DAA Syllabus
DAA Syllabus
DAA Syllabus
Course Objectives
Develop ability to
1. Learn the asymptotic notations and understand the performance of algorithms.
2. Learn the behavior of Greedy strategy, Divide and Conquer approach, Dynamic
3. Programming and branch and bound theory and apply them for several problem
solving techniques.
4. Explore various data structures and algorithm design methods together impacts the
performance of programs.
5. Distinguish between deterministic and non-deterministic algorithms and their
computational efficiency.
INTRODUCTION: Algorithm, Pseudo code for expressing algorithms, Performance
analysis, Time complexity and space complexity, Asymptotic Notations: O notation, Omega
notation, theta notation, and little o notation.
DIVIDE AND CONQUER: General method, applications – binary search, merge sort, quick
sort, Strassen‟s matrix multiplication.
SEARCHING AND TRAVERSAL TECHNIQUES : Efficient non-recursive binary tree
traversal algorithms, spanning trees, graph traversals- BFS and DFS, Connected components,
bi-Connected components.
Disjoint sets: operations, union and find algorithms.
GREEDY-METHOD: General method, Applications-Job sequencing with deadlines, 0/1
knapsack problem, minimum cost spanning tree, single source shortest path problem.
DYNAMIC PROGRAMMING: General method, applications-multistage graphs, matrix
chain multiplication, optimal binary search trees, 0 /1 knapsack problem, travelling sales
person problem, reliability design problem.
BACK TRACKING: General method, applications: n-queens problem, sum of sub set
problem, graph colouring problem, Hamiltonian cycles.
BRANCH and BOUND: General method, applications: Job Sequencing with deadlines,
travelling sales person problem, 0 /1 knapsack problem, LC branch and bound, FIFO branch
and bound solution.
NP-Hard and NP-Complete problems: Basic concepts, non deterministic algorithms, NP-
hard and NP- complete classes, NP- Hard problems, Cook‟s theorem.
1. Fundamentals of Computer Algorithms Ellis Horowitz, Satraj Sahni and Sanguthevar
Rajasekharan, 2 nd Edition, Universities Press, 2009 Reprint.
2. Introduction to Algorithms, secondediton, T.H.Cormen, C.E.Leiserson, R.L.Rivest,
and C.Stein, PHI Pvt.Ltd/Person Education.
1. Design and Analysis of Algorithms, Aho, Ullman and Hopcroft, Pearson education,
Reprint 2004.
2. Introduction to Design and Analysis of Algorithms A strategic approach, R.C.T.Lee,
S.S.Tseng, R.C.Chang and T.Tsai, Mc.Graw Hill
3. Data structures and Algorithm Analysis in C++, Allen Weiss, Second edition, Perason
4. Algorithms-Richard Johnson baugh and Marcus Schaefer, Pearson Education
5. Design and Analysis Algorithms-Parag Himanshu Dave, Himanshu Bhalachndra
Dave Publisher: Person
6. Algorithm Design: Foundations, Analysis and Internet examples, M.T.Goodrich and
R.Tomassia, John wiley and sons.