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Filed Orieinted Control of PMSM

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Naresh Gujjula Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Applications www.ijera.

ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 4, Issue 7( Version 5), July 2014, pp.95-99


Field-Oriented Control of PMSM Drive Based on SVPWM Using

Naresh Gujjula, G. Laxminarayana
M.Tech scholar at Aurora’s engineering college, Bhongir,nalgonda district ,Telangana,India
Assistant Professor, Dept. of EEE, Aurora's Engineering College, Bhongir, India.

Abstract: The space vector PWM has the character of wide linear range, little higher harmonic and easy digital
realization. The FOC theory and SVPWM technique make the PMSM can achieve the performance as well as
DC motor. The mathematical model of PMSM is analyzed and the system model of FOC vector control has
been established. The control system has been also simulated by MATLAB/Simulink. The simulation results
accord with the real motor’s performance and provide the theory basis for the designing of real system.
Keywords: space vector PWM (SVPWM), permanent magnetic synchronous motor(PMSM), field-oriented


The following assumptions are made before
establishing the mathematical model of PMSM:
 Neglects the saturation of the electric motor
ferrite core.
 Neglects turbulent flow and hysteresis loss in
electric motor.
 The current in electric motor is symmetrical
three-phase sinusoidal current. Figure 1. Relationship of the α-β and d-q coordinate
A. d-q reference coordinate system
There are two kinds of coordinate system in
FOC. One is fixed on the stator, which is a static
coordinate system relative to us; the other is fixed on
the rotor, which is a revolving coordinate system.
Both the three -phase stator A-B-C coordinate system
based on three-phase winding of three-phase stator
and the two-phase stator α-β coordinate system are
the static coordinate system. The two-phase stator α-β
coordinate system is composed of α axis fixed on A
axis and β axis that is vertical to α axis. While d-q B. The mathematical model of PMSM based on d-q
coordinate system with d axis fixed on the rotor spool coordinate system
thread is revolving[1]. Figure 1 shows the relationship The most common method in analyzing electric
of α-β coordinate system and d-q coordinate system. control PMSM is d-q axis mathematical model,
is the angle between d and α axis which is also phase which can be used in analyzing the stable state
A. Equation (1) gives the transforms from A-B-C to performance of PMSM as well as in studying the
d-q coordinate system. While Equation (2) gives the transient state performance. The mathematical model
transforms from d-q to α-β coordinate system. of PMSM is usually composed of the voltage
equation, the stator flux linkage equation, the
electromagnetism torque equation, the mechanical
movement equation. The equations under d-q
coordinate system can be expressed as follows:
The voltage equation:

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Naresh Gujjula Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Applications www.ijera.com
ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 4, Issue 7( Version 5), July 2014, pp.95-99

In this control system, stator current iA, iB

The stator flux linkage equation: outputted by the inverter is measured using electric
current sensor, and iC is calculate with the formula
iC=-(iA+iB). Transform the electric current iA,, iB, iC
into the direct component isq, isd in the revolving
coordinate system through the Clarke and the Park
The electromagnetism torque equation transform. Then isq, isd can be used as the negative
feedback quantity of the electric current loop.
The deviation between the given speed and the
The mechanical movement equation:
feedback speed n is regulated through the speed PI
regulator. The output is q axis reference component
isqref to control the torque .The deviations between
(6) isqref, isdref and current feedback quantity isq, isd go
through the electric current PI regulator, and the
Where: respectively output phase voltage Vsqref and Vsdref on
ud 、uq ——Applied d-q-axis control voltage id 、iq the d-q revolving coordinate system. Vsqref and Vsdref
——Stator d-q-axis current are transformed into the stator phase voltage vector
component Vsαref and Vsβ ref under α-β coordinate
ψ q 、ψ d ——d-q-axis flux linkage
system through inverse Park transform. If the stator
phase voltage vector Vsqref, Vsdref and its sector
Lq 、 Ld ——d-q-axis inductance number is known, we can use the voltage space
Rs ——Armature resistance vector PWM technique to produce PWM signal to
ψ r ——Permanent magnet flux linkage control the inverter, so as to achieve closed-loop
Te ——Electromagnetic torque control of the PMSM.
TL ——Load torque If we take the algorithm of id=0(isdref =0) for a
——Moment of Inertia sufaced-mounted PMSM (SPM),the current vector
——Pole-pair numbers of the motor trajectory as the Maximum Torque-per-Amp
——Electrical angular speed trajectory. On this condition, torque per current
ampere becomes maximal, the copper loss decreased
II. THE PRINCIPLE OF ROTOR and the efficiency increased. That’s why most SPM
FIELD-ORIENTED VECTOR take the algorithm of id=0. In this paper, we also take
CONTROL SYSTEM SPM as the simulation motor model.
The figure 2 shows the block diagram of Rotor field-
oriented vector control system [2]: III. THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE
After analyzing the mathematical model of
PMSM and the principle of Rotor field-oriented
vector control system, the simulation model of field-
oriented control system is established. The simulation
model is under the environment of
MATLAB7.0/Simulinkusing, due to its rich module
The system structure is shown as figure 3, and
Figure 2. FOC system structure the main simulation modules are introduced as

