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October 2019
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Navratri Dussehra
Mahatma Gandhi
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Navaratri is a Hindu festival that spans nine nights (and ten days) and is
celebrated every year in the autumn. It is observed for different reasons and
celebrated differently in various parts of the Indian subcontinent. Theoretically,
there are four seasonal Navaratri. However, in practice, it is the post-monsoon
autumn festival called Sharada Navaratri that is the most observed in the
honor of the divine feminine Devi (Durga). The festival is celebrated in the
bright half of the Hindu calendar month Ashvin, which typically falls in the
Gregorian months of September and October.
In the eastern and northeastern states of India, the Durga Puja is synonymous
with Navaratri, wherein goddess Durga battles and emerges victorious over
the buffalo demon to help restore Dharma. In the northern and western states,
the festival is synonymous with "Rama Lila" and Dussehra that celebrates the
battle and victory of god Rama over the demon king Ravana. In southern
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states, the victory of different goddesses, of Rama or Saraswati is celebrated.
In all cases, the common theme is the battle and victory of Good over Evil
based on a regionally famous epic or legend such as the Ramayana or the
Devi Mahatmya.
Celebrations include stage decorations, recital of the legend, enacting of the
story, and chanting of the scriptures of Hinduism. The nine days are also a
major crop season cultural event, such as competitive design and staging of
pandals, a family visit to these pandals and the public celebration of classical
and folk dances of Hindu culture. On the final day, called the Vijayadashami or
Dussehra, the statues are either immersed in a water body such as river and
ocean, or alternatively the statue symbolizing the evil is burnt with fireworks
marking evil's destruction. The festival also starts the preparation for one
of the most important and widely celebrated holidays, Diwali, the festival of
lights, which is celebrated twenty days after the Vijayadashami or Dussehra.
According to some Hindu texts such as the Shakta and Vaishnava Puranas,
Navaratri theoretically falls twice or four times a year. Of these, the Sharada
Navaratri near autumn equinox (September-October) is the most celebrated
and the Vasanta Navaratri near spring equinox (March-April) is next most
significant to the culture of Indian subcontinent. In all cases, Navaratri falls in
the bright half of the Hindu luni-solar months. The celebrations vary by region,
leaving much to the creativity and preferences of the Hindu.
1. Sharada Navaratri: the most celebrated of the four Navaratri, named after
sharada which means autumn. It is observed the lunar month of Ashvin
(post-monsoon, September–October). In many regions, the festival falls after
autumn harvest, and in others during harvest.
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2. Vasanta Navaratri: the second most celebrated, named after vasanta which
means spring. It is observed the lunar month of Chaitra (post-winter, March–
April). In many regions the festival falls after spring harvest, and in others
during harvest.
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Students visit their teachers, express respect and seek their blessings. This
tradition is particularly strong in South India, but is observed elsewhere too.
The festival is associated to the prominent battle that took place between
Durga and demon Mahishasura and celebrates the victory of Good over Evil.
These nine days are solely dedicated to Goddess Durga and her nine Avatars.
Each day is associated to an incarnation of the goddess.
Day 1: Shailaputri
Known as Pratipada, this day is associated to
Shailaputri (literally "Daughter of Mountain"),
an incarnation of Parvati. It is in this form that
the Goddess is worshiped as the consort of
Shiva; she is depicted as riding the bull, Nandi,
with a trishula in her right hand and lotus in her
left. Shailaputri is considered to be the direct
incarnation of Mahakali. The color of the day is
Day 2: Brahmacharini
On Dwitiya, Goddess Brahmacharini, another
incarnation of Parvati, is worshiped. In this
form, Parvati became Sati, her unmarried self.
Brahmacharini is worshiped for emancipation
or moksha and endowment of peace and
prosperity. Depicted as walking bare feet and
holding a japamala and kamandal in her hands,
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she symbolizes bliss and calm. Blue is the color code of this day. Blue colour
depicts tranquility yet strong energy.
Day 3: Chandraghanta
Tritiya commemorates the worship of Chandraghanta
- the name derived from the fact that after marrying
Shiva, Parvati adorned her forehead with half-
chandra (lit. moon). She is the embodiment of beauty
and is also symbolic of bravery. Yellow is the colour
of the third day, which is a vivacious colour and can
pep up everyone's mood.
Day 4: Kushmanda
Goddess Kushmanda is worshiped on Chaturthi.
Believed to be the creative power of universe,
Kushmanda associated to the endowment of
vegetation on earth and hence, the color of the day
is Green. She is depicted as having eight arms and
sits on a Tiger.
