Hyperion BW
Hyperion BW
Hyperion BW
Gain quick snapshots of SAP NetWeaver BI data and metadata for use with Hyperion System 9 BI+ Essbase Analytics and Hyperion System 9 BI+ Enterprise Analytics Complement SAP implementations with seamless connectivity to SAP NetWeaver BI Deploy rapidly with an easy-to-use, code-free, graphical design environment Drill through to details in SAP NetWeaver BI
Create Essbase Analytics and Enterprise Analytics applications with data from SAP NetWeaver BI
Easy administration Analytic Integration Connector for SAP BW makes administration easy. It provides highly intuitive graphical design environments, along with reusable objects and services. This saves time and money and frees users to focus on other higher-value tasks. Drill through to details Analytic Integration Connector for SAP BW supports drill through to detailed data residing within SAP NetWeaver BI using SAP BAPIs for optimized performance and maximum scalability. This enables the loading of the appropriate level of summary data within Essbase Analytics and Enterprise Analytics, while keeping more detailed data within SAP NetWeaver BI. Flexibility in hierarchy creation Analytic Integration Connector for SAP BW enables users to create additional hierarchies within Essbase Analytics and Enterprise Analytics that were not originally found within SAP NetWeaver BI. This saves time and effort because users do not need to first create these hierarchies within SAP NetWeaver BI before importing the metadata.
Learn more
Hyperion System 9 BI+, with SAP-certified integration, delivers powerful capabilities to complement and extend your SAP implementation. Hyperion is recognized by industry analysts as providing one of the most comprehensive, easy-to-deploy, user-friendly business intelligence solutions. For more information, please visit www.hyperion.com/sap.
Contact INTELLIENT (PTY) LTD TEL: +27 (0) 11 607 8200 FAX: +27 (0) 11 607 8201 SUPPORT 0860 456 832 WEBSITE: www.intellient.co.za INTELLIENT (Pty) Ltd a member of the EOH Group of Companies
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