Figure 3. FOC system structure diagram of the PMSM based on SVPWM

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Naresh Gujjula Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Applications www.ijera.com
ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 4, Issue 7( Version 5), July 2014, pp.95-99

A. The transform module from d-q to α-β The sector judgment module is shown as figure 6.
coordinate system
The transform from d-q to α-β coordinate
system is realized mainly according to equation (2)
and the position angle of the rotor, namely the in
figure 1. The specific interior simulation diagram is
shown in figure 4.

Figure 6. Simulation model of sector judgment

2) The calculation of the basic voltage vector act

The relationship between the act time of the
Figure 4. Block diagram of d-q to α-β transformation basic voltage vectors t1、t2 and X、Y、Z, and sector
N is shown as follows:
B. The module of SVPWM production
The SVPWM uses two neighboring effective
vectors and null vectors of the eight basis space
voltage vector and their different act time to obtain
the equivalent space voltage vector that the motor
needs, as shown in figure 5 [3].
X、Y、Z can be given by equation (9).

Figure 5. Basic voltage vectors and reference vector
The module diagram is shown as figure 7.
1) The judgment of the sector
According to figure 5, when Vout is given in the form
of the component Voutα、Voutβ on α-β coordinate
system, we can use equation (2) to calculate

(7) Figure 7. Simulation model of acting time of basic

The value of equation P can be given by voltage vector
where sign(x) is sign function. 3) The calculation of switching time
Then the sector number can be given by looking up Firstly, Ta、Tb、Tc can be given by

The switch time is shown as the following table,

where taon、tbon、tcon means the turned-on time of the
three-phase bridge arm power component

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Naresh Gujjula Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Applications www.ijera.com
ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 4, Issue 7( Version 5), July 2014, pp.95-99




Set the motor speed at 500 rad/s, PWM cycle
The simulation diagram is shown in figure 8. T=0.001S. At time 0s, the electrical motor no-load
start up, at time 0.03s, the load increases to3 Nm.
Simulation time is 0.06s, and then the simulation
waveform shows as follows:

Figure 8. The simulation model of the inverter at the

switch time

4) The production of PWM signal

Comparing the obtained , and with the isosceles
triangle, we can get symmetric space vector PWM
signal. Making PWM1,PWM3,PWM5 reverse ,We
can get PWM2,PWM4 and PWM6.
The overall simulation structure diagram of
SVPWM as shown in figure 9[6]:

Figure 10. The current and speed response when load

is increased

Figure 9. SVPWM simulation model

5) The model of inverter and electrical motor

Both the inverter module and the PMSM
mentioned in simulation are provided by
MATLAB/Simulink. The machine parameters listed
in Table IV are used for the simulations. The
measurement module may be used for examining the
outputs physical quantity of the motor, and as
feedback parameter to constitute closed-loop control Figure 11. The torque response when load is
system. increased

Simulation results are in accord with the

performance characteristic of PMSM, which proves

www.ijera.com 98 | P a g e
Naresh Gujjula Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Applications www.ijera.com
ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 4, Issue 7( Version 5), July 2014, pp.95-99

the accuracy of the SVPWM algorithm and the

control model, and provides theory basis for actual
design of the control sy.

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[3] Li Chuan-Fang, Li Feng , QU Ji-Sheng and
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