Nextcloud Manual
Nextcloud Manual
Nextcloud Manual
Release latest
5 Groupware 55
5.1 Using the Contacts app . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
5.2 Using the Calendar app . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
5.3 Using the Mail app . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
5.4 Setting out-of-office messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
5.5 Synchronizing with Android . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
5.6 Synchronizing with iOS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
5.7 Synchronizing with macOS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
5.8 Synchronizing with Thunderbird . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
5.9 Synchronizing with KDE Kontact . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
5.10 Synchronizing with the GNOME desktop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
5.11 Synchronizing with Windows 10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129
6 Talk 133
6.1 Basics of Nextcloud Talk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133
6.2 Advanced Talk features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152
6.3 Join a call or chat as guest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170
7 Setting your preferences 177
7.1 Sharing your data in the global address book . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179
Nextcloud User Manual, Release latest
Nextcloud User Manual, Release latest
Nextcloud User Manual, Release latest
You can connect to your Nextcloud server using any Web browser. Just point it to your Nextcloud server URL (e.g. and enter your username and password:
For the best experience with the Nextcloud web interface, we recommend that you use the latest and supported version
of a browser from this list:
• Google Chrome/Chromium (Desktop and Android)
• Mozilla Firefox (Desktop and Android)
• Apple Safari (Desktop and iOS)
• Microsoft Edge
Note: Not all versions are supported. Nextcloud is tested and built to work with these versions only.
Note: If you want to use Nextcloud Talk you need to run Mozilla Firefox 52+ or Google Chrome/Chromium 49+ to
have the full experience with video calls and screensharing.
Nextcloud User Manual, Release latest
By default, the Nextcloud Web interface opens to your Dashboard or Files page:
In Files you can add, remove, and share files, and the server administrator can change access privileges.
The Nextcloud user interface contains the following fields and functions:
• Apps Selection Menu (1): Located in the upper left corner, you’ll find all your apps which are available on your
instance of Nextcloud. Clicking on an app icon will redirect you to the app.
• Apps Information field (2): Located in the left sidebar, this provides filters and tasks associated with your selected
app. For example, when you are using the Files app you have a special set of filters for quickly finding your files,
such as files that have been shared with you, and files that you have shared with others. You’ll see different items
for other apps.
• Application View (3): The main central field in the Nextcloud user interface. This field displays the contents or
user features of your selected app.
• Navigation Bar (4): Located over the main viewing window (the Application View), this bar provides a type of
breadcrumbs navigation that enables you to migrate to higher levels of the folder hierarchy up to the root level
• New button (5): Located in the Navigation Bar, the New button enables you to create new files, new folders, or
upload files.
Note: You can also drag and drop files from your file manager into the Files Application View to upload them to your
• Search field (6): Click on the Magnifier in the upper right corner to search for files and entries of the current app.
• Contacts Menu (7): Gives you an overview about your contacts and users on your server. Dependent on the given
details and available apps, you can directly start a video call with them or send emails.
• Grid view button (8): This looks like four little squares, which toggles the grid view for folders and files.
• Settings menu (9): Click on your profile picture, located to the right of the Search field, to open your Settings
dropdown menu. Your Settings page provides the following settings and features:
– Links to download desktop and mobile apps
– Server usage and space availability
– Password management
– Name, email, and profile picture settings
– Manage connected browsers and devices
– Group memberships
– Interface language settings
– Manage notifications
– Federated Cloud ID and social media-sharing buttons
– SSL/TLS certificate manager for external storages
– Your Two-factor Settings
– Nextcloud Version information
See Setting your preferences section to learn more about these settings.
You can access your Nextcloud files with the Nextcloud Web interface and create, preview, edit, delete, share, and re-
share files. Your Nextcloud administrator has the option to disable these features, so if any of them are missing on your
system ask your server administrator.
You can assign tags to files. To create tags, open a file to the Details view. Then type your tags. To enter more than one
tag press the return key after creating each tag. All tags are system tags, and are shared by all users on your Nextcloud
Then use the Tags filter on the left sidebar to filter files by tags:
Nextcloud User Manual, Release latest
Use the Details view to add and read comments on any file or folder. Comments are visible to everyone who has access
to the file:
You can play videos in Nextcloud with the Video Player app by simply clicking on the file. Video streaming by the native
Nextcloud video player depends on your Web browser and the video format. If your Nextcloud administrator has enabled
video streaming, and it doesn’t work in your Web browser, it may be a browser issue. See
en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Supported_media_formats#Browser_compatibility for supported multimedia formats in Web
Nextcloud can display thumbnail previews for image files, MP3 covers, and text files, if this enabled by your server
administrator. Hover your cursor over a file or folder to expose the controls for the following operations:
Click the star to the left of the file icon to mark it as a favorite:
You can also quickly find all of your favorites with the Favorites filter on the left sidebar.
Overflow Menu
The Overflow menu (three dots) displays file details, and allows you to rename, download, or delete files:
The Details view shows Activities, Sharing, and Versions information:
The Settings gear icon at the lower left allows you to show or hide hidden files in your Nextcloud Web interface. These
are also called dotfiles, because they are prefixed with a dot, e.g. .mailfile. The dot tells your operating system to
hide these files in your file browsers, unless you choose to display them. Usually these are configuration files, so having
the option to hide them reduces clutter.
You can display uncompressed text files, OpenDocument files, videos, and image files in the Nextcloud embedded viewers
by clicking on the file name. There may be other file types you can preview if your Nextcloud administrator has enabled
them. If Nextcloud cannot display a file, it starts a download process and downloads the file to your computer.
Navigating through folders in Nextcloud is as simple as clicking on a folder to open it and using the back button on
your browser to move to a previous level. Nextcloud also provides a navigation bar at the top of the Files field for quick
Any folder that has been shared is marked with the Shared overlay icon. Public link shares are marked with a chain
link. Unshared folders are not marked:
Upload or create new files or folders directly in a Nextcloud folder by clicking on the New button in the Files app:
You can select one or more files or folders by clicking on their checkboxes. To select all files in the current directory,
click on the checkbox located at the top of the files listing.
When you select multiple files, you can delete all of them, or download them as a ZIP file by using the Delete or
Download buttons that appear at the top.
Note: If the Download button is not visible, the administrator has disabled this feature.
The left sidebar on the Files page contains several filters for quickly sorting and managing your files.
All files
The default view; displays all files that you have access to.
Files or folders marked with the yellow star.
Shared with you
Displays all files shared with you by another user or group.
Shared with others
Displays all files that you have shared with other users or groups.
Shared by link
Displays all files that are shared by you via public link.
External Storage (optional)
Files that you have access to on external storage devices and services such as Amazon S3, SMB/CIFS, FTP…
You can move files and folders by dragging and dropping them into any directory.
Federated Cloud Sharing allows you to mount file shares from remote Nextcloud servers, and manage them just like a
local share. See Using Federation Shares to learn to how to create and connect to new Federated Cloud shares.
Nextcloud fully supports the WebDAV protocol, and you can connect and synchronize with Nextcloud Files over Web-
DAV. In this chapter, you will learn how to connect Linux, macOS, Windows, and mobile devices to your Nextcloud
WebDAV stands for Distributed Authoring and Versioning. It is an HTTP extension that makes it easy to create, read,
and edit files hosted on remote Web servers. With a WebDAV, client you can access your Nextcloud Files (including
shares) on Linux, macOS and Windows in a similar way as any remote network share, and stay synchronized.
Before we get into configuring WebDAV, let’s take a quick look at the recommended way of connecting client devices to
The recommended way to synchronize a computer with a Nextcloud server is by using the official Nextcloud sync clients.
You can configure the client to save files in any local directory and you can choose which directories on the Nextcloud
server to sync with. The client displays the current connection status and logs all activity, so you always know which
remote files have been downloaded to your PC and you can verify that files created and updated on your local PC are
properly synchronized with the server.
The recommended way to synchronize Android and Apple iOS devices is by using the official Nextcloud mobile apps.
To connect the official Nextcloud apps to a Nextcloud server use the same URL you use to access Nextcloud from your
web browser - e.g.:
If you prefer, you may also connect your computer to your Nextcloud server by using any third-party client that supports
the WebDAV protocol (including what may be built into your operating system).
You can also use third-party WebDAV capable apps to connect your mobile device to Nextcloud.
When using third-party clients, keep in mind that they may not be optimized for use with Nextcloud or implement
capabilities you consider important to your use case.
Mobile clients that Nextcloud community members have reported using include:
• FolderSync (Android)
• WebDAV Navigator (iPhone)
The URL to use when configuring third-party apps to connect to Nextcloud is a bit lengthier than the one for official
Note: When using a third-party WebDAV client (including your operating system’s built-in client), you should use an ap-
plication password for login rather than your regular password. In addition improved security, this increases performance
significantly <>_. To configure an applica-
tion password, log into the Nextcloud Web interface, click on the avatar in the top right and choose Personal settings.
Then choose Security in the left sidebar and scroll to the very bottom. There you can create an app password (which can
also be revoked in the future without changing your main user password).
Note: In the following examples, you should replace with the URL of your Nextcloud server
(omit the directory part if the installation is in the root of your domain), and USERNAME with the username of the
connecting user.
See the WebDAV URL (bottom left in settings) on your Nextcloud.
You can access files in Linux operating systems using the following methods.
When you configure your Nextcloud account in the GNOME Control Center, your files will automatically be
mounted by Nautilus as a WebDAV share, unless you deselect file access.
You can also mount your Nextcloud files manually. Use the davs:// protocol to connect the Nautilus file manager to
your Nextcloud share:
Note: If your server connection is not HTTPS-secured, use dav:// instead of davs://:
Note: The same method works for other file managers that use GVFS, such as MATE’s Caja and Cinnamon’s Nemo.
