42(1990), 109-117
Li Z H I X I A N G
\\xt\\^Ksup\x(u)\+M\\xJ, t^σ.
A continuous functional D: [0, oo)x X-±R is said to be atomic (cf. [3]), if it can
be represented as
has a unique solution. Henceforth, we will denote the solution by z(σ, φ, H). If the
zero solution of (1.1) with H = 0 is uniformly asymptotically stable in the usual sense,
then D is said to be stable. The following estimate for \\zt(σ, φ, H)\\ plays an important
role in this paper:
LEMMA 1.1. (cf. [4]). If D is table, then there exist positive constants a andb such that
\\zσ+t(σ,φ,H)\\<be- \\φ\\+b sup \H(u)\.
ue[σ,σ + t]
2. The representation theorem. In this paper, we consider the NFDE with infinite
σ w
LEMMA 2.1. IfBaXis bounded with the property that Uo^M^ί^( > ) ^ ^ bounded,
then T0(σ, t)B is a precompact subset of X.
PROOF. From the complete continuity of /, we can find c > 0 such that
\f(s, T(σ, s — σ)φ) K c for {s, φ) e [σ, σ +1] x B. Then, we see easily that {hφ\ φeB) is a
precompact subset in C([σ, σ + t], Rn). Now, (H 2 ) and Lemma 1.1 imply that
(2.6) \z{σ,O,hί){uί)-z{σ,Q,
I z(σ, 0, Ax - * 2 ) ( « i ) I +1 z(σ, 0, h2)(Ul)-z(σ, 0, h2){u2) \
for ^ e C ( [ σ , σ + t], Rn) with Aj(σ) = 0 and ute[σ,σ + tl i=l,2. The inequality (2.6)
implies that z(σ, 0, h){u) is continuous in (w, h) e[σ,σ + t]x{he C([σ, σ + /], Rn)\ h(σ) = 0};
hence z(σ, 0, /z)(w) is continuous uniformly in (w, /ι)e [σ, σ +1] x {/zφ: φeB}. Therefore,
the inequality (2.5) implies that {z(σ, 0, hφ)( ): φeB} is uniformly bounded and
equicontinuous in [σ,σ + t]. Then, the compactness of the closure of the set
Γ 0 (σ, t)B = {zσ+t(σ, 0, hφ):φe B] follows from the same argument as in [2, Lemma 2.1].
(2.7) \\Φj\\<Ml9
PROOF. Since
Λσ + ί
D(σ + t)xa + t(σ, φ) = D(σ)φ + f(s, T{σ, s - σ)φ)ds ,
we have
T(σ, t)φ = xβ + t(σ, φ) = zσ+t(σ, φ, D(σ)φ + hφ) = zσ+t(σ, φ, D(σ)φ) + zσ+t(σ, 0, hφ)
= zσ+t(σ, (I-Φ"A- (σ)D(σ))φ, 0) + za+t(σ, Φ°A-\σ)D(σ)φ, D(σ)φ) + zσ+t(σ, 0, hφ)
= TD(σ, / ) ( / - ΦΆ -\σ)D{σ))φ + TD(σ, t){Φ A -\σ)D{σ))φ + T0(σ, t)φ .
where a, b are as given in Lemma 1.1, Mx is given in (2.7) and />0 is a constant such
that X" = 1 | Wj|</| w| for all u = (ux, , un)eRn. This means that 7\(σ, t) is a linear,
bounded operator and is a contraction for large t. Since
i)Φσ){A~ \σ)D{σ)φ),
the operator TD(σ, i)(ΦσA~ι{σ)D{σ)) is an operator from X to a subset of X, which is
spanned by {TD(σ, t)φfj= 1, ••*,«} and is bounded on bounded subsets of X. Hence,
σ 1
TD(σ, t)(Φ A~ (σ)D(σ)) takes bounded subsets of X into precompact sets. The last
assertion then follows from Lemma 2.1.
