English Grade T4
English Grade T4
English Grade T4
Grade 4
Grade 4 English Teacher's Guide
Teacher's Guide
Grade 4
Writers: Melkamu Dumessa PhD
Jimma University
Ministry of Education
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UNIT 1 PEOPLE AND THEIR WORK......................................1
UNIT 2 RAINY SEASON..................................................................15
UNIT 3 TRAFFIC SAFETY..............................................................27
UNIT 4 SOIL.........................................................................................38
UNIT 5 VEGETABLES.....................................................................49
UNIT 6 CLEAN WATER...................................................................61
UNIT 7 MY COUNTRY, ETHIOPIA...........................................72
UNIT 8 HEALTH AND SAFETY..................................................83
DIFFERENCES IN ETHIOPIA....................................93
UNIT 10 WOODWORK...................................................................104
Education and development are closely related endeavors. This is the main reason why it is said that
education is the key instrument in Ethiopia‘s development. The fast and globalized world we now
live in requires new knowledge, skills, attitudes, and values on the part of each individual. It is with
this objective that the curriculum, which is a re昀氀ection of a country‘s education system, must be
responsive to changing conditions.
It has been more than twenty years since Ethiopia launched and implemented the education and
training policy. Since then our country has made remarkable progress in terms of access, equity and
relevance. Vigorous efforts also have been made, and continued to be made, to improve the quality
of education.
To continue this progress, the Ministry of education has developed a curriculum for development. The
framework covers all pre-primary, primary, general secondary and preparatory subjects and grades. It
aims to reinforce the basic tenets and principles outlined in the education and training policy, and
provide guidance on the preparation of all subsequent curriculum materials- including this teacher
guide and the student textbook that comes with it, to be based on active learning methods and a
competency – based approach.
Publication of a new syllabus and revised textbooks and teacher guides are not the sole solutions to
improving the quality of education in any country. Continued improvement calls for the efforts of all
stakeholders. The teacher’s role must become more 昀氀exible ranging from lecturer to motivator, guide
and facilitator. To assist this, teachers have been given, and will continue to receive, training on the
strategies and activities that would bring about the desired outcomes in the reaching and learning of
I. General Introduction
The newly revised Grade 4 English textbook and teacher’s guide are organized around six sections:
listening, speaking, reading, vocabulary, grammar and writing.
The Listening section is further divided into three subsections: Pre-listening, which is intended to
activate the students’ prior knowledge; While-listening, which mainly concerned with understanding
what is listened to; and Post- listening, which provides students with opportunities to re昀氀ect on the
information in the listening text and relate it to their personal experiences. Similarly, the reading
section has three subsections: Pre-reading, While- reading and Post-reading.
The Speaking section presents a variety of activities that help students to practice speaking in English.
The Vocabulary section deals with the consonant digraphs, blends and word formation. In addition, it
presents activities on word meanings to help students increase their vocabulary knowledge
The Reading Fluency section deals with reading at a reasonable speed, accuracy and expression. The
reading texts from the reading section are used to practice reading 昀氀uency.
The grammar section presents activities in context for the students to practice language structures to
reinforce both meaning and form.
The writing section provides activities which gradually take students from phrase and short sentence
writing to paragraph writing.
II. Methodology
As a teacher it is advisable for you to model how to do activities through meaningful examples.
Encourage students to practice because application of learning helps to build comprehension of
concepts taught.
Transfer the responsibility to students by letting them work on their own to apply what you have
taught them. Try to engage them in personalizing what they learn and to extend classroom activities
to out of class activities. Help them so that they link the lessons to their future learning, in general.
Pre-teach some key words and give models and /or example expressions needed for doing activities
and for facilitating more students' success in the activities that are to follow.
Try to give the summaries of main points of every unit addressed in the teaching and learning.
Below are some informal and formal continuous assessments techniques with which the students are
familiar from mother tongue instruction.
• Observation: A teacher circulates through the room and writes notes during a lesson to assess
learning as students work in groups, pairs, or individually.
• Turn and Talk: Students turn to each other and share their predictions, responses and reactions
with one or two students. The teacher moves around the class to monitor progress.
• Informal Monitoring: The teacher moves around the room to assess which children need support.
• Presentation: students have an opportunity to demonstrate their skills and understanding to the
teachers and/ or to the class.
• Summaries and Re昀氀ections: Students stop and re昀氀ect, make sense of what they have heard or
read, and derive personal meaning from their learning experience.
• Formal Continuous Assessment: Class work, homework, quizzes, tests, and examination
• Support: The primary purpose of continuous assessment is to gather information about students
learning so as to make interventions for students who need immediate support or acceleration.
• Enrichment: Some students may perform beyond the expected level of performance. Once
identi昀椀ed, some additional challenging tasks should be provided.
As a teacher, you need to consider these diverse situations in your classroom. For example, for students
with visual impairment, visual prompts are not suitable. Apart from getting support from a Braille
expert, it is recommended to convert the activities into the ones that meet students’ abilities. For
instance, pictures could be described orally. An able partner could read the text aloud when students
work in groups or pairs. Similarly, for students with a hearing impairment, in addition to the support
you may get from a sign language expert, audio prompts could be changed to visual prompts. For
students who perform beyond the expected level, refer to the suggestions given in the assessment
section. Regarding issues related to gender, avoid assigning roles that are traditionally believed to be
the role of only one sex (stereotyping).
