Titanic Expanded Noun Phrases Activity Sheets
Titanic Expanded Noun Phrases Activity Sheets
Titanic Expanded Noun Phrases Activity Sheets
The tall man with the wooden walking stick strolled slowly across the road.
Check out the Expanded Noun Phrases resource in this pack for lots of examples and
Read the newspaper extract below. It has lots of simple noun phrases in it and is a very
boring article. Please improve the article by expanding the noun phrases. Use the adjectives
next to the picture to help you to improve the text.
deadly mighty
frightened vast
confused terrified
On that night, the Titanic hit an iceberg that was floating through the North Atlantic.
Ignoring several warnings about icebergs, the captain ordered his crew to sail at full
speed which caused several sections of the ship to come apart upon impact. At first,
passengers did not realise what a situation they were in. But gradually, water began
filling the decks of the ship which could not be ignored. Many passengers placed their life
jackets on and headed towards the ship’s deck. Faces looked around in shock whilst some
passengers began to get into the lifeboats…
visit twinkl.com
Rewrite the newspaper extract with expanded noun phrases. Remember, use the
adjectives by the picture to help you create your own expanded noun phrases. For
example: ‘faces’ could be changed to ‘terrified faces’.