Time Allowed: 2 hours Maximum Marks: 80
General Instructions:
You will not be allowed to write during first 15 minutes. This time is to be spent in reading the question paper.
The time given at the head of this Paper is the time allowed for writing the answers.
The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets [ ].
Section A
1. Choose the correct answers to the questions from the given options. (Do not copy the question, write the [15]
correct answers only.)
(a) Force in linear motion has its analogue in rotational motion? [1]
a) first changes to light energy and then to b) directly changes to heat energy
heat energy
c) directly changes to light energy d) first changes to heat energy and then to
light energy
(d) Which of the following radiation gets deflected most in electric or magnetic field? [1]
a) X-rays b) β-particles
c) γ -radiation d) α-particles
(e) Assertion (A): A duster lying on the table is an example of static equilibrium. [1]
Reason (R): When a body remains in the same state of motion under the influence of several forces
then the body is in static equilibrium.
a) Both A and R are true and R is the b) Both A and R are true but R is not the
correct explanation of A. correct explanation of A.
a) 60o b) 180o
(g) A man stands in between two cliffs, such that he is at a distance of 133.6 m from nearer cliff. He fires [1]
a gun and hears first echo after 0.8 s and second echo after 1.8 s. Calculate: (i) speed of sound (ii)
distance between two cliffs.
a) 334.2 m b) 434.2 m
c) 234.2 m d) 134.2 m
(h) During night, distant sounds such as that of the traffic and the loudspeakers become louder than [1]
during day. This is due to
Which of the following mistakes has been committed by him in setting up the circuit?
a) 40 N b) 80 N
c) 5 N d) 10 N
(l) Global warming will result in: [1]
a) 225 g b) 325 g
c) 125 g d) 25 g
(n) A prism has: [1]
a) two rectangular and three triangular b) four rectangular and three triangular
surfaces surfaces
c) two triangular and three rectangular d) three rectangular and three triangular
surfaces surfaces
(o) The highest refractive index is of: [1]
c) diamond d) glass
2. Answer the following questions: [15]
(a) i. If a machine is used to lift a load of 50 N such that resistance due to friction and movable part [1]
of machine is 15 N, then the total lifted load is 65 N, i.e., (50 + 15) N. If the displacement is
caused through 2 m, then find actual and useful output.
ii. Why is a jack screw provided with a long arm? [1]
iii. Considering that simple physical balance can work as an ideal lever, what can be said about its [1]
mechanical advantage?
(b) One end of a spring is kept fixed while the other end is stretched by a force as shown in the diagram [2]
i. Copy the diagram and mark on it the direction of the restoring force.
ii. Name the instrument.
(c) To use a machine as a force multiplier, what type (class) of lever should preferably be used? Draw a [2]
sketch of such a lever.
(d) i. Define one Newton. [2]
ii. Write the relation between S.I. unit and C.G.S. unit of force.
(e) A body of mass 5 kg is moving with a velocity of 10 m/s. What will be the ratio of its initial kinetic [2]
energy and final kinetic energy, if the mass of the body is doubled and its velocity is halved?
(f) What are the factors on which resistance of a conductor depends? [2]
(g) i. Name the system which enables us to locate underwater objects by transmitting ultrasonic waves [2]
and detecting the reflecting impulse,
ii. What are acoustically measurable quantities related to pitch and loudness?
3. Answer the following questions; [10]
(a) Define the power of a lens. Write its formula expression and its SI unit. [2]
(b) Find the resistance between points A and B. [2]
(c) Calculate the equivalent resistance between P and Q from the following diagram. [2]
(d) The specific heat capacity of a substance A is 3,800 J kg-1 K-1 and that of a substance B is 400 J kg-1 [2]
K-1. Which of the two substances is a good conductor of heat? Give a reason for your answer.
(e) A radioactive nucleus undergoes a series of decays according to the sequence. [2]
β α α
X ⟶ X1 ⟶ X2 ⟶ X3
If the mass number and atomic number of X3 are 172 and 69 respectively, what is the mass number
ii. You have a choice of three metals A, B and C, of specific heat capacities 900 Jkg-10C-1, 380 Jkg-1
oC-1 and 460 Jkg-10 °C-1 respectively, to make a calorimeter. Which material will you select?
Justify your answer.
(c) Draw a ray diagram to illustrate the action of a convergent lens as a reading lens or a magnifying [4]
5. Answer the following questions: [10]
(a) How does the value of angle of deviation produced by a prism change with an increase in the [3]
i. Value of angle of incidence?
ii. Wavelength of incident light?
(b) i. Explain, why in daylight an object appears red when seen through a red glass and black when seen [3]
through a blue glass?
ii. Name the extreme colours in pure spectrum of light.
(c) A narrow beam of white light is passing through a glass prism ABC as shown in the diagram. [4]
Trace it on your answer sheet and show the path of the emergent beam as observed on the screen DE.
i. Write the name and cause of the phenomenon observed.
ii. Where else in nature is this phenomenon observed?
iii. Based on this observation state the conclusion which can be drawn about the constituents of white
6. Answer the following questions: [10]
(a) A load M = 200 kg is supported in two different ways shown in the given figure. F1 and F2 are the [3]
forces needed in two cases. Calculate .
(b) A uniform meter scale is in equilibrium as shown in the diagram: [3]
If the specific heat capacity of the solid substance is 500 J/kg°C, find from the graph
i. The mass of the substance
ii. The specific latent heat of fusion of the substance in the liquid state.
(c) i. Name two factors on which magnitude of an induced emf in the secondary coil depends. [4]
ii. In the following diagram an arrow shows the motion of the coil towards the bar magnet.