In organizing students into groups and pairs, it is important to consider the different levels of students'
abilities and paces so that teaching and learning can take place successfully.
• Listening,
• Speaking,
• Reading,
• Vocabulary,
• Grammar, and
• Writing.
In grade three, again they will continue to do more activities under the above six areas. By doing the
planned activities in their grade four textbook they will build on and develop their English language
ability further. At the end of grade three Unit Ten, the students have done activities under the topic
‘Pottery’. In the 昀椀rst unit of grade four textbook, they will do more activities under the topic ‘People
and Their Work”. The activities are prepared under six different sections: listening, speaking, reading,
vocabulary, grammar and writing. So help them to develop their English language ability in depth in
the six areas stated above.
At the end of the unit, students will be able to:
• listen to a passage and complete information accordingly
• explain what people do in their home and work place
• give contextual meaning for the new words in the text
• locate the right place of things using prepositions
• comprehend the main idea in the reading text
• complete sentences/ text using the correct words
• write short and simple sentences about people and their work
• describe how one can get to a place
Possible Answers:
1. a) Farmer b) Teacher c) bus driver. You can accept jobs such as: merchant, baker,
police of昀椀cer, barber, shopkeeper, nurse, cleaner, butcher, driver, etc.
2. 2. Students might tell you some jobs that they know such as gardener, postman,
nurse, secretary, photographer, chef, cook, guard, soldier, doctor, school director,
pilot etc.
3. 3. Encourage students to tell their friends what they want to be when they grow up.
Accept as many answers they give you as possible and write it on the blackboard,
Possible Answers:
1. Waiters (for men)/ waitresses (for women) 2. Dentists 3 farmers 4. Astronauts 5.
6. Cashier 7. Carpenters 8. Actors (for men) / actresses for (women) 9. Journalists
1. They work in a restaurant and take people’s orders and bring their foods. If you ask
them nicely they re昀椀ll your drink.
2. They work in an of昀椀ce and clean your teeth. If you have a cavity, they will 昀椀x it.
3. They work in the country side and take care of the land. They grow many things
like fruits and vegetables.
4. They work in space and 昀氀y in space craft. Sometimes they go to the moon.
5. They work in animal clinic and take care of dogs and cats.
6. They work in a variety of places such as supermarkets, retail stores, gas stations,
movie theaters and restaurants. They use cash register, ring up their clients take their
money and give them their change and a receipt.
7. They work with wood and make tables, bookshelves and many other things.
8. They work in movies and TV shows. If they are really good they become famous
and everyone knows their names.
9. They report news on TV and in the newspapers. Some people like to listen to them
every day.
Students might give you the following jobs. Write them on the blackboard and help
them to learn.1. Guard (A guard takes care of the school security)
2. Gardner (A gardener takes care of the 昀氀owers in the school.
3. Teacher (A teacher teaches at school
4. Storekeeper
5. Cleaner
6. Janitor
If you have some students who are visually impaired consider the case and ask the students who
have no visual problems to tell and support the pictures and help them to learn cooperatively.
Or else prepare alternative activities for the visually impaired students.
Activity 1
Tell students to look at the pictures in their students’ textbook and talk about the jobs of the different
people in the pictures. Encourage the students to come up with different jobs by looking at the
pictures and tell what they do.
A. Nurse (She takes care of a patient’s health.
B. Dentist (A dentist treats teeth).
C. Pilot and co-pilot (They 昀氀y airplane).
D. Mechanic (He maintains cars).
E. Fire 昀椀ghter (A 昀椀re 昀椀ghter puts out the 昀椀re).
F. Tour guide (A tour guide shows the sightseeing to the tourists.
Activity 2
Ask the students to be in pairs and tell them that they meet someone on their way to school. Then,
they complete the following dialogue. Tell them to take turns and ask and answer the questions in the
dialogue using their own information. Give the dialogue for model practice.
1. What is your name? My name is Naol.
2. What is your father’s name ? My father’s name is Gemeda.
3. How old are you? I am nine years old
4. Where are you from? I am from Bishoftu.
5. What grade are you in? I am in grade four.
Before you conclude the daily lesson ask a few questions to check that students have understood the
main points taught and/or learned. Help the students if you 昀椀nd out that they did not understand.
Take time and do remedial work to support them.
Prepositions (40 minutes)
Activity 3
Tell students to look at the picture in their student book and ask them to describe the location of the
buildings using the prepositions such as “next to, opposite, behind, in front of, at the back and near”.
Ask students to copy the questions into their exercise books and complete the dialogue by asking the
missing information from their partner. Encourage the students to look at the pictures and describe
the locations of the of昀椀ces.
Answers :
1. The pharmacy is behind the police station.
2. The supermarket is opposite to the police station.
3. The post of昀椀ce is near the pharmacy.
4. The school is near the super market.
5. The movie theatre is at the back of the bus station. The movie theatre is near the post of昀椀ce
5. The movie theatre is at the back of the bus station. The movie theatre is near the post of昀椀ce
Conversation related to situation (40 minutes)
Activity 4
Organize the class in pairs and ask them to introduce themselves to each other as in the dialogue. Invite
one student to come to the front of the class and ask him or her questions to complete information
that is requested when greeting someone.