To access your Nextcloud files using the Dolphin file manager in KDE, use the webdav:// protocol:
You can create WebDAV mounts from the Linux command line. This is useful if you prefer to access Nextcloud the
same way as any other remote filesystem mount. The following example shows how to create a personal mount and have
it mounted automatically every time you log in to your Linux computer.
1. Install the davfs2 WebDAV filesystem driver, which allows you to mount WebDAV shares just like any other
remote filesystem. Use this command to install it on Debian/Ubuntu:
4. Then create a nextcloud directory in your home directory for the mount point, and .davfs2/ for your personal
configuration file:
mkdir ~/nextcloud
mkdir ~/.davfs2
cp /etc/davfs2/secrets ~/.davfs2/secrets
6. Set yourself as the owner and make the permissions read-write owner only:
7. Add your Nextcloud login credentials to the end of the secrets file, using your Nextcloud server URL and your
Nextcloud username and password: /home/<linux_
,→username>/nextcloud davfs user,rw,auto 0 0
9. Then test that it mounts and authenticates by running the following command. If you set it up correctly you won’t
need root permissions:
mount ~/nextcloud
umount ~/nextcloud
Now every time you login to your Linux system your Nextcloud share should automatically mount via WebDAV in your
~/nextcloud directory. If you prefer to mount it manually, change auto to noauto in /etc/fstab.
If you experience trouble when you create a file in the directory, edit /etc/davfs2/davfs2.conf and add:
use_locks 0
Certificate warnings
If you use a self-signed certificate, you will get a warning. To change this, you need to configure davfs2 to recognize
your certificate. Copy mycertificate.pem to /etc/davfs2/certs/. Then edit /etc/davfs2/davfs2.
conf and uncomment the line servercert. Now add the path of your certificate as in this example:
servercert /etc/davfs2/certs/mycertificate.pem
Note: The macOS Finder suffers from a series of implementation problems and should only be used if the Nextcloud
server runs on Apache and mod_php, or Nginx 1.3.8+. Alternative macOS-compatible clients capable of accessing
WebDAV shares include open source apps like Cyberduck (see instructions here) and Filezilla. Commercial clients
include Mountain Duck, Forklift, Transmit, and Commander One.
2. When the Connect to Server… window opens, enter your Nextcloud server’s WebDAV address in the Server
Address: field, i.e.:
3. Click Connect. Your WebDAV server should appear on the Desktop as a shared disk drive.
If you use the native Windows implementation of WebDAV, you can map Nextcloud to a new drive using Windows
Explorer. Mapping to a drive enables you to browse files stored on a Nextcloud server the way you would browse files
stored in a mapped network drive.
Using this feature requires network connectivity. If you want to store your files offline, use the Desktop Client to sync all
files on your Nextcloud to one or more directories of your local hard drive.
Note: Windows 10 now defaults to allow Basic Authentication if HTTPS is enabled before mapping your drive.
On older versions of Windows, you must permit the use of Basic Authentication in the Windows Registry:
• launch regedit and navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\
• Create or edit the BasicAuthLevel (Windows Vista, 7 and 8), or UseBasicAuth (Windows XP and Win-
dows Server 2003), DWORD value and set its value data to 1 for SSL connections. A value of 0 means that Basic
Authentication is disabled, and a value of 2 allows both SSL and non-SSL connections (not recommended).
• Then exit Registry Editor, and restart the computer.
The following example shows how to map a drive using the command line. To map the drive:
1. Open a command prompt in Windows.
2. Enter the following line in the command prompt to map to the computer Z drive:
The computer maps the files of your Nextcloud account to the drive letter Z.
Note: If you get the following error System error 67 has occurred. The network name cannot
be found., open the Services app and make sure that the WebClient service is running and started automatically
at startup.
Note: Though not recommended, you can also mount the Nextcloud server using HTTP, leaving the connection unen-
If you plan to use HTTP connections on devices while in a public place, we strongly recommend using a
VPN tunnel to provide the necessary security.
An alternative command syntax is:
Note: For SSL-protected servers, check Reconnect at sign-in to ensure that the mapping is persistent upon
subsequent reboots. If you want to connect to the Nextcloud server as a different user, check Connect using
different credentials.
Cyberduck is an open source FTP, SFTP, WebDAV, OpenStack Swift, and Amazon S3 browser designed for file transfers
on macOS and Windows.
To use Cyberduck:
1. Specify a server without any leading protocol information.
For example:
2. Specify the appropriate port.
The port you choose depends on whether or not your Nextcloud server supports SSL. Cyberduck requires that you
select a different connection type if you plan to use SSL.
For example:
• 80 for unencrypted WebDAV
• 443 for secure WebDAV (HTTPS/SSL)
3. Use the ‘More Options’ drop-down menu to add the rest of your WebDAV URL into the ‘Path’ field.
For example: remote.php/dav/files/USERNAME/
Now Cyberduck enables file access to the Nextcloud server.
Nextcloud provides the possibility to access public shares anonymously over WebDAV.
To access the public share, open:
in a WebDAV client, use the share token as username and the (optional) share password as the password. For example,
with a share link, kFy9Lek5sm928xP will be the username.
Note: Settings → Administration → Sharing → Allow users on this server to send shares to other servers. This
option also allows WebDAV access to public shares and needs to be enabled to make this feature work, except if cURL
is being used (see below).
Solution 1
The Windows WebDAV Client might not support Server Name Indication (SNI) on encrypted connections. If you en-
counter an error mounting an SSL-encrypted Nextcloud instance, contact your provider about assigning a dedicated IP
address for your SSL-based server.
Solution 2
The Windows WebDAV Client might not support TLSv1.1 and TLSv1.2 connections. If you have restricted your server
config to only provide TLSv1.1 and above the connection to your server might fail. Please refer to the WinHTTP docu-
mentation for further information.
You receive the following error message: Error 0x800700DF: The file size exceeds the limit allowed and cannot be
Adding a WebDAV drive on Windows via the above described steps does not display the correct size of in Nextcloud
available space and instead shows the size of the C: drive with its available space.
Unfortunately is this a limitation of WebDAV itself, because it does not provide a way for the client to get the available
free space from the server. Windows automatically falls back to show the size of the C: drive with its available space
instead. So unfortunately there is no real solution to this problem.
Known problems and their solutions are documented in the KB2123563 article.
Since WebDAV is an extension of HTTP, cURL can be used to script file operations.
Note: Settings → Administration → Sharing → Allow users on this server to send shares to other servers. If this
option is disabled, the option --header "X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest" needs to be passed to
To move a file:
<d:getlastmodified>Tue, 13 Oct 2015 17:07:45 GMT</d:getlastmodified>
<d:status>HTTP/1.1 200 OK</d:status>
<d:getlastmodified>Tue, 13 Oct 2015 17:07:35 GMT</d:getlastmodified>
(continues on next page)
WinSCP is an open source free SFTP, FTP, WebDAV, S3, and SCP client for Windows. Its main function is file transfer
between a local and a remote computer. Beyond this, WinSCP offers scripting and basic file management functionality.
You can download the portable version of WinSCP and run it on Linux through Wine.
To run WinSCP on Linux, download wine through your distribution’s package manager, then run it with the command:
wine WinSCP.exe.
To connect to Nextcloud:
• Start WinSCP
• Press ‘Session’ in the menu
• Press the ‘New Session’ menu option
• Set the ‘File protocol’ dropdown to WebDAV
• Set the ‘Encryption’ dropdown to TLS/SSL Implicit encryption
• Fill in the hostname field:
• Fill in the username field: NEXTCLOUDUSERNAME
• Fill in the password field: NEXTCLOUDPASSWORD
• Press the ‘Advanced…’ button
• Navigate to ‘Environment’, ‘Directories’ on the left side
• Fill in the ‘Remote directory’ field with the following: /nextcloud/remote.php/dav/files/
• Press the ‘OK’ button
• Press the ‘Save’ button
• Select the desired options and press the ‘OK’ button
• Press the ‘Login’ button to connect to Nextcloud
Note: It is recommended to use an app password for the password if you use TOTP as WinSCP does not understand
TOTP with Nextcloud at the time of writing (2022-11-07).
When you delete a file in Nextcloud, it is not immediately deleted permanently, only moved into the trash bin. It is not
permanently deleted until you manually delete it, or when the Deleted Files app deletes it to make room for new files.
Find your deleted files by clicking on the Deleted files button on the Files page of the Nextcloud Web interface. You’ll
have options to either restore or permanently delete files.
4.3.1 Quotas
Deleted files are not counted against your storage quota. Only your personal files count against your quota, not files which
were shared with you. (See Storage quota to learn more about quotas.)
Deleting files gets a little complicated when they are shared files, as this scenario illustrates:
1. User1 shares a folder “test” with User2 and User3
2. User2 (the recipient) deletes a file/folder “sub” inside of “test”
3. The folder “sub” will be moved to the trash bin of both User1 (owner) and User2 (recipient)
4. But User3 will not have a copy of “sub” in their trash bin
When User1 deletes “sub” then it is moved to User1’s trash bin. It is deleted from User2 and User3, but not placed in
their trash bins.
When you share files, other users may copy, rename, move, and share them with other people, just as they can for any
computer files; Nextcloud does not have magic powers to prevent this.
To ensure that users do not run over their storage quotas, the Deleted Files app allocates a maximum of 50% of their
currently available free space to deleted files. If your deleted files exceed this limit, Nextcloud deletes the oldest files (files
with the oldest timestamps from when they were deleted) until it meets the memory usage limit again.
