teach prof
teach prof
teach prof
Teachers are sometimes content to let parents and families take the initiative
in becoming involved in their children’s education. Teachers must look at
ways in which the school can initiate this involvement. The school and the
home share responsibility for students’ learning; the relationship based on
mutual respect to one another. An extension of this involvement, teachers or
schools can emphasize a broad base of community involvement.
Teachers interact with parents, with students and other teachers regularly,
affecting the of their students daily. In addition to the classes they teach,
teachers find themselves involve of their community projects and serve the
community at large as leaders. They also regulate take positions within their
barangay, communities of teachers, parent-teacher organizations
professional teacher organizations. Teachers should be guided with the Code
of Ethics Professional Teachers, Article III – The Teacher and the
Community which states that:
SEC. 1. A teacher is a facilitator of learning and of the development of the
youth; he shall, therefore, render the best service by providing an
environment conducive to such learning and growth.
SEC. 3. Every teacher shall merit reasonable social recognition for which
purpose he shall behave with honor and dignity at all times and refrain from
such activities as gambling, smoking, drunkenness, and other excesses,
much less elicit relations.
SEC. 4. Every teacher shall live for and with the community and shall,
therefore, refrain from disparaging the community.
SEC. 5. Every teacher shall help the school keep the people in the
community informed about the school’s work and accomplishments as well
as its needs and problems.
SEC. 7. Every teacher shall maintain harmonious and pleasant personal and
official relations collectively professionals, with government officials, and
with the people, individually or collectively.
Teachers serve as not community where they live and in the modern world,
where values such as respect, not only educators, but also mentors and role
models, especially cooperation and involvement in the community.
A teacher can get the community involved by hosting activities for members
of the community to participate. A bake sale or garage sale would be open to
the whole community. Student activities such as ball games or spelling bees
can be advertised to the public to encourage
Teachers can also work with local churches to set up mentoring programs for
the members of community especially students who are poor in reading or
doing math. Teachers can also help church activities like serving as
commentators during mass.
There are many ways that teachers can help build a sense of community
especially with the parents of the students. Building a network of
communications will enhance the effort. Communication are in several forms.
Today, teachers use Web pages to communicate with students and parents.
Teachers can post calendar of activities, assignments, rules, procedures, and
more. Using email, teachers can communicate with parents on a daily basis.
Newsletters, positive notes, and mentions to the classroom to visit or
volunteer will encourage parents to be actively involved with their children.
Teachers can take leadership roles for current political events affecting their
lives, communities, and schools. When a bill dealing with schools and
teachers is presented in Congress, mobilize the community to show their
support for the bill.
Links with the community provide experiences which support the curriculum
and enhance their learning. Teachers should use effectively local facilities
and organizations when planning their lessons and learning activities. Such
activities focus on developing a wider awareness of the world beyond school
and encourage young people to perceive and use community as a resource.
The Kindergarten Education Act in 2012 and the Republic Act 10533, also
known as the Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013, were born from the
mandate of ensuring that no learner shall be left behind and that every
Filipino child will have access to quality education. The Philippine
government believes that compulsory kindergarten better prepares learners
who have active minds for the next level of schooling.
2003 Results
Math 358 23 25
2008 Results
This is due to the 10-year curriculum not being enough for students to
absorb the necessary knowledge and skills to pursue higher education.
Moreover, those who cannot go to college still lack the basic competencies
and emotional maturity for employment. The additional two years in the
senior high school will then prepare students for either higher education or
the world of work.
3. International Standards
K to 12 Program
The sum of primary and secondary education. Used in countries like the US,
Canada, Turkey, Australia, and now in the Philippines. It is the shortening of
Kindergarten (K) for 4-6-year-old learners, through twelfth grade (12) for
learners who are 17-19 years old.
A. Philippines
B. Brunei Darussalam
Brunei Darussalam starts with one year of primary education and then 6
years of elementary education. Students take and should pass the end-of-
cycle public examination before they progress to the diversified secondary
level. The secondary level has 2 categories – General Secondary Education
Program (2-3 years) and another 2-3 years of Upper Secondary Education
where students are grouped according to their academic abilities, talents,
and interests.
C. Canada
Elementary school includes Grades 1-6 in regions where there are 2 years of
middle school or junior high school, but those without middle or junior high
school have elementary until Grade 8. In Quebec, grade school is 6 years,
and their students proceed immediately to High School.
Secondary high school with middle school or junior high school, begins in
Grade 7 to Grade 12, and those without begin Secondary high school in
Grade 9.
D. Korea
The school system in Korea follows the 6-3-3-4 education system: 6 years of
elementary, 3 years of middle school, and 3 years of high school.
High schools are in two categories – General High School and Vocational High
School, although there are limited numbers of schools which offer both
general and vocational training, which is known as “Comprehensive High
School”. Korean Kindergarten provides a nurturing learning environment
through various pleasant activities and diverse teaching pedagogy. The
Kindergarten or Early Childhood curriculum includes physical, social,
expression language, and inquiry life areas.
E. Malaysia
F. Singapore
G. United States
The length of primary education varies from four to seven years depending
on the States or local practice. Likewise, certification or diploma may vary by
States/Districts for transition to Secondary School. Based on its length,
elementary education may be followed or not by a number of years of middle
school education which is generally three years (Grades 4-6, 5-7, 6-8).
High School (Grades 7-12 or Grades 8-12) length program is six years
depending upon the laws and policies of states and local districts. There are
mandatory subjects in most all US High Schools which include Science
(Biology, Chemistry, Physics), Mathematics (Algebra, Geometry,
Trigonometry, Calculus, Statistics), English (Literature, Humanities,
Composition, Oral Language), Social Sciences (History, Government,
Economics), and Physical Education.
High School students, usually during their Grade 11, take one or more
standardized tests depending on their education preferences and also as
requirements for admission to most Colleges. Most common standardized
tests taken by US students are the Scholastic Assessment Test (SAT) and
American College Testing (ACT). A High School diploma is awarded upon
completion of Grade 12, and the diploma covers a variety of awards for
different curricula and standards like general/basic track, vocational, and
academic/college preparatory.