Student A: Good Morning. What is your name?
Student B: Good Morning. My name is Firaol.
Student A: I see you are carrying a backpack. Are you student?
Student B: Yes, I am.
Student A: what is the name of your school?
Student B: It is called Dandi Boru School.
Student A: Where is your school? It is behind the hospital.
Student B: Which grade are you in?
Student A: I am in grade four.
Student B: what are the subjects your learn.
Student A: I learn Maths, English, Afaan Oromo and Environmental sciences and Social Sciences.
Student B: which subject do you like most?
Student A: I like Math. Or say my favourite subject is Mathematics.
The above dialogue is given as a model but the students will give different answers .so accept their
answers as far as they are grammatically correct and related to the context of the questions.
Activity 3
Ask the students to read the passage silently again and tell them to answer the comprehension
questions in complete sentences. Tell them to work individually and match the jobs and the names of
the persons. mentioned in the text. Then, compare their answers with their partner.’ Tell them to read
out their complete sentences to the class.
1. Robera
2. Emebet
3. Tigist
4. Ledamo
5. Selamawit
Activity 1
Ask students to complete the sentences in their student book by 昀椀lling in the gaps with correct words
from the table. Tell them to write their answers in their exercise books.
1. grow 2.feed 3. teach 4. speak 5. sing
Ask the students to blend initial consonant clusters br- and cl- with their endings. Ask them to write
the full words in their exercise books.
Tell the students to write two more words that begin with br- and cl-. Then use the words to write
Answers: A
1. br+oom=broom 2. Br+ing= Bring
3.cl+ear+ clear 4. cl+ass=Class
6. cl+ing=cling
Answers: B
2.cl+ean= clean 3. br+own= brown
4. Club= club 5. br+ush= brush
Answers: C
1.cl+ip= clip 2 .br+isk= brisk
3. Br+ight+ bright 4. cl+ose=close
5.br+and= brand
Answers: D
1. Cl- 2. Br- 3.bl- 4 cl-
Answers :
1.an 2. an 3.an 4.a 5.a
6.a 7.an 8.a 9.a 10.a
Activity 2
Ask students to read and complete the dialogue with the right articles: “a, an, or the”. The focus of
this activity is for students to learn to use articles a/ an/ and /the/ correctly.
Answers :
1 A. a 1 B. the 2. A a 2 B. the
3 A. an 3 B an 4 A an 4 B an
5 A. a 5. B a 6A a 6 B the/ the
7 A no gap to be 昀椀lled 7 B an
Activity 3
Ask students to correctly 昀椀ll in the gaps with the article “a, an,” or “the” in the sentences given in their
Answers :
1.a 2. a 3. an and the 4. the 5.the 6. an
Activity 4
Let students work in pairs and, in turns, tell each other what he/she does every day using the simple
present tense verbs. Ask the students to report their friends’ everyday activities to the class.
Answers :
The students come up with different answers and you can encourage them and support them to
speak their daily activities using simple present tense.
Verb be (40 minutes)
Activity 5
Ask students to write short sentences using the verb <be> in simple present tense (am, is, and are)
about their families’ jobs and where they work.
Answers :
1. My father is a farmer. He works in the 昀椀eld.
2. My brother and my sister are teachers. They work at school.
Encourage the students to write short sentences of their own using the verb ‘to be’. Accept as many
correct sentences as constructed by the students and praise them for the good work and give them
Grade 4 English Teacher's Guide 9
Answers : at home
1. I help my dad in farm works.
2. I help my mother in the kitchen.
3. I study my lessons at home.
4. I watch Tv with my family .
5. I fetch water from a distant river
At school
1. I practice speaking English.
2. I learn seven different subjects.
3. I talk to my teacher.
4. I answer questions
5. I respect my teachers.
6. I clean the blackboard for my teachers.
In the village
1. I play football.
2. I ride my bike in the village.
3. I listen to elders’ advice.
4. I clean the blackboard for my teachers.
5. I learn telling stories from elderly people.
Grammar-Simple Present and Present Continuous Tense (40 minutes)
Activity 7
Ask students to 昀椀ll the gaps with the appropriate simple present tense verb forms. Then, tell them to
read their sentences to the class.
Answers :
1. lives 2.learns 3. likes 4. is 5. wants 6. is
Activity 8
Ask students to look at the pictures and write short sentences using the present continuous tense
about what the people in the picture are doing. Encourage the students to describe what the person
in the picture is doing now.
Answers :
1. Picture 1: A man / he is ploughing the plot of land.
2. Picture e2: A teacher/ she is teaching English to her students in the class.
3. Picture 3: The boy/He is painting a picture.
4. Picture 4: The girl/ She is doing her homework.
5. Picture5: The boy / He is reading his English textbook.
Grammar Simple present and Present Continuous Tense (40 Minutes)
Activity 9
k students to 昀椀ll in the gaps with correct simple present tense forms of the verb do/does. The focus
of this activity is for the students to learn to use (do/does, don’t, doesn’t) correctly. correctly.
Answers :
1. No, he doesn’t. 2. No, they don’t 3. No, he doesn’t. 4. Yes, they do.
Activity 10
Ask the students to 昀椀ll correctly in the gaps with the simple present tense verb forms of the verb (do,
and does). Tell the students to discuss in pairs.