Nextcloud checks the age of deleted files every time new files are added to the deleted files. By default, deleted files stay
in the trash bin for 30 days. The Nextcloud server administrator can adjust this value in the config.php file by setting
the trashbin_retention_obligation value. Files older than the trashbin_retention_obligation
value will be deleted permanently. Additionally, Nextcloud calculates the maximum available space every time a new file
is added. If the deleted files exceed the new maximum allowed space Nextcloud will permanently delete those trashed
files with the soonest expiration until the space limit is met again.
Note: Your administrator may have configured the trash bin retention period to override the storage space management.
See admin documentation for more details.
For synchronizing files with your desktop computer, we recommend using the Nextcloud Sync Client for Windows, macOS
and Linux.
The Nextcloud Desktop Sync Client enables you to connect to your Nextcloud Server. You can create folders in your
home directory, and keep the contents of those folders synced with your Nextcloud server. Simply copy a file into the
directory and the Nextcloud desktop client does the rest. Make a change to the files on one computer, it will flow across
the others using these desktop sync clients. You will always have your latest files with you wherever you are.
Its usage is documented separately in the Nextcloud Desktop Client Manual.
Visit your Personal page in your Nextcloud Web interface to find download links for Android and iOS mobile sync clients.
Or, visit the Nextcloud download page.
Unfortunately, 2-way-sync, a.k.a bidirectional sync, isn’t fully implemented in the Android client yet. See this issue on
GitHub for the current feature’s status.
Nextcloud includes a server side Encryption app, and when it is enabled by your Nextcloud administrator all of your
Nextcloud data files are automatically encrypted on the server. Encryption is server-wide, so when it is enabled you
cannot choose to keep your files unencrypted. You don’t have to do anything special, as it uses your Nextcloud login as
the password for your unique private encryption key. Just log out and in and manage and share your files as you normally
do, and you can still change your password whenever you want.
Its main purpose is to encrypt files on remote storage services that are connected to your Nextcloud server. This is an
easy and seamless way to protect your files on remote storage. You can share your remote files through Nextcloud in the
usual way, however you cannot share your encrypted files directly from the remote service you are using, because the
encryption keys are stored on your Nextcloud server, and are never exposed to outside service providers.
If your Nextcloud server is not connected to any remote storage services, then it is better to use some other form of
encryption such as file-level or whole disk encryption. Because the keys are kept on your Nextcloud server, it is possible
for your Nextcloud administrator to snoop in your files, and if the server is compromised the intruder may get access to
your files. (Read Encryption in Nextcloud to learn more.)
The only way to disable encryption is to run the “decrypt all” script, which decrypts all files and disables encryption.
Yes, if every user uses the file recovery key, “decrypt all” will use it to decrypt all files.
If you don’t have the users password or file recovery key, then there is no way to decrypt all files. What’s more, running
it on login would be dangerous, because you would most likely run into timeouts.
If we did that, then we would need to store your login password in the database. This could be seen as a security issue, so
nothing like that is planned.
If you mean adding users to groups and make it magically work? No. This only works with the master key.
Nextcloud encryption is pretty much set it and forget it, but you have a few options you can use.
When your Nextcloud administrator enables encryption for the first time, you must log out and then log back in to create
your encryption keys and encrypt your files. When encryption has been enabled on your Nextcloud server you will see a
yellow banner on your Files page warning you to log out and then log back in:
When you log back in it takes a few minutes to work, depending on how many files you have, and then you are returned
to your default Nextcloud page.
Note: You must never lose your Nextcloud password, because you will lose access to your files. Though there is an
optional recovery option that your Nextcloud administrator may enable; see the Recovery Key Password section (below)
to learn about this.
Only users who have private encryption keys have access to shared encrypted files and folders. Users who have not yet
created their private encryption keys will not have access to encrypted shared files; they will see folders and filenames,
but will not be able to open or download the files. They will see a yellow warning banner that says “Encryption App is
enabled but your keys are not initialized, please log-out and log-in again.”
Share owners may need to re-share files after encryption is enabled; users trying to access the share will see a message
advising them to ask the share owner to re-share the file with them. For individual shares, un-share and re-share the file.
For group shares, share with any individuals who can’t access the share. This updates the encryption, and then the share
owner can remove the individual shares.
If your Nextcloud administrator has enabled the recovery key feature, you can choose to use this feature for your account.
If you enable “Password recovery” the administrator can read your data with a special password. This feature enables the
administrator to recover your files in the event you lose your Nextcloud password. If the recovery key is not enabled, then
there is no way to restore your files if you lose your login password.
Only the data in your files is encrypted, and not the filenames or folder structures. These files are never encrypted:
• Old files in the trash bin.
• Image thumbnails from the Gallery app.
• Previews from the Files app.
• The search index from the full text search app.
• Third-party app data
Only those files that are shared with third-party storage providers can be encrypted, the rest of the files may not be
This option is only available if the encryption password has not been changed by the administrator, but only the log-in
password. This can occur if your Nextcloud provider uses an external user back-end (for example, LDAP) and changed
your login password using that back-end configuration. In this case, you can set your encryption password to your new
login password by providing your old and new login password. The Encryption app works only if your login password
and your encryption password are identical.
Nextcloud users can share files and folders. Possible targets are:
• public links
• users
• groups
• circles
• talk conversations
• users or groups on federated Nextcloud servers
Note: Some options may not be available due to administrative configuration. See administrator documentation for
For public file shares, you may allow editing the file with one of Nextcloud’s collaborative editing solutions:
Note: Password protection as well as file expiration are also propagated using Federated File Sharing since Nextcloud
When sharing with users, groups, circles or members of a Talk conversation, rights for the files or folder contents are
As a sharee, you can configure if you automatically want to accept all incoming shares and have them added to your root
folder, or if you want to be asked each time if you want to accept or decline the share.
For adjusting the acceptance setting, go to Settings > Personal > Sharing:
In order to find out if a file or folder is accessible to others through sharing of a superior folder hierarchy level, click on
Others with access in the sharing tab:
The list shows all users, groups, chats etc. that the current object has been given access to through sharing of a superior
folder in the hierarchy:
Click on the three dots to:
• see who initiated the share
• see where the share was initiated (click to navigate to the folder, as far as you have access there)
• unshare the initial share (only accessible for the share owner)
Note: This information is only visible to the owner of a file/folder or sharees with resharing rights.
Federation Sharing allows you to mount file shares from remote Nextcloud servers, in effect creating your own cloud of
Nextclouds. You can create direct share links with users on other Nextcloud servers.
Federation sharing is enabled by default. Follow these steps to create a new share with other Nextcloud or ownCloud
Go to your Files page and click the Share icon on the file or directory you want to share. In the sidebar enter the
username and URL of the remote user in this form: <username>@<nc-server-url>. In this example, that is
The sharee is receiving a notification in their Nextcloud, allowing them to either accept or decline the incoming share:
Nextcloud public link share pages offer an option to add that file or folder as a federated share into your own Nextcloud
instance. Just enter your <username>@<nc-server-url> just like shown for outbound shares above:
You may create your own special upload directories so that other people can upload files to you without having to log in
to the server, and without being a Nextcloud user. They will not be allowed to see the contents of this directory, or to
make any changes. This is an excellent alternative to sending large attachments via email, using an FTP server, or using
commercial file-sharing services.
Go to Files and create or choose the folder, the anonymous upload should be made to:
Now you can send the link to the upload folder manually or by using the Nextcloud send function, if your administrator
has enabled it.
Using the anonymous upload function is simple. You receive a link to the upload folder, click the link, and then you’ll see
a Nextcloud page with a “Click to upload” button:
This opens a file picker, and you select the file or directory you want to upload. You’re also able to just drop files into the
When your upload is completed, the filenames are listed:
When uploading files through the web client, Nextcloud is limited by PHP and Apache configurations. By default, PHP
is configured for only 2 megabyte uploads. As this default upload limit is not entirely useful, we recommend that your
Nextcloud administrator increase the Nextcloud variables to sizes appropriate for users.
Modifying certain Nextcloud variables requires administrative access. If you require larger upload limits than have been
provided by the default (or already set by your administrator):
• Contact your administrator to request an increase in these variables
• Refer to the section in the Administration Documentation that describes how to manage file upload size limits.
Your Nextcloud administrator has the option to set a storage quota on users. Look at your the Personal page to see what
your quota is, and how much you have used.
Note: Your administrator may have configured the trash bin retention period to override the storage space management.
See administrator documentation for more details.
When version control is enabled, the older file versions are not counted against quotas.
If you create a public share via URL and allow uploads, any uploaded files count against your quota.
Nextcloud supports simple version control system for files. Versioning creates backups of files which are accessible via
the Versions tab on the Details sidebar. This tab contains the history of the file where you can roll back a file to any
previous version. Changes made at intervals greater than two minutes are saved in data/[user]/files_versions.
To restore a specific version of a file, click the circular arrow to the right. Click on the timestamp to download it.
The versioning app expires old versions automatically to make sure that the user doesn’t run out of space. This pattern is
used to delete old versions:
• For the first second we keep one version
• For the first 10 seconds Nextcloud keeps one version every 2 seconds
• For the first minute Nextcloud keeps one version every 10 seconds
• For the first hour Nextcloud keeps one version every minute
• For the first 24 hours Nextcloud keeps one version every hour
• For the first 30 days Nextcloud keeps one version every day
• After the first 30 days Nextcloud keeps one version every week
The versions are adjusted along this pattern every time a new version gets created.
The version app never uses more than 50% of the user’s currently available free space. If the stored versions exceed this
limit, Nextcloud deletes the oldest versions until it meets the disk space limit again.
When a version has a name, it will be excluded from the automatic expiration process.
You can also manually delete a version without waiting for the automatic expiration process.
4.12 Projects
Users can associate files, chats and other items with each other in projects. The various apps will present these items in a
list, allowing users to immediately jump to them. Projects are Nextcloud wide. When a user shares a file that is part of a
project, the share recipient can see that project, too. A click on any of the items in a project leads right to it, be it a chat,
a file or a task.
