Class # 17 Make vs. Do
Class # 17 Make vs. Do
Class # 17 Make vs. Do
When “do” or “make” are used as main verbs it can be confusing to ESL
(English as a Second Language) learners. The verb “make” goes with some
words and the verb “do” with other words.
We use the verb “do” when someone performs an action, activity or task.
do a crossword
do the ironing
do the laundry
do the washing
do the washing up
There are a number of standard expressions that take the verb “do”, the best
solution is to try to learn them.
make a dress
make food
make a cup of tea /coffee
Note: these activities usually create something that you can touch.
7. He ____________friends easily.
does makes
do make
do make
10. We'll have to ___________without a car for some time.
do make