Answers :
1. We do not go to school on Sunday. 5. Do they study in the library?
2. I do not play football on the street. 6. Does she clean the room with a broom?
3. He does not shout in the class. 7. Do you go to the library?
4. You do not come to school late.
Answers :
1. learn 2. wake up 3. eat 4.go 5. is
6. is 7. studies 8. does 9. have 10. go
Answers :
1.are using 2. are spending 3. are working 4. are using 5. are scoring
Activity 13
Ask the students to 昀椀ll the gaps with right quanti昀椀es given in the box to complete the sentences. You
can encourage the students to look at the pictures and construct sentences using the quanti昀椀ers given:
(some, any, both all, one and much). Accept the correct sentences the students tell you and give them
Answers :
1. There are many desks in the classroom. 2. There is some water in the bottle.
3. There is some water in the glass. 4. Both the boy and the girl sit near the blackboard.
6. All the students have exercise book. 7. All the students sit at their desks.
8. There are many objects in the classroom.
Activity 14
Ask the students to 昀椀ll the gaps with right quanti昀椀es given in the box to complete the sentences.
Answers :
1. much 2 both 3. many 4. All 5. One
Activity 1
Ask students to 昀椀ll in the right information and write the paragraph about Merartu. Tell them to
compare their answers and read their paragraph to the class.
Answers :
Her name is Marartu. She is 9 years old. She learns at Jimma University Community School. Her
favourite subjects are English and Mathematics. Her hobbies are watching children’s cartoon 昀椀lms
and reading folktales.
Activity 2
Ask the students to use Marartu’s note and write one paragraph about themselves. Tell them to use
the information in the table for themselves and write about themselves. Tell them to do it individually
and compare their paragraph with their partners’. Ask them to read their paragraph to the whole class.
Answers :
My name is Kedefo. / I am Kedefo. I am nine years old. I learn at Dubti Primary School. My
favourite subjects are Afaraf, English and Mathematics. My hobbies are reading children storybooks
and playing football.
Picture 1: The girl /she is reading a book.
Picture 2: The girl /she is running.
Picture 3: The boy and the girl are writing their homework in the library.
Picture 4: The boy/he is jumping the rope.
Picture 5: The children/They are playing football in the street.
Picture 6: The man/he is watering the 昀氀ower.
Grammar- Punctuation Marks (40 Minutes)
Activity 4
Ask students to correctly provide the sentences in Enku’s letter written to Nasise to make the sentences
meaningful with appropriate punctuation marks.
Hi, how are you? I am having a great time at Camp. Every day I swim, play basketball and sing songs.
I have made many new friends. How is your summer? I can’t wait to see you in the fall.
Your friend,
1.Comma (,) 2. Question mark(?) 3.Full stop(.) 4.Comma(,) 5. Full stop(.)
6. question(?) 7 exclamation mark (?) 8. Comma (!) 9 comma (,)
Activity 5
Ask the students to provide the sentences with the right punctuation marks.
1. question mark (?) 2. Fullstop (.) 3. Question mark (?) 4. exclamation mark (!) 5. Question mark (?)
6. Full stop (.) 7 full stop (.) 8. Full stop (.) 9. Exclamation mark (!) 10. Question mark (?)
Ask students during and at the end of teaching and learning for the purpose of diagnosing learning
problems. If you identify problems of learning from students’ responses, plan and re-teach areas of
serious problems.
Ask the students to discuss in groups, what they know about rain and season. Then, pre-teach them
the meanings of key words to help them understand the passage they are going to listen to.
Activity 1
Ask students to answer the three questions given in the student textbook by writing short sentences
in their exercise book individually. Their short sentences could vary because the questions are open-
ended in nature. (15 minutes)
Activity 2
Instruct students to be in pairs. Let them ask and answer the three questions given under Activity 1
in their textbook. Ask them to take turns and do this activity in the form of a dialogue following the
given examples in your textbook. Ask some pairs to act out the dialogue at the class level. (25 minutes)
Activity 3
You are going to read a text entitled ‘Activities in Rainy Seasons’ and students are going to listen to
you. Tell them to listen to you when you read and write down 3 indoor and 3 outdoor activities in the
following table. Let them copy down the table into their exercise books and be ready for the listening.
Help them to understand exactly what they are going to do before you start reading the text for them.
Finally, check their understanding and read the text. (15 minutes).
Finally, check their understanding and read the text. (15 minutes).
Indoor Activities: playing chess, reading, watching TV, cooking, cleaning,
Outdoor Activities: clearing land, plowing, sawing seeds, planting, playing in the rain, splashing
There are different activities which take place during the rainy seasons. During these
seasons, some people like to stay at home and read books. Others prefer to watch 昀椀lms on
television. Still others are interested to play indoor games like chess. There are also people
who like cooking, cleaning and doing other domestic activities. During these seasons, the
land becomes wet enough for doing agricultural activities. Some of these outdoor farm
activities are clearing land, plowing or preparing it and sawing seeds. Planting seedlings is
also another activity during the rainy season. This is done to make the environment green
and to expand forests. Children do different enjoyment activities during the rainy seasons.