A new project can be created by linking two items together. Start off by opening a file or folders sharing sidebar.
Click Add to a project and select the type of item you want to link with the current file/folder. A selector will open that
allows you selecting a Talk conversation for example.
Once the item has been selected a new project is being created and listed in the sharing tab of the sidebar. The same
project will also appear in the sharing sidebar of the linked items.
The list entry shows quick links to a limited number of items. By opening the context menu, the project can be renamed
and the full list of items can be expanded.
If another item should be added to an already existing project this can be done by searching for the project name in the
Add to a project picker.
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Projects do not influence the access and visibility of the different items. Users will only see projects of other users if they
have access to all contained items.
Users can transfer the ownership of files and folders to other users. Sharing ownerships of those transferred files/folders
will also be transferred.
1. Navigate to Settings (top-right menu) > Sharing.
2. In the Files section, click on Choose file or folder to transfer. A file picker opens, showing all files and folders in
the user’s account.
3. Pick a file or folder and click on Choose. The chosen file or folder name gets displayed.
4. Click on Change to change the choice if necessary.
5. Pick a new owner by typing their name into the search field next to New owner.
6. Click on Transfer.
Note: The username autocompletion or listing may be limited due to administrative visibility config-
uration. See administrator documentation for details.
1. The target user receives a notification where they are being asked whether to accept or reject the incoming transfer.
2. If accepted, the target user finds the transferred files and folders in their root under a folder Transferred from [user]
on [timestamp].
3. The source user gets informed about the acceptance or rejection by a notification.
Federation Sharing allows you to mount file shares from remote Nextcloud servers, in effect creating your own cloud of
Nextclouds. You can create direct share links with users on other Nextcloud servers.
Federation sharing is enabled on new or upgraded Nextcloud installations by default. Follow these steps to create a new
share with other Nextcloud or ownCloud 9+ servers:
1. Go to your Files page and click the Share icon on the file or directory you want to share. In the sidebar enter the
username and URL of the remote user in this form: <username>@<oc-server-url>. The form automatically
confirms the address that you type and labels it as “remote”. Click on the label.
2. When your local Nextcloud server makes a successful connection with the remote Nextcloud server you’ll see a con-
firmation. Your only share option is Can edit.
Click the Share button anytime to see who you have shared your file with. Remove your linked share anytime by clicking
the trash can icon. This only unlinks the share, and does not delete any files.
Use this method when you are sharing with users on ownCloud 8.x and older.
What if you do not know the username or URL? Then you can have Nextcloud create the link for you and email it to your
When your recipient receives your email they will have to take a number of steps to complete the share link. First they
must open the link you sent them in a Web browser, and then click the Add to your Nextcloud button.
The Add to your Nextcloud button changes to a form field, and your recipient needs to enter the URL of their Nextcloud
or ownCloud server in this field and press the return key, or click the arrow.
Next, they will see a dialog asking to confirm. All they have to do is click the Add remote share button and they’re
Remove your linked share anytime by clicking the trash can icon. This only unlinks the share, and does not delete any
Nextcloud Groupware is a bundle of apps which is consisting of an Mail-client (IMAP/POP3) and a Calendar and
Contacts server (CalDAV/CardDAV) with the respective web interfaces.
We complete those productivity tools with Deck, a project management tool which allows you to create Kanban-style task
boards and share them with your team.
You can find out more about Nextcloud Groupware on our website.
The Contacts app is not enabled by default in Nextcloud latest and needs to be installed separately from our App Store.
The Nextcloud Contacts app is similar to other mobile contact applications, but with more functionality. Let’s run through
basic features that will help you maintain your address book in the application.
Below, you will learn how to add contacts, edit or remove contacts, upload a contact picture and manage your address
When you first access the Contacts app, the system address book containing all users on the instance you are allowed to
see, plus an empty default address book becomes available:
To add contacts into your address book, you can use one of the following methods:
• Import contacts using a Virtual Contact File (VCF/vCard) file
• Add contacts manually
The fastest way to add a contact is to use a Virtual Contact File (VCF/vCard) file.
3. Click the gear button. The Contacts app “Import” button will appear:
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Note: The Contacts app only supports import of vCards version 3.0 and 4.0.
If you can’t import virtual contacts, the Contacts app enables you to add contacts manually.
To Create a New Contact:
1. Click the + New contact button.
The Edit View configuration opens in the Application View field:
58 Chapter 5. Groupware
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Contact Picture
To add a picture for your new contacts, click on the upload button:
After you have set a contact picture, it will look like this:
If you want to upload a new one, remove it, view it in full size or download it, click on the contacts picture for the following
options to appear:
60 Chapter 5. Groupware
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Clicking on the “Settings” (gear) button at the bottom of the left sidebar provides access to Contacts app settings. This
field shows all available address books, certain options for each address book, and enables you to create new address
books, simply by specifying an address books name:
The Contacts settings is also where you can share, export and delete addressbooks. You will find the CardDAV URLs
See Groupware for more details about syncing your address books with iOS, macOS, Thunderbird and other CardDAV
5.1.3 Circles
Informal collaboration takes place within organizations: an event to organize for a few weeks, a short ideation session
between members from differents entities, workshops, a place to joke around and support team building, or simply in
very organic organizations where formal structure is kept to a minimum.
For all these reasons, Nextcloud supports Circles, a feature embedded in the Contacts app, where every user is able to
create its own circle, a user-defined aggregate of accounts. Circles can be used later on to share files and folders, added
to Talk conversations, like a regular group.
Create a circle
In the left menu, click on the + next to Circles. Set a circle name Landing on the circle configuration screen, you can: -
add members to your circle - clicking on the three dot menu next to a user allow you to modify its role within the circle.
Circle roles
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Local accounts, groups, email addresses or other circles can be added as members to a circle. For a group or a circle, the
role applies to all members of the group or circle.
Circle options
Various self-explanatory options are available to configure a circle, to manage invites and membership, visibility of the
circle, allowance of other circle membership and password protection.
Shared items
Items that are shared between two contacts will be displayed in the contact app. This includes media, calendar events, chat
rooms, and shared deck cards, all of which will be visible in the contact details. This functionality is limited to contacts
listed in the system address book. Currently, our system only supports shared items between two contacts.
Note: The Calendar app comes installed with Nextcloud Hub by default, but can be disabled. Please ask your Admin-
istrator for it.
The Nextcloud Calendar app works similar to other calendar applications you can sync your Nextcloud calendars and
events with.
When you first access the Calendar app, a default first calendar will be created for you.
If you plan on setting up a new calendar without transferring any old data from your previous calendar, creating a new
calendar is the way you should go.
1. Click on + New Calendar in the left sidebar.
2. Type in a name for your new calendar, e.g. “Work”, “Home” or “Marketing planning”.
3. After clicking on the checkmark, your new calendar is created and can be synced across your devices, filled with
new events and shared with your friends and colleagues.
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Import a Calendar
If you want to transfer your calendar and their respective events to your Nextcloud instance, importing is the best way to
do so.
1. Click on the settings-icon labeled with Settings & Import at the left-bottom.
2. After clicking on + Import Calendar you can select one or more calendar files from your local device to
3. The upload can take some time and depends on how big the calendar you import is.
Note: The Nextcloud Calendar application only supports iCalendar-compatible .ics-files, defined in RFC 5545.
Sometimes you may want to change the color or the entire name of a previous imported or created calendar. You may
also want to export it to your local hard drive or delete it forever.
Note: Please keep in mind that deleting a calendar is a irreversible action. After deletion, there is no way of restoring
the calendar unless you have a local backup.
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Sharing calendars
You may share your calendar with other users or groups. Calendars may be shared with write access or read-only. When
sharing a calendar with write access, users with whom the calendar is shared will be able to create new events into the
calendar as well as edit and delete existing ones.
Note: Calendar shares currently cannot be accepted or rejected. If you want to stop having a calendar that someone
shared with you, you can click on the 3-dot menu next to the calendar in the calendar list and click on “Unshare from me”.
Publishing a calendar
Calendars can be published through a public link to make them viewable (read-only) to external users. You may create a
public link by opening the share menu for a calendar and clicking on « + » next to « Share link ». Once created you can
copy the public link to your clipboard or send it through email.
There’s also an « embedding code » that provides an HTML iframe to embed your calendar into public pages.
Multiple calendars can be shared together by adding their unique tokens to the end of an embed link. Individual tokens
can be found at the end of each calendar’s public link. The full address will look like https://cloud.example.
To change the default view or date of an embedded calendar, you need to provide a URL that looks like https:/
/<token>/<view>/<date>. In this url
you need to replace the following variables:
• <token> with the calendar’s token,
• <view> with one of dayGridMonth, timeGridWeek, timeGridDay, listMonth, listWeek,
listDay. The default view is dayGridMonth and the normally used list is listMonth,
• <date> with now or any date with the following format <year>-<month>-<day> (e.g. 2019-12-28).
On the public page, users are able to get the subscription link for the calendar and export the whole calendar directly.
Subscribe to a Calendar
You can subscribe to iCal calendars directly inside of your Nextcloud. By supporting this interoperable standard (RFC
5545) we made Nextcloud calendar compatible to Google Calendar, Apple iCloud and many other calendar-servers you
can exchange your calendars with, including subscription links from calendar published on other Nextcloud instances, as
described above.
1. Click on + New calendar in the left sidebar
2. Click on + New subscription from link (read-only)
3. Type in or paste the link of the shared calendar you want to subscribe to.
Finished. Your calendar subscriptions will be updated regularly.
Note: Subscriptions are refreshed every week by default. Your administrator may have changed this setting.