Day 5: Skandmata
Skandamata, the goddess worshiped on Panchami,
is the mother of Skanda (or Kartikeya). The color
Grey is symbolic of the transforming strength of a
mother when her child is confronted with danger.
She is depicted riding a ferocious lion, having four
arms and holding her baby.
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Day 6: Katyayani
Born to a sage, Katyayana, she is an incarnation
of Durga and is shown to exhibit courage which
is symbolized by the color Orange. Known as the
warrior goddess, she is considered one of the most
violent forms of Goddess Parvati. In this avatar,
Kātyāyanī rides a lion and has four hands.
Day 7: Kalaratri
Considered the most ferocious form of Goddess
Durga, Kalaratri is revered on Saptami. It is believed
that Parvati removed her fair skin to kill the demons
Sumbha and Nisumbha. The color of the day is
White. On Saptami, the Goddess appears in a white
colour attire with a lot of rage in her fiery eyes, her
skin turns black. The white colour portrays prayer
and peace, and ensures the devotees that the
Goddess will protect them from harm.
Day 8: Mahagauri
Mahagauri symbolizes intelligence and peace. The
color associated to this day is Pink which depicts
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Day 9: Sidhidatri
On the last day of the festival also known as Navami,
people pray to Siddhidhatri. Sitting on a lotus, she is
believed to possess and bestows all type of Siddhis.
Here she has four hands. Also known as Saraswati
Devi. The light blue colour of the day portrays an
admiration towards nature's beauty.
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work for an Indian firm in Natal. There Gandhi experienced racism: he was
thrown off a train while holding a valid first class ticket and pushed to third
class. Later he was beaten by a stagecoach driver for refusing to travel on
the foot-board to make room for a European passenger. He was barred from
many hotels because of his race. In 1894, Gandhi founded the Natal Indian
Congress. They focused on the Indian cause and British discrimination in
South Africa. In 1897, Gandhi brought his wife and children to South Africa.
He was attacked by a mob of racists, who tried to lynch him. He refused to
press charges on any member of the mob. Gandhi became the first non-white
lawyer to be admitted to the bar in South Africa.
During the South African War, Gandhi was a stretcher barer. He organized the
Indian Ambulance corps of 300 Indian volunteers and hundreds of associates
to serve wounded black South Africans. He was decorated for his courage at
the Battle of Spion Kop. At that time Gandhi corresponded with Leo Tolstoy
and expressed his admiration of the Tolstoyan principles of non-violence. In
1906 Gandhi, for the first time, organized a non-violent resistance against the
Transvaal government's registration act. He called upon his fellow Indians to
defy the new law in a non-violent manner and suffer the punishment for doing
so. He was jailed on many occasions along with thousands of his supporters.
Peaceful Indian protests caused a public outcry and forced the South African
General J. C. Smuts to negotiate a compromise with Gandhi. However,
Gandhi supported the British in World War I and encouraged Indians to join
the Army to defend the British Empire, in compliance with the full citizenship
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Indian Independence struggle and Gandhi (1916-1945)
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and Muslims in one peaceful nation. The religious divide was growing under
the British colonial rule, which prospered from the monopoly on the salt trade.
Everyone needed salt. Gandhi wrote to the Viceroy, Lord Irwin: "If my letter
makes no appeal to your heart, on the eleventh day of March I shall proceed
with co-workers of the Ashram as I can take, to disregard the provisions of the
Salt Laws. I regard this tax to be the most iniquitous of all from the poor man's
standpoint. As the Independence movement is essentially for the poorest in
the land, the beginning will be made with this evil."
From March 12 to April 6, 1930,
Gandhi made the famous Satyagraha ("Satya" - truth, "Agraha" - persuasion),
The Salt March to Dandi. He walked on foot to the ocean in protest against
the British salt monopoly and salt tax. He led thousands of Indians on a 240
mile (400 km) march from Ashram Ahmetabad to the village of Dandi on the
ocean to make their own salt. For 23 days the two-mile long procession was
watched by every resident along the journey. On April 6, Gandhi raised a grain
of salt and declared, "With this, I am shaking the foundations of the British
Empire." Gandhi's plan worked because it appealed to people in every region,
class, religion, and ethnicity. The successful campaign led to the reaction of
the British government and imprisonment of over 60,000 people for making
or selling salt without a tax. The British opened fire on the unarmed crowd
and shot hundreds of demonstrators. Gandhi was arrested in his sleep on the
night of May 4th, 1930. Eventually the British government, represented by
Lord Irwin, signed the Gandhi-Irwin Pact in March 1931, agreeing to free all
political prisoners. Gandhi was invited to London as the leader of the Indian
National Congress, but he was disappointed with the British attempts to
destroy his influence by dividing him from his followers.