For the statement below, some definitions and notation are needed. The
^-neighborhood of a set KaX will be denoted by 0{K, δ) or O(K). Let oc(K) be the
Kuratowski measure of noncompactness of a bounded set KczX. For fixed σ^O, a
family {T(σ, t), t^O} of mappings from X to X is an ω-periodic flow, if Γ(σ, t)x is
continuous in (/, x), T(σ, 0)x = x and Γ(σ, t + ω) = T(σ,t)T(σ, ω). If the system (2.1) is
ω-periodic, then so is the solution operator T(σ, •)• {T(σ, t), t^O} is point (resp.
compact, resp. locally) dissipative if there is a bounded set BaX of attracting each
point x (resp. each compact set //, resp. a neighborhood O(x) of each point x) in X, by
which we mean that for each x (resp. each H, resp. a neighborhood O(x) of each x),
there is an N>0 such that Γ(σ, ήxeB (resp. Γ(σ, ήHaB, resp. T(σ, t)O(x)czB) for
t^N.{ T(σ, t), t^ 0} is said to be conditionally completely continuous, if for any bounded
set BdX with the property that [j 0^s^tT(σ, s)B is bounded, the set T(σ,t)B is
precompact. (Γ(σ,/), ί^O} is a conditional α-contraction if there is a constant A;e[0, 1)
such that (x(T(σ, t)B)^koί(B) for any bounded set BczX with the property that
\J0^s^tT(σ,s)B is bounded. If T(σ, •)(') takes bounded subsets of [0, oo)xX into
bounded sets, then a conditional α-contraction is an α-contraction. The same definitions
can be given for a continuous function T: X->X.
LEMMA 3.2 (cf. [7]). Let {T(σ, t\ t>0} be an ω-periodicflow.IfT(σf t) = S(σ, t) +
U(σ, t), where S(σ, t) is a bounded linear operator such that ιS"(σ, ω) = S(σ, nώ) for any
integer n>0, S(σ,ω) has the spectral radius less than one, and {U(σ, t), t^O} is
conditionally completely continuous, then T(σ,ω) has a fixed point if {T(σ, t),
is compact dissipative.
THEOREM 3.3. If the solution operator {T(σ, t), t^O} of (2 A) is compact dissipative,
the operator T(σ, ω) has a fixed point.
PROOF. For each σ^O, let S(σ, t)=T1(σ, t). Then
S2(σ, ω)φ = T2(σ, ω)φ = TD(σ, ω)(/- ΦσA " \σ)D(σ))(TD(σ, ω)(I- ΦσA " \σ)D{σ)))φ
= T2D(σ, ω)(I- ΦσA " \σ)D{σ))φ
- TD(σ, ω)(Φ°A ~ \σ)D{σ)){TD{σ, ω)(I- ΦσA " \σ)D(σ))φ)
= TD(σ, 2ω)(/- ΦσA ' \σ)D(σ))φ
-(TD(σ, ώ)Φσ){A~ \σ)D{σ)TD(σ, ω)(I- ΦσA" ^^^(σ))^)
= S(σ, 2ω)φ - (TD(σ, ω)Φσ)(A ~ \σ)D{σ\I- ΦσA ~ \σ)D(σ))φ) = S(σ, 2ω)φ ,
and in general, we have Sn(σ, ω) = S(σ, nω) for any integer n>0. The assertion now
follows from Theorem 2.2 and Lemma 3.2.
COROLLARY 3.4. If the equation (2.1) has a bounded solution x(φ)( ), which is
uniformly stable and asymptotically stable in the large, then (2.1) has an ω-periodic solution.
PROOF. Under the conditions in the corollary, the closure of the set {xt(φ)\ t^O}
is a compact set and it attracts each compact subset of X, since it is uniformly stable
and asymptotically stable in the large (for the details, we refer to [6, pp. 95-98]).
LEMMA 3.5 (cf. [5]). Suppose T: X^X is point dissipative, is a conditional
a-contraction, and satisfies the condition that for any xeX, there is a neighborhood O(x)
such that (J j=1TjO(x) is bounded. Then T is locally dissipative.
THEOREM 3.6. If the solutions of(2λ) are uniformly bounded and ultimately bounded
for a boundb, i.e., for any A>0 there is a β(A)>0 such that \\T(σ, t)φ\\ *ζβ(A),for t^O
and φeX with \\φ\\^A, and for each (σ, φ)e[0, co)xX there is an n(σ, φ)>0 such that
\\T(σ, t)φ\\ ^b for t^n(σ, φ), then (2.1) has an ω-periodic solution.
PROOF. For the ω-periodic flow {T{σ, i), t^O} generated by (2.1), there is an
equivalent norm || || x in X,
THEOREM 3.7. For an ω-periodic linear nonhomogeneous NFDE with infinite delay,
the existence of a solution boundedfor t^σ implies the existence of an ω-periodic solution.
