Fahad abdullah
Fahad abdullah
Fahad abdullah
"CodeClause Internship: Innovating Portfolios, Unit Convertors, and COVID
Data Dashboards"
Submitted to
in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of degree
Under the esteemed guidance of
Assistant Professor, IT-Dept
This is further certified that the work done under my guidance, and the
results of this work have not been submitted elsewhere for the award of any of
the degree are diploma.
We would also like to express our gratitude to Dr. G.S.S. Rao, Professor
and Head of the Department of Information Technology, Nawab Shah Alam
Khan College of Engineering & Technology for giving us this great opportunity
to undertake this internship. We would like to thank our Department Internship
Coordinator, Ms. Farheen Sultana, for her constant guidance and advice along
the way, in both professional and personal matters. We are extremely grateful to
our department staff members, friends and our families who helped us in
successful completion of this internship. We would like to thank all those who
we had the pleasure to learn with for making this demanding time joyful yet
efficient, and for taking the time to answer any of our questions.
We would also like to thank Dr. Syed Abdul Sattar, Principal of our
college, for extending his help.
Date - 06 / 06 / 2023
During the course of the Internship, Mohammed Hussain Abid Khan has
shown a great amount of responsibility, sincerity, and a genuine willingness
to learn and zeal to take on new assignments and challenges. In particular,
his coordination skills and communication skills are par excellence and his
attention to details is impressive
He is always willing to put a unique approach to the projects that are assigned,
while also adhering to the guidelines and rules.
With this, we will take this opportunity to wish Mohammed Hussain Abid Khan
,all luck for future endeavors and hope for a bright future ahead.
Team CodeClause
List of Figures iv
List of Figures
4 6.1 Home-Section 21
5 6.2 About-Section 21
6 6.3 Project-Section 22
CodeClause aspires to be the global sourcing choice of the world market and
revolutionizes the way service processes function. To reach out to the common people across the
globe and make Information Technology a tool for the “MASS” along with the tool for the
“CLASS”. Creating innovative IT solutions and providing IT-enabled services to delight
customers worldwide and build Relationships based on Trust, Values and Professionalism.
1.2 About Summer Internship Projects
As part of this internship, I've embarked on a dynamic journey delving into the realm of
web development, honing my skills in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript through the
conceptualization and execution of three distinct yet interconnected projects. These projects, a
Personal Portfolio, a Unit Converter, and a Covid-19 Dashboard, have not only allowed me to
apply theoretical knowledge but have also deepened my understanding of these languages'
functionalities in practical scenarios.
The Unit Converter project serves as an interactive tool demonstrating the application of
JavaScript in real-time conversions. Its primary function revolves around converting units of
length (meters to centimeters and vice versa) and weight (kilograms to grams and vice versa). By
leveraging JavaScript functionalities, users can input values and witness instant conversions,
elucidating the logic and mechanics behind JavaScript's dynamic nature. This project serves as
an educational tool, elucidating the principles of JavaScript through practical implementation and
fostering a deeper comprehension of its working mechanisms.
1.2.3 Covid-19 Dashboard:
In response to the global pandemic, the Covid-19 Dashboard project was conceived to
provide an insightful visualization of pandemic data. Leveraging JavaScript's capabilities, this
dashboard amalgamates real-time statistics, presenting them in comprehensible graphs and
charts.This immersive experience offered a firsthand insight into the power of JavaScript in
processing and showcasing live data, reinforcing its relevance in creating impactful and
informative web applications.
Web Development
Web development skills are highly demanded worldwide and well paid too-making
development a great career option.
HTML (Hypertext Markup Language), CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), and JavaScript
form the core technologies used in front-end development. HTML provides the structure of a
web page, defining the various elements such as headings, paragraphs, images, and links. CSS is
used for styling and layout, determining how the content is presented visually. JavaScript, a
dynamic scripting language, adds interactivity and enables the development of complex features
like animations, form validation, and dynamic content updates without requiring a page reload.
2.3 Back-End Development:
Back-end developers use server-side programming languages such as Python, Ruby, Java,
PHP, and others, depending on the specific requirements of the project. They interact with
databases, such as MySQL, PostgreSQL, or MongoDB, to store and retrieve data efficiently.
Security is a critical aspect of back-end development, and developers implement measures to
protect user data, prevent unauthorized access, and ensure the overall integrity of the system.
