ThermalPropertiesofMatter Paper 01
ThermalPropertiesofMatter Paper 01
ThermalPropertiesofMatter Paper 01
a. W/m.K
b. J/mol.K
c. J.ohm/sec.K2
d. J/kg.K
2. A hole is drilled in a copper sheet. The diameter of the hole is 4.24 cm at 27.0oC. What is
the change in the diameter of the hole when the sheet is heated to 227oC? Coefficient of
a. 1.24 x 10-2 cm
c. 1.34 x 10-2 cm
d. 1.54 x 10-2 cm
a. 8.14 103
b. 8.74 103
c. 8.54 103
d. 8.34 103
4. A spray can containing a propellant gas at twice atmospheric pressure (202 kPa) and
having a volume of 125 cm3 is at 22oC. It is then tossed into an open fire. When the
temperature of the gas in the can reaches 195oC, what is the pressure inside the can?
Assume any change in the volume of the can is negligible. 1
a. 260 kPa
b. 300 kPa
c. 290 kPa
d. 320 kPa
5. A steel railroad track has a length of 30.000 m when the temperature is 0.0oC. Suppose
that the ends of the rail are rigidly clamped at 0.0oC so that expansion is prevented. What
is the thermal stress set up in the rail if its temperature is raised to 40.0oC? =
13. A 'thermacole' icebox is a cheap and efficient method for storing small quantities of
cooked food in summer in particular. A cubical icebox of side 30cm has a thickness of 5.0
cm. If 4.0kg of ice is put in the box, estimate the amount of ice remaining after 6h. The
outside temperature is 45°C, and co-efficient of thermal conductivity of thermacole is 0.01
CBSE Test Paper 01
Chapter 11 Thermal Properties of Matter
1. b. J/mol.K
2. b. 1.44 x cm.
Explanation: Change in diameter
4. d. 320 kPa
= 320KPa
5. d. 8.8
Explanation: Thermal Stress
7. The copper bottom allows more heat to flow into the pan because the thermal
conductivity of copper is much larger than that of steel. Therefore, it helps in cooking the
food faster.
8. As each side of a cube increases by 0.01% on heating. This results in increased in the area
of faces by 0.02% and the volume by 0.03%.
9. As per question mass m of 2 litres of water = 2 kg and we know that specific heat of water
The heat energy required to raise the temperature of water from 20o C to 55o C
combustion of
coal =
Total amount of heat lost, in 6 hrs by the food(mathematical form of the equation
comes from the defination of the thermal conductivity):
Where, A= Total surface area of the box = 6 × Surface area of each surface of the box=
Mass of ice left = Mass of ice initially kept inside the box - Mass of ice melted in 6hrs = 4 -
0.313 = 3.687 kg
Hence, the amount of ice remaining after 6 h is 3.687 kg.
Where, A = Total surface area of the box = 6 × area of each surface = 6 (0.3)2 = 0.54 m3
Hence, the amount of ice remaining after 6h is 3.687kg.
14. Calorimetry is a branch of physics that deals with the measurement of the quantity of
heat being transferred from one substance to another.
The principle of calorimetry follows the law of conservation of energy. According to the
principle of calorimetry, if two chemically non-reactive substances maintained at
different temperatures are brought in thermal contact so as to share heat, the hotter
substance transfers heat to the colder substance and the heat exchange continues till the
temperature of both the substances become same. In such a situation if there is no heat
energy dissipated due to radiation loss etc., then, we have
Total heat transferred from the hotter body = Total heat transferred to the colder body.
From the above figure using Pythagoras theorem, perpendicular2 = hypotenuse 2 - base2,
we get
Again from the definition of coefficient of linear expansion, change in length due to
increase in temperature,
, since = initial length
at 0℃ coefficient of linear expansion increase in temperature
Now putting the values of we get, m
This is the required displacement of the centre