They jump, chase one another, run here-and-there laughing, chatting and shouting. They
get themselves wet in the rain and enjoy. They splash the surrounding abundant water
onto one another and play. The sun sometimes appears but often disappears in the sky,
and it also seems to play a hide-and-seek game.
Activity 4
Next, tell students to listen for the second time to 昀椀nalize and re昀椀ne their answers to questions
presented under Activities 3 and 4 in their text book. Then, read the listening text entitled ‘Activities
in the Rainy Season’ for the second time. (10 minutes)
Finally, ask students to be in pairs and compare their answers with those of their partners. Following
that, ask some students to go to the front and report their answers to the class. (10 minutes)
Activity 5
Ask students to look at the different pictures presented in their ‘Student Textbook’ under Activity 5
and match the activities presented in a table in their book by writing the letters of the pictures which
are related to the activities. They need to write their answers (or, letters) under the pictures column
in the table given. Please carefully explain that they should do the activity in their exercise books. (25
Pictures C , B, D and A, consecutively.
Activity 6
Organize students to be in groups of three or four and discuss the main idea of the listening text and
what they have learned from the listening text. (15 minutes)
Concept maps: students draw diagram or the mental connections they make between the major
concept (rainy seasons) and other concepts (people’s activity during this time) they have learned.
Activity 1
Activity 2
In pairs, students extend and practice the dialogue which deals with their feelings of the surrounding
weather. Then, invite some pairs of students to make similar dialogue on their feelings of the weather
in front of the class. (15 minutes)
Activity 3
Organize students in pairs and tell them to ask for permission and give responses, taking turns. Inform
them that responses can be positive or negative, but that they should be expressed politely. In other
words, one of the pairs will ask for permission and the other will give response. Both of them should
be polite in the dialogue or conversation. (20 minutes)
Activity 2
Before students read the passage about the ‘Rainy Season’ tell them to copy the table given in their text
book under Section Three, Activity 2. The table is about the bene昀椀ts of the rainy season and ways in
which it is important.
Possible Answers:
Receivers of the impact of a rainy season are: animals, plants, people, etc.
Effects of a rainy season: it gives cool feeling, food production, source of water, making the
environment green, etc.
Activity 3
Once again let students individually read the passage entitled ‘Rainy Season’ and say whether statements
given are True or False. Tell them to write down the statements and their answers in their exercise
books. (15 minutes)
1. True; 2. False; 3. True; 4. False; 5. False
Activity 4
Organize students in groups of three or four and let them discuss to answer the three questions given
under Section Three, Activity 4 in their text book.
After their discussion ask some students to report their answers to the class. (25 minutes)
Activity 5
Reading Fluently
Ask students to listen carefully and attentively to you when you read the 昀椀rst paragraph of the passage
entitled ‘Rainy Season’ aloud. Read it with the necessary expressions (pauses, full stops, intonation …)
correctly and 昀氀uently so that your students listen and repeat loudly following you. (15 minutes)
Then, let them individually read the paragraph loudly making the necessary expressions when needed.
Move around and support them as needed. (15 minutes)
Finally, ask some students to read the paragraph aloud to the class. (10 minutes)
Assessment: Listen to students when they read aloud using expressions and give feedback
Activity 1
Then, ask some of the students to read their sentences to the class. (15 minutes)
Assessment: Listen to students when they read their sentences and provide feedback.
Activity 2
Tell students to 昀椀ll the gap with the right words given in the table from the passage to complete the
text. Order them to work individually. (5 minutes)
Finally,ask some students to read their answers to the class and support them giving encouraging
feedback. (15 minutes).
Finally ask some students to read their sentences to the class and support them giving encouraging
feedback. (15 minutes)
Activity 3
Ask students to copy the table presented under Section Four, Activity 3 in their text book in their
exercise books.
Then order them to match the words in Column A which are taken from the reading passage with
their meanings presented in Column B of the table.
Let them choose the appropriate meanings and write the letters of the chosen meanings on the blank
spaces in Column A against the words. (10 minutes)
Lastly ask them to compare their answers in pairs and provide them the feedback. (10 minutes)
E, B, D, C, A, and A respectively
Activity 4
Segmenting Words
Encourage students to study and understand the note and examples given about segmenting words.
Give them some minutes so that they read the given note and examples under Section Four, Activity
4 in their text book. (15 minutes)
Then ask them to work individually and segment the 昀椀ve given words into their components. Let them
follow the given example for the segmentation. (15 minutes)
If there is some more time, you can also give more appropriate words so that students can do the
segmentation and extend the practice and awareness on the point. (10 minute)
classroom = class + room; underestimate = under + estimate; timetable = time + table;
overview = over + view; overcoat = over + coat
Activity 5
Ask your students, individually, to think of and write down in their exercise book more words that can
be segmented. Then, let them show how the words can be segmented by writing down their segments
or components. Help the students to segment the words and show them by segmenting the words that
the students tell you in a whole classroom discussion. (5 minutes).
Activity 6
Encourage students to study and understand the note and examples given about blending words under
Section Four, Activity 6 in their text book. Give them some minutes so that they read the given note
and examples and do the 昀椀ve words given. (10 minutes)
Then ask them to work individually and blend words to result in 昀椀ve words as required under Activity
6 of Section Four. Let them follow the given example for the blending. (10 minutes)
If there is some more time, you can also ask students to blend more and more words that result in
single words to extend the practice and gain more awareness on blending. (5 minutes)
Organize students in pairs and ask them to compare their answers so as to learn from each other.