PROOF. For a linear NFDE
) = D(σ)φ+ - I F(s)x
sds+ \ h{s)ds,
v σ J
ί ||^S)|| \\x
s\\ds+ \\
J σσ
J Jσ
II /
\\xt(σ, <
JMI ^ I I / Λ , T . -Λίί-ffWll 111 .
I 1 7 / \ 1J \ .1 Λ II ^ ί 5 ) II ^ S
which implies that Γ(σ, ί) takes bounded subsets of [0, o o ) x J into bounded sets in X.
In particular, L(σ, t) has this property. Therefore, Theorem 2.2 implies that
L(σ, ή=Uί(σ, ή+U2(σ, t\ where U2(σ, t) takes bounded subsets of X into precompact
sets, ί/^σ, «ω)= ί/" (σ, ω) and Ux(σ, t) is linear, bounded and || U^σ, t)\\ ^cxe~at. Then,
as in the proof of Theorem 3.6, we can find an equivalent norm ||. || x such that
||ί/i(σ, ω)\\1<l. Since T(σ, ω) is only a translation of L(σ, ω), it follows that Γ(σ, ω)
is an α-contraction. Repeating the same reasoning as in [6, p. 98], one can complete the
where xeRn, A is an nxn matrix, and / : R+-+R, ct: R+xR^>R"2 0=1,2) are
continuous. (3.1) has at least one Γ-periodic solution, if the following conditions are
(i) There is a positive constant Γ>0 such that -f(t+T)=f(t) and
φ+T, t+T+s) = Ci(t, t + s), for all ί>0, s^O;
(ii) There are an nxn positive definite symmetric matrix B and positive constant
w( (/=1,2) such that
ATB + BA=-I,
for aΆxeR";
(iii) There are constants y>0 and me(0, 1) such that
2\A B\mw2 2\B\w2 f°
1- ' 2 \c2(t,t + s)\ds^u>0,
(l-m)wί (l-m)wj_oo
and that J° J cf(ί, ί + s) \e~ ds 0 = 1 , 2) are convergent uniformly for tl
PROOF. Denote
F(ί, 0) = Aφ(0) + c2(ί, ί + s)φ(s)ds
* — oo
For the space Cy of the continuous functions φ: (—oo, 0]-+Rn with the property
that lim^.^e^l^sjl exists, the hypotheses (H 1 )-(H 3 ) are satisfied and K=l,
M(ί)->0 (ί-> + oo) (cf. [2]). One can prove that D and F are continuous o n i ? x C r
Γ-periodic in /, and linear bounded in φ, and that D is stable. Moreover, we have
for the solution z(σ, φ) of (1.1) with zσ = φ and H(σ) = D(σ, φ).
Now, take F(ί, x) = x Bx. We will prove that
(3.3) F(ί, D(/, xt(0, 0)))<M, /^0 ,
where M>(2f\B\wj/uwί) J: = suρt>0\f(ή |. Indeed, if (3.3) is not true, then there are a
number to>0 and a sequence {/„}, ίM->/0 + («^oo), such that
116 Z.-X. LI
(3 4 )
V(s, D(s, xs)) < M = V(t0, D(t0, xj) ,
V(tn,D(tn,xtn))>M, n=l,2,
Then, we have
(3.5) Vi3Λ)(to,D(to,xJ)>0,
(3.7) |xίs)|<||x,K sup l ^ ' ^ l ^ {V(to,D(to,x,o))y<2
o^u^to \—m ( 1 — m)w1
It follows that
VOΛ)(t0, D(ί0, xt0)) =
ί Γ° V / Γ° \
= I Ax + c2xtods \ BD +fτBD + DτBl AX + c 2 x ί o ώ j + DτBf
/»0 /»0
= x Γ ^ TBD + xJacτ2dsBD +fτBD + DτBAx + DTB\ c2xtods + DτBf
J -oo J - oo
= DTATBD+ xJoc\dsAτdsAτBD+ xJocτ2dsBD+fτ BD
* — oo J — oo
where D9 ct (i= 1, 2),/, x and xto stand for D(ί 0 , χtQ)9 φθ9 to + s) ( ι = 1, 2),/(ί 0 ), χ(ί 0 )
and xf0(s), respectively. Hence
w 2f|5|
1 2
ί^,-, 4 χ^ Λ D(t~ x \)<C V(t T)(t v Y>4- -f Γ/Y/ Π/> v ^ H /
The author would like to thank Professors Junji Kato and Satoru Murakami for
their valuable suggestions. Thanks are also due to the referee for helpful advice.
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