Say Ali Wagh Resume
Say Ali Wagh Resume
Say Ali Wagh Resume
CONTACT NO-9822550435
• Moder College of Art Science And Commerce GaneshKhind ,Pune Batchelor of Computer
Application(BCA) pursuing Third year
•Vidya Vardhini English Medium School and Jr.College,Pune University HSC(12th) 72%
• Vidhyapeeth High School ,Pune University SSC(10th) 85%
Technical skills- Data Science,Excel ,Data Programming in HTML, C, Java, SQL, Python.
Interpersonal skills- Communication, Multitasking abilities, Public speaking, Problem solving.
Certificate in Microsoft office. MS-word. MS-Powerpoint.
Personal Details
I do hereby declare that all the above information furnished by me are true and correct to
the best of my knowledge.