Then, give chance to some students to show the blending to the whole class. (10 minutes)
1. bedroom 2. rainbow 3. Overcoat 4. raindrops5. sunset
Activity 1
Next, organize students in pairs so that they complete the dialogues between student 1 and student
2. Let them take turns so that one will act like Student 1 and the other like Student 2. (15 minutes)
Finally, ask some pairs of students to go to the front and act out the dialogue. Student 1 asks questions
using wh-words or question words and the other responds appropriately. (15 minutes)
Pronouns (we, he, she, they, I, him, them, her, me, us ….)
Tell students that pronouns are words that replace nouns.
Let students write down in their exercise books and study the given examples sentences under Section
Five, Activity 1. Remind them that pronouns are used in the given example sentences. Furthermore,
inform them that those given sentences focus on the activities or practices which take place at home
or in the surroundings. (10 minutes)
Activity 2
Ask students to write down 昀椀ve short statements in which pronouns are used. The statements should
focus on activities or practices that are done at their homes or in their surroundings. (15 minutes)
Next, organize the students in pairs so that they read their statements for their partners. (15 minutes)
Then, organize them in pairs so that one of them will ask a question using a wh-word or a question
word (‘whose’) and the other will answer using the right pronoun following the given examples. (20
Finally, ask some pairs of students to go to the front and make the question-answer dialogue focusing
on the description or use of ‘possession’. There answers are: 3. Bontu has a book. It is her book.4.
Taye has a ball. It is his ball. 5. Dawit has a graduation gown. It is his gown. 6. Ujulu has a cap. It is
his cap. (15 minutes)
Activity 4
Let them match the pictures with the short sentences written in simple present by writing the number
given to the picture on the blank space provided next to each sentence. Tell them that the 昀椀rst one is
done for them as an example to follow (10 minutes)
Then let them be in groups of 3 or 4 and compare their answers. Next, invite some students to report
their answers to the class. (10 minutes)
Activity 5
AAsk the students to look at the table with two columns put under Section Five, Activity 5 in the
Student Text Book. In the 昀椀rst column some daily activities are presented. In the second column
people who perform (do) the activities are listed.
Let the students match the activities with the people who do the activities by writing the appropriate
letters in the given blank spaces. Inform them that the 昀椀rst is done for them as an example to follow.
(10 minutes)
Organize students in pairs and ask them to compare their answers. Finally, ask some students to report
their answers to the class. (10 minutes)
1/ E; 2/ D; 3/F; 4/ C; and 5/ A
Activity 6
Then, ask them to work in pairs so that one will ask about what is happening in one of the pictures
and the other will give the appropriate answer. They need to take turns and do the activity using
present continuous tense. Tell them that the 昀椀rst one has been done as an example. (20 Minutes)
Later, if there is time you ask some students about the classroom situation so that they will answer
using present continuous tense.
For example, if there is a student in the classroom wearing a jacket, your question could be ‘Who is
wearing a jacket in this classroom?’ (20 minutes)
Picture B: He / the boy is running. Picture C: She / the girl is riding the bike/bicycle.
Picture D: He / the boy is reading a book. Picture : The cows are grazing grass in the 昀椀eld. They
are grazing grass in the 昀椀eld.
Then, ask them to write down short sentences about their partner’s or their own routine daily activities.
Let them follow the given examples under section Six, Activity 2 in their textbook. Furthermore, ask
them to extend the activity and write more short sentences. (10 minutes)
Organize them in groups of three or four and instruct them to read their short sentences to their
groups. (10 minutes) Finally, ask some students to read their short sentences for the class. (10 minutes)
Ask the students to compare their answers, in pairs, and make discussion on the answers to learn from
each other. (10 minutes) Finally, invite some students to read their complete paragraph to the class.
(10 minutes)
Assessment: Listen to students’ complete paragraph when they read and provide constructive
Next, let them use their short sentences and write short paragraphs about their everyday activities. The
昀椀rst sentence is written to guide their paragraph writing activity. Ask them to follow the 昀椀rst sentence
given as a guide. Tell them to write the paragraphs in their exercise books. (15 minutes)
Lastly, ask your students to be in pairs and read their paragraphs to each other. Let them compare their
paragraphs. Then, ask some students to read their paragraphs for the class. (15 minutes
Assessment: Listen when students read their written short paragraphs and provide feedback
At the end of this unit, learners will be able to:
listen to a short paragraph about safety drive and re昀氀ect.
talk about safety drive and its importance for the wellbeing of a community.
use common expressions of suggestions and recommendations.
use likes and dislikes (prefer x to y) in their daily involvement.
infer the main idea of a given text.
guess the meanings of words in boldface in the passage.
express activities that people do frequently.
use regular and irregular plurals for their daily activities.
express what students are able to do or unable to do
use de昀椀nite an inde昀椀nite articles.
write short and simple sentences.
Ask the students to look at the title of the text and the picture in their textbook and predict what
the text is going to be about. Encourage the students to predict what the passage is about. Check if
the students are familiar with the meaning of highways and the concept of traf昀椀c lights and crossing
highways or roads safely. Give examples of highways. Then, read the text on “Crossing highways” to
the students. Tell especially students from rural areas to carefully observe the zebra crossing and the
traf昀椀c lights when they go to nearby cities. The answers for activity 1 vary; so, encourage and help the
students to answer the questions.