Events can be created by clicking in the area when the event is scheduled. In the day- and week-view of the calendar you
just click, pull and release your cursor over the area when the event is taking place.
The month-view only requires a single click into the area of the target day.
After that, you can type in the event’s name (e.g. Meeting with Lukas), choose the calendar in which you want to save
the event to (e.g. Personal, Work), check and concretize the time span or set the event as an all-day event. Optionally
you can specify a location and a description.
If you want to edit advanced details such as the Attendees or Reminders, or if you want to set the event as a repeating-
event, click on the More button to open the advanced sidebar editor.
70 Chapter 5. Groupware
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Note: If you always want to open the advanced sidebar editor instead of the simple event editor popup, you can set a
Skip simple event editor checkmark in the Settings & Import section of the app.
Clicking on the blue Create button will finally create the event.
If you want to edit, duplicate or delete a specific event, you first need to click on the event.
After that you will be able to re-set all event details and open the advanced sidebar-editor by clicking on More.
Clicking on the Update button will update the event. To cancel your changes, click on the close icon on top right of the
popup or sidebar editor.
If you open the sidebar view and click the three dot menu next to the event name, you have an option to export the event
as an .ics file or remove the event from your calendar.
Tip: If you delete events they will go into your trash bin. You can restore accidentally deleted events there.
You can also export, duplicate or delete an event from the basic editor.
72 Chapter 5. Groupware
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You may add attendees to an event to let them know they’re invited. They will receive an email invitation and will be able
to confirm or cancel their participation to the event. Attendees may be other users on your Nextcloud instances, contacts
in your address books and direct email addresses. You may also change the level of participation per attendees, or disable
the email information for a specific attendee.
Changed in version 25: Attendee email response links no longer offer inputs to add a comment or invite additional guests
to the event.
Tip: When adding other Nextcloud users as attendees to an event, you may access their free-busy information if available,
helping you determine when the best time slot for your event is. Set your working hours to let others know when you are
available. Free-busy information is only available for other users on the same Nextcloud instance.
Attention: Only the calendar owner can send out invitations. The sharees are not able to do that, whether they have
write access to the event’s calendar or not.
Attention: The server administration needs to setup the e-mail server in the Basic settings tab, as this mail
will be used to send invitations.
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Similar to attendees you can add rooms and resources to your events. The system will make sure that each room and
resource is booked without conflict. The first time a user adds the room or resource to an event, it will show as accepted.
Any further events at overlapping times will show the room or resource as rejected.
Note: Rooms and resources are not managed by Nextcloud itself and the Calendar app will not allow you to add or
change a resource. Your Administrator has to install and possibly configure resource back ends before you can use them
as a user.
You can import attachments to your events either by uploading them or adding them from files
Note: Attachments can be added while creating new events or editing existent ones. Newly uploaded files will be saved
in files by default in the calendar folder in the root directory.
You can change the attachment folder by going to Calendar settings in the bottom left corner and changing
default attachments location.
Set up reminders
You can set up reminders to be notified before an event occurs. Currently supported notification methods are:
• Email notifications
• Nextcloud notifications
You may set reminders at a time relative to the event or at a specific date.
Note: Only the calendar owner and people or groups with whom the calendar is shared with write access will get
notifications. If you don’t get any notifications but think you should, your Administrator could also have disabled this for
your server.
Note: If you synchronize your calendar with mobile devices or other 3rd-party clients, notifications may also show up
An event may be set as “recurring”, so that it can happen every day, week, month or year. Specific rules can be added to
set which day of the week the event happens or more complex rules, such as every fourth Wednesday of each month.
You can also tell when the recurrence ends.
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Trash bin
If you delete events, tasks or a calendar in Calendar, your data is not gone yet. Instead, those items will be collected in
a trash bin. This offers you to undo a deletion. After a period which defaults to 30 days (your administration may have
changed this setting), those items will be deleted permanently. You can also permanently delete items earlier if you wish.
The Empty trash bin buttons will wipe all trash bin contents in one step.
Tip: The trash bin is only accessible from the Calendar app. Any connected application or app won’t be able to display
its contents. However, events, tasks and calendars deleted in connected applications or app will also end up in the trash
When you have a calendar event scheduled that has a “BUSY” status, your user status will be automatically set to “In a
meeting” unless you have set yourself to “Do Not Disturb” or “Invisible”. You can overwrite the status with a custom
message any time, or set your calendar events to “FREE”. Calendars that are transparent will be ignored.
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You can directly respond to invitations inside the app. Click on the event and select your participation status. You can
respond to an invitation by accepting, declining or accepting tentatively.
You can respond to an invitation from the sidebar too.
The general availability independent of scheduled events can be set in the groupware settings of Nextcloud. These settings
will be reflected in the free-busy view when you schedule a meeting with other people in Calendar. Some connected clients
like Thunderbird will show this data as well.
You can configure one-time absences on top of your regular availability in the Absence settings section.
The birthday calendar is a auto-generated calendar which will automatically fetch the birthdays from your contacts. The
only way to edit this calendar is by filing your contacts with birthday dates. You can not directly edit this calendar from
the calendar-app.
Note: If you do not see the birthday calendar, your Administrator may have disabled this for your server.
5.2.6 Appointments
As of Calendar v3 the app can generate appointment slots which other Nextcloud users but also people without an account
on the instance can book. Appointments offer fine-granular control over when you are possibly free to meet up. This can
eliminate the need to send emails back and forth to settle on a date and time.
In this section we’ll use the term organizer for the person who owns the calendar and sets up appointment slots. The
attendee is the person who books one of the slots.
As an organizer of appointments you open the main Calendar web UI. In the left sidebar you’ll find a section for appoint-
ments, were you can open the dialogue to create a new one.
One of the basic infos of every appointment is a title describing what the appointment is about (e.g. “One-on-one” when an
organizer wants to offer colleagues a personal call), where an appointment will take place and a more detailed description
of what this appointment is about.
The duration of the appointment can be picked from a predefined list. Next, you can set the desired increment. The
increment is the rate at which possible slots are available. For example, you could have one hour long slots, but you
give them away at 30 minute increments so an attendee can book at 9:00AM but also at 9:30AM. Optional infos about
location and a description give the attendees some more context.Every booked appointment will be written into one of
your calendars, so you can chose which one that should be. Appointments can be public or private. Public appointments
can be discovered through the profile page of a Nextcloud user. Private appointments are only accessible to the people
who receive the secret URL.
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Note: Only slots that do not conflict with existing events in your calendars will be shown to attendees.
The organizer of an appointment can specify at which times of the week it’s generally possible to book a slot. This could
be the working hours but also any other customized schedule.
Some appointments require time to prepare, e.g. when you meet at a venue and you have to drive there. The organizer can
chose to select a time duration that must be free. Only slots that do not conflict with other events during the preparation
time will be available. Moreover there is the option to specify a time after each appointment that has to be free. To prevent
an attendee from booking too short notice it’s possible to configure how soon the next possible appointment might take
place. Setting a maximum number of slots per day can limit how many appointments are possibly booked by attendees.
The configured appointment will then be listed in the left sidebar. Via the three dot menu, you can preview the appoint-
ment. You can copy the link to the appointment and share it with your target attendees, or let them discover your public
appointment via the profile page. You can also edit or delete the appointment configuration.
Booking an appointment
The booking page shows an attendee the title, location, description and length of an appointment. For a selected day
there will be a list with all the possible time slots. On days with no available slots, too many conflicts or a reached daily
maximum limit of already booked appointments, the list might be empty.
For the booking, attendees have to enter a name and an email address. Optionally they can also add a comment.
When the booking was successful, a confirmation dialogue will be shown to the attendee.
To verify that the attendee email address is valid, a confirmation email will be sent to them.
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Only after the attendee clicks the confirmation link from the email the appointment booking will be accepted and for-
warded to the organizer.
The attendee will receive another email confirming the details of their appointment.
Note: If a slot has not been confirmed, it will still show up as bookable. Until then the time slot might also be booked
by another user who confirms their booking earlier. The system will detect the conflict and offer to pick a new time slot.
Once the booking is done, the organizer will find an event in their calendar with the appointment details and the attendee.
If the appointment has the setting “Add time before event” or “Add time after the event” enabled, they will show up as
separate events in the calendar for the organizer.
As with any other event that has attendees, changes and cancellations will trigger a notification to the attendee’s email.
If attendees wish to cancel the appointment they have to get in contact with the organizer, so that the organizer can cancel
or even delete the event.
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You can create a Talk room directly from the calendar app for a booked appointment. The option can be found on the
‘Create appointment’ modal. A unique link will be generated for every booked appointment and sent via the confirmation
email when you check this option.
Note: The Mail app comes installed with Nextcloud Hub by default, but can be disabled. Please ask your Administrator
for it.
Switch layout
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Note: This change will apply across all your accounts and mailboxes
Scheduled messages
Priority inbox
Priority inbox has 2 section Important and Others. Messages will automatically be marked as important based on which
messages you interacted with or marked as important. In the beginning you might have to manually change the importance
to teach the system, but it will improve over time.
All inboxes
All messages from all the accounts you have logged in, will be shown here chronologically.
Account settings
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Warning: If you want to also enable it for unified mailboxes you have to do so in Mail settings
By enabling it the main search box will now search in both subjects and mail bodies, and a sperate Body option will appear
in advanced search.
Account delegation
The app allows account delegation so that one user can send emails from the address of another.
1) The delegation has to be configured on the mail server by an admin
2) Add the other email address as an alias for your own email account
3) When sending an email, select the alias as sender
Warning: The sent email might not be visible to the original account if it’s stored in your personal Sent mailbox.
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Note: Only mails deleted after enabling trash retention will be processed.
You can resume your minimized message by clicking anywhere on the indicator on the bottom right of your screen.