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Regional Variations In Hinduism
Northern India
In most of northern and western India, Dasha-Hara (literally, "ten days") is
celebrated in honour of Raam Thousands of drama-dance-music plays based
on the Ramayan and Ramcharitmanas (Ramlila) are performed at outdoor
fairs across the land and in temporarily built staging grounds featuring effigies
of the demons Ravan, Kumbhakarn and Meghanath. The effigies are burnt
on bonfires in the evening of Vijayadashami-Dussehra.[5] While Dussehra is
observed on the same day across India, the festivities leading to it vary. In
many places, the "Rama Lila", or the brief version of the story of Rama, Sita
and Lakshaman, is enacted over the 9 days before it, but in some cities such
as Varanasi the entire story is freely acted out by performance-artists before
the public every evening for a month.
The performance arts tradition during the Dussehra festival was inscribed by
UNESCO as one of the "Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity" in 2008.
The festivities, states UNESCO, include songs, narration, recital and dialogue
based on the Hindu text Ramacharitmanas by Tulsidas. It is celebrated across
northern India for dussehra, but particularly in historically important Hindu
cities of Ayodhya, Varanasi, Vrindavan, Almora and Madhubani – cities in Uttar
Pradesh, Utarakhand, Bihar and Madhya Pradesh. The festival and dramatic
enactment of the virtues versus vices filled story is organized by communities
in hundreds of small villages and towns, attracting a mix of audiences from
different social, gender and economic backgrounds. In many parts of India,
the audience and villagers join in and participate spontaneously, some helping
the artists, others helping with stage setup, make-up, effigies and lights. These
arts come to a close on the night of Dussehra, when the victory of Raam is
celebrated by burning the effigies of evil, Ravan and his colleagues.
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Himachal Pradesh
Kullu Dussehra is celebrated in the
Kullu valley of Himachal Pradesh
and is regionally notable for its
large fair and parade witnessed
by estimated half a million people.
The festival is a symbol of victory
of good over evil by Raghu Nath,
and is celebrated like elsewhere
in the Indian subcontinent with a procession. The special feature of the Kullu
Dasara procession is the arrival of floats containing deities from different parts
of the nearby regions and their journey to Kullu.
Southern India
Mysore Dasara procession and
celebrations in Karnataka are a
major tourist attraction.
Vijayadasami is celebrated
in a variety of ways in South
India.Celebrations range from
worshipping Durga, lighting up
temples and major forts such as
at Mysore, to displaying colorful figurines, known as a golu.
The festival played a historical role in the 14th-century Vijayanagara Empire,
where it was called Mahanavami. The Italian traveller Niccolò de' Conti
described the festival's intensity and importance as a grandeur religious and
martial event with royal support. The event revered Durga as the warrior
goddess (some texts refer to her as Chamundeshwari). The celebrations
hosted athletic competitions, singing and dancing, fireworks, a pageantry
military parade and charitable giving to the public.
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The city of Mysore has traditionally been a major center of Dasara-
Vijayadashami celebrations.
Western India
In Gujarat, both goddess Durga and god Rama are revered for their victory
over evil. Fasting and prayers at temples are common. A regional dance
called Dandiya Raas, that deploys colorfully decorated sticks, and Garba that
is dancing in traditional dress is a part of the festivities through the night.
In Maharashtra, the deities installed on the first day of Navratri are immersed
in water. Observers visit each other and exchange sweets.
The festival has been historically important in Maharashtra. Shivaji, who
challenged the Mughal Empire in the 17th-century and created a Hindu
kingdom in western and central India, would deploy his soldiers to assist
farmers in cropping lands and providing adequate irrigation to guarantee
food supplies. Post monsoons, on Vijayadashami, these soldiers would leave
their villages and reassemble to serve in the military, re-arm and obtain their
deployment orders, then proceed to the frontiers for active duty.
Eastern India
Vijaya Dasami is observed as Bijoya Dashomi, immediately after the day of
Dashomi or the tenth day of Nabaratri, marked by a great procession where
the clay statues are ceremoniously walked to a river or ocean coast for a
solemn goodbye to Durga. Many mark their faces with vermilion (sindoor)
or wear some red clothing. It is an emotional day for some devotees, even
for many atheist Bengalis as the congregation sings emotional goodbye
songs. When the procession reaches the water, Durga is immersed, the clay
dissolves, and she is believed to return to Mount Kailasha with Shiva and to
the cosmos in general. People distribute sweets and gifts, visit their friends
and family members. Some communities such as those near Varanasi mark
the eleventh day, called ekadashi, by visiting a Durga temple.
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