Crossing Highways
Road safety rules prescribe how to cross highways for pedestrians. It is mandatory
to follow the road safety rules to avoid road accidents on crossing highways. At
all crossings, always check that the traf昀椀c has stopped before you start to cross
or push a pram on to a crossing. Don’t cross at the side of the crossing or on
the zig-zag lines, as it can be dangerous. You have to avoid loitering on any type
of crossing. It is advisable to cross on the zebra markings. Give traf昀椀c plenty of
time to see and to stop before you start to cross. Vehicles need more time when
the road is slippery. Wait until traf昀椀c has stopped from both directions and the
road is clear before crossing. Remember that traf昀椀c does not have to stop until
someone has moved onto the crossing. Keep looking both ways, and listening in
case a driver or rider has not seen you and attempts to overtake a vehicle that has
1. False 2. False 3. True 4. True 5. True
Answer: B
Activity 2
Explain to students the use of can and cannot to express ability and inability. Ask them to construct
positive, negative and interrogative sentences using the information given in the table in students’
textbook. Tell them to write their own sentences using can and cannot. Tell them to write the sentences
into their exercise books. Students can write different sentences using can and cannot. So, check they
have written grammatically correct sentences.
Activity 3
Organize the class in pairs. Tell the partners to ask questions using ‘please can I’ and ‘excuse me’
Organize the class in pairs. Tell the partners to ask questions using ‘please can I’ and ‘excuse me’ or
‘may’ to make polite request. Ask the students in pairs to act out the dialogue.
Activity 4
Ask students to look at the chart given. Then, let them write sentences individually about what the
students ‘can’ or ‘can’t’ do. Tell students that the tick mark stands for ‘can’ and the cross mark stands
for ‘can’t’ in the chart. Go around the room to support students who don’t understand the instruction.
Let students show their sentences to their partners. Ask some students to read their sentences to the
Activity 5
Ask students to 昀椀ll in the gaps with should or should not. Tell them to write the answers in their
exercise books. Ask them to compare their answers with a partner. Model the activity. Write example
sentences on the board and draw the students’ attention to should go and should not go, etc.
1. should 2. shouldn’t 3. should 4. shouldn’t
5. A. Should 5. B. shouldn’t 6. should 7 should
Activity 1
Ask students to look at the pictures and the passage entitled “Safety Drive. Tell them to discuss the
pictures in pairs. Ask them to report their point of discussions to the class. Ask students to talk about
the pictures and safety drive.
Students might come up with different talks.
Picture A is safe driving. She is wearing seat belts and looking straight to the front and driving.
Picture B is not safe driving; he is using mobile and he doesn’t use seat belt. So, he might be exposed
to accidents.
Answers :
1. enjoyable and pleasant but is also stressful and dangerous.
2. Driving
3. In Ethiopia
4. driving license.
5. their 昀椀tness to drive.
6. alcohol or drugs risks.
7. speak over the mobile phone or read or send text messages, or do any other activities
while driving.
Activity 1
Ask students to read the sentences silently and tell them to 昀椀ll the gaps with the words given in the
boxes to complete the sentences. Ask them to compare their answers with their partners.
Answers :
1. seatbelt 2. speed
3. accident and policeman/police of昀椀cer 4. highway
5. zebra marking / zebra crossing 6. traf昀椀c
7. pedestrian
Activity 2
Ask students to match the words with their opposites. Tell them to write down their answers in their
exercise books. Encourage them to compare their answers with group members
Answers :
1. risk 2. cautious
3. allowed 4. increase
5. slowness 6. careless,
7. refuse
Activity 3
Ask students to match the words with their de昀椀nitions. Tell them to write their answers into their
exercise books. Encourage them to compare their answers with those of their partners.
Answers :
1.H) Operate and control the movement of a motor.
2.E) free from danger or risk.
3.G) highway.
4.B) disaster.
5.C) Vehicles moving on a public highway.
6.F) Police of昀椀cer.
7.D) stroll
8.A) The rate at which someone or something moves.
Activity 4
Ask students to choose the words from the word bank to complete sentences in the related to road
safety. Review the answers together.
Answers :
1.helmet 2. Footbridge or zebra crossing 3. Seatbelt
4. green 5.stop 6. look
7. left 8.window 9. phone
Activity 1
Ask students to write about their daily habits and activities at home using the simple present tense. Tell
them to compare their answers with their partners. Ask them to read their sentences to class.
Answers :
1. I brush my teeth every morning. 2. I wash my face every morning
3. I usually go to school every day. 4. I do my homework after class every day.
5. I play football with my friends daily. 6. I go to school by bus every morning.
7. I dance in the afternoon every day. 8. I drink milk in every morning.
9. I often go to market every Saturday. 10. I go to Mosque every Friday.
Activity 2
Ask students to 昀椀ll in the blanks with the correct simple present tense forms of the verbs in the
brackets. Tell them to compare their answers with those of their partners. Encourage them to read the
sentences to the class.