Press the close button on the modal or the indicator in the bottom right corner to stop editing a message. A draft will be
saved automatically into your draft mailbox.
Add a mailbox
Add a submailbox
Shared mailbox
If a mailbox was shared with you with some specific rights, that mailbox will show as a new mailbox with a shared icon
as below:
Create an event
Note: Event title and an agenda is created for you if the administrator has enabled it.
Create a task
Note: Tasks are stored in supported calendars. If there is no compatible calendar you can create a new one with the
calendar app.
Edit tags
Delete tags
Note: Please note that default tags such as Work, To do, Personal, and Later cannot be deleted, they can only be renamed.
Smart replies
Note: Please note that the feature has to be enabled by the administrator
The Mail app has a simple editor for Sieve scripts and an interface to configure autoresponders. Sieve has to be enabled
in the account settings.
If you are absent for vacation, sick leave or similar, you can add an out-of-office message in the Absence section of the
Availability settings.
The interface asks for the time of absence, a short and a long message. This data is used for the following purposes:
1) Your user status will change to the short message when your absence starts and reset when it ends.
2) And event with status busy will be created in your personal calendar. This allows others to see that you are not
available when they use the free/busy feature.
3) If enabled, the Mail app will apply an autoresponder using the long message.
4) The Talk app will show the long out-of-office message to others when they try to reach you in a 1:1 chat during
your absence.
1. Install the Nextcloud Android client from Google Play Store or from F-Droid.
2. Start the app. There are two ways of setting it up:
Either: enter your server URL, continue, enter your user name and password and confirm to grant access.
Or: In Nextcloud’s web GUI, go to the user preferences, go to Security. Generate an App password, click “Generate
QR code” and tap the QR scanner icon in the Nextcloud app, point your phone’s camera towards the screen.
1. Install DAVx⁵ (formerly known as DAVDroid) on your Android device, from Google Play Store or from F-Droid.
2. In the Nextcloud mobile, go to Settings/More, tap on “Sync calendars & contacts”.
3. Now, DAVx⁵ will open Nextcloud’s Webflow login window, where you will have to enter your credentials and grant
4. DAVx⁵ will open and ask you to create an account. Set the account name to one of your choosing, and set Contact
Group Method to Groups are per-contact categories.
5. After this, DAVx⁵ will close and the Nextcloud app reappears. In order to finish setup, you have to manually launch
DAVx⁵ again.
6. Tap on the icon for the account DAVx⁵ has just created, when requested grant DAVx⁵ access to your calendars and
contacts. Optionally install OpenTasks (Google Play Store or F-Droid) and grant DAVx⁵ access to your tasks, too.
7. When you tap the icon for the account DAVx⁵ has set up, it will discover the available address books and calendars.
Choose which ones you want to synchronize and finish.
If you do not want to install the Nextcloud mobile app, the following steps are required:
1. Install DAVx⁵ (formerly known as DAVDroid) on your Android device, from Google Play Store or from F-Droid.
2. Optionally install OpenTasks (Google Play Store or F-Droid).
3. Create a new account (“+” button).
4. Select Connection with URL and username. Base URL: URL of your Nextcloud instance (e.g. https:// and your credentials.
5. For the Contact Group Method: choose the option Groups are per-contact categories.
6. Click Connect.
7. Select the data you want to sync.
8. When requested, grant access permissions to DAVx⁵ for your contacts, calendars and optionally tasks.
Note: Enter your email address as DAVx⁵ account name (mandatory if you want to be able to send calendar invitation).
If your email address is registered in your Nextcloud preferences and you have set up your account using the Nextcloud
mobile app, this all should be aready the case.
Note: Using user name and password will not work if 2-Factor-Authentication is enabed and will throw a generic
“Unknown resource” error. Use a dedicated App password instead.
Tip: DAVx⁵ lists the calendar subscriptions made through the Nextcloud Calendar app, but you need to install the ICSx⁵
(formerly known as ICSDroid) app on your Android device, from the Google Play Store or from F-Droid to sync them.
5.6.1 Calendar
Note: Beginning with iOS 12 an SSL encryption is necessary. Therefore do not disable SSL (For this reason a certificate
is required at your domain, will do).
5.6.2 Contacts
Note: Beginning with iOS 12 an SSL encryption is necessary. Therefore do not disable SSL (For this reason a certificate
is required at your domain, will do).
If it’s still not working, have a look at Troubleshooting Contacts & Calendar or Troubleshooting Service Discovery.
In the following steps you will add your server resources for CalDAV (Calendar) and CardDAV (Contacts) to your
1. Open the system preferences of your macOS device.
2. Navigate to Internet Accounts:
3. Click on Add Other Account… and click on CalDAV Account for Calendar or CardDAV Account for Contacts:
Note: You can not setup Calendar/Contacts together. You need to setup them in separate accounts.
5.7.2 Troubleshooting
• macOS does not support syncing CalDAV/CardDAV over non-encrypted http:// connections. Make sure you
have https:// enabled and configured on server- and client-side.
• Self-signed certificates need to be properly set up in the macOS keychain.
Thunderbird is a feature-rich and mature mail client that can be turned into a full-fledged Personal Information Manager
(PIM). Since version 102, it supports address book synchronization via CardDAV and automatic discovery of calendars
and address books available on the server.
Since Thunderbird 102, the CardDAV & CalDAV protocols are natively supported.
1. On the address book view, click the down arrow near New Address Book and choose Add CardDAV Address
2. In the next window, type your Username and Location (Server URL).
3. The next window will ask for your username and password for this account.
4. The previous window will be refreshed and ask you which address books you wish to sync.
5. Choose and then click Continue.
If you later want to add a new address book, you can redo all of those steps and only the books not already synchronized
will be suggested.
1. Go to the calendar view in Thunderbird and select the New Calendar… button at the bottom of the left side panel.
2. Choose On the network:
3. Type your Username and Location (Server URL), then click on Find Calendars.
4. Choose which calendars you want to add and click Subscribe
Same thing here, if you later want to add more calendars, just redo the procedure.
3. Enter an Account name (which you can freely choose), a User name, a Password, the Server URL, and click
4. In the next window, TbSync should have auto-discovered the CalDAV and CardDAV addresses. When it has, click
5. Check the Enable and synchronize this account box. TbSync will now discover all address books and calendars
your account has access to on the server
6. Check the box next to each calendar and address book you want to have synchronized, set how often you want them
to be synchronized, and push the button synchronize now
7. After the first successful synchronization is complete, you can close the window.
Henceforth, TbSync will do the work for you. You are done with the basic configuration and can skip the next sections
unless you need a more advanced address book.
CardBook is an advanced alternative to Thunderbird’s address book, which supports CardDAV. You can have TbSync
and CardBook installed in parallel.
1. Click the CardBook icon in the upper right corner of Thunderbird:
2. In CardBook:
• Go to Address book > New Address book Remote > Next
• Select CardDAV, fill in the address of your Nextcloud server, your user name and password
3. Click on “Validate”, click Next, then choose the name of the address book and click Next again:
4. When you are finished, CardBook synchronizes your address books. You can always trigger a synchronization
manually by clicking “Synchronize” in the top left corner of CardBook:
KOrganizer, Kalendar and KAddressBook can synchronize your calendar, contacts and tasks with a Nextcloud server.
This can be done by following these steps depending on if you use KOrganizer or Kalendar:
In KOrganizer:
1. Open KOrganizer and in the calendar list (bottom left) right-click and choose Add Calendar:
In Kalendar:
1. Open Kalendar and in the menu bar open the setting and then choose Calendar Sources -> Add Calendar:
5. Enter your Nextcloud server URL and, if needed, installation path (anything that comes after the first /, for example
mynextcloud in Then click next:
6. You can now test the connection, which can take some time for the initial connection. If it does not work, you can
go back and try to fix it with other settings:
7. Pick a name for this resource, for example Work or Home. By default, both CalDAV (Calendar) and CardDAV
(Contacts) are synced:
Note: You can set a manual refresh rate for your calendar and contacts resources. By default this setting is set to 5
minutes and should be fine for the most use cases. When you create a new appointment it is synced to Nextcloud right
away. You may want to change this for saving your power or cellular data plan, so that you can update with a right-click
on the item in the calendar list.
8. After a few seconds to minutes depending on your internet connection, you will find your calendars and contacts
inside the KDE Kontact applications KOrganizer, Kalendar and KAddressBook as well as Plasma calendar applet:
The GNOME desktop has built-in support for Nextcloud’s calendar, contacts, and tasks which will be displayed by the
Evolution Personal Information Manager (PIM), or the Calendar, Tasks, and Contacts apps. Similarly, Files integrates
into the Nautilus file manager via WebDAV. The latter works only while the computer is connected.
This can be done by following these steps:
1. In the GNOME settings, open Online Accounts.
2. Under “Add an account” pick Nextcloud:
3. Enter your server URL, username, and password. If you have enabled two-factor authentification (2FA), you need to
generate an application password/token, because GNOME Online Accounts doesn’t support Nextcloud’s WebFlow
login yet (Learn more):
4. In the next window, select which resources GNOME should access and press the cross in the top right to close:
Nextcloud tasks, calendars, and contacts should now be visible in the Evolution PIM, as well as the Task, Contacts, and
Calendars apps.
Files will be shown as a WebDAV resource in the Nautilus file manager, and also be available in the GNOME file open/save
dialogues. Documents should be integrated into the GNOME Documents app.
All resources should also be searchable from anywhere by pressing the Windows key and entering a search term.
5.11.1 Calendar
1. In your browser, navigate to the Nextcloud Calendar app. Under “Settings & import”, copy the address using “Copy
iOS/macOS CalDAV address” into your clipboard.
