Constitution Study Guide Answer KEy
Constitution Study Guide Answer KEy
Constitution Study Guide Answer KEy
Bach January 2012 Constitution Study Information You will be responsible for seeking out and remembering all of the following information which will be used on the Constitution Test. This is primarily factual information and can be discovered and learning by YOU without assistance from me. You doing this will leave us with more time, as a class, to discuss and evaluate more sophisticated information that requires interpretations. 1. The year in which the Declaration of Independence was written? a. 1776 2. The author of the Declaration of Independence? a. Thomas Jefferson 3. What are the qualifications to become President of the United States? a. Natural born citizen b. 35 years old c. Resident of the US for at least 14 years 4. For how long does a President of the United States serve? a. 4 year for 2 terms 5. How many justices are there on the United States Supreme Court? a. 9 6. To ratify an amendment to the United States Constitution requires the approval of the legislatures in how many states? a. or 37 states 7. How many representatives serve in the United States House of Representatives? a. 435 8. There are how many senators in the United States Senate? a. 100 9. Illinois has how many electoral votes? a. 22 10. For how long does a member of the United States House of Representatives serve? a. 2 years 11.If a bill has been voted by the President of the United States that veto many be over-ridden by a vote of _____________ of both houses of Congress. a. 2/3 12.What are the qualifications to become a member of the United States House of Representatives? a. 25 years old b. Citizen for 7 years
c. Must live in the state 13.What are the qualifications to become a federal judge (this includes the Supreme Court of the United States) a. No expressed qualifications 14.What is the union portion of the United States flag? a. Stars and blue 15. What do the stripes on the United States flag represent? a. 13 original colonies 16.What do the stars on the United States flag represent? a. Number of states 17.When should the United States flag be displayed on public buildings? a. always 18.For what purpose, other than appropriate display, may the United States flab be used? a. Cover a casket b. staff for morning c. Procession/ceremony or parade 19.For how long do justices of the United States Supreme Court serve? a. Until death, retirement or impeachment 20.What are the qualifications to become a member of the United States Senate? a. 30 years old b. US citizen for 9 years c. Live in the state they represent 21.For how long does a member of the United States Senate serve? a. 6 years Illinois 22.In what year did Illinois become a state? a. 1818 23.To vote in the state of Illinois, or in the United States, how old must a person be? a. 18 years 24.If the Governor of the State of Illinois should die, what state officer would then become governor? a. Lieutenant Governor 25. Who is the Governor of Illinois? a. Pat Quinn, as of 2012 26. Who are the United States Senators from Illinois? a. Dick Durbin b. Mark Kirk 27.What is the Illinois State Legislature called? a. General Assembly
28.How many members does the Illinois Senate have? a. 59 ??? 29. How many representative districts are there in the state of Illinois? In other words, how many members are there in the Illinois House of Representatives? a. 118 ???? 30.To serve as a member of the Illinois State Legislature, a person much be how old? a. 21 years old 31.What is the capitol of the state of Illinois? a. Springfield just like the town from the Simpsons 32.For how long does the Illinois State Senator serve? a. 4 years 33. For how long does an Illinois State Representatives serve? a. 2 years 34.What is the highest executive officer in the state of Illinois is called? a. Governor 35. What duties does the Comptroller of Illinois perform? a. Maintains states central fiscal accounts b. Orders payments into and out of funds needed by treasurer 36. Does the state of Illinois have a Bill of Rights? a. yes 37.What geographic area do Senators in the Illinois State Legislature represent? a. The entire state 38.How does Illinois State Treasurer gain his/her office? a. election 39.If a member of the United States Senate from the Illinois dies, resigns, or is impeached how that office filled unit is the next regularly scheduled election? a. Governor makes a temporary appointment b. (important: When Barack Obama became president, Rod Blagojevich appointed someone to the Senate seat which was Burris. This was part of Rods legal trouble as he was trying to sell the Senate seat to someone). 40.What body in the Illinois government is given the power to raise money needed to operate the state? a. Executive, but General Assembly Must approve