Answers :
1. is 2. lives
3. comes 4. likes
5. reads and writes 6. stays
7. does and plays 8. are
9. produces 10. works
Answers :
1. gets 2. do/feel
3. do not 4. does/visit
5. do not 6. does not
Activity 4
Ask the students to write the correct simple present tense forms of the verbs given in the brackets to
complete the facts about Chaltu in the text. Tell students to compare their answers with their partners.
Encourage them to read the text about Chaltu to class.
Answers :
1. is 2. teaches
3. does not 4. lives
5. have 6. love
7. do not 8. live
9. speaks 10. does not
Explain to students the nouns in English including the regular and irregular nouns such as those
nouns that add –s- es, ies.
Ask them to write sentences using both the singular and plural forms of the nouns given in their
textbook. Ask them to write sentences using both singular and plural forms of the verbs in their
Activity 5
Ask them to write the correct sentences in both plural and singular nouns of the given on the students’
textbook. Tell them to write one singular sentence and one plural sentence using the given nouns. Tell
them to compare their sentences in groups.
Answers :
Sentences with singular nouns Sentences with plural nouns
1. She has a car. 1. She has two cars.
2. I bought a sheep. 2. I bought three sheep for holiday.
3. We are in one class. 3. There are ten classes for all grades.
4. They have one ox. 4. They have many oxen.
5. She visits a new city. 5. We have visited 昀椀ve cities.
6. The man is my teacher. 6. The men are our teachers.
7. I bought a shoe. 7. We bought shoes from a new shop
8. She has a match tomorrow. 8. I play two matches this week.
9. The leaf is green. 9. The leaves are green.
10. I feel pain in my foot. 10. I have got injuries on my feet.
Answers :
1. dogs 2.guitars
3. bags 4. phones
5. umbrellas 6. queens
7. snakes 8. tomatoes
9. carrots 10. jackets
11. photos 12. cups
13. owls
Activity 7
Ask students to study the singular and plural nouns in a table and sort them into singular and plural
nouns. Tell them to do the activity individually 昀椀rst. Encourage them to report to the whole class.
Answers :
Singular Plural
1.house 1. books
2. coat 2. computers
3. pencil 3.giraffes
4. pig 4.pens
5. phone 5. buses
6. television 6.bikes
7. chair 7. Keys
8. lion 8. rulers
9. rubber
10. table
Activity 8
Ask the students to write their own sentences using the given choices. Tell them to construct their own
sentences using the given options. Accept all reasonable answers. Walk around the room and monitor
the students’ interactions. Model the activity by writing an example on the board.
Answers :
1. I like milk
2. I prefer tea to coffee.
3. I prefer bus to Bajaj.
4. I like 昀椀lm
5. I dislike drama.
6. I prefer studying at home to studying in the library
7. I prefer apples too ranges.
8. I prefer studying alone to studying with other students.
9. I like cats.
10. I dislike dogs.
Grammar (40minutes)
Activity 9
Ask students to look at the pictures in the text book. Tell them to write short sentences about what
they like and dislike from the pictures. Encourage them to compare their answers with their partners.
Model the activity by giving examples: Example: I like mangoes. I dislike cauli昀氀ower.
Activity 10
Ask students to choose the correct words from the parenthesis to show preferences in complete
sentences. Tell them to compare their answers with their partners.
Answers :
1. I prefer to photograph people rather than places.
2.Some people would prefer to be happy rather than rich.
3. Haddas prefers learning English to French.
4. She would prefer listening to Mozart to Bach.
5.I prefer to play tennis rather than do my homework.
6. Tolesa and Michael would prefer to eat out at night.
7.I prefer going to the cinema to sitting at home.
8. The man prefers going back to sitting in the corridor.
9. His sister prefers sleeping to going to gym.
10. They would prefer studying English to playing football.
Activity 11
A. Ask students to copy the activity6in to their exercise book and 昀椀ll in the blank with appropriate
words given in the box to give instructions. Tell them to compare their work with a partner.
Answers :
1. open 2. give 3.draw 4. touch
5.pass 6.point 7.write 8. shut
9. close
B. Prepare these traf昀椀c signs given on the book on pieces of papers. First teach the students the
meanings of the traf昀椀c signs given in their book. To do this activity organize the class in pairs. Make
the students write their answers in their exercise books. Ask the students to look at the traf昀椀c signs in
the student book. Then, show to the class the traf昀椀c signs one by one. Tell them to write instructions
1. Don’t Park here! 2. Don’t stop! 3. Don’t turn left
4. Don‘t turn right 5. Don’t go forward. 7. Don’t walk to cross.
Activity 1
Organize the class in small groups. Ask them to look at the pictures about people in the middle of the
road and around highways. Tell them to discuss and talk about what the people in the middle of the
road are doing. Have them organize their ideas. Move around the room and help students go through
the process of writing (drafting, revising, rewriting and editing).
Activity 2
Organize the class in small groups. Ask them to study the pictures in their textbook. Tell them to
discuss pictures on the highways and around highways to develop road safety advice using should and
should not. Have them organize their ideas. Move around the room and help the students to construct
sentences that advise people what they should do and what they shouldn’t do on the highways and
zebra crossing in particular. Model this using the example. Accept all reasonable answers from the
students. Then, ask them to develop posters and post in the school compound for traf昀椀c safety.
You should look left and then right and cross the highway when you use roads.