2. Launch the Windows 10 Calendar app. Then, click the settings icon (gear icon) and select “Manage accounts”.
3. Click “Add account” and choose “iCloud”.
4. Enter an email, username and password. None of this information has to be valid-it will all be changed in the
upcoming steps.
5. Click “Done”. A message should appear indicating the settings were saved successfully.
6. In the “Manage Accounts” menu, click on the iCloud account created in previous steps, and select “Change settings”.
Then, click on “Change mailbox sync settings”.
7. Scroll to the bottom of the dialog box, select “Advanced mailbox settings”. Scroll once more to the bottom of the
dialog box and paste your CalDAV URL in the field labelled “Calendar server (CalDAV)”.
8. Click “Done”. Enter your Nextcloud username and password in the appropriate fields, and change the account
name to whatever you prefer (e. g. “Nextcloud Calendar”). Click “Save”.
5.11.2 Contacts
1. In the bottom left of the Contacts View (in Nextcloud Contacts) look for a little (chain) link symbol that looks like
which will display a URL that looks something like this:
2. Launch the Windows 10 Calendar app. Then, click the settings icon (gear icon) and select “Manage accounts”.
3. Click “Add account” and choose “iCloud”.
4. Enter an email, username and password. None of this information has to be valid-it will all be changed in the
upcoming steps.
5. Click “Sign in” and then “Done”. A message should appear indicating the settings were saved successfully.
6. In the “Manage Accounts” menu, click on the iCloud account created in previous steps, and select “Change settings”.
Then, click on “Change mailbox sync settings”.
7. Scroll to the bottom of the dialog box, select “Advanced mailbox settings”. Scroll once more to the bottom of the
dialog box and paste your CardDAV URL in the field labelled “Contacts server (CardDAV)”.
8. Click “Done”. Enter your Nextcloud username and password in the appropriate fields, and change the account
name to whatever you prefer (e. g. “Nextcloud Contacts”). Click “Save”.
5.11.3 Troubleshooting
After following all these steps, your Nextcloud calendar should synchronize. If not, check your username and password.
Otherwise, repeat these steps.
NOTE: You will not be able to synchronize your calendar if you have two-factor authentication enabled. Follow
the steps below to get an app password that can be used with the Calendar client app:
1. Log into Nextcloud. Click on your user icon, then click on “Settings”.
2. Click on “Security”, then locate a button labeled “Create new app password”. Next to this button, enter “Windows
10 Calendar app”. Then, click the button, copy and paste the password. Use this password instead of your Nextcloud
password for Step 8.
Special thanks to this Reddit user for their post:
5.11.4 Contacts
1. Repeat steps 1–7 from the Calendar instructions. If you already have setup the Calendar synchronization, you can
use the same account for this.
2. In the “Advanced mailbox settings” paste your CalDAV URL in the field labelled “Contacts server (CardDAV)”.
3. Replace the path “principals” within the URL with “addressbooks”.
4. Click “Done”. Enter your Nextcloud username and password in the appropriate fields, and change the account
name to whatever you prefer (e. g. “Nextcloud”). Click “Save”.
Nextcloud Talk offers audio/video and text chat integrated in Nextcloud. It offers a web interface as well as mobile apps.
You can find out more about Nextcloud Talk on our website.
Nextcloud Talk lets you chat and have video calls on your own server.
Chats and calls take place in conversations. You can create any number of conversations. There are two kinds of conver-
1. One-on-one conversations. This is where you have a private chat or call with another Talk user. You can’t add
other people to this conversation or share it with a link. You start a direct one-on-one chat by looking for another
user in the search bar and then clicking their name.
2. Group conversations. Besides the person who created the conversation, a group conversation can have any number
of people in it. A group conversation can be shared publicly with a link, so external guest users can join a call. It
can also be listed, so other people on your Nextcloud server can join the conversation.
Nextcloud User Manual, Release latest
You can create a direct, one-on-one chat by searching for the name of a user, a group or a circle and clicking it. For a
single user, a conversation is immediately created and you can start your chat. For a group or circle you get to pick a name
and settings before you create the conversation and add the participants.
If you want to create a custom group conversation, click the button next to the search field and filters button and then on
Create a new conversation.
You can then pick a name for the conversation, put a description, and set up an avatar for it (with uploaded photo or
emoji), and select if the conversation should be open to external users and if other users on the server can see and join
the conversation.
In the second step, you get to add participants and finalize the creation of the conversation.
You can cancel the creation of a conversation by clicking outside the white menu area at any time.
You can view all the conversations that you can join by clicking the button next to the search field and filters button and
then on Join open conversations.
You can filter your conversations using the filter button located next to the search field. There are two options for filtering:
1. Filter unread mentions: This option allows you to view group conversations with unread mentions or unread one-on-one
conversations. 2. Filter unread messages: This option allows you to view all unread messages in all joined conversations.
You can then clear the filter from the filters menu.
Second, you can select a file from your Nextcloud Files or a file manager by choosing the little paperclip and selecting
where you’d like to pick the file from.
You can add more files until you are done and decide to share the files.
All users will be able to click the files to view, edit or download them, irrespective of them having a user account. Users
with an account will have the file automatically shared with them while external guest users will get them shared as a
public link.
You can add emoji using the picker on the left of the text input field.
You can enhance your messages with a markdown syntax support. See list for usage:
Headings and dividers
# Heading 1
## Heading 2
### Heading 3
#### Heading 4
##### Heading 5
###### Heading 6
Normal text
Normal text
Inline decorations
1. Ordered list
2. Ordered list
* Unordered list
- Unordered list
+ Unordered list
> blockquote
second line of blockquote
You can set reminders on specific messages. If there’s an important message you want to be notified about later, simply
hover over it and click on the reminder icon.
In the submenu, you can select an appropriate time to receive a notification later.
You can reply to a message using the arrow that appears when you hover a message.
In the ... menu you can also choose to reply privately. This will open a one-on-one chat.
Here you can also create a direct link to the message or mark it unread so you will scroll back there next time you enter
the chat. When it is a file, you can view the file in Files.
You are always moderator in your new conversation. In the participant list you can promote other participants to mod-
erators using the ... menu to the right of their user name, assign them custom permissions or remove them from the
Changing permissions of a user that joined a public conversation will also permanently add them to the conversation.
Moderators can configure the conversation. Select Conversation settings from the ... menu of the conversa-
tion on the top to access the settings.
Here you can configure the description, guest access, if the conversation is visible to others on the server and more.
A moderator can configure message expiration under the Conversation settings within the Moderation
section. Once a message reaches its expiration time, it is automatically removed from the conversation. The available
expiration durations are 1 hour, 8 hours, 1 day, 1 week, 4 weeks, or never (which is the default setting).
When you’re in a conversation, you can start a call any time with the Start call button. Other participants will get
notified and can join the call.
If somebody else has started a call already, the button will change in a green Join call button.
During a call, you can mute your microphone and disable your video with the buttons on the right side of the top bar, or
using the shortcuts M to mute audio and V to disable video. You can also use the space bar to toggle mute. When you are
muted, pressing space will unmute you so you can speak until you let go of the space bar. If you are unmuted, pressing
space will mute you until you let go.
You can hide your video (useful during a screen share) with the little arrow just above the video stream. Bring it back
with the little arrow again.
You can access your settings and choose a different webcam, microphone and other settings in the ... menu in the top
From media settings dialog, you can also change the background of your video.
You can click the monitor icon on your video stream to share your screen. Depending on your browser, you will get the
option to share a monitor, an application window or a single browser tab.
You can switch the view in a call with the little four-block icon in the top-right between promoted-view and grid view.
The grid view will show everyone equally big and if the people do not fit on the screen, buttons will appear on the left and
right that let you navigate.
The promoted view shows the speaker large and others in a row below. If the people do not fit on the screen, buttons will
appear on the left and right that let you navigate.
Nextcloud Talk has a number of advanced features users might find useful.
6.2.1 Matterbridge
Matterbridge integration in Nextcloud Talk makes it possible to create ‘bridges’ between Talk conversations and conver-
sations on other chat services like MS Teams, Discord, Matrix and others. You can find a list of supported protocols on
the Matterbridge github page.
A moderator can add a Matterbridge connection in the chat conversation settings.
Each of the bridges has its own need in terms of configuration. Information for most is available on the Matterbridge wiki
and can be accessed behind more information menu in the ... menu. You can also access the wiki directly.
6.2.2 Lobby
The lobby feature allows you to show guests a waiting screen until the call starts. This is ideal for webinars with external
participants, for example.
You can choose to let the participants join the call at a specific time, or when you dismiss the lobby manually.
6.2.3 Commands
Nextcloud allows users to execute actions using commands. A command typically looks like:
/wiki airplanes
Administrators can configure, enable and disable commands. Users can use the help command to find out what com-
mands are available.
In the Files app, you can chat about files in the sidebar, and even have a call while editing it. You first have to join the
You can then chat or have a call with other participants, even when you start editing the file.
In Talk, a conversation will be created for the file. You can chat from there, or go back to the file using the ... menu in
the top-right.
If Deck is installed, you can use the ... menu of a chat message and turn the message into a Deck task.
From within Deck, you can share tasks into chat conversations.
Breakout rooms allow you to divide a Nextcloud Talk call into smaller groups for more focused discussions. The moderator
of the call can create multiple breakout rooms and assign participants to each room.
To create breakout rooms, you need to be a moderator in a group conversation. Click on the top-bar menu and click on
“Setup breakout rooms”.
A dialog will open where you can specify the number of rooms you want to create and the participants assignment method.
Here you’ll be presented with 3 options:
• Automatically assign participants: Talk will automatically assign participants to the rooms.
• Manually assign participants: You’ll go through a participants editor where you can assign participants to rooms.
• Allow participants choose: Participants will be able to join breakout rooms themselves.