Fig 2.2: Back-End Development
Full-stack development refers to the comprehensive skill set and expertise required to
work on both the front-end and back-end aspects of web development. A full-stack developer
possesses a broad understanding of the entire web development process, from designing the user
interface to managing databases and server-side logic. This versatility allows them to handle
various aspects of a project, making them capable of developing a complete web application
independently or collaborating seamlessly with specialized front-end and back-end developers.
On the front-end, a full-stack developer is proficient in languages like HTML, CSS, and
JavaScript. They can create visually appealing and responsive user interfaces, ensuring a positive
user experience across different devices. Full-stack developers are also skilled in using front-end
libraries and frameworks like React, Angular, or Vue.js to enhance the functionality and
interactivity of web applications.
frameworks, and handle server-side logic efficiently. Full-stack developers often work with
technologies like Node.js that allow them to use JavaScript for both front-end and back-end
development, further streamlining the development process.
Internship allow us to expand our technical skills and give us opportunity to learn , adapt
and master new skills. Our Internship at CodeClause had constantly put us in a situation where
we have to come out from comfort zone and try and learn new technology and implement it on
the best level. Below is the list of technologies we have learned and mastered during the
● JS
● Bootsrap
3.1 HTML:
HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) is the fundamental building block of web content,
providing a standardized structure for creating and organizing elements on a webpage. Using a
system of tags, HTML allows developers to define various components such as headings,
paragraphs, images, and links, shaping the visual and logical structure of a website. As a core
technology of the World Wide Web, HTML ensures cross-browser compatibility and
accessibility. It serves as the backbone for web development, working in conjunction with
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) for styling and layout, and JavaScript for interactivity. HTML's
simplicity and universality make it an essential language for creating cohesive and
well-structured web pages.
● Content Structure: HTML allows developers to define the structure of content on a
webpage, organizing it into headings, paragraphs, lists, images, and links, facilitating a
clear and logical presentation.
● Integration with CSS and JavaScript: HTML works seamlessly with Cascading Style
Sheets (CSS) for styling and JavaScript for interactivity, enabling the creation of dynamic
and visually appealing web pages.
● Responsive Web Design: HTML plays a key role in creating responsive web designs
that adapt to various screen sizes and devices, enhancing the user experience on desktops,
tablets, and smartphones.
● Versatility: HTML's simplicity and versatility make it accessible to both beginners and
experienced developers, fostering a wide range of web development projects from simple
static websites to complex web applications.
● Evolution and Updates: HTML evolves with advancements in web technology. Regular
updates, such as HTML5, introduce new features and functionalities, keeping pace with
the dynamic nature of the internet.
3.2 CSS:
CSS operates on a cascading principle, where multiple style sheets can be applied to a
single HTML document, with rules prioritized based on specificity, inheritance, and order. This
flexibility allows developers to separate content from presentation, enhancing accessibility and
user experience. With the evolution of CSS3, developers gained access to advanced features like
animations, transitions, and responsive design tools, enabling the creation of more dynamic and
adaptable web interfaces.
● Presentation Control: CSS allows precise control over the visual aspects of a webpage,
defining styles for fonts, colors, layout, spacing, and more, ensuring a consistent and
appealing presentation across the site.
● Responsive Design: CSS facilitates the creation of responsive web designs that adapt
smoothly to various screen sizes and devices, enhancing user experience and
● Consistency and Reusability: Style rules can be reused across multiple pages, ensuring
consistency in design elements. This reusability streamlines development, reduces
redundancy, and simplifies updates.
JavaScript is a versatile and essential programming language used primarily for web
development, allowing developers to create dynamic and interactive content on web pages. As a
client-side scripting language, it runs within a user's web browser, enabling actions and
modifications on web pages in real-time. JavaScript empowers developers to build engaging user
interfaces, validate form inputs, manipulate data asynchronously, and create interactive elements
such as games, maps, and responsive features.
Its widespread use in web development frameworks like React, Angular, and Vue.js
demonstrates its significance in modern web applications. Additionally, JavaScript has expanded
its reach beyond the browser with platforms like Node.js, enabling server-side scripting,
facilitating full-stack development, and allowing JavaScript to run on servers, thus unifying
development environments. With its rich ecosystem of libraries and frameworks, JavaScript
remains a cornerstone in shaping the dynamic and interactive nature of the modern web.
● Client-Side Scripting: Executes scripts within a user's web browser, allowing dynamic
modifications to web pages without requiring server interaction, enhancing interactivity
and responsiveness.
● DOM Manipulation: Enables interaction with the Document Object Model (DOM),
allowing developers to modify HTML and CSS, dynamically update content, and respond
to user actions.
