make your work easier or make your document more
Microsoft word tabs :
Home tabs:
Inserting Page Numbers and formating them
1. Insert << Page Number
2. Identify where you want your Page Numbers to be positioned (top or bottom of page), then select the
3. To edit the numbers double click the Header or Footer area and highlight the number you want to
4. To format the page numbers go to Insert << Page Number << Format Page Numbers
You may want to set out an essay with two different number styles. In academic essays Roman numerals
start after the title page until the body of the essay begins. For example this may include an abstract,
table of contents, executive summary etc… Arabic numbers start from the main body of the essay. To
achieve this you will need to use section breaks in your document. Change the number format in the
Page Number Format window.
It is easier to tackle the Page Layout first and create the section breaks in your document before you add
the text.
Turn the show/hide button on, this shows paragraph marks and other hidden (will not show on your
printed document) formatting symbols, this will show your section breaks clearly.
Font group:
The Font group options allow you to change the text style, size and color of text contained
within shapes or within the notes section. Select the form containing the text you would like to
vary or select the text within the notes section.
Paragraph group:
● Text alignment
● Bullets • Numbers
● Line spacing
● Sorting
● Show/hide
● Multiple listing In
● denting
● Shading
● Creating borders
Style group:
Style sets include a mixture of title, heading, and paragraph styles. Style sets allow you to
format all elements in your document directly rather than modifying each element separately.
From the planning tab, click the more drop-down arrow within the Document Formatting
editing group
● find
● Replace
● Copy
Insert tab:
The Insert tab contains various items that you simply might want to insert into a document.
these things include such things as tables, word art, hyperlinks, symbols, charts, signature line,
date & time, shapes, header, footer, text boxes, links, boxes, equations then on.
Aligning Text
1. The text alignment in Microsoft Word documents is pre-set to left alignment.
2. To change the alignment select the text (sentence, paragraph, section) you want to change.
NB: To select the entire document use the Shortcut Key << CTRL+A
3. The alignment icons are on the menu bar of the Home tab.
Justify aligned text, Justify aligned
text, Justify aligned text, Justify
aligned text, Justify aligned text,
Justify aligned text, Justify aligned
text, Justify aligned text, Justify
aligned text, Justify aligned text,
Justify aligned text, Justify aligned text
Reference tab:
you'll add a footnote to your document from the References tab. It contains resources for
researchers and anyone within the professional field. The References Tab allows you to now
create a table of contents, footnotes, citations, cross-references, select MLA or APA or ISO
formats then on.
Mailing tab
This tab contains all the mailing options that were in previous versions of Word, during a much
easier format. Addressing Envelopes. • Open a replacement document. • On the Mailings tab,
within the Create group, click the Envelopes button.
Review tab
Spell Checking • On the Review tab, in the Proofing group, click Spelling & Grammar and.
view tab
has the functionality to change your document views has the following groups:
Document Views, Show/ Hide, Zoom, Window and Macros.
a wonderful tool with many applications that are helpful to students and teachers in education.
it has many users and is an important tool for a person in today's digital age microsoft word a
versatile tool allows you to archive many of your digital document needs its also one among the
foremost user friendly application from the microsoft office suite.
➢ https://www.computerhope.com
➢ https://www.online-sciences.com/
➢ https://officetutorial.net/
➢ microsoft word 2010 digital class room /AGI training team
➢ https://www.researchgate.net/