Once the breakout rooms are created, you will be able to see them in the sidebar.
From the breakout room element in the sidebar, you can also join a particular breakout room or send a message to a
specific room.
Manage a recording
The moderator of the conversation can start a recording together with a call start or anytime during a call:
• Before the call: tick the checkbox “Start recording immediately with the call” in “Media settings”, then click on
“Start call”.
• During the call: click on the top-bar menu, then click “Start recording”.
The recording will start shortly, and you will see a red indicator next to the call time. You can stop the recording at any
time while the call is still ongoing by clicking on that indicator and selecting “Stop recording”, or by using the same action
in the top-bar menu. If you do not manually stop the recording, it will end automatically when the call ends.
After stopping a recording, the server will take some time to prepare and save the recorded file. The moderator, who
started the recording, receives a notification when the file is uploaded. From there, it can be shared in the chat.
Recording consent
For compliance reasons with various privacy rights, it is possible to ask participants for consent to be recorded before
joining the call. The system administration has the flexibility to utilize this feature in several ways:
• Disable consent completely.
• Enable mandatory consent system-wide, requiring consent for all conversations.
• Allow moderators to configure this option on a conversation level. In such cases, moderators can access the con-
versation settings to configure this option accordingly:
If recording consent is enabled, every participant, including moderators, will see a highlighted section in the “Media
settings” before joining a call. This section informs participants that the call may be recorded. To give explicit consent
for recording, participants must check the box. If they do not give consent, they will not be allowed to join the call.
Nextcloud Talk offers audio/video call and text chat integrated in Nextcloud. It offers a web interface as well as mobile
You can find out more about Nextcloud Talk on our website.
If you received a link to a chat conversation, you can open this in your browser to join the chat.
You can change your name by clicking the Edit button, located top-right.
Your camera and microphone settings can be found in the Settings menu. There you can also find a list of shortcuts
you can use.
You can start a call any time with the Start call button. Other participants will get notified and can join the call. If
somebody else has started a call already, the button will change in a green Join call button.
Before actually joining the call you will see a device check, where you can pick the right camera and microphone, enable
background blur or even join with any devices.
During a call, you can find the Camera and Microphone settings in the ... menu in the top bar.
During a call, you can mute your microphone and disable your video with the buttons in the top-right, or using the shortcuts
M to mute audio and V to disable video. You can also use the space bar to toggle mute. When you are muted, pressing
space will unmute you so you can speak until you let go of the space bar. If you are unmuted, pressing space will mute
you until you let go.
You can hide your video (useful during a screen share) with the little arrow just above the video stream. Bring it back
with the little arrow again.
You can click the monitor icon on your video stream to share your screen. Depending on your browser, you will get the
option to share a monitor, an application window or a single browser tab.
In the conversation menu you can choose to go full-screen. You can also do this by using the F key on your keyboard. In
the conversation settings, you can find notification options and the full conversation description.
2. Clicking on Settings from the drop down menu opens the user preferences
Note: If you are an administrator, you can also manage users and administer the server. These links do not appear to a
Nextcloud User Manual, Release latest
non-administrator user.
The options listed in the Personal Settings Page depend on the applications that are enabled by the administrator. Some
of the features you will see include the following:
• Usage and available quota
• Manage your profile picture
• Full name (You can make this anything you want, as it is separate from your Nextcloud login name, which is unique
and cannot be changed)
• Email address
• List of your Group memberships
• Change your password
• Using two-factor authentication
• Setting your preferences
• Choose the language for your Nextcloud interface
• Links to desktop and mobile apps
• Manage your Activity stream and notifications
• Default folder to save new documents to
• Your Federated sharing ID
• Social sharing links
• Nextcloud version
Note: Available options and settings depending on your administrator’s configuration. If you are not able to change the
password or the display name in your personal settings, please contact your administrator for help.
Some administrators decide to share their global address book with other Nextcloud instances (so called Trusted Servers)
or even with the wider world. This is helpful when two instances want to work closely together, or when people want to
use Nextcloud as a virtual telephone book for others to browse. It also allows searching for contacts, creating shares and
much more.
You can change what personal data of yours is shared by setting the scope of your data. Clicking on the lock icon will
open the following dropdown next to each entry:
If you set your data to Private, nobody but you will be able to see it.
If you set your data to Local, all logged in users within your Nextcloud instance will be able to see the information, but
noone outside of it.
If you set your data to Federated, the trusted server(s) which are added by your administrator will be able to see this
data, in addition to all logged in users.
If you set your data to Global, anyone can see your data. For some use cases this is wanted. Someone with a public facing
role such as marketing or sales might want to share their contact with a wide variety of connections which might not be
using Nextcloud.
Universal access is very important to us. We follow web standards and check to make everything usable also with keyboard
and assistive software such as screen readers. We aim to be compliant with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.1
on AA level, with the high contrast theme even on AAA level. We also follow the German BITV 2.0 guidelines.
If you find any issues, don’t hesitate to report them on our issue tracker. And if you want to get involved, come join our
design team!
The Nextcloud interface is fully responsive and usable on any size of screen. You can zoom in and out to fit the text and
element size to your liking. The navigation and sidebar can be expanded or collapsed.
You can navigate the web interface with keyboard only just like you can with the mouse:
• Tab and Shift + Tab to move between elements
• Enter or Space to activate or open the element (depending on the type of element)
• Escape to be used to close modals, popover menus, and file viewers
• Left arrow and Right arrow to navigate between photos in the viewer
• Ctrl + F to focus the search field
• Ctrl + S to save changes in editors like Nextcloud Text
For quicker navigation, we offer 2 “skip links” at the beginning of the document which allow you to:
• Skip to main content
• Skip to navigation of app
Nextcloud Talk has shortcuts which are also documented inside the settings of the app itself:
• C to focus the message input field
• Escape to unfocus the message input field to be able to use shortcuts
• F to fullscreen the chat or call
• While in a call:
– M to toggle the microphone on and off
Nextcloud User Manual, Release latest
Note: Contrast of elements can vary based on custom theming. For example, the primary theming color is used as
background color by the header, log in page, and primary buttons. If this causes contrast issues, please contact your
administrator for help.
Two-factor authentication (2FA) is a way to protect your Nextcloud account against unauthorized access. It works by
requiring two different ‘proofs’ of your identity. For example, something you know (like a password) and something you
have like a physical key. Typically, the first factor is a password like you already have and the second can be a text message
you receive or a code you generate on your phone or another device (something you have). Nextcloud supports a variety
of 2nd factors and more can be added.
Once a two-factor authentication app has been enabled by your administrator you can enable and configure it in Setting
your preferences. Below you can see how.
In your Personal Settings look up the Second-factor Auth setting. In this example this is TOTP, a Google Authenticator
compatible time-based code:
You will see your secret and a QR code which can be scanned by the TOTP app on your phone (or another device).
Depending on the app or tool, type in the code or scan the QR and your device will show a login code which changes
every 30 seconds.
You should always generate backup codes for 2FA. If your 2nd factor device gets stolen or is not working, you will be
able to use one of these codes to unlock your account. It effectively functions as a backup 2nd factor. To get the backup
codes, go to your Personal Settings and look under Second-factor Auth settings. Choose Generate backup codes:
You will then be presented with a list of one-time-use backup codes:
You should put these codes in a safe spot, somewhere you can find them. Don’t put them together with your 2nd factor
like your mobile phone but make sure that if you lose one, you still have the other. Keeping them at home is probably the
best thing to do.
Nextcloud User Manual, Release latest
9.2. Recovery codes in case you lost your 2nd factor 185
Nextcloud User Manual, Release latest
After you have logged out and need to log in again, you will see a request to enter the TOTP code in your browser. If
you enable not only the TOTP factor but another one, you will see a selection screen on which you can choose two-factor
method for this login. Select TOTP:
Note: Since the code is time-based, it’s important that your server’s and your smartphone’s clock are almost in sync. A
time drift of a few seconds won’t be a problem.
You can use two-factor authentication based on hardware tokens. The following devices are known to work:
• TOTP based:
– Nitrokey Pro
– Nitrokey Storage
• FIDO U2F based:
Once you have enabled 2FA, your clients will no longer be able to connect with just your password unless they also have
support for two-factor authentication. To solve this, you should generate device specific passwords for them. See Manage
connected browsers and devices for more information on how to do this.
9.6 Considerations
If you use WebAuthn to login to your Nextcloud be sure to not use the same token for 2FA. As this would mean you are
again only using a single factor.
The personal settings page allows you to have an overview on the connected browsers and devices.
In the list of connected browsers you see which browsers connected to your account recently:
You can use the trash icon to disconnect any of the browsers in the list.
Nextcloud User Manual, Release latest
In the list of connected devices you see all the devices and clients you generated a device password for and their last
You can use the trash icon to disconnect any of the devices in the list.
At the bottom of the list you find a button to create a new device-specific password. You can choose a name to identify
the token later. The generated password is used for configuring the new client. Ideally, generate individual tokens for
every device you connect to your account, so you can disconnect those individually if necessary:
Note: You have only access to the device password when creating it, Nextcloud will not save the plain password, hence
it’s recommended to enter the password on the new client immediately.
Note: If you are Using two-factor authentication for your account, device-specific passwords are the only way to configure
clients. The server will deny connections of clients using your login password then.
For password changes in external user backends the device-specific passwords are marked as invalid and once a login of
the user account with the main password happens all device-specific passwords are updated and work again.
The External Storage application allows you to mount external storage services, such as Amazon S3, SMB/CIFS file
servers and FTP servers… in Nextcloud. Your Nextcloud server administrator controls which of these are available to
you. Please see Configuring External Storage (GUI) in the Nextcloud Administrator’s manual for configuration how-tos
and examples.