● Event Handling: Allows developers to create event-driven functionalities, responding to
user actions like clicks, keypresses, and mouse movements, enhancing interactivity.
● Web Development
● Web Applications
● Mobile Applications
● Server Applications
3.4 Bootstrap:
templates, grid systems, typography, and reusable UI components like buttons, forms, navigation
bars, and modals.
The framework's responsive design features ensure that websites are optimized for
various devices, automatically adjusting to different screen sizes. With its extensive
documentation and robust community support, Bootstrap enables developers, even those with
minimal design skills, to build aesthetically pleasing and functional websites efficiently.
Additionally, Bootstrap's flexibility allows customization through themes, plugins, and
extensions, making it a go-to choice for both beginners and experienced developers seeking rapid
development and consistency in their projects.
● Responsive Grid System: Offers a responsive, mobile-first fluid grid layout system that
scales content and components proportionally to the device's screen size, ensuring
compatibility with various devices.
● JavaScript Plugins: Bundles various JavaScript plugins, including dropdowns, modals,
tooltips, carousels, and more, offering interactive elements and enhanced functionalities
without extensive coding.
We have learned how to work with a team of developers and trainers as well as take tasks
from senior developers (OR) trainers and complete them under time limits. One of the many
great teachings includes not following blind orders, we were fortunate enough to give our
opinions and critics constructively keeping the benefits of the project in mind and our poons
were heard and discussed and some were implemented.
● Learned how to use and implement HTML, CSS & JavaScript inter our project along
with the use of Bootstrap Framework.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<link rel="stylesheet"
body {
font-family: Arial, sans-serif;
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
.welcome-section {
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
height: 100vh;
margin: 0;
background: #f2f2f2;
.container {
text-align: center;
h1 {
color: #646464;
font-size: 18px;
color: #646464;
.project-box {
background-color: #393E46;
border-radius: 10px;
padding: 20px;
text-align: center;
flex: 1;
margin: 0 10px;
transition: transform 0.3s;
display: flex;
justify-content: space-between;
margin: 20px 0;
<h2>Mohammed Hussain Abid Khan</h2>
<p class="roles">˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗ Guider, Designer, Blogger ˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗</p>
<div class="additional-info">
<p class="rounded-border"> ✩°。 Age: 21</p>
<p class="rounded-border"> ✩°。 Hobby: Designing and Sketching</p>
<p class="rounded-border">✩°。 Born: Saudi Arabia, Riyadh</p>
<div class="social-links">
<div class="projects-section">
<p>Projects ★⌒ヽ(´ ❥ `)</p>
<div class="project-boxes">
<div class="project-box project-box1">
<p class="project-title">Website Design: HackEnvision'23</p>
<a class="project-link"
<div class="project-box project-box2">
<p class="project-title">App Design_1: NSAKCET Mobile App UI</p>
<a class="project-link"
<!-- Connect with Me? Section -->
<div class="connect-section">
<i class="fas fa-envelope email-logo"></i>
<p class="email-text">mohammedhussainguider@gmail.com</p>
<!-- Footer Section -->
<div class="footer">
Website made by Mohammed Hussain Abid Khan<br>
Love You Mom[☾⋆。 𖦹 °✩]
Fig 6.3: Project-Section
Fig 6.5: Unit Converter-Section
7.1 Conclusion:
We hereby conclude, by saying that joining Pantech E Learning Pvt Limited and being a
part of the team for the period 45-Days was undoubtedly an amazing experience.
We have learned how to work with a team of developers and take tasks from trainers and
complete them under time limits. One of the many great teachings includes not following blind
orders, we were fortunate enough to give our opinions and criticize constructively keeping the
benefits of the project in mind and our points were heard and discussed and some were
We found it very helpful to do this Internship from CodeClause. This was our first-time
experience to be enrolled in any such experience. Our concern was whether this company will be
able to come up to our expectations as students and newbies, We can state with affirmation that
what we have learned from them is going to stay with This Internship course has taught us quite
important topics in associations to the present dal The overall experience was positive, und
everything we have learned will be useful in our future well as in our careers in this field.
● The future enhancements for our web app can be done by us as well as by other
developers too since the web app is open source.
● Implement our own IDE to run these JavaScript Projects.
● Jon Duckett, (2018), HTML and CSS Design and Build Website.
● https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/roadmap-to-become-a-web-developer-in-2022/
● https://roadmap.sh/javascript
● https://getbootstrap.com/