BSG Triad Card Instructions
BSG Triad Card Instructions
BSG Triad Card Instructions
The Battlestar Galactica Triad Card Game is one of the most well known games played in the
These instructions serve as a general guide on how Triad is played, and includes a chart identifying the face values and suits of the complete card deck.
Rules of Triad
Triad is the Colonial analogue of poker, and thus is played the same way. The only differences lie in the cards that are used and some of the terminology used for played hands in the series. Below are the various Triad card hands based from the few that were revealed in the series, as well as their Earth poker analogues:
Triad Hand
Full Colors* Half Colors Four Up Full Up Colors
Poker Hand
Royal Flush Straight Flush Four of a Kind Full House Flush
Triad Hand
Run (or [Number] on a Run)** Three Up*** Two Pair One Pair (or [Card] High [Color])*** High Card
Poker Hand
Straight Three of a Kind Two Pair One Pair High Card (No Pair)
* In Water, the hand full colors is the highest hand in Triad (thus a Royal Flush, the highest hand in poker). WARNING: This hand has been known to cause senior officers to flip over tables and for subordinates to punch those table-flipping officers. ** Run is another way of saying three cards from the same suit (e.g. Red 5, Red 4, Red 3), and two of another suit (e.g. Black 2, Black Ace). In poker, this would be referred to as a straight. This hand can be referred to as Three on a Run, as in Starbucks case in Water. (Starbuck has three Reds, and two Blacks.) *** Other card hand names, such as Prince High Red (cf. Flight of the Phoenix) are a higher valued hand than Three Up but only in Lowball Triad. In this case, the Red Prince (or Red Jack) is the highest card in this hand, and thus defeats a Three Up in Lowball Triad. In Standard Triad, Prince High Red would lose to Three Up. Players of Standard Triad can declare high cards just like in poker. For example, King High would be a hand consisting of the following: Red King, Blue 7, Green 5, Black 4, Black 2. The variant of Triad referred to as Lowball Triad (as played in Flight of the Phoenix) rewards a players lower valued hands vs. higher valued hands. Information from the series referenced and confirmed by Battlestar Wiki (
2011 NBC Universal. Battlestar Galactica and SyFy are trademarks of NBC Universal, used under license. All rights reserved. Visit us @
(1 Line)
(2 Lines)
(3 Lines)
(4 Lines)
Ace (1)
Two (2)
Three (3)
Four (4)
Five (5)
Six (6)
Seven (7)
Eight (8)
Nine (9)
Ten (10)
Jack / Prince
2011 NBC Universal. Battlestar Galactica and SyFy are trademarks of NBC Universal, used under license. All rights reserved. Visit us @